The Art of Cruelty
Page 27
—TV Ad, 114
—TV Hijack, 115–16
—220, 110–12
Burgess, Anthony, A Clockwork Orange, 125
Burning Man festival, 18
Bush, George W., 13, 42, 43, 60, 61, 134, 137, 155
Bustamante, Nao, Indig/urrito, 87–90
Butler, Judith, 191, 203
—Precarious Life, 227–28
Butler, Octavia, 67, 218
Cage, John, 105–6, 109
—“Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse),” 268
—4’33”, 44, 212
Califia, Pat, 58
California, University of, at Los Angeles (UCLA), 116
Calvin, John, 137
Cameron, James, 49
Caouette, Jonathan, Tarnation, 127
Captivity (Joffé), 55–57, 58, 59–61, 62, 63, 75
Carr, C., 203
Carson, Anne, 218
—Decreation, 262
—“The Glass Essay,” 74–75
Carter, Angela, 67
—The Sadeian Woman, 69, 184
Carver, Raymond, 218
Castlemont High School, 187–89
Caven, Ingrid, 232
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 160
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 41–42, 61, 68
Chavez, Hugo, 134
Cheney, Dick, 42
Chomsky, Noam, 58
Christianity, 3, 4, 109–10, 133–36, 137, 162–63, 171, 172–73, 175–77, 184–85, 200, 206–9
Clark, T. J., 41
—The Sight of Death, 45–46
Cleaver, Eldridge, 243
Colbert, Stephen, 131
Coleman, Wanda, 265
Columbine shootings (1999), 54
Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 67, 261, 264
—Parents and Children, 151–55
Concordia University, 203
Conradt, Louis, Jr., 34
Cooper, Dennis, 58, 265
Cotter, Holland, 255
Cottingham, Laura, 255, 257
Creed, J. L., 23
Croce, Arlene, 85
Crumb, Robert, 189
Cullen, Countee, “Heritage,” 247
Cuthbert, Elisha, 60–61
Dada, 3, 18, 149
Daly, Mary, 168
Danner, Mark, 41
Danto, Arthur, 99
Dateline/NBC, 33–34
Davis, Angela, 69, 70–71
—Women, Race, and Class, 71
Davis, Lydia, 218
de Beer, Sue, Heidi 2, 102–3
Deleuze, Gilles, 110, 205
—A Thousand Plateaus, 145
Demme, Jonathan, The Silence of the Lambs, 82
Derrida, Jacques, 145
Despentes, Virginie, 67, 183
—Baise-Moi, 73
Dickens, Charles, 192
Dickinson, Emily, 138
Didion, Joan, 194, 218
—The Year of Magical Thinking, 150
Dillard, Annie, 207, 218
—For the Time Being, 44
Dionysos, 21, 22, 101
Disney, Walt, 178–79
Divine, 103–4
Dix, Otto, 189–90, 240
—“Buried Alive, January 1916, Champagne,” 189
—Der Krieg cycle, 189
—“Wounded Man Fleeing—Battle of the Somme, 1916,” 189
—“Wounded Soldier, Autumn 1916, Bapaume,” 189
Djurberg, Nathalie, 264
Dow Chemical, 157–59
Duras, Marguerite, 218
Eastwood, Clint:
—Mystic River, 165–66
—Unforgiven, 165–66
Edwards, Jonathan, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” 162–63
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 68, 69
Ehrenreich, Ben, “The Bad Mormon,” 95–96
Eisenstein, Sergei, Battleship Potemkin, 240
Eliot, George, 192
—Middlemarch, 193
Eliot, T. S., “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” 146
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 97, 144, 220
England, Lynndie, 68, 70
Enlightenment, 170–71, 210–11
Enright, Brock, 129
Ephesians, Epistle to the, 208
Euripides, 137
Evenson, Brian, 10, 71, 93–96, 105, 112, 214–18
—Altmann’s Tongue, 93, 94, 169, 215–16, 256
—Dark Property, 205
—“Desire with Digressions,” 166–67
—“The Ex-Father,” 217–18
—Fugue State, 166
—The Open Curtain, 166
—The Wavering Knife, 215, 217
Export, Valie, 264
Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, 163
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 103
—In a Year with 13 Moons, 231–35
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 64
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 54
Finisterra, Jude (pseud.), 158
Finley, Karen, 81–82, 85–86, 196–97, 264
—The Constant State of Desire, 86
—“The Father in All of Us,” 86
—I’m an Ass Man, 86
—“Yams Up My Granny’s Ass,” 86
Finnegan, General Patrick, 64
Flanagan, Bob, 110
Fluxus, 20
Flynt, Larry, 182
Forde, Shawna, 36
Foreman, Richard, Unbalancing Acts: Foundations for a Theater, 50–52, 53, 266
Foucault, Michel, 57–58
FOX News, 8, 64, 132
Franco B, 21
Franklin Furnace, 200
Freud, Sigmund, 62, 148, 164–65, 168–72, 204, 251, 267
—“Beyond the Pleasure Principle,” 10–11
—Civilization and Its Discontents, 172
Frey, James, 138, 147
—A Million Little Pieces, 136–37
F Space Gallery, 110–12
Fuhrman, Joanna, 140–41
Furies, 68, 259–60
Futurism, 3, 19, 22, 67–68
Gaitskill, Mary, 67, 221–26, 235–38, 264
—“The Agonized Face,” 236, 250
—Bad Behavior, 221–23
—Don’t Cry, 236–38
—“A Romantic Weekend,” 221–22
—Veronica, 223–26, 235–36
Galleria Studio Morra, 76–77
Genet, Jean, 58, 265
Gibson, Mel, 185
—The Passion of the Christ, 177
Gilchrist, Jim, 36
Girard, René, 196
—Violence and the Sacred, 102
Golden, Leon, 23
Golden Rule, 109–10, 227
Google, 29
Gore, Tipper, 58
Gospels, 206–7
Graeber, David, 43–44, 45
—“The Twilight of Vanguardism,” 4–5
Graner, Specialist Charles, 68
Green Lantern (comic), 166
Greer, Germaine, 22
Griffith, David, A Good War Is Hard to Find: The Art of Violence in America, 96–97
Guattari, Felix, A Thousand Plateaus, 145
Gulf Coast Reconstruction Conference (2006), 159–60
Habermas, Jürgen, 58
Hainley, Bruce, 99
Halle, Howard, 242, 244–45, 247
Haneke, Michael, 4, 71, 96, 108
nny Games, 25, 263–64
—The Piano Teacher, 197
—White Ribbon, 264
Hansen, Chris, 34
Harman, Specialist Sabrina, 68
Hasselbeck, Elisabeth, 42
Haye, Christian, 201
Hebrews, Epistle to the, 208
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 121
Helms, Senator Jesse, 85
Hemingway, Ernest, 218
Hersh, Seymour, 41
Highsmith, Patricia, 67
Hitchens, Christopher, 42
Hitler, Adolf, 172
HIV, 198–99, 250–51
Hobbes, Thomas, 17
Hofmann, Irene, 115
Holocaust, 187–89, 245–46, 256, 257
Holzer, Jenny, Lustmord, 253–58
Hooker, Thomas, 135
Hopkins, Anthony, 56
Horn, Rebecca, 264
Horton, Scott, 41
Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S., 159–60
Howe, Fanny, 12
Hsieh, Tehching, 20
Hub, The, 37–38
Hudson River Piers, 212–13
Hughes, Ted, 259
Hurricane Katrina, 159–60
Hustler, 182
Ingraham, Laura, 64
Ionesco, Eugène, 205, 212
Iraq War, 29, 31, 39–42, 61, 63, 68–71, 155
Irigaray, Luce, 168
Islam, 171
Jaar, Alfredo:
—“It Is Difficult,” 26–27
—Untitled (Newsweek), 26–27, 42
Jackson, Shirley, 67
Jacobs, Amber, 168
Jacobsen, Stine Marie, Do You Have Time to Kill Me Today, 119–20, 121, 125
Jamadi, Manadel al-, 61, 68
James, Henry, 222, 246
—The Portrait of a Lady, 192–95
—The Turn of the Screw, 113
James, William, 173
Jelinek, Elfriede, 67, 264
—The Piano Teacher, 197
Jesus Christ, 101, 172–73, 176–77, 196, 197, 206–9
Jeu de la mort, Le, 35
Jones, Bill T., Still/Here, 85
Jouvenel, Bertrand de, 164
Judith, 68, 71
Kafka, Franz, 214
—“In the Penal Colony,” 177–78, 209–12
Kakutani, Michiko, “Bending the Truth in a Million Little Ways,” 136–37
Kalman, Tibor, 258
Kane, Sarah, 67
Kant, Immanuel, 118, 133
Kaprow, Allan, 20, 24
Kaun, Axel, 212
Kelley, Mike, 107
—Family Tyranny, 98–101, 103, 105, 106, 187
—Heidi, 103
Kent State shootings (1970), 115
Kester, Grant, 4, 5
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 187, 199, 204
King, Stephen, The Running Man, 33, 35
Kirino, Natsuo, 67
Klavan, Andrew, 13
Klein, Melanie, 168, 267
Klein, Yves, 128–29
—Anthropometries, 129, 203
Koestenbaum, Wayne, 49–50, 126
Korine, Harmony, 265
Kristeva, Julia, 168
—The Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection, 169
Kruger, Barbara, 163
Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 206
Kusama, Yayoi, 264
—Self-Obliteration, 220
Kyl, Senator John, 138
LaBute, Neil, 10, 196
Lacan, Jacques, 199, 204
Laing, R. D., Knots, 11–12
Lane, Anthony, 264
Lassnig, Maria, 264
Laura, Heidi, 263
Lee, Spike, 57
—Jungle Fever, 243
Lennon, John, 22
—“Bed-In,” 19–20
Levinas, Emmanuel, 191, 227
Levi Strauss, David, “Take as Needed,” 113
Lewis, Heather, 58, 67
Lief, Judy, 209
Limbaugh, Rush, 63–64
Linzy, Kalup, All My Churen, 103
Lionsgate, 58, 59
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), 163
Luke, Gospel of, 206–7
Lutjeans, Phyllis, 115–16
Luxemburg, Rosa, Junius Pamphlet, 8
Luxon, Thomas, 137
L Word, The, 57
Lynch, David, Blue Velvet, 96–97
MacKinnon, Catharine, Are Women Human?, 72
Malanga, Gerard, 125
Mamet, David, 196
Manicheanism, 16, 134
Manjushri, Bodhisattva, 209
Mansour, Joyce, 67
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 53
Marcus, Greil, 148
Marcus, Jane, 245
Marinetti, F. T., 30, 212
—“The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism,” 19
Marxism, 24, 148
Massumi, Brian, 145
Matta-Clark, Gordon, 212–13
Matthew, Gospel of, 206, 207
Mayer, Jane, 41, 65
McCarthy, Damon, Caribbean Pirates, 107
McCarthy, Mary, 163, 164
McCarthy, Paul, 10, 71, 196, 264
—Caribbean Pirates, 107
—Family Tyranny, 98–101, 103, 105, 106, 187
—Heidi, 103
McCarty, Marlene, 264
McDonagh, Martin, 71, 261
—A Behanding in Spokane, 263
—In Bruges, 263
—The Pillowman, 91–93, 94, 95, 98, 105
Medea, 71
Meirelles, Fernando, City of God, 252–53
Mendieta, Ana, 10, 78–80, 178
—Blood Signs I and II, 79
—Blood Writing, 79
—Body Tracks, 129–30
—Mutilated Body on Landscape, 79
—People Looking at Blood, Moffitt, 79–80
—Rape Piece, 78, 198
—Rape Scene, 78–79
—Silueta series, 220
—Sweating Blood, 79
—Untitled (Self-Portrait with Blood), 79
Messager, Annette, Les tortures volontaires, 75
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 179, 187, 240–41, 244
Microsoft, 57
Milgram, Stanley, 35, 40, 77
Milstead, Harris Glenn, 104
Minutemen, 36
Monk, Ray, 157
Montano, Linda, Art/Life, 20
Moody, Rick, 265
Moody, Tom, 102–3
Moore, Susannah, 67
Mormon Church, 71, 93, 95–96, 166
Morris, Errol, Standard Operating Procedure, 39, 40
Morrison, Toni, Beloved, 74, 248
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 58
MTV, 111–12, 252
Muehl, Otto, 20, 22, 71
—Kardinal, 228–29
—O Sensibility, 185
Mueller, Cookie, 186
—Walking through Water in a Pool Painted Black, 185
Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), 75
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 27, 78
Muybridge, Eadweard, 240
Myles, Eileen, 197, 218, 264
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita, 95
Nagin, Mayor Ray, 160
National Endowment for the Arts et al. vs. Finley et al., 53
National Organization for Women (NOW), 59–60
Nazism, 7
1, 187–89, 245–46
Nelson, deeAnn, 125
New Testament, 133–34, 206–7, 208
New York Times, 35–36, 80–81, 91, 136–37, 188–89, 196–97, 255
Nhat Hanh, Thich, 7
—Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames, 62–63
Nico, 126
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 251
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 4, 9, 17, 18, 72
—Beyond Good and Evil, 3
Nin, Anaïs, 116
Nitsch, Hermann, 22, 42, 101, 102, 103
—Six-Day Play, 20–21, 44, 185
Nixon, Nicholas, 27
Oates, Joyce Carol, 67
Obama, Barack, 8, 40–41, 132
O’Connor, Flannery, 67
Oedipal complex, 101, 164–65, 168, 169–71
Old Testament, 133–34, 208
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 26
Ono, Yoko, 22, 88, 264
—“Bed-In,” 19–20
—Cut Piece, 76, 77, 79, 129, 198
Opie, Catherine, Self-Portrait/Pervert, 198
O’Reilly, Bill, 42, 64
Orgies-Mysteries Theater, 101
Orlan, 75
Paglia, Camille, 17
Palahniuk, Chuck, Fight Club, 215
“Palestinian hanging,” 61
Pane, Gina, 79, 264
Parents Against Media Violence, 54
Parnes, Laura, Heidi 2, 102–3
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 265
Peirce, Kimberly, Boys Don’t Cry, 197–98
Perverted Justice, 34
Phillips, Adam, 195
—On Kindness, 174
—Terrors and Experts, 170–71
Picasso, Pablo, 46, 138
Piene, Chloe, 264
Piper, Adrian, 256
Plath, Sylvia, 10, 67, 141, 229–31, 239, 241, 249–50, 258–61, 263
—“Daddy,” 245–46
—“Elm,” 218, 230–31
—“Fever 103°,” 180–81
—“Getting There,” 180, 259
—“The Jailer,” 259
—“Lady Lazarus,” 180, 230
—“Lesbos,” 229–30
—“The Rabbit Catcher,” 258–59
—“The Surgeon at 2 a.m.,” 229
—“Three Women,” 235, 236
—“Tulips,” 229
Plato, 22–23, 133
—Phaedrus, 137
Plymouth colony, 135–36
Pollack, Barbara, 199
POP action, 123–25, 126
Pope.L, William, 199–204
—Crawl pieces, 201–3
—The Hole Inside the Space Inside Yves Klein’s Asshole, 203–4
—“Hole Theory,” 204
—How Much Is That Nigger in the Window, 200
—My Niagra, 200–201
—Roach Motel Black, 200
—Tompkins Square Crawl, 202–3
Poussin, Nicolas, 46