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The Cougar Book

Page 4

by Jolie Du Prè


  He turned around, a scowl on his face that quickly changed into a smile.

  She frowned. Despite her disappointment at seeing him so quickly, her body reacted to his presence. Nipples puckered beneath her velvet top. The material irritated her more. Not wearing panties, the crotch of her jeans rubbed against her pussy when she took a step back.

  Dressed as handsomely as ever, his facial hair reflected a five o’clock shadow pattern. The deep blue shirt he wore complimented his eyes and made the tint of blue in his hair stand out. Eyes widening, he extended his arms and opened them to hug her. “Morganna!”

  She couldn’t resist his embrace.

  His arms wrapped around her, pulling her into his body.

  The hardness of him against her softness made her wet between her thighs. She gave in and hugged him back.

  Pushing her at arms length, he offered a shrug. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  Her lips pursed together in a thin line. “What do you mean? I have no claim on you.”

  She covered her mouth at the realization that she’d blurted out something that sounded completely obnoxious.

  Tilting his head, Nicholas blinked. “Actually you sort of do. See, last night was the three year anniversary that we met and I wanted to bring you a treat.”

  Her heart thudded loudly in her chest. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I figured you might not remember because you see tons of people come through your bar but . . .” His voice trailed off.

  She arched an eyebrow. “But what?”

  He set his hands in his pockets. “But fucking Shannon. She’s been after me for weeks. I tried to brush her off but she was persistent until last night.”


  Nicholas nodded slowly. “Turns out, she can’t stand the fact that I don’t go to church, like fine cigars and scotch and even worse? Apparently I flirt with the older women.”

  Heart still pounding, her lips curled upwards in a smile. She wasn’t going to give into her desires this early, but she was going to have some fun with him.

  Running a hand through his thick mane, Nicholas continued, looking downward at the ground before setting his gaze on her lips. “I wanted to spend the night with you and close down the bar. I even planned to take the next day off.”

  She saw color appear on his cheeks and had to stifle a giggle. “What happened?”

  “Shannon drove me back to my place and tried to seduce me. She got sick because I smelled of cigars and whiskey. I had to drive her back to her car. Ended up coming back here only to find you’d left for the night.”

  Morgan’s eyes widened. She hadn’t thought he’d come back. He never did. “You always leave just before my shift ends.”

  He cupped her cheek, his hand warm against her skin. “I hate disturbing you at the bar. I love your company honey but . . . ,” his voice trailed off.

  She leaned into the palm of his hand. Sensing he was holding back information from her, she decided to press him. “But what? Come on, spill it.”

  Nicholas dropped his hand. Inhaling a deep breath, he let it out slowly. He muttered the words Morganna barely caught. “The only way . . .”

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  Grabbing both her shoulders, Nicholas pulled her to his and dropped his lips against hers.

  Pressing into him, she tasted the faintness of cognac on his breath along with the velvety steel tongue of his that plowed between her lips.

  Her body responded to his kiss, every nerve steadied to alertness. Her hands clutched at his biceps, pulling him deeper into her.

  Their tongues wrestled for control of the kiss and even though Morganna was a good six inches shorter than Nicholas, she won out. Molding her body to his, she shifted so her thighs trapped one of his between hers. She wasn’t a hussy, but damn did she get what she wanted!

  Hands tangled in her mass of hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck.

  Kisses trailed down along the line of her jaw, down her neck and back up to meet her mouth. His lips were pliant beneath hers.

  She swirled her tongue over his bottom lip before invading his mouth, exploring, touching, caressing his until he’d pulled back and smiled.

  Her heart pounded against her chest, and she staggered until he reached out and caught her with a gentle grip.

  “Wow.” Morganna’s pussy clenched in anticipation of more to come, but Nicholas just stood there.

  The goofy look on his face didn’t disappear but he wiped a hand across his lips. “I’m going to remember that taste forever. I almost need a smoke after that alone.” He wriggled an eyebrow.

  She smiled, licking her bottom lip. “I have an idea,” she reached for him, twirling a fingernail around his chest.

  A sparkle appeared in those deep, sea blue eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Come by the bar Sunday. We’re doing a special scotch tasting and I think I have some stuff you’d be definitely,” her voice dropped several notches, “interested in.” She patted her stomach for emphasis. Fingers slid into the waistband of her jeans and down lower until she reached her pussy. Dipping her fingers in just slightly, she kept them there a moment, watching him watch her.

  His eyes remained fixed to hers though she swore she could see his mouth watering at the prospect of whatever she had to offer.

  “You’ve got it. But wait, isn’t the bar normally clos—”

  She pulled her fingers out and pressed them against his lips.

  He inhaled sharply, letting his tongue dart out over her fingertips just to taste.

  The sensation sent her hormones racing. “Yeah, it is. But this is a private tasting. Be there at 2, okay?”

  By now he’d drawn more of her fingers into her mouth.

  She didn’t want to move, other than to go to a private place and continue their game.

  His tongue swirled around her fingertips, cleaning her scent from him.

  Pulling her fingers out of his mouth, she smiled and pushed past him. “Remember,” she ran nails across his flat stomach.

  He shivered and cupped her ass with a hand, squeezing her.

  She giggled and walked past him, letting the taste of his mouth linger on her lips during the rest of her day.

  The entire week passed way too slowly for Morgana’s taste. She hadn’t seen Nicholas since bumping into him on Wednesday and had begun wondering if he would show up today.

  Her gut told her that he would.

  No man kissed a woman like that without intent to seduce said woman.

  She’d chosen to wear white today. Stockings, garters, white form-fitting skirt, and short, boy-cut, crotchless lace panties to complete the look. Oh, and her favorite, white, three-inch boots to give her some added leverage for her Adonis. She chose to leave her red hair down so that it swept over the curve of her ass with each step.

  Part of her wanted to stop calling him hers, but the sensible part of her wouldn’t let it happen. He was hers, damn it!

  Setting up a few rocks glasses with various bottles of whiskey behind them as she would for a professional tasting, Morganna made sure to leave ample room on the bar and push all the ashtrays aside for her big surprise once he came in.

  Drawing the shades over the windows, she looked at the clock on the wall. Ten ’til 2.

  If she knew him as well as she did, he’d be slightly early.

  Her body hummed in anticipation of his arrival. Nervousness wasn’t something Morganna normally dealt with but the fact that another five minutes had passed way too slowly and Nicholas hadn’t arrived yet bugged her.

  She looked down at an empty shot glass. Picking up a bottle from the bin, she poured herself a shot of single malt and knocked it back. Dutch courage for a cougar, she laughed.

  The handle at the door jiggled.

  Morganna looked up and walked around to the front of the bar. Reaching for the handle, she pulled the door open to see Nicholas standing before her in black jeans and a faded, gray tan
k top. His suit coat hung over thick shoulders.

  She licked her lips. “Come in.”

  With a smile, he nodded and stepped into the bar. “Wow,” he looked around. “It’s odd being here when it’s quiet.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah. It’s kinda nice sometimes. I can fire up a smoke, sample inventory or just clean extra thoroughly if I want. But you’re here for a different reason.” She winked.

  He didn’t miss a beat. Shutting the door behind him, he reached for Morganna with one hand. Catching her by the shoulder, he pulled her forward and wrapped his arms around her.

  Crushing her chest against his, she felt the firmness of strong muscles beneath the cotton shirt. Hands cupped her bottom, squeezing her.

  She squeaked and stepped back from him with a glint in her eye. Looking up at him, she saw her smoldering desire reflected in his gorgeous eyes.

  He started to speak, started to dip his head down to meet her mouth, but stopped short.

  Morganna parted her lips.

  Nicholas didn’t move.

  She arched an eyebrow. “Something the matter?”

  He shook his head. The look in his eyes definitely spelled out desire. If there was any doubt, the bulge beneath his jeans reaffirmed his arousal.

  “Then what, sweetie?” She touched his cheek, running fingers over the smoothness of his face. He’d shaved, making it easier for her fingers to glide over smooth, masculine skin.

  Stepping closer, she inhaled. Picking up the rich scent of cigars, light sandalwood and his aroma, the smile on her lips widened. “You’re not used to being the seducer, are you hon?”

  Nicholas nodded.

  She smirked. “I thought so. Come this way and we’ll make this easier for both of us.” She turned, sliding her hand down his chest until she’d captured his hand.

  Pulling him towards the bar, she led him into a seat where the first rocks glass and a bottle of Highland single malt sat. She walked around to the other side of the bar and pulled off the top. “This is a standard, Highland, single malt, similar to the one you normally drink.” She poured a one ounce shot into the glass, and then retrieved a glass for herself.

  Nicholas picked up the glass and swirled it around. Shoving his nose into the glass, he inhaled a deep whiff of the liquid before bringing the scotch to his lips. Taking a sip, he kept his eyes on Morganna the entire time.

  She mimicked his movements and took a sip of the strong scotch, picking up caramel notes along with charred oak before the liquid slid down her throat and confirmed her thoughts. She should know what the drinks in her bar tasted like.

  Her eyes roamed up and down the length of Nicholas’s body. After the rest of the first shot hit him, he relaxed his shoulders just slightly. Leaning forward, he set the empty glass down on the bar and smiled. “Good stuff.”

  Morganna moved down the line to the next bottle. Pulling the top off, she poured another shot into another empty glass and slid it forward before pouring a shot of her own.

  Nicholas did the same thing, swirling, smelling and sipping the scotch.

  By this time, the warmth of the liquid hit Morganna. She wasn’t feeling light headed by a long shot, and her inhibitions were never really a problem but the draft from the fans had ceased making her cold once the second shot of Highland single malt hit her.

  Licking her lips, Morganna poured another round for them both from the second bottle. “This particular Highland malt could go great with those Hondurans you always smoke. The Patels?”

  Raising his glass to Morganna, he nodded. “Good point.”

  Watching the line of his throat work while he took a large sip excited her. The motion called to her desire to lick a trail down his neck and peel off that tank top to caress his chest with fiery kisses.

  Setting the empty glass down, he slid it forward and smiled.

  Morgan decided it was a good time to switch to shot glasses for his special treat.

  He eyed her with curiosity. “Why the switch in glasses?”

  Inhaling a deep breath before letting it out slowly, Morganna’s lips curved upwards in a wicked smile. She leaned forward, reaching for Nicholas. Catching him by the collar of his tank top, she tugged him forward. “I have a surprise for you, my favorite scotch drinker.”

  Nicholas’s body became pliant to her pull. He moved forward, planting his lips against hers.

  His mouth curved upward against her lips before parting. She slid her tongue inside his mouth, swirling around the contours and his own tongue. The two wrestled for control of the kiss. Morganna inhaled deeply, the taste of scotch on his breath mingling with the heady, after-scent of Nicholas. Pure, masculine. Not in control. Leaning further so that her breasts brushed across the bar, Morganna pulled back and nipped at his lower lip.

  Fingers stroked her chin and along the side of her neck before reaching for her hair, capturing tangles between nimble fingers. Another hand pressed against the top of her breast.

  Morganna adjusted herself and let his fingers wander down into the neck of her oh-so-tight top. His fingers skittered along her skin lightly.

  Her flesh tingled from his slight touch. She purred into another kiss, tasting him with a subtle sweep of her tongue. Her panties were wet now; her nipples had become taut against the fabric of her top.

  Pulling back from the kiss, Nicholas’s eyes were somewhat glazed over.

  Morganna felt a surge of pride at her ability to turn this man on. He may not know how to approach a woman bent on seduction, but he sure as hell knew how to use his mouth. Bending over more, she nipped his bottom lip and grinned into another kiss before stopping to notice her feet were no longer on the floor. Swinging back, she giggled and moved the bottles away from where she planned her next pour.

  The smug look on Nicholas’s face confirmed what she suspected. He wasn’t sure where this was going, but was about to enjoy finding out.

  He cocked his head to one side and licked his lips. “What are you doing?”

  Morganna squared her shoulders. “Giving you a final taste of the last whiskey. This,” she said, picking up a shot glass and showing it to him, “is a special blend of various single malts from different regions of . . .” She pursed her lips together for a moment, and then decided that her body was right. She needed him in her. “Me.”

  His eyes widened in surprise.

  Grabbing the bar for leverage, Morganna hoisted herself up on top of the bar so that she squatted before him. Her skirt bunched up. Standing straight, she hiked up her skirt so that her panties showed.

  Nicholas swallowed and kept his gaze on the line of her thighs and where her hands stopped.

  Kneeling down again, Morganna placed a hand on the bar and extended both her legs, aware of Nicholas’s reaction.

  He stepped back to give her room, but kept close enough to touch her.

  Her boots clicked on the wooden bar. Setting herself firmly down, she picked up the shot glass and bottle of whiskey. “Do you want a taste?”

  Slowly, Nicholas nodded.

  Morganna saw flames of desire dance in his deep blue irises. Looking down at his body, she swore the bulge in his pants grew even larger. Hopefully she’d taste that bulge soon.

  Pouring almost a full shot into the glass, Morganna scooted forward so her hips were at the edge of the bar, touching the rounded part where patrons rested their tired arms. Leaning back, she brushed Nicholas’s arm with one leg.

  He stepped into her.

  Her voice dropped several notches, sounding very husky. “This particular scotch has to be tasted just right.” She winked.

  Nicholas swallowed again. The gentle rise and fall of his chest was evidence of his arousal reaching his heart.

  Morganna had no doubt that he’d take what she offered. Now was he a competent lover?

  With deft fingers, she slid a hand down the front of her body and over her panties. Parting the slit of the fabric revealed smooth, shaved pussy lips swollen in anticipation.

  Parting her lip
s, she smeared wetness around the bottom of the shot glass, careful not to spill any of the alcohol. Lowering her eye lashes, she held the glass in place. “Taste from here.”

  Stepping forward, Nicholas bent from the waist and braced himself against Morganna’s thighs.

  His hands were rough, firm. She liked that about him.

  He dipped his head down, lapping the tiniest drop from the shot glass before repeating the motion.

  Carefully, Morganna slid the shot deeper into her pussy, unable to resist a moan.

  Nicholas inhaled. Peering over the rim of the glass, he smiled. “I like the way this particular whiskey smells. It has a very pleasing aroma, smells like woman. And a fine, hand-crafted taste it seems.”

  Morganna nodded. “It’s well cultivated.”

  “I can tell. What if . . .” His voice trailed off when he dipped his head between her thighs again, giving her a view of his beautiful dark mane spread across his broad shoulders.

  “You should—OH!”

  He nipped her thigh.

  Morganna smirked and narrowed her eyes at him. It seems he was enjoying this tasting. Her body shuddered, pussy tightening around the slick shot glass. It slid out of her.

  She sat up to catch it but stopped short.

  Nicholas held the half empty glass between his thumb and forefinger. “Dangerous habit you have there, sweetheart.” He stood to his full height before Morganna and knocked the shot back. With a sigh, he reached for the bottle. “I had another idea.”

  An eyebrow rose. “Oh?”

  “Yeah.” He poured another half shot and set the bottle down on the other side of her thigh. Bending over again, he settled right between her thighs. Pouring the shot over her plump leg, he leaned forward to capture the liquid.

  Swirling his tongue around her leg, he tasted, licked and kissed her inner thigh.

  Shivers raced up her spine. Morganna had to grip the bar for purchase, lest she fall backwards. Tensing her legs, she watched him pour more liquor down the other leg before mimicking his earlier movements.

  His tongue pressed against her skin, circling around in swirls upwards until he reached the fabric of her panties.

  He looked up from between her legs with a glint in his eyes. “Are these panties part of the tasting?”


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