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Beyond Control

Page 7

by Karice Bolton

  “Nice.” I opened the door and she was in one of her new suits too. It was a red string bikini with fringe along the top. “You look hot with all that fringe.”

  “There aren’t that many places to wear fringe. Gotta enjoy it when I can. That and sparkles.” She smiled and I followed her out to the balcony.

  Brandy lifted off the cover and flipped the jets on full blast. I had grabbed my iPhone and ear buds and scoped out a place to put them, settling on the chaise.

  “So you promise you won’t go for a ride alone tonight? I want to at least be around when you zoom off,” she said, her mothering qualities emerging.

  “You sound like Carla,” I laughed. “Only more annoying.”

  “It’s only because I love you.” She sat down in the bubbles, grinning, as I stepped into the hot tub.

  I looked through the balcony rails at the view of Puget Sound. The sunlight was dancing off the water, creating a brilliant sheen as the outbound ferries chugged toward the islands. I imagined myself on a ferry, heading to a home that was secluded enough to feel like a hideaway but close enough to the city for necessities. That must be so relaxing to ride a ferry everyday to commute, especially on a bike.

  “What are you daydreaming about?” Brandy asked.

  “Sometimes I think it would be really nice to live on one of the islands,” I mused.

  “You don’t think you’d feel trapped?” she asked, floating her hands atop the fizzing Jacuzzi water.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I bet you’d miss me,” she chided.

  “Probably true,” I laughed.

  The jets were attempting to whoosh my bottoms off, so I scooted to a jet free area and resituated before looking back over the Sound.

  We both sat in the water, with a comfortable silence between us, as I felt the tension of the week slip away.

  “You okay over there?” she asked as I began to move around, adjusting.

  “I think my suit’s too big,” I said, laughing. “Things don’t want to stay put.”

  She grabbed my phone and glanced at the time. “Well, I should probably get going. I was only going to stay in ten minutes and it’s been fifteen.”

  “Have fun,” I told her. “Can you hand me the ear buds and scoot the chaise closer so I can listen to my music?”

  “Anything else you’d like Ms. Princess?” she teased, as she stepped out of the Jacuzzi.

  “Maybe a towel?”

  “I’ll drop one off before I take off,” she assured me as I secured the ear buds in my ears.

  “Thanks, doll,” I shouted over the music I amped into my ear buds as I settled into the jetted water. We didn’t turn up the heat in the hot tub when the weather was warm like this. We enjoyed dunking in the Jacuzzi to refresh or relax and that’s exactly what I intended to do, not necessarily in that order.

  As the sounds of the bubbles were drowned out by the music, my body fell into a wonderful half-slumber. The laziness of my limbs as they floated in the water felt delightful. I didn’t even know how long I was in my trance because it wasn’t until things felt far too free down south that I was jolted awake.

  The sun had moved substantially so I must’ve been out far longer than I realized. Scooting to the left, a whoosh of water in certain crevices meant only one thing. My string bikini had floated away.

  Thank God I was alone!

  On a mission to recover my bikini bottom, I searched the tub for anything lavender and finally found it being beat to death by one of the jets across from me. Snatching it up, I leaned over to my phone and panicked when I saw that Jason was going to be here in less than an hour. I scanned the patio for the towel and realized Brandy forgot to bring one out. Oh well. I’d just make a mad dash to the bathroom. I yanked the ear buds out and tossed them over the edge and dunked my head quickly in the water before standing up.

  As I swung one leg over and attempted to climb out of the hot tub—holding my bottoms in one hand and leaning on the edge with the other—I heard the glass slider open up. I glanced up at the same time Jason’s mouth fell open, and a little grunt escaped from my throat. My one leg flailed in the air as my hand attempted to cover up things that couldn’t be covered up. In an all out panic, I dropped my bottoms on the outside of the Jacuzzi and fell backwards, splashing huge amounts of water out of the Jacuzzi. Unable to even comprehend what he must have seen, I frantically attempted to regain my bearings, even though that was impossible.

  “Umm. I’m so sorry,” Jason said, beginning to laugh.

  Laughter. Not the response I would hope for in this type of situation!

  “Back away,” I yelled, standing in the water hugging myself and evaluating how to dial 9-1-1 without him seeing anything else.

  He put up both hands and slowly spun around, but not before his eyes coasted over me, with his lips threatening another smile. That only infuriated me more.

  “What the hell are you doing in my house?” I yelled, as he continued to face the other way.

  I was in a pickle. My bikini bottom was on the outside of the tub. I had no towel. I had no weapon. And for some Godforsaken reason—no matter how angry I wanted to be—I was kind of intrigued with this setup.

  “Brandy let me in,” he offered as if that would make everything okay.

  “I don’t believe it,” I argued.

  “I can’t help what you choose to believe,” he countered, still holding his arms to the sky. “I’m guessing you didn’t listen to the voicemail.”

  Shit! The light was blinking last night, but he was right. I hadn’t checked the voicemail.

  But regardless, this wasn’t my fault. This was his fault.

  “You can’t blame shift,” I told him. “You came out here onto my patio.”

  “You’re completely right, but in my defense I wasn’t expecting you to be half naked. I had been sitting on the couch inside for a really long time, trying not to disturb you.” I could hear the smile in his voice, exactly like I’d heard on the phone. “I mean you can play the victim here, but—”

  “Don’t even,” I snapped. “I have a right to be how I want to be in my own Jacuzzi.”

  “Is this a common practice? Bare bottomed?”

  My cheeks burned, as I stood helpless in the Jacuzzi.

  “Actually, no. My bottoms floated off while I was sleeping,” I confessed.

  “So it’s no one’s fault. It was just my lucky day.”

  I sat back on a ledge directly in front of a jet, water up to my chin, as I forced down the waves of embarrassment. Truthfully, this wasn’t his fault, but I wasn’t going to let him off the hook. I didn’t want to send him into the condo, chancing another accidental glimpse as I reached for my bottoms or something so I had to come up with a safer plan.

  “Can you do me a favor?” I asked.

  “Now you want to play nice?” he teased.

  I ignored him.

  “If you could possibly grab the other half of my bikini, I would really appreciate it.”

  “I’ll do one better. I’ll hand you your bikini, and if you tell me where to go to get a towel, I’ll bring one to you,” he offered.

  “Sounds like a deal,” I agreed, watching as he slowly spun around to face me. A huge grin broke onto his face as his eyes connected with mine, and I found myself looking away. My insides knotted at the thought of me in the Jacuzzi and him only feet away. And that was absurd.

  “This was the first time I’ve been naked in front of a guy and haven’t been stressed over my scar,” I said before I knew what escaped my lips.

  “What scar?” he asked, his brow arching.

  “Nice one,” I replied, rolling my eyes.

  “I’m serious,” he replied, his voice kind and void of the cockiness I had detected so many times before.

  “You saw parts of me I don’t even think my doctors have seen,” I told him.

  “Like I said—”

  “I know. I know. Today’s your lucky day,” I interrupted, trying to force
the smile from my lips, but I couldn’t. Not when he looked at me like that. And I don’t even know what that was, but there was something inside of me begging for more.

  Jason bent over and grabbed the bikini bottoms and dangled them just out of my reach. He was wearing a black t-shirt and as his fingers held onto the bikini, the muscles in his forearms tightened and my eyes followed up his arm to his broad shoulders.

  Damn him for looking so good!

  His amber eyes grazed across my collarbone, landing at the waterline along my skin and a cascade of goose bumps broke out along my flesh as his eyes continued to drink me in. My insides stirred at the thought of him paying such attention to me, yet at the same time I wanted to throw myself off the balcony for turning into one of those women.

  I floated to the side and snatched the bottoms from his fingers and smiled.

  “Thank you,” I told him, but my body betrayed me once more as my belly muscles clenched with this close proximity.

  “No sweat. I’ll be back with a towel.” His sultry voice and sexy grin vibrated something deep within me—to my core—and I blushed immediately. “Where are they at?” he asked.

  “They’re in the right down the closet to the hall.”

  He stopped and turned to face me. “Wanna try that again?” he asked, giving me a devilish grin.

  “They’re down the hall to the right in the closet,” I mumbled, my cheeks igniting.

  He winked at me, and I wanted to dunk in the water and stay there until possibly Christmas.

  I quickly tied my bikini bottom back on and took a deep breath as I watched him approach with a fluffy, sage green towel. What I would’ve given to have had that by the hot tub earlier… Brandy’s definitely on my shit list.

  “Thank you,” I told him, floating to the side.

  “Anytime,” he replied, grinning, slipping his hand deep into his pocket as he held the towel up with the other.

  I stood up and grabbed the towel, feeling a thrilling sensation run through me as I glanced at him. Jason stood there, his lip curving at the corner, as he watched me try to crawl, ever so gracefully, over the side of the hot tub once more. At least this time, I was covered up. I wrapped the towel around me, securing it with a twist, and watched as he leaned over the railing.

  “I love the view here. That’s what sold me on this unit,” I said, noticing his lean arms as he stretched them along the rail. I had to knock this off.

  “The view’s been sensational so far.”

  “Very funny.” I crossed my arms in front of me.

  “What? It’s a great view. I completely agree with you,” he replied, turning around grinning.

  “I’m gonna go change. I can’t wait to see my bike,” I said, dismissing his boyish grin and what it did to me.

  “I don’t think I can ever win with you,” he replied, beaming. “But I’m definitely up for the challenge.”

  “Who said I was,” I replied, glancing behind me.

  He had turned around and was leaning up against the balcony railing, his arms crossed as he watched me. The sunlight was catching his eyes in such a way that they almost looked golden. They were quite beautiful. He was quite beautiful. I added a little more sway to my hips as I walked off the balcony, but I wasn’t sure if he’d be able to catch it through the bulk of the towel. But it was worth the effort.

  “Maybe we can go for a ride tonight,” he offered.

  I didn’t respond, fearing my excitement level would be too evident. I had to maintain control. Not wanting any other mishaps, I skipped the shower and went into my bedroom, closing the door. I leaned against it, and my mind flashed to his fingers working their way up my thighs.


  Okay. Time to get a hold of myself. He wasn’t looking to date anyone, possibly because he was already with someone, but regardless I wasn’t either. That was only harmless flirting. I quickly pulled on a pair of lavender camo cargo pants and an oversized sweatshirt. If I did happen to go on a quick ride, I wasn’t going to be in shorts. I ran my fingers through my wet, tangled hair and grabbed an elastic to plop my hair into a quick bun.

  I heard the slider door close and his footsteps in the family room. I slipped my Converse on and opened the door, letting out a slow breath.

  “I know we’re kind of doing things in reverse, but can I offer you a drink?” I asked as I made my way down the hall. “I’ve got some Redhook Mudslinger in the fridge.”

  “Nah. I’m good. Maybe water,” he replied. He was sitting on the main couch, his elbows propped on his knees as he watched me move to the kitchen. There was something going on behind those eyes of his, and I wanted to find out what it was.

  “You look great, even with clothes on,” he replied, catching me off-guard. There was some sort of current running between us. Or at least I felt like there was. Something like that couldn’t be one-sided, could it?

  “Thanks. I actually prefer being fully dressed in front of strangers. Believe it or not.”

  “Your dad said your favorite color was lavender. It looks nice on you. I hope I incorporated enough into the bike for you,” he said, his voice softening. “I can make any changes you’d like to the bike.”

  “It looked absolutely beautiful from what I saw.” I reached into the cupboard and pulled out a glass, filling it with water. I didn’t get to see the bike up close, but the fenders and gas tank were black metallic. I had noticed a lighter color edging several of the pieces. I’m guessing it was the lavender.

  “I have to be honest. You don’t strike me as a typical biker chick,” he said, smiling. I handed him the glass and sat across from him in the chair.

  “Is that so?” I asked, arching my brow. “I don’t see you as a bike builder.”

  He nodded and leaned back and was silent for a moment, sipping the water.

  “I parked down the street with the trailer, if you’d like to see it.”

  “I was afraid you’d never ask,” I said, hopping up.

  I grabbed my phone and the house keys and slipped my license in my pocket as he set the water glass on the counter. As I locked the door behind me, he went to the elevator and pressed the call button. I noticed the definition of his back as he folded his arms in front of him. His worn Levis sat nicely around his waist, and his biceps were cut, every movement defining the bulk that peeked out from under his sleeve. When I came up behind him, I felt the heat rise up my body. Thankfully, the elevator opened up, and he gestured for me to step inside first. I gave him a quick nod and faint smile as I walked to the far corner of the elevator and leaned against the metal bar.

  “I don’t bite,” he said, delighting in my reaction.

  “That’s a shame,” I replied coolly, not looking at him.

  His breath hitched, and I felt his amusement fill up the entire elevator.

  Feeling especially brave, I glided my hand along the railing. “Does that disappoint your girlfriend?” I asked, looking up through my lashes. I’d get my answer one way or the other.

  A quizzical expression appeared in his eyes before a smile lined his lips. He shook his head and relief looked to spread through him.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Is that why you’ve been so standoffish?” he asked, completely bewildered. “You think I have a girlfriend?”


  “You don’t?” I asked surprised.

  He shrugged. “Not currently.”

  “I thought your girlfriend was with you at the party and then when I saw her last night at a club…” I stopped myself, not actually sure what their relationship constituted. For all I knew they could’ve recently broken up.

  “She’s not nor has she ever been my girlfriend,” he revealed, as the doors spilled us out into the lobby.

  I found myself completely unable to trust my feelings. Rather than pure jubilation and excitement filling me to the brim, disappointment, fear, and an impending doom started pulsing through me.

  Jason touched the small of my back as we walked through
the lobby doors to the sidewalk. The tenderness of his touch surprised me as he steered me toward his Jeep and the trailer down the street. He’d parked under one of the large maples, which provided a nice canopy of shade.

  “Jeep, huh?” I asked.

  “Only way to travel.”

  We stopped in front of the trailer, and he began unlatching the door and maneuvering the ramp. Once the doors were open, I saw two bikes inside, but I knew immediately which one was mine. The lavender was a dead giveaway.

  He hopped onto the ramp and released the straps that had been holding my bike in place. Maneuvering it off the ramp, I was awestruck while he wheeled the bike in front of me.

  The detail was impeccable. As I had seen that night at the auction, the gas tank, oil tank, and fenders were a metallic black, but in the light the color shimmered to a pearlized charcoal.

  “Did you hand paint this?” I asked in awe, pointing at tiny, lavender angel wings at the base of the gas tank. “And all the striping is hand tipped?”

  He nodded, pride filling his eyes as I recognized the craftsmanship that went into this one-of-a-kind bike. “I like to airbrush and….” his voice trailed off.

  “It’s insanely gorgeous,” I said, smiling. “I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to ride this,” I whispered as my hand trailed along the leather of the seat.

  I circled around the bike and looked over at Jason. “This is beyond…”

  “Does it make up for earlier?” he asked, his eyes smoldering.

  I waved the question away because I was, in all honesty, too taken aback to answer. I couldn’t even imagine the work that went into this build. All of the times I thought my father wasn’t listening to me babble about my dream bike, he apparently was. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t going to make up for the recent cover-up job surrounding Aaron, but it was a sweet gesture.

  “Do you have to drop off the other bike in the trailer?” I asked, hoping he wasn’t going to rush off.

  His smile widened, and he ran his fingers through his hair, looking playful.

  “No. I actually brought it in case I could convince you to go for a quick ride with me,” he said, his voice warm. “You know test it out. Make sure everything runs the way you want.”


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