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Joe DiMaggio: The Hero's Life (Touchstone Book)

Page 69

by Cramer, Richard Ben

  Walker, Dixie, 188

  Wallgren, Charley, 41

  Walsh, Christy, 110, 450

  Waner, Paul, 49

  Warneke, Lon, 90–91

  Washington, Dinah, 475

  Webb, Del, 218, 236, 258, 281, 296, 313

  Weiss, George:

  detectives hired by, 229, 231

  and Joe DiMaggio Day, 271

  and Joe’s contracts, 279, 295, 296, 298–99, 312

  journalists and, 262, 263, 295, 298–99, 303

  as manager, 228–29, 242, 253, 257, 262, 263, 303

  Werber, Billy, 138

  Westwood Memorial Park, Los Angeles, 415, 417–18

  Whaley, Bill, 213

  Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio? (Allen), 94–95, 108, 122–23, 168, 186, 201, 249, 374–75

  Whitney, Jock, 154

  Whitten, Gladys, 367–68

  Wilder, Billy, 335, 361, 367, 368

  Williams, Edward Bennett, 374–75

  Williams, Joe, 248

  Williams, Ted, 43, 228, 449–50

  batting averages of, 138, 164, 185, 187–88, 222, 248, 265, 429

  in Red Sox games, 164, 180, 182, 231, 256, 267, 274

  salary of, 227, 247

  Wilson, Earl, 280, 403

  Winchell, Walter, 128, 131, 194, 196, 240, 241, 329, 367, 377–78, 471

  Woodling, Gene, 268, 282, 286, 309, 310, 311, 315

  Woods, Walter, 118

  Woodward, Stanley, 248–49

  Workman, Hank, 282, 291

  World Series:

  (1923), 258

  (1936), 95–97, 102, 114

  (1938), 127

  (1939), 138–39

  (1941), 188–89

  (1942), 205

  (1947), 234–36, 247, 252

  (1949), 274

  (1950), 293–94

  (1951), 276, 310–12

  (1952), 334

  (1989), earthquake and, 424, 425–28

  Black Sox scandal, 459

  tickets, 426, 427, 428

  World Series rings:

  1936 (rookie year), viii, ix, 142, 498, 508–9, 511

  (1947), 247

  (1951), 447

  replica, xi, xi, 488, 494, 498

  stolen, xi, x, 506

  World War II, 160, 161–62, 163, 175, 198–203, 205–9, 218

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 356

  Wright, Loyd, Jr., 339, 345, 346, 349, 350

  Wuerth, Bob, 438

  Wyatt, Whit, 172

  Yankee Clipper, see DiMaggio, Joseph Paul

  Yankee Clipper Center, 450, 458

  Yankee Clipper Enterprises (YCE), x, 488–95, 512

  “Yankee Legends,” Atlantic City, 469–70

  Yankees, see New York Yankees

  Yankee Stadium, 239

  broadcast booth, 315, 324, 326, 327–29, 330

  Gehrig Appreciation Day, 109–10, 111

  “I Am an American Day,” 162

  Joe DiMaggio Day, ix–xi, 271, 484, 487, 488–89, 496, 497–98

  monuments in, x, 300, 489, 513

  Old-Timers’ Day, 376, 447, 478, 510

  resin model of, 454

  Yawkey, Tom, 220, 228

  York, Rudy, 252

  Yvars, Sal, 312

  Zale, Tony, 240

  Zaner-Bloser Co., 7

  Zanuck, Darryl F., 323, 346–50, 361

  Zarilla, Al, 265, 273, 274

  Zernial, Gus, 320–21

  Zinn, Jimmy, 45, 46, 47

  Zwillman, Abner “Longy,” 141–42, 143–44, 377, 383–84, 385


  Photo research: Alexandra Truitt & Jerry Marshall ( Pages 2, 98 (both), 148 (bottom), 149, 190, 239 (bottom right), 354, 393 (bottom): UPI/CORBIS-Bettmann Page 3 (top): California Historical Society, FN-31682 Pages 3 (bottom), 15, 54 (bottom), 99 (bottom), 319, 393 (top): San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library Pages 14 (top), 191 (top), 276 (top): Jerry Romolt Pages 14 (bottom), 26: CORBIS-Bettmann Pages 27 (top), 36 (bottom), 392, 422 (bottom), 423: AP/Wide World Photos Page 27 (bottom): Frank Venezia Page 37: Bob Ryan Page 54 (top): California Historical Society, Dick Dobbins Collection, FN-32204 Pages 55, 76 (bottom), 77, 238, 276 (bottom), 422 (top): The Sporting News Page 76 (top): Time/TimePix Page 76 (middle): California Historical Society, Dick Dobbins Collection, FN-32203 Pages 99 (top), 224 (bottom), 466: National Baseball Hall of Fame Library, Cooperstown, New York Page 120 (top): Wallace Kirkland, Life/TimePix Pages 120 (bottom), 355 (top): New York Daily News Page 191 (bottom): National Archives Page 225: Robert Solotaire Page 239 (top): Courtesy of George Kauffer Page 239 (bottom left): Archive Photos Page 277: George Torrie, New York Daily News Pages 318, 355 (bottom): Photofest Page 444 (middle and bottom): © Christie’s Images, Ltd. Page 445: © 1989 David M. Spindel Page 467: Sonia Moskowitz Page 487 (bottom): Courtesy of B & J Collectibles Page 510: Dan Farrell, New York Daily News

  Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material:

  “Bookends” and “Mrs. Robinson” copyright © 1968 Paul Simon. Used by permission of the Publisher: Paul Simon Music.

  “Joe, you walked off and left me flat—” reprinted by permission of Dixie Evans.

  “All of Me,” composed by Seymour Simons & Gerald Marks.

  Published by Marlong Music Corp.

  Lyrics from “Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio” by Alan Courtney, music by Ben Homer. Reprinted by permission of Nyles Courtney. Copyright © September 16, 1941, by Alan Courtney Music Co.

  AS TIME GOES BY, by Herman Hupfeld

  © 1931 (Renewed) WARNER BROS., INC.

  All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission


  DO IT AGAIN, by George Gershwin and B.G. DeSylva

  © 1922 (Renewed) WB MUSIC CORP.

  Rights for Extended Renewal Term in U.S. controlled by WB MUSIC CORP. and

  Stephen Ballentine Music (c/o The Songwriters Guild of America)

  All Rights outside U.S. controlled by WB Music Corp.

  All Rights Reserved Used by Permission


  EMBRACEABLE YOU, by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin

  © 1930 (Renewed) WB MUSIC CORP.

  All Rights Reserved Used by Permission


  SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME, by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin

  © 1926 (Renewed) WB MUSIC CORP.

  All Rights Reserved Used by Permission



  Rockefeller Center

  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, NY 10020

  Copyright © 2000 by Richard Ben Cramer

  All rights reserved,

  including the right of reproduction

  in whole or in part in any form.

  SIMON & SCHUSTER PAPERBACKS and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Book design by Ellen R. Sasahara

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

  Joe DiMaggio : the hero’s life / Richard Ben Cramer.

  p. cm.

  1. DiMaggio, Joe, 1913– 2. Baseball players—United States—Biography. I. Title.

  GV865.D5 C73 2000




  ISBN-13: 978-0-684-85391-8

  ISBN-10: 0-684-85391-4

  ISBN-13: 978-0-684-86547-8 (Pbk)

  ISBN-10: 0-684-86547-5 (Pbk)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-439-12798-8 (eBook)

  Permissions and picture credits appear here.




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