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First Night: (A Mad for You Short)

Page 3

by Anna Antonia


  “How do you drink it all? You don’t, do you?”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? I love juice.”

  “I’ll take…grape.”

  “Grape it is.” Gabriel kissed my forehead. “Stay right here, baby, and I’ll be back.”

  Kicking my feet while I waited, I asked the question I should’ve already asked. “Are your parents home?”

  “No. They’re in Switzerland at the moment and won’t be back for another two weeks.”

  “Oh. That’s…nice. I guess.”

  Gabriel brought me a large glass filled with ice, juice, and topped off with a festive straw. “It’s been peaceful.”

  Something flashed across his face, too quick to be analyzed but strange nonetheless. I cleared my throat and thanked him for the drink. Gabriel propped his chin on his hand and watched me take a sip. Self-conscious, I offered him some.

  Delight danced in his eyes. He took the straw into his mouth without hesitation. The intimacy over the act emphasized why we were both there. Whenever I paused in my never-ending pursuit of excellence, I let myself wonder what it would be like when I finally found the one to go to bed with for the first time.

  Logically, Gabriel would’ve never fit the bill. Spoiled, rich, and far too comfortable around the fairer sex, he was the last person my pride would allow myself to contemplate.

  Unfortunately for my pride, Gabriel Gordon was the only one I ever truly considered.

  And now here we were…




  I laughed, titters that communicated just how nervous I was.

  “Can I tell you something, Emma?”

  The seriousness in his voice captured my attention completely. “Anything.”

  “I want to make love to you. I want you naked in my bed, under me while I’m deep inside you. I want to taste all of you, from your tiny toes all the way to the top of your brilliant head.”

  With parted lips and eyes full of wonder, I was quickly losing my nervousness.


  “But what?”

  “But we don’t have to do that tonight. I just like being with you, Emma. We can watch a movie or better yet, we can talk about anything and everything. Hell, we can even do homework if you want.”

  “Homework? I’m not that much of a nerd.”

  “Really? Could have fooled me!”

  I smacked his arm, much to his grinning delight. “Be nice.”

  Gabriel smoothed a hand across his face. “Nice. I can do nice. See?”

  “I see.”

  “Do you want a tour of the house?”

  I bit my lip and looked down at my drink. I didn’t really want to see the rest of his house. I was afraid that it would only make me feel the monetary and social gulf between us.

  “Scratch that, Emma. How about we go upstairs? And remember, we don’t have to make love.”

  “You’re not trying to trick me into bed?” I teased.

  “Trick you? No. I want you to come to bed fully un-tricked.” Gabriel held out his hand, waiting for my decision. Waiting for me to trust him.

  I set down the glass and reached for his hand. The slide of skin, the message of what the contact communicated, felt right. Gabriel squeezed my hand.

  It wasn’t just me.

  Silent, we both made our way out of the kitchen, down the hall, and up the wide curving staircase. I studied the various paintings gracing the wall. Once we arrived on the second floor, pictures replaced paintings. My footsteps slowed.

  The pictures were beautifully staged. White outfits, beach scenes, lovely compositions. A family of three, golden and smiling. Other shots were of them on powder snow, skis pointing just so. Formal portraits were mixed with casual.

  “Is this you?” I pointed to a chubby smiling baby.

  “That would be me.”

  Was Gabriel ever less than physically perfect? It hardly seemed fair for one person to hold an abundance of blessings—looks, family, wealth. Was there nothing he didn’t have?

  I peered at the pictures, easily seeing that Gabriel favored his father. His mother was petite and blond, beautiful actually. I wondered how nice it must be to have both your parents, to know where your smile came from.

  “You look like your dad.”

  “Do I?” Gabriel glanced at the wall before looking away.

  “Yeah, you do. You’re practically identical.”

  “No, we’re not.”

  “Yes, you are. Look, you have the same eyes, same mouth…even your jaws are the same. You’re like his younger twin.”

  “He already has a twin.”

  “Really? They must be close then. I’ve always heard that twins are inseparable.”

  Gabriel opened his mouth and then closed it. A frown tugged at his lips before they lifted into his customary smirk. “Come on, Emma. I have something better to show you.” He tugged me down the hall.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise!”

  When we arrived at an enormous set of double doors, Gabriel moved me in front of him. “Now close your eyes, my dear.”

  I laughed when his hands pressed over my eyes. “Don’t quite trust me, Gordon?”

  “Adams, I trust you with everything I have. Indulge me, please?”

  I couldn’t deny Gabriel anything especially when he whispered so sweetly in my ear like that. “Okay.”

  “All right, Emma. Just a few steps and then…” I heard the door click open and then we shuffled forward. Gabriel removed his hands and said, “Open your eyes.”

  I obeyed and then let out a gasp. “Oh my gosh! This is incredible.” I spun in a slow circle. It was a large room with ceilings that were at least twenty feet high and filled with bookshelves on all walls except one, which was completely made of stained glass. I imagined it to be a kaleidoscope of color during the day. “Is this yours?”

  Gabriel leaned back against the closed doors. “No, I’m afraid not. But I do spend a lot of time here. It’s my mother’s. Her private library I mean.”

  “Is there another?”

  He shrugged. “There’s an official one, all leather books and club chairs. You know—the kind you show off to ‘esteemed’ guests.”

  “Are you saying I’m not?” I teased with a mock-frown.

  “Well, you’re here where they’re never allowed in this room.”

  Pleasure danced through my veins. “In that case, thank you.” I gestured to the shelves. “May I?”


  Turning away from my gracious host, I eagerly made my way to one shelf and then another and another still. Gabriel’s mother was a voracious reader and a democratic one at that. Non-fiction and fiction lined the shelves from history to romance. I lingered long over the rows of paperbacks, pulling a few out to look at the titles.

  “My mother has a thing for romances. She loves a love story.”

  I looked at him, my smile soft and a little shy. “You know, I always wanted to read them.”

  “Why don’t you?”

  Sighing, I shelved the book back in its spot. “I don’t know. I don’t have a lot of free time and…”

  “And?” he prodded, incredibly wise to the holes in my silence.

  “And…I’m afraid I’ll get lectured if I buy them.”

  “By who?” Gabriel sounded genuinely perplexed.

  “By the sales clerk.” I didn’t tell him that actually had happened the first time I went to buy one. I was so embarrassed that I walked out of the bookstore and never went back again.



  He smiled widely at my tiny attempt at banter. “If you want to read romances, do it. Don’t ever let someone else’s smaller mind stop you from doing what you want. You’re better than that.”

  Gabriel’s fervent words made me feel equal parts happiness and discomfort. I wasn’t sure how well I liked him thinking so hi
ghly of me. “Yes, well…I’ll remember that the next time I want to read about Dukes or vampires.”


  I cleared my throat. “So, huh, what kind of books do you like?”

  “All kinds. Fairytales are my favorite.”

  That wasn’t the answer I expected. “Seriously?”

  Although the room was darkened, I could see the faint blush on his cheeks. It made me want to hug him. “My mother loved reading them to me when I was little. In fact, this was more my playroom than anything else for a long time. We were always together here.”

  I tried to imagine the blond cherub he’d been playing on the rug while his beautiful mother curled up on a chair with a book. I remembered being in a local daycare run by a neighbor, one of many who wanted mommy but learned early on not to cry because mommy needed her to be strong.

  I didn’t want to think about that or how I carried that into my life always.

  Striding across the room, I barely noted Gabriel’s expression. I wanted to kiss him, to take something for myself because I wanted it and not think about the price I was going to pay for being impulsive.

  “Emma?” he whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I want you, Gabriel. Now.”

  “I told you we didn’t have to do this tonight. We can wait.”

  “No! Now.”

  “Are you really sure?”


  “God help me then.” Gabriel suddenly picked me up. Draped across his arms, I moaned when he kissed me sweetly.

  It was going to happen and I couldn’t wait.


  Gabriel set me down on my feet right by his bed. I studied the enormous poster bed, knowing I was going in one way and coming out different. A part of me appreciated the dramatic background for such a momentous event.

  Gabriel seemed to understand my need to explore. He watched me silently as I slid my hand down the heavy velvet drapes. My hand glowed ghost-white against the sapphire fabric.

  “Fancy,” I commented for the chance to fill our silence.

  He made a sound of assent. Looking over my shoulder, I noted how his gaze followed my every move intently. Strange as it sounded, being the focus of his singular gaze was erotic.

  I explored my strange mental fancies of being a butterfly pinned to his board, a possession to be admired. Suddenly, I thought of how I’d be pinned beneath Gabriel in real life.

  Warmth spread throughout my body. I clenched, trying to soothe the ache that sprung from how I’d soon know Gabriel intimately. My feelings turned on a pin. Nervousness plucked my strings. I moved about, head craning to study my darkened surroundings. An unlit fireplace dominated the wall across from the massive bed. A telescope occupied the space in front of the glass doors. I wondered if they led to a terrace.

  Like a wolf scenting his prey, Gabriel approached me front to back. His lips pressed against my earlobe. I erupted in goosebumps, a fact which didn’t go unnoticed by him.

  “You’re so beautifully sensitive, Emma,” Gabriel whispered in awe.

  “R-Really?” I stammered when his hand rested on my tummy. Excitement had my heart pounding as the earlier desire from the library resurfaced.

  “Mmm, yes. I wonder what would happen if all I did was kiss you…right…here?” His hand cupped my breast and I nearly lost the ability to stand.

  “Why don’t you…ah…try it and find out?”

  “Oh baby, I just might take you up on your offer.” Gabriel searched for my hand. He then spun me around as if it were a dance step. “But I don’t think I can control myself for that long.”

  I stumbled against him. Placing my hands on his wide chest, I looked up to see the playful grin. “You’re quite good on your feet, Gordon.”

  “And you’re a bit clumsy. That’s okay, Adams. You can always stand on my feet in the future and let me take care of it.”

  “You’re so sweet,” I drawled sarcastically.

  “So glad you’re finally seeing that!” Gabriel parried.

  I grinned, never imagining there’d be this kind of teasing and laughter before my first time but very happy for it. I spent so much time being serious as a matter of being; it was good to know I was capable of other reactions.

  Impulsive, I arched up and kissed his chin. “You make me happy!”

  Gaiety left Gabriel’s expression. I pulled away, uncertain of what I had said to change his mood. Gabriel immediately pulled me back to him. “I’m lost,” he murmured while cupping my face. At the first touch of his lips, I went under a haze of sensuality.

  Somehow our clothes slipped off to lie in the same pile on the floor. When he held me at arms distance to study my naked body, I turned my thigh in a maidenly attempt to cover my mound.

  Gabriel shook his head. “Don’t do that, Emma. I want to see you.”

  How could I deny him, especially when he gazed at me as if I were the most precious, beautiful creature he’d ever seen? I stood there proudly, secure in the knowledge I had nothing to be shy about.

  Soon we were lying side by side in his bed. I’d never rested on sheets so soft nor had I ever had the pleasure of a beautiful angel by my side kissing me as if I were the very air he needed to breathe.

  Gabriel eventually broke off our kissing to ask, “This is your first time, right?”

  “No. I’ve had sex with lots of guys. I just never kissed them to have something special for later.” I slapped him on the arm. “That was for you, big guy, and you’re welcome.” I nearly burst out loud with laughter at Gabriel’s expression.

  “Emma, please tell me you’re joking.”

  I couldn’t let this one go. I was having too much fun. “What? You can have a legion of exes and I can’t?”

  He dropped his gaze and muttered, “Of course not.” There was a definite pout on his face, making him look like a grumpy angel.

  I couldn’t hold back my gales of high-pitched laugher. “Oh my God! Now I wished it were true just so you can keep looking like that! Tuck your bottom lip in, Gabriel, because you’re about to trip over it!”

  Relief imprinted on his shocked expression. “Why you little…” Gabriel attacked my ribs, tickling them until I screamed. We rolled around on the bed, safe from falling onto the hardwood floors while we played.

  Eventually, Gabriel rested between my widespread thighs. Propped up on his hands, he could do nothing to hide the proof of his desire for me. My mouth went dry as I felt the hot, thick shaft against my inner thigh.

  I almost cracked a joke about how happy he was to see me, but the time for humorous games passed as razor-sharp awareness for the other nicked us.

  “Touch me.”

  So I did. I closed my hand around him, impressed at the thickness and length of him. Curiosity overcame shyness and I set out to explore Gabriel’s body—which suited him just fine.

  I marveled over how soft his skin was in some places, lightly furred in others. Although his frame carried the slimness of youth, I could tell he would fill out impressively one day, becoming even wider of shoulder while still retaining a narrow waist.

  Soon Gabriel joined in the exploration. His hands skated gently down my body, settling on certain areas with marked intention. The rarely noticed spot between hip and thigh were especially sensitive to the feather-soft touch his lips.

  My shyness melted the further his mouth moved to my core. I always thought I’d clamp my thighs closed to an oral invasion, afraid of how I’d taste and a thousand other things all to due with an overly-developed sense of modesty.

  With Gabriel none of that existed. I was open to his exploration.

  It was decadent, glorious…every adjective possibly used to describe bliss—I experienced it.

  Gabriel slid over me. His mouth greedily drank down my pleasure cries. Once I caught my breath, he started over again. Gabriel brought me to my peak again and again.

  I lost count of how many times I moaned his name or how intimately he mapped the curves of my body and
how well I responded to his kisses to those spots. Eventually, Gabriel reached into his side drawer and I heard the rip of plastic.

  It was time.

  My body was too relaxed to tense up. I welcomed him into my arms and held onto him as he carefully positioned himself. Soon Gabriel pressed deep, deeper inside. I let out a hiss as I struggled to accommodate him. He immediately stopped, concern reshaping his face surely as his body was reshaping mine.

  “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

  “No! Please…keep going.”

  Gabriel pressed forward and then retreated. He kept his strokes shallow until I finally arched my hips beneath him, eager for more. Our mouths hungrily found one another and then we truly began our dance.

  And nothing could’ve truly prepared me for what it would be like.

  Limbs wrapped around his waist, straining harder and harder still while moisture gathered between my breasts and the small of my back. Entranced, I couldn’t look away from the sight of Gabriel becoming one with me.

  I felt the tantalizing tease of release. Rolling my hips, I gasped when his hard thrusts found the perfect angle. Gabriel’s arm settled beneath me and pulled me tightly against him. It was exactly what I needed.

  “Gabriel!” I couldn’t stop calling out his name as each wave rolled over me longer and harder than the last.

  Responding to my climax, Gabriel moaned loudly and then his powerful body stilled over me for an incandescent moment. Everything that mattered, that would ever matter, was right here.

  Afterwards, his beautiful eyes had welled with tears as he looked down at me. “Thank you, Emma, for making my dreams come true.”

  I was smitten.

  Even more so when we made love again. And again.


  Dressed in just Gabriel’s dress shirt and sitting at the kitchen island, I swung my feet while eating a bowl of ice cream. “No wonder girls slap your face in the hall after you break up with them.”

  “Pardon me?” He leaned against the end, tuxedo dress pants hanging low on his hips without a belt. Gabriel was dashing and all the more delicious because of his dishabille.

  “You make love to a girl until she barely remembers her name and then feed her ice cream. It’s perfect.”


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