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Convergence: Remington Carter Series Book One

Page 3

by M. E. Coleman


  I have to say, I didn’t see that coming. Trying to talk to Remi had gone all sorts of wrong. First I was surprised by her being here. And trying to get the picture of her wet and in a towel out of my head was going to take a long while. I was already so frustrated about her avoiding me earlier and then she was just going to continue to ignore it until I brought it up. I wanted her. Badly. Apparently, she wants me just as bad, but something is holding her back. Stopping where we did has left me with a massive case of blue balls. I contemplate taking care of it, but the need for sleep wins out. My last thought is if chasing her isn’t working out I’m going to make her come to me.

  Chapter 4

  The next few days fall into a pattern. I go to class, see Eli in the class we share and at home at the dinners I make. He starts helping with meals and is an excellent student. Soon he’ll be able to cook a full menu by himself. He makes small talk if I initiate it, but nothing further. No invitations to hang out with friends or privately. I’m not sure what to make of it. I think this may be his way of backing off and letting me process. I talk to Alex some and she asks what’s going on as I haven’t really talked about it much. I tell her what happened and her suggestion is to make a move on him. I promise to take her idea under consideration. The rest of the week is much the same except the shoot I have Wednesday afternoon. I don’t have classes other than my arts history early in the morning.

  I get to my shoot for a clothing magazine thirty minutes early with bag containing a brush, hair ties, lotion, and makeup and adhesive remover. You never know what you’re going to get put into and tape leaves a sticky residue on your skin. I place my bag in one of the cubbies and head over to the shoot manager and photographer. They’re both men and I see a woman come from the wardrobe area that I seem to remember being from the magazine. They introduce themselves and I get sent to the wardrobe changing area for my first outfit. I get set up and the photographer starts taking photos. I lose my concentration a bit when I feel like I’m being watched. I look around, but don’t see anyone doing anything strange or really paying more attention than they should. The shoot is off campus in the next city over, a suburb of New York City. My mom hated that I was so far away, but it’s where Alex and I wanted to go and the campus is located rurally enough to avoid the big city crush. We continue on and I shrug off my feeling of being watched.

  I get a message when I get home, Alex asking me to go to a sorority party on Friday night. I mention it to Eli, but he says he’s just gonna hang with some of the guys at one of their places and to have fun. Once again blowing me off when usually he would be the one asking me to hang out. Something is up with him and it’s starting to bug me.

  Friday night finds me at Alex’s place in her very messy bedroom. I mean it looks like her closet had a gremlin in it that ate after midnight. Clothes are on every available surface. Alex is a little shorter than me, but just as curvy. She has me try on outfit after outfit. She finally settles on a slinky silver wrap dress. On her it would be a decent length. On me it’s entering mini territory. If I’m not careful my lacy boy shorts are going to make an appearance. Alex hands me a pair of silver stilettos to match. Thankfully I have small feet for my height and we’re the same size. I’m sure I’m going to be the tallest girl there at this point, although I do have to admit they make my legs look killer.

  “Remi, take the bra off. You can’t just tuck the straps in you can see them. It will be fine I promise a lot of girls will be dressed in much less. All the important parts are covered, mores the shame. Now how do I look?’ Alex turns a full circle in a bright pink spaghetti strap dress that hits mid-thigh with matching chunky heeled shoes. You’d think I would be okay with showing skin, but working and playing are two very different things. At work I didn’t have to worry that I would flash a room full of people my goods. People that I have to see and go to class with. If they see me in a magazine they don’t always make the connection to me. It’s not like my bio is printed with the catalogue.

  “You look beautiful, as usual.” Alex has her hair up with pieces hanging down here and there. She looks like a fifties sex pot and it works for her. Alex is a magnet for guys and girls, a social butterfly if there ever was one. If it wasn’t for Alex I would probably stay in my room with my fuzzy socks and a book. Ahh, book, where art thou book? I sigh, I know I’m not getting out of this. I kinda just want to go find Eli, but it’s friend duty time. I’ll corner Eli after I get home and make him fess up.

  “Alright,” Alex says, “hair: check, hot and sexy make up: check, drool worthy dresses: double check. Let’s go.” We grab our jackets and head out for the party. I instantly feel the chill on my legs. Fall is definitely here. Our heels click on the pavement as we make out way the couple blocks to the house. I’m glad it’s not far as these are in no way to be considered walking shoes. I’m wondering how long until I can put the flats on that I snuck into my bag without Alex noticing.


  I wanted to go to the party with Remi. I actually had been going to turn my friends video game marathon down and go before I found out she was going with Alex. A few other guys from the team were going and invited me. In keeping with the plan of making her come to me when she’s ready instead of continuously chasing her I text my friend back that I’m coming over and let the guys know that I’m going to stay in tonight.


  As we near the sorority house I hear the music from a block away. Alex parks her little lime green VW Bug as close as she can, but it’s still going to be a bit of a walk in these heels. We get inside and instantly get bombarded with friendly bodies. One of the house girls that we both know drags us to the kitchen to get drinks. Amanda, I remember her name is.

  “Keep an eye on your drinks. Most everyone here if fine, but you always get those few dicks that just need to be assholes.” She says. Okaayy. Nice to know. I don’t think any of us are under illusions of what happens with said dicks.

  Alex and I make our way further into the house and out to the patio. It’s pretty chilly out there so we don’t stay long. Inside Alex sees a guy she’s been talking to that she likes and asks if I want to come with. I wave her off telling her I’m fine, I’m just gonna watch the dancers. The place is packed and getting hot from all the bodies. Pretty soon an arm slides around my waist. A voice says, “Hey baby, I’ve seen you around want to come hang with me?” Lamest pickup line ever. Get lost dude.

  “No thank you,” I say trying to be polite for now. Obviously, the guy is a little trashed. But he isn’t taking no for an answer. He’s pretty hot when I turn and look, but his attitude is all ugly. A hand cuts in between us, “Well, there you are you, I’ve been looking for you.” A guy steps between me and the grabber, the grabber doesn’t look very appreciative. ”Remi how about that dance you promised me?”. I have no idea who this guy is although he does look a little familiar. Light brown hair, browns eyes, and a strong square jaw. He’s actually pretty good looking as well, trim and fit, in a light blue button up that’s open with a fitted light gray t shirt underneath.

  “Oh, there you are. I was just looking for you too!” I turn to extract myself from the other guy that has a hold of me with a gleeful expression. Sayonara asshat! He looks confused as he looks from me to the to the interloper and back again. I don’t think he can decide if we’re lying or not. Saying “fine” he lets go and stalks off into the party. Good riddance.

  “Hey, thanks for that, I was trying to think of a non-witchy way to extract myself. No offense, but how do you know my name?”, I ask. May as well get straight to the point, don’t need grabby hands 2.0.

  “We have Eastern Studies together. I usually sit a couple rows behind you. My name’s Adam.” He smiles at me and it lights his whole face up. His name though isn’t really ringing any bells. I’m mostly sure he’s not lying so I try to figure it out.

  I feel bad I didn’t ever really notice him, although that would explain why he seemed familiar. I go for honesty. I really
can’t place him so faking it won’t work and he did come to my rescue after all. “Sorry, I don’t really know too many people here yet. I just transferred in this semester.” Yep, play the ‘I’m new card’.

  “That’s okay, I’ve seen you around some. I’ve been going to introduce myself, but you usually disappear pretty quickly after class and I either see you with your friend you came in with tonight or Elliot and his gang. I’m glad I finally got the chance to talk to you. Since you said that you promised me one do you want to dance?”

  “If I recall correctly you said I promised, I just agreed with you. I think I can handle that though, just no squashing my toes.” With that we move over into the cleared area being used as a dance floor. A slow song comes on and surprisingly Adam moves pretty well. I try to find something to talk about. “The girl is my best friend Alex. We’ve been mostly inseparable since third grade. Do you come to a lot of these parties?”

  “A few here and there. I’m glad I came tonight though. Elliot’s not with you?” He looks around like Eli is going to pop up. This close I see copper flecks in his brown eyes, it makes them almost too pretty for a man, he seems like a happy person. I think I like him already.

  “He decided to skip it and go to a friends house instead. I promised Alex we would go out, so here I am. How do you know Eli?”

  “I’m part of the training crew for the football team. I’m one of the medical techs. I’m specializing in sports medicine here. I see a lot of the players to make sure they’re wrapped properly, check out strains, help with their exercise routines, ect.” I can tell he’s downplaying it some. I wonder if he’s embarrassed that he’s not a player. He doesn’t seem the type to care too much about that though.

  “So, you take care of the players if they get hurt and do things to prevent them from getting hurt?”

  “Yes, that about sums it up. I’ve heard Elliot talk about you a few times and again today at practice. When I put together that you were the same girl I’ve trying to get the courage up to talk to I figured I had better use the next opportunity to do so before I lost my chance and here you are.” Huh, well then. Not sure what to say here.

  I repeat the last part of that thought, out loud this time. I see his face fall a little.

  “Should I take that comment as I’m too late or that you’re not interested?”, he asks carefully. I can tell he’s trying to hide his disappointment. I have to give him points for that. He’s not being like some other guys when you tell them no. He’s actually being pretty decent.

  “I wouldn’t say not interested. Romantically, probably not. Friends? I’m most definitely open to. Would that be alright with you?”

  I’m not sure what else to say. He’s nice and attractive, but I feel vaguely guilty like I’m sneaking around on Eli. I know there’s not really any reason for that, but I still feel it just the same. He takes a few seconds to answer and comes out with, “That’s okay with me, for now. I won’t give up yet on a date though. Maybe we can hang out with your friend Alex at a game instead of going alone?” He looks so hopeful.

  I smile brightly. This guy is just too sweet. I quickly accept making Adam smile as well, big enough to show straight white teeth. The song switches to one with a faster pace. We continue to dance and Adam is really a good dancer. I’m surprised I’m having such a great time after not wanting to come tonight. Alex gets my attention and I pull Adam with me to go talk to her. I’m thirsty anyway and I’m sure Adam is too by now.

  When we reach her I introduce Alex and Adam. “Hey Adam? Do you mind making sure Remi gets home safe? If that’s alright with her.” she says looking at me. Alex knows I won’t mind getting home by myself. We planned walking or taking cabs home anyway since we’ve been drinking. “If you don’t mind Remi, I’m gonna take off with a friend.”

  “I’d be happy to see Remi home Alex.” Adam says

  “Fine by me Alex. I think we’ll hang out a little longer, then we can probably walk back. I have some flats in my bag and it’s not too far back to the apartment.” Alex hugs me goodbye, waves to Adam, and turns to go meet up with a guy with spiky black hair. I can’t see much else about him as his back is turned. He’s dressed a little goth. Sort of punk rockerish. Soo, Alex’s type. I get a text from Alex with the deets. Our failsafe in case something happens we know where the other was heading last. Something my dad always made us do. Leave a message with someone in case something happens. If he’d only followed his own advice. Before I can get sidetracked in thoughts of my dad I shake it off.

  “I need some water and a drink, in that order.” I say to Adam. We make our way into the kitchen area with all the drinks. We grab a couple cups. Adam gets beer off a tap and a bottle of water for me, I decide to go with the red punch with fruit. We fill our cups and as we’re heading out in comes the guy that grabbed me earlier.

  “Hi. I wanted to say sorry about earlier, I was hoping to find you to start again. My name’s Christian. Should have probably led with that first instead of grabbing you earlier.” I accept his apology and as I go to move around him he grabs my arm stopping me. “Hey, I was hoping you would still take me up on that dance.” Fat chance, buddy, keep walking. There’s something I don’t really like about him. He makes my skin crawl.

  “I’m going to just hang out a bit then head home with Adam. I’m danced out for now. Maybe next time?” I see a flash of irritation in his eyes, but he quickly covers it. As he turns he knocks my drink out of my hand spilling it.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t get any on you, did I? I think most of it went on me and the floor.” Christian says with a grimace, like he didn’t just do that on purpose. He quickly grabs a towel and starts cleaning up. He walks over to the punch bowl and gets a new cup handing it to me. I don’t want to be obviously rude but I’m not drinking anything he hands me. He excuses himself to the bathroom to cleanup. As soon as he’s out of sight I grab another cup.

  I drink it steadily over the next little bit while visiting with Adam. I didn’t realize how much alcohol was in that punch though. You couldn’t really smell it much. “I think that punch is a little stronger than I thought it would be, I don’t think I should have another of those.” I tell Adam when he asks if I’d like another drink. We meander around visiting with some other people Adam knows. I start to feel a little buzzed and I’m a getting tired. These heels, while sexy, are seriously starting to hurt. I ask Adam if he minds heading out soon. He agrees and we go find our jackets in the front closet on the way out. I go to switch into my flats, but I wobble a little.

  “Here let me help.” Adam takes my flats out of my hands, kneels down, and gently slips my heels off and the flats on. He briefly caresses my ankle as he lets go. He really is a nice guy, I feel a little bad that I friend zoned him. After he stands up we go to walk down the stairs, at this point I’m really starting to feel out of it. “Remi, are you okay? You look a kinda spacey.”

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t drink enough to get drunk and I only drank what I got myself.” I’m coming to the realization that I may have just fell for the most cliché college party crime. Adam’s next words confirm it.

  “Oh crap, someone must have spiked the punch. Hey!” Adam yells at someone he knows going in. “I think the punch got spiked with something, can you take care of it? And make sure none of the girls get taken advantage of that already drank it?” They guy agrees and hurries off to take care of it. “Remi, where do you live sweetheart? Or if you’d rather I can take you back to my place.”

  “I’m staying at the Greyside building. Do you know where that is? I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk there. I’m really not feeling well.” Things are getting blurry and sounds are starting to get far away. “Get my phone, call Eli please.”

  Adam pulling my phone out of my bag is the last thing I see before I pass out.


  This is so not good. Remi is really out of it. If it wouldn’t leave her alone I would go find that piece of crap Christian. I have to call El
i and tell him shortly after her friend leaves her in my care that I let her get drugged. This should be an awesome conversation. I can’t believe I was such an idiot. I hope she doesn’t hate me when she wakes up. If I didn’t think she would freak I’d take her back to my place anyway. But she did ask for Eli. I get her over to one of the porch chairs and get her covered with her jacket. I sigh as I pull find her phone and dial Eli’s number. This is going to be an awkward conversation.

  Chapter 5 – Eli

  My phone buzzes on the coffee table of my teammates studio apartment where we’re playing a video game. I glance at it and see that it’s Remi. I silence it and go back to my game. It starts buzzing again a few seconds later. I ignore it. I’m not going to be drunk dialed when she wants attention. We have to live together. I’m sticking to my decision for her to make up her mind. Another drunk come on that I can’t take advantage of is not my style. She can come to me when she’s sober and in control of herself. She never would have told me that she was interested if she wasn’t forced into it. I can’t say she really strung me along. It’s not been quite two months, but I feel like a douche that I kept pushing the issue and she was just too nice to say she wasn’t interested in anything romantic with me. Unfortunately, if she doesn’t come to her own conclusion that we should be together I don’t think I can really be her friend, I’m too into her for that. Disappearing as often as possible when I can’t be in my room or class is the best thing for now. Letting her take her time is wearing on me. The cooking lessons and dinners are hard to get through without touching her. I’m getting a little irritated that it’s taking so long for her to decide though I’m not exactly patient. She really is a great cook, I could see her opening something professional and can’t make myself not eat what she makes. I torture myself sitting through those dinners. I can tell she wants to say talk, so far she hasn’t. I want her to be absolutely sure of her choice. I have no intention of letting her go or changing her mind if she chooses me. I really don’t want to hear the ‘just friends’ spiel either. I can deal without that. I feel like an angsty teenager with the thoughts running around my head. That girl has got me twisted up. As my phone goes off again my friend Roger says, “Hey man you might wanna get that. What if something’s wrong?”


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