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Hit 'N' Run (Under Suspicion #1)

Page 10

by Lori Power

  The metal chair squeaked as Boulet turned in his seat to cross his feet at the ankles, perching them on the corner of his desk. “Could it be linked to the woman you hit?”

  Had Luke said something? What’s with all eyes focusing on Lorna? Mitch couldn’t lash out at his boss the same way he did with Luke. There are no coincidences. No matter which way he shook the canvas, Lorna did seem to be the link. Certainly not intentionally—of that he was sure. Mitch hung his head, exhausted. “I don’t know how.”

  Bringing his feet down from the corner of the desk, the Chief grabbed up a pen and some paper. “Well, let’s see. There’s the car. Damaged from the accident. A very distinctive car, being a hearse and all. There’s the license being reported as a fake to the local cop shop. Then there’s a pile of arrests, you included, and now you’re nowhere to be found by the Fongs.”

  “We took care of all those loose ends before we left.”

  “I’d like to think so, but something’s unraveling here, and we have to follow the threads,” Boulet said, lowering his pen to steeple his fingers.


  Parking his truck on the side of the residential street outside of Lorna’s two-storey house, Mitch’s stomach tightened in anticipation, forgetting his troubles with work. He wanted a reprieve. Last night had been a revelation. Nothing would convince him Lorna had anything to do with his cover being blown.


  Pulling out his phone, he checked for a solid strength signal and full charge. Dialing a number, he asked without preamble. “You ready—if they call?”

  “Even if they don’t talk, keep the line open as long as you can,” Jordan, the IT tech replied, curtly. “Don’t be the first to hang up.”

  “I got it,” Mitch said, pressing “end” on his phone without further explanation.

  Exiting his truck, he scanned his watch to make sure he wasn’t too early. Quarter to twelve. Hopefully, not later than she expected.

  The door opened before he reached the top step. “Hey,” she said, her smile wide, dressed sporty in just-above-the-knee black golfer shorts and a striped polo top.

  “Hey,” he replied back, bending to kiss her cheek. “You smell great.” Just the sight of her seemed to take his worries away. No way she’s involved.

  Her hand lifted to his cheek, scratching across his stubble. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” he answered, regretting he didn’t shave this morning when he finally returned to his place after wandering the roads most of the night.

  “You look tired.” The concern in her tawny eyes melted the reflexive biting remark that rose to his lips. Too many months surrounded by men.

  “I am, a bit,” he conceded, aroused instantly, his vision being pulled in the direction of her mouth where she bit her lip nervously. “But I’m better—now I’m here.”

  Her teeth released her lip and he was rewarded with a brilliant smile. “Good to hear. Hope you brought your appetite.”

  “Never leave home without it.”

  “Come on in then.” She stepped aside to allow him through the front door. “Ma, ah, Mariam and Kris are just in the backyard.”

  “No, we’re right here,” Mariam said, coming through the kitchen entrance, purse in one hand, the little boy’s hand clasped in her other. “Just on our way out, Mitchell. I understand you and our Lorna here will be going for a picnic.”

  “That is the plan, I think.” He glanced from the older lady to Lorna, who had her back to him, putting provisions into the picnic basket. “We’re going to do some more catching up.”

  “Yes, indeed, catching up.” Mariam smiled warmly, quickly winking at Mitch. “Kris and I are off to the zoo today.”

  “Wait a minute.” Lorna turned in one swift movement and walked over to stand before grandmother and son. “We were all going together?”

  “Changed our minds. Didn’t we, kiddo?” Mariam glanced down at Kris with raised eyebrows.

  “Zoo,” Kris said simply. “Lions and tigers. We’re going to the zoo.”

  “When did you decide this?”

  “About the time Mitchell parked out front.” Mariam laughed heartily. “How’s that for timing?”

  Lorna flushed. “But we planned the day.”

  “Yes, and so much for planning.” She patted Lorna on the arm before lifting her face to kiss her on the cheek. Turning to Mitch, Mariam said, “Do me a favor, Mitchell. Tell her she doesn’t always have to plan everything. It might be nice to just let things happen once in a while. It’s called ‘spontaneity.’”

  “Ma!” Lorna moved to stand in front of Kris while she gave Mariam what Mitch’s family would term the hairy eyeball. “There’s nothing wrong with planning. Kris, honeybun, you sure you don’t want to have a picnic with Mama and Mitchell?”

  “I going to zoo with Nana.”

  “Okay then. Have fun, sweetie.” She kissed the top of his head while sharing a hug. “See you later.”

  “Bye, bye, Mama,” he said, smiling as he grabbed up his favorite character ball cap from the hook at the back of the door. “Bye, bye, Mitchell.”

  Mitch tipped his cap to Mariam and beamed down at the little boy. “See ya later, little man.”


  Lorna walked to the counter as the two left, a little awkward. I should have waited for him to come to the door. Way too eager to open the door before he even knocked. Swinging her hands to lie them flat on the counter, she turned her head in Mitch’s direction. “I have a lot of food for just two people.”

  “I have a healthy appetite,” he said, walking towards her.

  His voice left little doubt—like her, his hunger had nothing to do with food. A quickening began in her stomach, followed by a tightening in her loins as she watched him approach. The stubble on his cheeks made him appear slightly dangerous. Having seen last night his ability to close his emotions behind a mask, she was pleased to see he was not hiding today. No walls. His eyes shone with the glimmer of a predator. He leaned forward so his hands flanked hers and his head leaned over her shoulder as his straight nose came level with hers.

  Oh, those tingles again. Lorna couldn’t speak. Thinking was presently out of the question, never mind being witty. A woman who made her living giving presentations, writing speeches, marketing proposals, moving and shaking with powerful people was at a standstill as this man ran his nose along the bridge of hers.

  “I wonder if you taste as good as you smell,” he murmured. His tongue peeked out to trace her upper lip. “Yum.”

  If it wasn’t for her hands being firmly placed on the counter, Lorna was sure she would fall into a puddle of raw emotion. Black pupils consumed the blue irises. With a long stare, he delved into her soul, a pillager in the night. Air suspended in her lungs and she gasped for breath. She tilted her head slightly away from his and he took the opportunity to focus his attention on her neck, where her pulse danced.

  Moving his hands, he braced her hips and turned her in his embrace. His nose moved from her shoulder, along her collarbone to trail up her jaw, where he hovered slightly away from her waiting mouth. Pinned in place, he brought his body closer. Heat from his solid frame penetrated through her thin blouse. The open neck of his shirt gave her a clear view of the forest of hair on his chest. She restrained a deep urge to run her fingers through the fine mass, over what she remembered to be his very sensitive nipples.

  She must have jerked a little for the predator’s eyes were back, focused on her: her lips, her eyes. His nostrils flared as he breathed deeply and took a step back. “Would you like to take me on a tour of your house?”

  “Ah.” Verbal brilliance at its best. Her pulse pounded in her ears, and her legs were like rubber. His muscled forearms bulged against the short-sleeve cuffs. He stood far too close for sensible thought and his presence only served to remind her just how long it had been since she had been intimate with any man. Too long since she had even wanted or needed anything as badly as she needed this man’s touch just now. “What?”
br />   The roguish smile—in complete contrast to the menacing gleam of his gaze—scattered gooseflesh across her arms. Sexy. Yes. But also very dangerous in so many ways. She ran the risk of losing herself completely. Unlike me, he knows what he’s about. He knows how to get what he wants.

  “Your house is very nice,” he said in a voice veering on a growl, very low. “Would you like to take me on a tour?”

  “Tour the house?” Tour me. I want this man like I’ve never wanted anything else. She leaned her face towards him, avoiding his hungry lips, to flick her tongue along his ear. “Maybe later,” she said, and moved to nip his lip with her teeth. He’s not the only one who can take charge and get what he wants. She turned her hand palm up on the counter to weave her fingers through his. Running her other hand down the front of his shirt, she was rewarded with a shiver that coursed through him, giving her courage. Her core pulsed with longing, moisture beaded.

  Mitch tilted his head back in surprise. “No?”

  She bit her lip, pondering what to do next, unused to the role of seductress. “Later,” she repeated, staring him dead in the eyes and she ran her hand back up his firm abdomen to begin unbuttoning his shirt. By the third button, his shirt billowed open enough she could reach her hand inside, threading her fingers through the soft hair. When his mouth opened slightly, no words escaped. Her skin heated, and she licked her lips before tracing the edge of his lips with her tongue. His eyes flew from hers to focus on her lips, the hungry gaze of the hunter about to strike evident in every angle.

  As she watched his face, her thumb found his nipple and she was rewarded with his eyes fluttering closed for just an instant. When they opened, there was no blue left. Blazing, his eyes were black with wanting, and she ached for his touch on her skin. She leaned her hips close to his and brushed lightly against his jeans.

  While the fingers laced with hers tightened their hold, his free hand reached for the nape of her neck to pull the tie from her hair. “I like it down,” his voice commanded authoritatively.

  Proceeding to run his fingers through the strands to loosen the thick locks, he seemed in no real hurry. Lorna savored the tightness of her thighs with the movement of his fingers on her scalp. She tilted her head back with his touch, shaking her hair free, her breasts arching against the fabric of her shirt, begging for release. Will his lips feel the way I remember them? She moved so one of his jeans-clad legs was between her own.

  His hand left the nape of her neck to travel down the side of her breast, and the fact he purposely evaded touching her where she most craved being touched drove her wild as she brushed her hips towards his, relishing his erection as confirmation of his own need. A hand settled on her hip, leaving her thirsty with longing. No longer caring anymore who was in control, Lorna ground her pelvis against his, wrapping her hand around his neck to pull his mouth to hers. A growl escaped his lips and he hungrily devoured hers, his tongue slipping between her teeth, thrusting, tasting, and inviting hers to follow back to his own mouth. And she did follow, to taste what he offered.

  His hands travelled from her hip to cup her buttocks, lifting her to the counter. Their fingers linked behind her back and she wrapped her legs around his middle, relishing the strength of his manhood pressing firmly against her. From her lips to her jawline, down her neck, his mouth blazed a trail of fire. Lost in near-forgotten sensations, she let her head fall back as she swept her free hand through his cropped hair.

  He pulled back, and she whimpered a complaint. He lightly kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m fine with continuing this here,” he gasped, his fingers traced the curve of her breast. “But it’s your choice.”

  I don’t care. I really don’t care. Just take me, her mind screamed.


  Consumed and hanging on by a virtual thread, it took all his willpower to stop from ripping the filmy clothing from her body right there in her kitchen and fulfilling every fantasy he ever had about Lorna. She was willing and that was all he needed. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted this tawny-eyed woman. Truth be told, he’d wanted her since she tripped into his life a half decade ago. They had lost so much time over such a stupid misunderstanding he was determined not to lose another minute. She was his, and he would make her realize his ownership.

  Flames of desire were bright in their amber depths as her eyes opened to mere slits. There’s the fire I remember so well. He stroked her cheek and smiled. Her answering grin was carnal. Pushing against him in the most seductive fashion, she slid her feet back to the floor, retaining her hold on his hand. Moving towards the interior of the house, he followed her up the curved stairs, taking no notice of his surroundings, completely consumed in her every motion—the sway of her hips, the length of her legs, the roundness of her behind, the muscles of her back, the toned smoothness of her shoulders.

  At the top of the stairs, they turned sharply to the right. Walking into her bedroom, she closed the door behind them and released his hand to finish unbuttoning his shirt. He stood still, riveted by her seduction. Pushing his shirt off his shoulders, she allowed it to hang from his elbows as she ran her palms along his chest. Bending to take his nipple between her teeth, she pulled it into her mouth, running her tongue over the end. The small end pebbled and he watched, enthralled, his penis solid but bound by his jeans.

  Pulling back, she slowly pulled the polo shirt over her head, shaking her hair back as she let the garment fall to the floor. The no-nonsense bra, plain white with a small edging of lace, represented the sexiest undergarment he had ever seen. Fuck black lingerie, the basics were the best. Reaching back, she unfastened the catch holding it together, allowing the straps to slide down her arms, her hands blocking her breasts from view before dropping it to the floor to join her shirt in a heap. Pondering his face, she moved her hands and stepped towards Mitch. She reached for his belt and slowly loosened the end until it was unbuckled.

  As she undid his jeans’ button, Mitch cleared his throat. “I warn you now,” he said, staring down at her. “As much as I have enjoyed the slow seduction, as soon as these pants are gone, all bets are off.”

  Her tongue slipped out to wet her lips before she pulled it between her teeth. She hesitated briefly before a slow smile spread across her face. She nodded, accepting the challenge. Taking a step back, she quickly unbuttoned her own shorts. She pushed both the shorts and her panties together down her shapely legs to kick them towards the puddle of clothing by her feet. Smiling like a schoolgirl, she strode to the king-sized bed.

  Lorna dropped down on the edge and leaned back on her elbows. “Okay then, do the rest yourself,” she said, confident in the absolute glory of her nakedness.

  The confidence was an aphrodisiac. He was consumed with the need to possess her. With the expectation she would be slightly shy, the fact that she wasn’t aroused him all the more. He lost his pants in a blur and joined her on the bed where she wrapped her arms around his neck, mashing her body against his.

  He ran his hand down the length of her, raining kisses behind, savoring her every contour. “Ohmigod, you’re beautiful.”

  He plucked her nipple with the ends of his teeth and was rewarded with a soft moan of desire. She wound her legs around his middle. “Oh, Mitch.”

  “Yes,” he breathed against her breast.

  She squirmed under him, wiggling her legs around his hips. “I want you, Mitch. I need you inside me.”

  Balancing on his knees, his hands came down to brace on either side of her hips, positioning to enter her. “Do you know, Lorna?” he panted, her body a soft glow, the sheen of moisture visible between her breasts. “Do you know how much I want you?”

  The words echoed back to a long-ago night when Mitch vowed to never let her get away again. This time will be different, he told himself and buried himself in her waiting heat, finding heaven when she enveloped him, pulsing around him. Her legs tightened, drawing him deeper. He pulled her hips closer, holding her to him. Head thrown back, his penis stroked insi
de, her spongy softness molding to his every ridge. His head came forward when he pulled out his length, only to swiftly push back inside. He wanted to devour her—body and soul. Her hands reached behind her head and grabbed the sheets, her body bowing towards him, her head arching back in the pillows. He pulled out slightly, and her legs tightened, holding him locked as her hips stroked him back. Her pulsing heat surrounded him, and he could feel her building, taking him with her.

  He pushed tighter inside. “Mmm, ahh,” she moaned softly, her long neck exposed for his lips. He leaned forward to take advantage. Her hips circled, pushing and pulling against his length, demanding a quickening momentum.

  Nearing his climax, he felt her build, needing to feel her explosion. “You are so beautiful, baby,” he whispered against her ear, his hands anchored to her hips. “Let yourself go. Let me take you.”

  “Oh Mitch,” she sighed. Her lips locked onto his, demanding, and he could hold on no longer.

  Spreading his knees, he lifted up taking her with him as he plunged himself deep within her folds. “Uhhh,” she moaned, head slung back, sweat-moistened hair clinging to her cheek and neck. “Yes.”

  Again he plunged, and her body tensed and bowed to his tune. Her thighs locked around his waist, a mass of tense muscles. She exploded around him, intensifying his sensations, drawing him tightly to be housed in her core. Once more he thrust before he lost himself in a burst of bright light only Lorna could create. Sweat rolled down between his shoulder blades and off the end of his nose as he collapsed forward on top of her, his heart thumping against her soft breasts.

  Chapter Ten

  Had he ever been this comfortable lying with a woman?


  In the past, business complete, he was one of those guys searching out the exit. But not now. Not today. For the rest of his life, he could lie on these overstuffed pillows with her fair head snuggled into the crook of his arm lost in the hypnotic movement of her hands as she stroked the springy hairs of his chest.


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