Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 4

by Jeanette Skutinik

  “That works for me. I go to lunch at noon,” Amy agreed. “But only if I can treat to lunch.”

  “Okay.” Adam swirled the spoon in his soup. “I miss you.” He sat nervously as he waited for her response.

  “I miss you too.”

  Adam exhaled a sigh of relief that they were both on the same page. “See you tomorrow, babe.”

  As he hung up the phone his stomach growled to remind him about the dinner that sat there untouched. He ate his sandwich as he reflected on the positive changes that he had made in the past week. Life is good.


  Amy pulled into the parking lot of Harper’s Shell. She stopped at McDonald’s on her way over. She hoped he liked Big Macs because she bought him two. Amy watched Adam in his short sleeve shirt which showed off his muscular arms as he pumped gas into a Ford LTD. She blushed as she caught herself checking him out when he leaned over to wipe the windshield. Damn he looks good.

  Adam finished with his customer than sauntered over to greet Amy. “Hi babe,” he smiled.

  “I brought you some lunch,” Amy held up the McDonald’s bag.

  “Come on. We can eat inside.” Adam grabbed her hand and led her into the gas station. They walked through the garage then into an office in the back. Amy sat down in a swiveled chair Adam offered her by the desk.

  He cleared off the desk and pulled a folding chair next to her. “It’s nothing fancy, but I guess it will do.” He chuckled at his own joke as he unwrapped the burger Amy placed in front of him.

  “Well, well Adam, who do we have here?” A stout, middle-aged man with glasses and graying hair slapped him on the back.

  “This is Amy,” he said proudly. “Amy this is my boss, William Harper.”

  “Nice to meet you, Amy.” Mr. Harper extended his hand towards Amy. “Enjoy your lunch.”

  “Thanks,” said Amy as she shook his hand.

  Amy unpacked the rest of their lunch and placed it on the desk. “Shoot! I forgot the ketchup”

  “That’s okay. I’ll let you slide this time.” Adam winked at Amy and wolfed down the rest of his second hamburger.

  “Joey was wondering if you and I wanted to go to open skate this Saturday night.” Amy asked before she took a bite of her lunch.

  “Sure, I don’t think I have nothing going on.” Adam said as he sipped his pop. “How about I pick you up around seven?”

  Amy nodded as she took another bite of her hamburger. Adam took the empty bag and placed his crumbled wrappers in it. He waited for Amy to do the same then tossed it into the garbage. Before she could get out of her chair he spun her around and gave her a kiss.

  “Thanks for lunch.” Adam’s gray eyes sparkled right in front of her. “Now let me take a look at your car.”

  Adam started the car up and listened to it. He shut it off and popped the hood checking the oil, the coolant level, and antifreeze. “Those are all good,” he glanced up at Amy as he screwed the lid back on.

  Adam also checked the brake, power steering and windshield washer fluids. ”Be right back.” He strolled back to the station and carried a gallon of blue fluid back with him. “You don’t want to run out of this when the weather is nasty.” Then he checked all the belts and hoses. He took his flashlight out and looked for leaks in the engine.

  Amy observed him as he worked on her car. He appeared to her to be a man that had mastered his job well. She noticed how he enjoyed getting his dirty hands tinkering with her car. He knelt down and looked underneath the car for any leaks. He checked the tire pressure and the treads on her tires.

  “Looks like you bought yourself a reliable car.” Adam wiped his hands off on his pants. He checked the dash lights, headlights and brake lights. “Yup everything seems to be in tip- top shape.” Adam closed the hood.

  “That’s good to know.” Amy was relieved to hear the good news. “I hoped I didn’t buy a lemon!”

  “If you have any problems, just let me know.” Adam flashed her a million dollar smile.

  “I really appreciate all you have done.” Amy looked at him gratefully. “I’m really sorry to cut you short but I do have to get back to work.”

  Amy hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek. She whispered into his ear. ”Thank -you.” She rolled her eyes towards the service station where his fellow employees stood gawking at them through the window.

  Adam led her to the car shutting the door when she got in. He leaned in the open window and with his back towards them he gave her a kiss. He touched her nose with his finger leaving behind a smudge of oil. “Bye babe.”


  Adam drove down the highway admiring the scenery that passed by. Miller’s farm stood on the left, marked by the three blue silos and the weathered red barn. He had milked cows there for several summers. Peruski’s family had planted corn last spring, now all that was left was the rows and rows of cut stalks. The forest behind them reminded him of the October nights he had spent coon hunting with his father, uncle and cousins.

  As he got closer to Amy’s house the fields were fewer and the houses were closer. He pulled up into the driveway and she came out before he was able to even get out of the truck. She walked around to the passenger side and the door creaked from the cold as she opened it. She tossed her skates in the back of the pick-up.

  Adam smiled at Amy as she moved close to him in the cab of the truck. He gave her a kiss that let her know exactly how much he missed her. “I missed you, babe.” He breathed in the mixture of her hair and cologne.

  “I miss you too.” Amy placed her hands on his unshaven cheeks and gave him a kiss. She leaned her head on his shoulder and snuggled close to him.

  Adam pulled back out onto the main road. The utility poles flashed by quickly and the sunset blinded them as it reflected off the snow. Silly Love Songs by Wings played quietly on the radio.

  Adam squeezed Amy’s leg. On the one hand she was the sweetest girl he had ever met. And on the other hand no other girl had ever turned him on as much as she did.

  “So what’s new?” Amy smiled up at his rugged face.

  “Just work and school. Then I get up and do it all over again.” He shrugged. “What about you?”

  “Working of course.” She placed her hand on his leg, as she softly rubbed it. “I also helped Mrs. Dunn from church make centerpieces for Father Kevin’s going away reception.”

  Adam pulled the truck into the parking lot of the ice skating rink in Bad Axe. It was full, but that was to be expected on a Saturday night. He grabbed their skates out of the back of the pick-up, locked the truck and took Amy’s hand.

  Adam entered the brightly lit rink with his arm around Amy. He guided her through the crowd to the back where they sat down to lace up their skates. He waited for her to finish then held out his hand. She placed her gloved hand in his and they skated onto the ice.

  Adam skated around with Amy to the sounds of Saturday Night by Bay City Rollers. He’d seen Janet as she skated past and waved at the two of them. A few more fast pace songs were played then the lights were dimmed for the first slow song of the night, My Love Is Alive by Gary Wright.

  Adam skated behind Amy as he held her in his arms. He nestled his face in the nape of her neck pulling her closer to him. He enjoyed the movement of her body against his and the smell of her. The song ended and he led her towards the exit. He held her hand in his as he glanced around the area to find a table. He spotted one that had just been cleared off and headed towards it.

  “Would you like a hot chocolate or something to eat?” Adam asked as he noticed the zamboni machine had come out on the ice.

  “Sure, that sounds good.” Amy sat down and busied herself lacing her skates that had loosened up. “Whatever you want is fine with me.”

  “I’ll see what they have. I’ll be right back.” Adam walked away towards the concession stand. He ordered a large pepperoni pizza and the hot chocolates. “Hey Bob.” Adam bumped into him heading in the same direction he was almost spilling the drinks.
  “What’s up Adam?” Bob followed him back to the table. He smiled as he sat down next to Amy. “Hi Amy!”

  “Oh, hi Bob,” she said startled by his sudden appearance.

  Adam passed Amy one of the hot chocolates he brought back. “Watch it. It’s hot. They said our pizza would be up in ten minutes.”

  “Would you like to skate?” Bob placed his arm around Amy.

  Before Amy could answer Joey and Angie approached their table.

  “Pizza? That sounds good.” Joey and Angie joined them. “Have a seat Angie and I’ll go order us one.”

  Angie sat down next to Adam. “Hi Amy.”

  “Hi Angie,” said Amy. “This is Adam and Bob.”

  “Hi Angie.” Adam and Bob said at the same time.

  “Hi,” she said. “It is nice to finally meet you. Joey has told me a lot about you both.”

  “Uh-oh,” laughed Bob. “I plead the fifth.”

  “All good,” Angie laughed. “I promise.”

  “Hi Guys.” Janet sat down next to Bob. “Guess what? It is official. I am moving to New York! I got the part of Kendall on My Generations!”

  “That’s awesome Janet!” Amy beamed at her friend. “I am so happy for you!! When do you leave?”

  “Next week,” Janet said. “You will definitely have to come out and see me sometimes, all of you.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Adam agreed.

  “Party in New York,” whooped Bob.

  Adam excused himself as he picked up their pizza. Joey and him brought the pizzas back and set them down on the table to be shared with the gang. He had a good time as they talked and made plans about going to New York at the end of this year. Adam noticed the way Amy’s nose crinkled and her dimples shown when she laughed at Joey as he told one of his latest jokes.

  “Well, you ready to get back out there?” Adam offered his hand and helped her out of her seat.

  “I most certainly am,” she took his hand and he ushered her onto the ice.

  Bob whispered to Joey before they were out of hearing distant. “What’s up with Adam and Amy? Are they together?”

  “They’ve been seeing each other for a couple weeks,” Joey said nonchalantly. “Why?”

  “No particular reason.” Bob slapped Joey on the back. “Well I think I am going to take off now. I got myself a hot date tonight.”

  “See you around. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Joey chuckled as he turned around to see Angie who looked perturbed. “I’m just kidding.” He quickly kissed her and apologized as he led her to the ice to skate again.

  Chapter 6

  Amy heard the door bell ring while she stirred the spaghetti sauce. She placed the lid back on the crock pot, set the wooden spoon down and rushed out of the kitchen. She checked her reflection in the mirror that hung over the table in the vestibule before she opened the door.

  “Hi babe.” Adam stood with his right hand behind his back. He gave her a kiss before holding out the roses he had hidden. “I even remembered my books too.”

  “Oh, thank you. That is so sweet.” Amy was tickled by his thoughtfulness. “Dinner is almost ready so we can eat before we hit the books.”

  Amy led him into the kitchen where the aroma of the homemade sauce filled the room. She reached into the cupboard and produced a vase to place the flowers in with some water. She placed the flowers next to the two lit candles on the table, which was set formal as it had shown her in the Betty Crocker cookbook.

  “Boy, it sure smells good in here.” Adam stood and inhaled the smell of her home cooking. “Do you need any help?” He set his books on the empty chair.

  “I just have to drain the pasta.” She spilled the contents of the steaming pot over the strainer in the sink. “Then we can eat.” She took the garlic bread she had made out of the oven. She then placed the bread in a basket and covered it with a cloth napkin before setting it on the table. Amy tossed the pasta into a glass bowl and put it next to the bread as well as the spaghetti sauce.

  Amy sat down with Adam as they filled their plates and enjoyed the meal together. She told him about the Amish family that had come into the grocery store today. They moved here recently from Pennsylvania.

  “I think they bought that white farm house on Holbrook road.” Amy continued with her story. “They have no electricity nor do they own a car.” She leaned over the table to wipe some sauce off of his chin.

  “This is really good.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Thanks for the delicious dinner.”

  “No problem. I hope you are as good of a student as you are a hearty eater!” Amy laughed.

  “Are you going to punish me if I’m not teacher?” Adam raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face.

  “You wish,” Amy gingerly rubbed her foot against his leg under the table.

  Amy felt self-conscious as she cleared the table of the dishes and placed them in the sink. She could feel Adam’s eyes as he watched her every move. As she wiped the table he pulled her onto his lap and he kissed her neck. She felt a higher level of desire than she had ever before.

  “We better get to your homework first,” she cleared her throat. Amy reached for his books; she felt that he was just as excited as she was.

  She helped Adam with his writing, social studies and science assignments which he did quite well on. Obviously, he hadn’t dropped out of school because it was too difficult for him. She looked up at the clock and noticed they’d studied for nearly two hours. The only subject that they had not covered yet was algebra.

  Amy leaned over the table as she explained simplified radical expressions and exponents to Adam. “A perfect square is the square of a natural number.” She read to Adam. “1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and 36 are the first six perfect squares.” She looked up at him and noticed he had a smirk on his face.

  “I didn’t retain a word you just said,” he glanced at her blouse which was doing little to keep her covered. “How am I supposed to concentrate?” He tickled her side as his gray eyes flirted with her.

  “I think we did enough for tonight.” Amy closed the book and wrapped her arms around him from behind. “Studying I mean,” she whispered into his ear.

  Amy led him into the living room and turned out the light. She clutched his shirt in her hands as she pushed him down onto the couch. She knelt down next to him and caressed his toned abdomen. Her hands trembled as she unzipped his pants and touched what she had only felt before.

  Amy shared in the intensity that built deep within Adam as she devoured him. Her heart raced rapidly as he moaned her name before exploding. Amy was so aroused by his excitement that she relinquished all control. Adam stroked her hair as she crawled up beside him. She could feel him as he breathed and listened to his heart beat beneath her ear. Amy adored this man who had unleashed this powerful awareness of her sexuality.


  Adam unlocked the door and tossed his keys onto the table. He threw his jacket on the chair in the living room and went into the kitchen to grab something to drink. He’d never guessed that tonight would have ended the way it did. Amy sure was full of surprises, from adorable to temptress.

  Adam snapped on the kitchen light when he saw Bob drinking a beer. From the way it looked, with all the empties stacked up on the table, he had quite a few beers.

  “What’s up Adam?” Bob slurred his speech. “You’re home late for a work night.”

  “I went over to Amy’s for dinner and she helped me study.” Adam took a beer out of the fridge and gulped some down.

  “So did you bang her yet?” Bob looked pretty wasted.

  “Being that you’re drunk Bob, I’ll let that slide,” stated Adam. “But don’t let it happen again.”

  “Yeah you really scared me.“ Bob burped as he spoke. “You go behind my back and date Amy when you know I always have liked her.”

  “Bob, let’s discuss this tomorrow.” Adam waved him off. “When you’re sober.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, some friend you turned o
ut to be.” Bob stumbled as he walked towards the stairs. “I wish I’d let that guy kick your ass now. Good night Benedict Arnold.”

  Adam looked with disbelief at Bob. What the hell was he babbling about? They’d been friends for many years and Bob never mentioned this before. He decided to forget about it. By the time morning came he was sure Bob would too. Adam had more important things to think about tonight as he drifted off to sleep.


  Amy lay on her bed reading her horoscope when she heard Joey call her from the kitchen. She tossed the magazine on her nightstand and headed downstairs in her pajamas.

  “What do you want Joey?” Amy came in the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. Angie sat at the kitchen table with a Family Feud board game set up on it.

  “Let me go get my robe.” Amy stood embarrassed for a moment then ran back upstairs. “I’ll be right back.”

  She returned and pulled up a chair across from them. “Hi, Angie. I didn’t know you were here.”

  “Would you be the emcee?” Angie asked. “We couldn’t play with just the two of us.”

  “Sure.” Amy placed the game console in front of her. “First we will do the face-off. Are you both ready?”

  “Yeah, I always win the face off.” Joey laughed at the double entendre.

  “You’re going down.” Angie tickled him. “Remember the bigger they are the harder they fall.”

  “Name something you double check before you go to bed.” Amy read off the first question.

  Joey shot up his hand first. ”What her name is!” He laughed as Angie slapped him. “Ouch!”

  Angie’s hand rose as she answered, “That the doors are locked!”

  Amy slid the window showing that Angie had the number one answer. “Now we move onto the feud round.” Amy continued to emcee the game until Angie won. “Well Joey I guess she showed you!”

  Amy made a pot of coffee and put some chocolate chip cookies on the table she’d baked earlier. “Where do you work?” She tried to start up a conversation.


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