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Sassy Ever After: Claws, Class and a Whole Lotta Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 20)

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by Julia Mills

  “Sounds creepy,” Rebecca acknowledged. “I’d tell you to talk to the Healer about a sleeping draught but since that’s you,” Her friend chuckled. “I’ll just ask if you’ve taken anything to help you sleep?”

  “Trouble sleeping, Dani?” Daire, the Alpha of the Blue Ridge Wolf Pack, asked as he entered the room.

  “Yeah, nothing serious. Just some crazy dreams.” She gave Becky a quick look, begging the female wolf to keep her mouth shut as the Healer sat back down and looked at the Alpha before continuing, “Since I don’t see a mug in your hand and it’s too early for lunch, I’m guessing you’re here for me?”

  Smiling and nodding, Daire pulled out the chair next to Dani and sat down before answering, “Can’t get anything over on you.” He tapped the table, a sure sign he was anxious, making Dannika dread whatever he was about to say before he even opened his mouth.

  Laying her hand over his bouncing fingers, she forced a smile and teased, “Whatcha need, Daire? The Goddess knows we’ve known each other long enough to not beat around the bush. So, out with it.”

  Shaking his head, the Alpha chuckled, “Sometimes your Perception is a real pain in the ass, you know that?”

  “I believe you’ve said that a time or two…or a hundred, before,” Dani snorted before taking a drink of coffee. Setting her mug on the table, she looked up at Daire, raised an eyebrow and not so patiently waited as she moved her hand off of the Alpha’s.

  “The wolves from the Wolfe Pack and Gaelach Lán are coming here to hammer out the final details of the treaty between our Packs.” Dani watched as Daire purposely avoided eye contact, staring at his hand where it still lay on the table. She could feel the tension inside him and waited in silence for the Alpha to finish whatever he was finding so difficult to say.

  Finally, meeting her eyes, Daire continued with a sigh, “You know there are some in our Pack who think I’m making a mistake?”

  “Yeah, the older wolves and some of their mates. But, they’re in the minority and will just have to deal with it. From what you’ve shown me, it’s good for all of us. It increases the land we can travel through to do business and gives us new allies should we need them.”

  “Exactly,” Daire nodded. “But there are still those who are going to cause a fuss no matter what we decide, and that’s why I want you at the meeting.”

  “But I’m not a wolf and don’t sit on the Council. I’m just your Healer. I’ve never been a part of any political or bureaucratic decisions…ever.” She took a long drink of her coffee, looking at Becky with wide eyes that she hoped conveyed her need for help.

  “Yes, I know, but let’s be honest, you’ve been here as long as any of us. You may not be a wolf in reality, but you are in spirit, and most definitely a Leader in our Pack, whether you like it or not. People look to you for advice and guidance. They trust you and,” Daire leaned forward, touching her knee as he got that puppy dog look he’d been using since they were kids to get his way, “And I trust you. So does Darragh, and you know he doesn’t trust anyone. Please, Dani, help me with this one.”

  At the mention of Daire’s younger brother, Dani flopped in the seat of her chair, blew her bangs off her forehead and rolled her eyes while glancing out the window. Crossing her arms over her chest, she sighed, “You know I hate it when you give me that look.” She glanced at him and leveled her gaze. “You only use it when you think you might not get your way, damn you.”

  Tapping her foot, Dani all but pouted while shaking her head as she glared, “I really hate you, Daire MacTavish. I mean really hate you.”

  Smiling his brilliant smile, the one she’d seen turn the heads of way too many women over the years, Daire jumped out of his chair, stepped behind Dani giving her a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, sis. I promise to make it as short and sweet as possible.”

  He was already on his way out the door when he hollered over his shoulder, “And get some sleep. The other Packs’ representatives will be here in two days.”

  Looking at her cup, Dani mumbled, “I’d throw this at him if it wasn’t my favorite mug.”

  “Wouldn’t do any good anyway,” Becky chuckled.

  Laughing, despite her mood, Dani agreed, “You are so right.”

  “He has got to be the sexiest man alive,” Becky whispered, with a sheepish grin and a waggle of her eyebrows.

  “You think so?” Dani looked through the empty doorway Daire had just exited. She sat up in her chair and leaned her chin on her hand. “I never thought about it.”

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t since he’s basically your brother.”

  “True, without his mom and dad only the Goddess knows what would’ve happened to me.” Lost in thoughts of the past, Dani waved as her friend took a phone call and mouthed that she had to go.

  Memories flooded back like a clip from a long-forgotten movie…

  Stumbling through the forest, battered and bruised, Dannika used every ounce of her strength to simply put one foot in front of the other. Her tear-stained cheeks stung as the harsh winter winds of the Blue Ridge Mountains beat against her small frame. The words her mother had spoken as the sounds the attack echoed through their cave still rang in her ears. “Go to the wolves my Morning Star. Find the one they call Joshua. He is their Alpha, the Leader. He and his wife, Jennifer, have promised to keep you safe until we can come for you.”

  “But momma…”

  “There is no time, precious one. You are the hope of all our kin.” Dacia pressed a small jeweled box into Dannika’s tiny hands. “Put this in the pocket of your cloak. Show no one, not even Joshua. This is your birthright mo banphrionsa beag. One day you will use it to protect not only all you hold dear but every being blessed by the Universe.”

  Dannika had been told of the Prophecy for her future from the moment she was old enough to understand, but had always thought there would be more time. It was too soon. She was too young. There was no way she could go on without her parents.

  Grabbing onto the hem of Dacia’s cloak, she cried out, “No, momma, no! I will not go! I will stay and fight. I am Dannika DoChara, Morning Star of the Crystal Clan, born to lead my kin long after you and poppa have gone to the Heavens.”

  Kneeling, Dacia hugged Dannika tight. “Yes, mo 'níon lómhara, you are all those things and so much more, but now is not your time. You need to grow, learn, become stronger than you ever thought possible, and when the time is right, and you have your mate by your side, you shall reign victorious.” Her mother leaned down until they were eye-to-eye and in a reverent tone reminded Dannika, “Only Joshua knows who and more importantly, what you are. As soon as you have reached the wolves, you must cloak yourself in the magic of our Ancestors and politely speak these exact words in the language of olde, ‘Tóg dom ar an Alfa. Bhí mé ag gealladh tearmann.’”

  Her mother leaned back slightly with a brilliant mixture of pride and love shining in the depths of her violet eyes. “Not until you have met the man created by the Universe to stand by your side will you reveal your true nature and that of the blessed beast with whom you share your soul. Hone your gifts of Healing and Perception. They will serve you well until we meet again.”

  With a bittersweet smile, filled with so much love Dannika could feel it filling her heart and soul, Dacia kissed both her of daughter’s cheeks and pointed towards the back of the cave. “Now, take the secret tunnels, just like we practiced. Do not stop, no matter what you hear, until you reach the wolves. Show Joshua your birthmark.”

  Her mother held her tight once again and kissed the top of her head then whispered, “Be well my Morning Star. Know that never has a mother loved her child like I love you.”

  Not wanting to add to the pain she felt inside her mother, Dannika took a deep breath as Dacia stood. Gathering all her strength, the little girl nodded, “I will do my best to make you and poppa proud until you return.”

  “You always do.” Dacia’s voice cracked as she tried to hide the tears threatening to fall.
/>   Spinning around, fearful if she waited one more second she wouldn’t be able to leave, Dannika ran towards the tunnel with the speed given to her by the Universe. Tears ran down her cheeks as she heard her mother’s final call, “Remember, above all else, we love you. You are our Morning Star, Dannika. Live well and live happy.”

  Although her mother’s goodbye sounded final, it was the hope that she would see her parents again and the love she felt for both her parents that kept Dannika moving forward. Sounds of the fighting filled the skies. The scent of burning flesh filled her nostrils and the cries of those who sought to destroy her kin echoed through the mountain range, but the little girl moved ever forward, determined to complete her mission.

  Crossing the final ridge, drenched from the snow, barely able to feel her feet and hands, Dannika crossed the border onto the lands of the Blue Ridge Wolf Pack. She felt the magic of their ancestors like butterfly kisses on her exposed skin. Covering herself with a blanket of powerful ancient dragon magic, the girl smiled as her beast growled a welcoming sound, assuring her that no matter what, she would be protected.

  Stumbling to a stop as two large men blocked her path, Dannika whispered, “Joshua…please… Tóg dom ar an Alfa. Bhí mé ag gealladh tearmann.”

  The biggest of the men scooped Dannika up in his arms, held her close to his chest and ran as fast as he could while shouting, “Get the Boss. He’s in the Lodge. I’m taking her to Jennifer!”

  Shaking herself out of her dream, Dannika looked out the window and smiled. That had been nearly a century ago. Although her parents had never returned and after almost a month Joshua along with a few of his best Trackers had gone out to find them, coming back with their heads hung low and sad expressions of condolence, Dani knew she had been loved.

  She had grieved and slowly moved on with the knowledge that someday she would be reunited with the two people she loved with all her heart when her time came to rise into the Heavens. But until then…Dannika Aili DoChara had grown up happy and healthy with an adopted family who loved her unconditionally. She knew what it was like to have two brothers who were Alphas through and through. Who had teased her relentlessly, as if she were truly a born and bred MacTavish. She’d felt the acceptance of a large, united Pack and most importantly had been allowed to develop her Universe-given talents to the best of her ability.

  Dani had thrived in the face of adversity and come out stronger because of it, but once again…the winds of change were on the horizon. Her beast, who’d lived so very many years in a state of semi-hibernation was waking up. The Healer’s Perception was on high alert, and her dreams were trying to foretell the future. Life was about to get seriously interesting.

  Great! Just another day in Paradise…

  Chapter Three

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Wolfe shook his head and counted to ten in his mind. “We have to go where?”

  “To North Carolina,” Olivia MacLendon smiled sweetly while her mate, the honorable Dragon Guardsman, Angus MacLendon, glared over her shoulder. Then there was the blue dragon’s so-called friend, Grey, laughing like a loon behind Angus, making Wolfe wonder what he’d done wrong in a previous life to deserve this particular mission.

  Sighing for the umpteenth time since he’d landed in the hot, muggy, miserable Florida swamp, the young blue dragon forced a smile and asked, “When do we leave?”

  “As soon as Ellie, Barbara and Tristan Wolfe – the Wolfe Pack Alphas’ daughter - and her mate get here. They’re acting as the negotiators since Ellie’s parents are in the middle of dealing with rogue wolves invading their territory.” The auburn-haired she-wolf’s smile turned even brighter.

  “So, why can’t we all meet here?” Grey asked, having gotten his laughing under control enough to enter the conversation.

  “Because the Blue Ridge Pack is also dealing with rogues. It’s a real problem everywhere,” Olivia quickly answered. “I know y’all are tired. Why don’t you come on over to our house? You can shower and rest while Angus grills up a half cow. I would say you could meet my brother and his new mate, but…” The cute she-wolf gave them a coy look and a giggle before adding. “Well, they’re busy ‘honeymooning’.” She made air quotes and winked, making Grey’s shoulders bounce with contained laughter.

  Swatting his best friend on the shoulder, Wolfe nodded, “That would be great, Olivia, and thank you very much Angus, for your hospitality.” He made sure to acknowledge the Enforcer, hoping to at least soften the frown on the red dragon’s face.

  A single nod and a gruff, “Whatever you need,” was Angus’ only response.

  “Alright, y’all grab your bags. We’re the white two-story with black shutters just over there.” Olivia pointed before turning to her mate, laying her hand on his chest and asking, “Honey, do you mind going into town and getting some steaks, potatoes and the stuff to make a salad?”

  “Not at all,” Angus responded with a loving smile before pulling his mate against his chest and kissing her soundly. Wolfe actually did a double take to make sure it was still the same man who had just grumbled at him.

  Love does crazy things to a man. Thank the Heavens I’ve officially sworn off that crap…

  Picking up his pack, the blue dragon followed behind Olivia and Grey as they chatted about the warm, humid weather and the young Guardsman asked if she knew where he could see a real live gator. Climbing the stairs onto the porch of Olivia and Angus’ house, all Wolfe could think about was a hot shower and a nap. The last two weeks of little to no sleep combined with their long flight to Florida had made him more tired than he could ever remember being in his hundred plus years.

  Crossing the threshold, Olivia motioned for the Guardsmen to come in then pointed to the stairs, “The guestroom with a full bath is upstairs, first door on the right if you want to take that one Wolfe. It’ll be quieter while we cook, so you can get some rest. I hope you don’t mind me saying it, but you really look beat.”

  Nodding his head, appreciating the concern he could feel coming from the she-wolf, the blue dragon thanked her as he headed up the stairs. Of course, he could still hear Grey chattering on as she showed him to the extra bedroom and bath on the ground floor. Shutting the door, Wolfe dropped his bag and shed his clothes as he walked to the bathroom, stopping only to turn on the water.

  In and out of the shower in a flash, Wolfe laid back on the bed with his towel wrapped around his waist, presumably to dig fresh clothes out of his pack, and that is exactly where he woke up almost two hours later. Hearing the sounds of laughter, the blue dragon quickly dressed and after having to rewet his hair to get it tamed, made his way down to the kitchen.

  “Well, hello there, sleepy head,” Grey teased, pulling out the chair beside him.

  Setting a plate in front of him and pouring him a glass of iced tea, Olivia patted Wolfe’s shoulder. “Help yourself, I always cook for an army. Between Angus, Marrok and Finn and any other strays who happen in, it seems like I’m usually feeding at least that many.”

  “Did I hear my name?” A tall dark-headed man with dark eyes and an easy smile called out as he walked in the back door.

  “See, told you so,” Olivia chuckled. “This is Finn, our Pack’s First Beta,” she introduced the newcomer while hugging him around the neck. “Have a seat, Finn. There’s plenty.”

  Shaking the Beta’s hand as he took the seat beside Wolfe, the Guardsman nearly fell out of his seat when Angus handed him the platter of steaks and grinned, “Take two. I tried a new marinade on these.” The Enforcer looked at his mate with a goofy lover’s smile that brightened his whole face. “What did you think of it, darling?”

  “You did good, hun, real good,” Olivia winked.

  The old man can smile. Well, whoda thought. I’ll be damned…

  Leaning over, Finn whispered conspiratorially, “If you think these two are bad, you do not want to meet our Alpha. He and his mate, a mountain lion of all things from the Pride next door, were only mated less than a month or so
ago. Between the two, it’s hard to tell who’d give you a toothache quicker. The sweet talkin’ is damn near unbearable.”

  Swatting the Beta on the back of the head, Olivia teased, “Don’t make me get out the frying pan.”

  As the room erupted into laughter and the doorbell rang, Olivia excused herself, quickly returning with a cute little she-wolf with spiky blond hair and a large brooding male who was obviously an Alpha and more importantly, the female’s mate. Standing behind Angus, Olivia quickly introduced her friends, “This is Ellie and her mate, Caleb.” Then to the wolves, she chuckled, “Ellie and Caleb, this is Wolfe, Finn, and Grey.” She dropped a quick kiss on the top of her mate’s head and snickered, “You know Angus and me. So, have a seat and get something to eat. I know you have to be hungry for some home cooking. You’ve been in the car for nearly three days.” She put plates in front of the two lupines as they took a seat. “I can’t promise it’s as good as your mom’s, but it’ll fill you up.”

  “It smells great, Olivia. Thanks so much,” Ellie quickly added while reaching in her purse. Pulling out a huge Ziploc bag full of cookies, the blond she-wolf handed them to Olivia and grinned, “Here’s some oatmeal cookies for the road.”

  Grabbing the bag, Olivia rushed over to her friend and wound her arms around her neck, squealing as only an excited woman can do, “You remembered! I just adore you, my friend. Thank you so much.”

  “Of course, I remembered. It’s about the only thing we could get you to eat there for a while.”

  “Yeah, but then we found Angus and everything made sense,” The auburn-haired she-wolf gushed.

  “Oh, good Goddess, I think I’m gonna barf,” Finn teased before quickly ducking to miss a spoon Olivia had picked up off the table as it flew through the air.

  “Shut up, Finn,” Angus and Olivia ordered in unison, making the group once again burst out laughing.


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