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The Cougar Book

Page 26

by Jolie Du Prè

  She could have had one of the first surviving males and all the children he could offer her. But at forty, Sondra hadn’t wanted another child, and it would have been a waste to accept the government’s offer and not return it with children.

  In the end, she’d requested a night with two men a week, before they were presented to their quads. The government had snapped at the offer, and nearly a dozen of the other scientists had taken her lead. As the one instrumental in identifying that the virus would die off if not activated by a given time, she’d been moved toward the top of the list, second only to those who’d formulated the suppressant to keep the men safe.

  Ben lowered his head, licking at her nipple as she had his. Sondra gasped in pleasure. Her nipple hardened, and he stared, his cock jerking and bobbing.

  She didn’t tell him to suck it. Ben was aggressive. He would get there on his own. He wanted to discover her textures for himself, without being led there.

  As if in confirmation, he suckled hard, wringing another gasp from her. Ben didn’t stop there. He moved down the soft plane of her belly, unclasping her skirt and pushing it away. Then he trailed his mouth upward to her neck . . . and then her mouth.

  Sondra pulled her feet up, planting her spike heels on the edge of the desk. Ben cupped her knee, working his way up the unexplored length of her leg.

  He hesitated at her slit, touching with trembling fingers, moaning. “So different.”

  She threaded her fingers in his hair and drew his mouth down to hers. Ben’s breath was hot and moist on her lips. He didn’t question what she intended; the aggressive ones rarely did. Ben started experimenting with touches of his lips against hers. His lips parted as hers did, and his tongue tangled with hers.

  Ben’s venturing fingers slipped through her slit, and Sondra groaned into his mouth, encouraging him. He thrust them deeper, stretching her pussy around them.

  His mouth left hers. “I have to,” he gasped out. His whole body shuddered and shook in restraint.

  “Have to what?” It always challenged an aggressive when she played coy.

  “Touch myself.” It came out from between gritted teeth.

  “You’ve already tried that. I thought you wanted help.” She was taunting him, pushing him into something hot and mindless.

  His expression hardened. “Your mouth,” he snapped, locking on the taste she’d already given him.

  Sondra kept her voice low and calming. “Not this time. There’s something else you need. Something we both need.”

  Ben started to question her, stopped, and looked at the fingers impaling her, moving them in and out as if in consideration.

  “That’s right,” she invited.

  His fingers eased out, and Ben spread her slit, staring in wonder. Another encouragement emerged as a shout as he stroked his cock inside. His hands closed on her hips, holding Sondra still for his nearly desperate thrusting. Some men were clumsy their first times, but Ben moved like the trained athlete he’d proven himself in competition with the other men.

  In moments, he was cradled in her arms, his cum jetting into her, his harsh breaths fanning her mouth. She hadn’t come this time, but before the night was over, she would. They rarely lasted long the first time, but the testosterone rebound gave them stamina, and they were willing to learn the things that gave women pleasure as well as finding their own.

  Ben’s breathing evened. “Oh, Goddess,” he grumbled. “What was that?”

  Sondra smiled. “Just the beginning, Ben. I have so much more to teach you.”

  His cock bucked against her inner walls. “Your mouth?”

  “That can be arranged.” But she would have her climax first.

  “Goddess, yes.”

  “We don’t have to stop now,” Ben teased.

  You don’t have to. Sondra shot him a sly smile and tucked her blouse into her skirt.

  He pushed from the bed and sauntered to her, his cock semi-erect and all too appealing. Her slit dampened at the idea of Ben taking control of the situation. Her fascination with the thought allowed him to do so.

  In a dizzying move, she was laid out over the couch, her skirt around her waist and Ben’s tongue playing along her slit. Sondra cycled her hips up and down, too shocked to protest the move.

  Ben took it for permission. His tongue thrust inside, finding the rhythm he’d only just learned she loved.

  Sondra licked her lips. She could have had a man like this every night. His quad wouldn’t have Ben or another man if it weren’t for Sondra’s work at saving them.

  Still, it wouldn’t do to have him lagging when he got to Jenice. She moved to sit up.

  Ben planted one large hand on her chest and forced her back down. He ate ravenously, driving Sondra toward an explosive climax.

  I can’t let him have sex with me again.

  She could take advantage of his fervor to take one more climax for herself. But how would she convince him not to continue to his own release?

  Her rising body made the answer clear to her. “Make me come, Ben,” she panted out.

  He doubled his efforts with a growl that brought her hips off the couch.

  “Make me come, and I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  Ben had a thirst for learning. As often as he’d taken Sondra in whatever position they’d been playing in, he’d demanded new experiences. Overall, he’d be a delight to his quad. And the promise of another new experience would likely stay his hand.

  If it didn’t, Sondra wasn’t going to fight it. If Jenice and the rest of the quad weren’t happy about it, that would be just too bad.

  His tongue was a delight: fluttering, thrusting, stroking along every sensitized line of her pussy. Sondra closed her eyes, giving herself over to the aggressive tendencies in him. Every male was different, and she was lucky enough to be able to sample a wide variety of them.

  “Goddess, yes,” she breathed, tunneling her hand in his hair.

  Ben was diligent, rocketing her toward release. Until Sondra had her first, she’d believed the crones were lying about how good it was. Now she knew better.

  Her pleas for him to continue degraded into moans . . . and then screams of climax. She went boneless, warm waves of serotonin and endorphins flooding her system.

  Ben covered her with his body, parting Sondra’s lips in a forceful kiss. His cock teased at her seam, and Sondra wrapped her arms around him, urging him on.

  He eased back. “The surprise,” he demanded. “I think I’ve earned it.” His eyes challenged her to deny it.

  Sondra bit her lower lip, reminding herself that her night with Ben was over. “Help me up. I’ll take you there.”

  His smile was wide, and his eyes glittered. Ben pushed off her and lifted Sondra to her feet. She directed him to wash his face. It wouldn’t do to have him go to Jenice without that much. While he complied, she straightened her skirt. When he returned to her side, Sondra took his hand and led him into the far corridor.

  There was no worry that anyone but Sondra and Jenice would see Ben walking the corridor nude. The access corridors to the quad habitats were locked to anyone but the three scientists on this wing, and it was Sondra’s day to move a man to his quad.

  But Ben wouldn’t know that. To her surprise, he didn’t balk at his nudity in the corridor. Perhaps it was an aggressive show to him. Perhaps it was a challenge of some sort.

  Ben furrowed his brow, staring at door after door. “Where are we going?” That was a challenge.

  She smiled. “You like sex.”

  He groaned, his cock twitching at the mention of it.

  “You’ll have sex every day, Ben.”

  He went fully erect. “With you?” There was something cautious in that.

  “Very quick, Ben,” she complimented him. “You’ll have a quad . . . four women. You’ll cycle through them, one a day.”

  His breathing went ragged.

  “Unless you convince them to take you together as a treat, in pairs or more.”

  “Goddess, yes,” he whispered.

  Sondra glanced down at his cock, considering indulging in one last taste. She drew her gaze away. It would be better to send him to Jenice in a fervor.

  “Your first is named Jenice. The others are Tamra, Emmie, and Rose.” In that order, the order I chose for him. “They were chosen to match your personality. Jenice and Emmie will let you take charge. Tamra and Rose are going to offer a challenge.”

  It was more than that. With the advances in genetics and endocrinology, the women in his quad and Ben would be appealing to each other. Nothing was left to chance.

  He licked his upper lip. “And how long will I be with them?”

  “Every day.”

  Sondra avoided promising him forever. Since the geneticists were actively encouraging home-groups to agree to swap males once all four women had a child or two from their first male, she wouldn’t promise he’d spend his life with a single quad. Ben was adventurous. If he and his quad agreed to it, he might have three or more quads in his future.

  “And you?” he asked. He was a perceptive one. Ben would keep his quad on their toes.

  “I get first taste of other men.”

  Ben seemed to consider that and then nodded. He didn’t question if he was just another cock to her.

  Sondra had a well-rehearsed answer she usually dusted off in answer to that question, but Ben wouldn’t have been given that answer. Yes, all the men were special in their own ways, but Ben stood out, even among the most memorable she’d bedded.

  “And will this be my . . . home?” It was a word they’d been taught, the place they’d reach after their forced isolation.

  She shook her head. “This is a temporary placement. Once you and your quad are settled into a true home-group, you’ll all move into your permanent home.”

  It was a safety feature that the newly formed home-group would live in the medical center habitats, under full monitoring, for three lunar months. After that, they were transported further behind the safety walls and away from the women still waiting for men to mature.

  Sondra stopped at the appropriate door, and Ben took a calming breath. He slid her a sideward glance and nodded his readiness. She punched in the security code and opened the door.

  Apparently, Jenice had been too excited to wait for Ben to arrive. She was on the bed, working a vibrator in and out of her body. Ben stared at her, swallowing hard, his cock thickening further at the sight.

  Sondra leaned closer to him. “She’s been waiting so long for you. They all have. This is all they’ve had . . . self-gratification, machinery, and other women.”

  He replied with a stiff nod. Ben strode to the bed, placing one knee on the mattress at Jenice’s hip. The young woman startled, her eyes opening and then widening, panning from Ben’s chest to his cock, then up to his face.

  His fingers closed around the vibrating shaft and yanked it free, bringing her hips up in surprise. Ben tossed it away without turning it off, and Jenice’s legs spread in an instinctive move.

  “You don’t want that, do you?” he purred. Without waiting for her response, Ben positioned himself between her thighs.

  Jenice shook her head, gasping out a negative response to his question, even as she stroked her hands over his chest in seeming disbelief.

  Ben thrust inside her, and Jenice screamed in delight. “This is what you need,” he informed her. “This is what we both need.”

  Sondra slipped into the corridor and headed back to her lab. Her report to the quad would include some of the sexual positions and tastes Ben seemed particularly interested in, including group sex.

  An hour later, her report filed, Sondra stared at her computer. Ben and his quad were on full monitoring; she could watch if she wanted to.

  It took her only a moment to discard that idea and move on. It wasn’t healthy to obsess over a single man. There were thousands more in the medical center’s male habitat, on suppression and being educated for the life of ease they’d live, or weaned off the suppression and maturing into the sexual beings the Goddess had intended them to be.

  Instead, she took a long, hot bath and returned to her desk. There were eighty-four men left in this month’s cycle. Five of her sister scientists had already chosen their next men, leaving seventy-nine files for Sondra to peruse.

  She deliberated only a moment. Sondra had chosen two aggressive males in a row. It was time to choose something different.

  The psych evals beckoned, and she pored over them for hours. Three stood out from the rest, and Sondra ordered the camera feeds on them. The second proved to be what she was looking for, and she entered her call for him before one of the others could.

  Zak was a lean male who’d chosen to wear his golden hair cropped short. He was relieving his sexual needs under the shower spray, his strokes slow and precise, and his grip almost tentative.

  Sondra slipped her fingers through the split in her robe, stroking herself in time with his movements. She closed her eyes, envisioning Zak coming to her.

  He would be less sure of himself than Ben had been. Zak would have to be seduced.

  Sondra would order him to disrobe and lay on the bed. He acquiesced to such commands from the doctors and scientists. He wasn’t one to question them or challenge them, as Ben would.

  Her ‘examination’ would involve bringing him up with a hand job and straddling him to take his cock inside. Though it would be new to him, Zak would follow her orders straight to climax.

  Zak would need guidance and teaching. He would need to know about his quad early in the evening. He’d need to have the goal of learning to be gentle with them.

  Climax came soft and sweet, much as it probably would with Zak in her bed and body.

  In the afterglow, Sondra punched up the files of his matched quad and started coding the invitations to report to the medical center for matching. A quick scan of their fact sheets showed one very experienced and aggressive woman, two of moderate experience and somewhat introverted . . . and one who’d remained virginal to the match.

  “How unusual,” she murmured. Yes, a virgin would be the perfect first of his quad for Zak. He’d want to learn, if for no other reason to make her first time a memorable and pleasurable experience.

  Sondra ordered his quad’s introductions to ease Zak into his home-group. That accomplished, she sent the missives off.

  This evening, four excited young women would meet each other and Sondra. They’d be shown carefully selected vids of Zak: competing with the other men, grooming, sleeping . . . and relieving his needs. They would have two days to settle into their temporary quarters and their relationships with each other. Then their rotation with him would begin.

  “But before then, he’s mine for the night.”

  To Make It That Way


  When people tell me I seem different now, my stomach clenches for a moment. At those times, there are two things I know: first, that they’re right; second, that even though I am aware of precisely why, I could never explain exactly what happened to make it that way. It was, and still is, an enigma in my life.

  I was twenty-one when I met her. Three of my friends and I were standing outside one of the bars we went to all the time when she pulled up in a black Toyota and stopped at the curb right beside us. I glanced over, and her eyes fastened on mine with an expression I couldn’t begin to decipher. It was an expression I would come to know well. It meant that she was seeing me, really seeing me, and she saw something I needed that she knew she could give me.

  “You,” she said to me. Her voice was sweet but had an edge of command that made me jump even as she smiled. I moved forward to her open passenger side window and looked down at her.

  She nodded at the bar. “You going in there to get laid, sweetheart?” I just stared at her, at a loss for what to say. Behind me, I could hear my tipsy friends shuffling and murmuring.

  Her smile grew wider. “Why don’t you come with me instead?” She kept her eyes trai
ned on mine, and I grew no less stupefied as the seconds ticked by. I thought I hadn’t understood her correctly, and I didn’t give the idea that she was serious more than a second’s—an elated second’s—thought. She lowered her voice and made her intentions perfectly clear.

  That’s when I got nervous. I wasn’t into casual sex—had never had it, actually—and sex in general, much as I craved it, made me shrink back in fear that I wasn’t doing something (anything) right. My shyness had kept me from having it as much as I could have, and I had only slept with two women. One was my girlfriend right after we graduated high school, and we had waited so long that my performance anxiety was camouflaged among the closeness we had developed. The other was a girl I had dated a year before for a few months, and I attributed the fact that our sex had never been fantastic to my own inadequacy.

  Now a woman whose expertise I could only imagine sat in front of me, already fucking me with her eyes and expressing unambiguous interest in me. Petrified, I said the first thing that came into my mind:

  “Um, don’t you think we should go out or something first?”

  She laughed out loud, a spontaneous, hearty laugh that I knew was not mocking me. She shifted into park, smiled at my friends over my shoulder and called to them.

  “Do you guys mind if I borrow your friend for a while? I’ll see that he gets home safe and sound,” she said with a wink after they’d bumbled forward to crowd around the window. When my buddy Jake finally came to his senses and made some reply, Cole, whose name I didn’t yet know, placed her graceful hand on the gearshift and nodded. “Hop in, darling.”

  I did, and she shifted the car into drive and took me to her house.

  Thus began what seemed like a sudden double life for me. I still hung out with my friends on weekends and most other times we usually had. But sometimes I disappeared for a while. I often lost track of time when Cole summoned me—or, considerably less often, when I called upon her—to get together for one of our fervent, marathon, phenomenal sex sessions that left me feeling like the rest of the world had evaporated or that we’d stepped onto another timeless planet for a while. Not many people even knew about her, and those that did didn’t hear much about her. She slipped in and out of my life like an intoxicating scent, not there for long, but hitting with such force it left an impression that time has its work cut out to erase.


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