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The Black Onyx Pact

Page 5

by Baroque, Morgana D.

«I—I don't like arguing too. I don't know why I said those thing, I don't know why I raised my voice in that way, I'm sorry. I want to stay with you too. And I won't fill a bad response, I promise.»

  He laughs.

  «Our rendezvous isn't over yet, wait until morning to decide what to write in there, and I want you to feel free to say whatever you want in that paper, ok?»

  She nods.

  «Drakkar, I want to ask you something.»

  «Go ahead.»

  «Why did you want the adjoining rooms empty? Is it because of me, right? Is because you seen that I scream during the orgasm? Oh, I'm so sorry!»

  He laughs heartily, tossing his head back. After his deep laugh, he looks at her and frowns.

  «You were joking, right?»

  She lower her eyes and he shakes his head.

  «Baby, I love to hear your screams of pleasure, you must never hold back with me, ok?»

  She looks at him, clearly surprised.

  «It doesn't really bother you that I howled like a she–wolf?»

  Drakkar smiles.

  «It's been a long time since you had an orgasm like that, am I right?»

  «Yes, forgive me. If you want to meet me again I'll try to control myself, I promise.»

  Drakkar moves like a big cat that emerges from the jungle, takes her face in his big hands and Sibylle swallows as she looks in his piercing eyes.

  «Don't you dare to say it again, is that clear?!»

  She nods, looking at him with docile eyes.


  His hands slide up to her head, pulling her hair back.

  «Mon Dieu, you are so sweet— Améthyste, I loved to see you shaking in pleasure. Always remember that with me you can scream all you want, you can moan uncontrollably, you can say the most obscene words, you can ask me the most perverse things and I won't judge you. You are wonderful when you linger in your animal instincts without inhibitions.»

  He looks at her mouth half–opened: those lips, so soft, so fleshy... He bends down to kiss her.

  Sibylle closes her eyes as she feels the man's tongue filling her mouth, she clings to his strong shoulders returning the kiss with passion. He tastes good, he smells good. He smells of male. When they move away, they smile spontaneously. Drakkar lies down comfortably, smiling smugly.

  «“I promise I'll try to control myself”, you really are a crazy hamster. And an adorable one.»

  They stare at each other for a long time, without speaking, lost in their own thoughts but in the eyes of the other.

  «Why you hide your face behind the mask? Are you a well-known person?»

  «No. I wear it because I like it.»

  «Maybe you don't want to be recognized outside of here?»

  «I said I wear it because I like it.»

  «Maybe you fear an unpleasant encounter out of here while you're with your woman?»

  «I am a faithful man, if I had a woman I wouldn't have rendezvous with the Club. Well, I'd do it with her.»

  «And if she doesn't like it?»

  «She wouldn't be my woman if she were a moralist. I love sex in all its forms. My dream is to find a woman who shares my way of thinking, of living sex.»

  «A pervert like you?»


  «It will be almost impossible to find a woman like that and also faithful. You are destined to be alone, honey. You and your mask, which you wear for insecurity.»

  «I cover my face because I'm used to, what I'm not used to is the lack of respect toward me. I want an apology for your insolence.»

  «Tsk! Or what? You will punish me?» she teases him, feeling a strange emotion.

  «Do you see this hand?» he asks raising it.

  «Yes, it is a strong, big hand. What you want to do? You want to spank me? You want to slap me?»

  He sits up straight with his back, making her startle. When he moves that way he looks like a beast ready to devour its prey.

  «No, baby, if you won't apologize I'll penetrate you with my big fingers until you come again. I want to show you who is the strongest here, who can grab you and keep you still and have the power to make you come whenever he wants.»

  She swallows, feeling a warm sensation between her legs.

  «I'm still waiting.» he warns her.

  «Why should I apologize?!» asks her playfully shocked.

  «Because I'm ordering you to do so.» he explains composed.

  «I don't recall requesting a Bdsm rendezvous!»

  «Too bad. If you did, now you'd be kneeled at my feet enjoying your third orgasm while you beg me to whip you harder.»

  She laughs.

  «Ah! If I had requested a Bdsm rendezvous the submissive would have been you, honey!»

  «Oh, the kitty is showing its claws now, mmmm, intriguing. But, you know, cats show their claws even when you pet them, as a sign of happiness. But I must admit that I'd like to see how cruel you can be. Anyway, for now I just want my apology.»

  Sibylle remains silent.

  «As you wish, I'll count to three. One...» he says.

  Sibylle feels her nipples getting hard.


  A part of her wants to apologize, but another part of her, more lustful, want to see if the man keeps his promises.


  Sibylle runs to the bathroom but the man is already behind her before she can close the door. He is really quick for being so big!

  He burst open the door with a thrust of his shoulder, and she backs away in fear. He grabs her by the waist and pushes her down, firmly and safely, on the big black carpet at the foot of the bathtub. She soon realizes that she cannot escape from those strong hands. She wriggles, but he has already grabbed both her wrists in the grip of his right hand, while the other hand slides between her thighs. Her recurring dream comes in her mind. That man...

  «No, no, no! Oh, please, don't! I'm sorry, Drakkar, I'm sorry, please, forgive me!»

  He smiles.

  «Too late, baby.»

  His thumb begins to move across the clitoris, then he penetrates her mercilessly with his middle finger pushing it in and out quickly, making her emit short cries of pleasure. Sibylle gets more wet and he inserts the ring finger too, making a hoarse sound in his throat; he looks at her whom has her eyes closed and her mouth open.

  «What is it, baby, huh? You want to come already?»

  Sibylle begins to tremble slightly trying to tighten the thighs, but the man's hand moves furiously inside her. He is so strong and fills her with violence with his big fingers!

  «Dra— Dra— Dra—» she stutters, realizing she cannot even articulate his name since she is overwhelmed with excitement.

  He smirks, staring at her parted lips and at her trembling body, but then she says something strange.

  «Drakkar! Please let me go, I have to pee!»

  The man frowns stopping the hand, but remaining inside her. She turns her face to the side, deeply mortified.

  «I'm sorry, oh how embarrassing—» she closes her eyes. «When I get stimulated in that way it can happen that I have to pee.»

  Drakkar smiles brightly shaking his head.

  «Oh, no, baby, that's not pee.»

  His hand release her wrists and goes to touch her on the Mons Veneris to hold her steady before starting to move his fingers inside her again. Now he strangely pushes up from the inside.

  «Come on, baby, I want to see you drooling as if you really were peeing! I want to see this divine pussy gushing in pleasure!»

  «What? No! What you want to do? Get off me! I feel ashamed!»

  «You shouldn't feel ashamed of anything with me. And now wet yourself without restraints!»

  «Stop it! I don't want to!» she screeches. «Please, Drakkar, please don't do this to me. I need to pee!»

  «Améthyste, that's not pee! And I want you to follow your body needs. You are in my power now and all I want is to see your beautiful pussy spurting freely!»

  He continu
e to move the fingers up and down inside her, with resolute movements, as if he were searching for a specific spot. And he finally finds it...

  Sibylle opens wide her eyes as she feels the pressure of a warm fluid inside her. At that point — when she was with Claude — she ran to the bathroom to get rid of what she thought it was pee. That ‘problem’ annoyed her husband as hell!

  Drakkar slips off the fingers and continues to stimulate her with caresses and circular friction with his fingertips all over her intimate parts.

  «Come on, baby, wet yourself!» says his breathless voice.

  Sibylle looks at his hard member, so proud and beautiful. She then looks at the man' face covered by the mask: he is concentrated between her legs, touching it with a light of extreme pleasure in his eyes, tremendously excited. He admires it, he touches it, he pulls her labia, he takes the whole vulva cupped in his large hand and rubs it vigorously.

  She throws her head back, realizing that she is about to wet herself in ‘that’ way. She finally relaxes all the muscles of her body and she does what he asked for. A clear and warm spurt comes out accompanied by Drakkar's comments about that “magnificent pussy”.

  The man moans in satisfaction inciting her to continue. When she finishes, he bends over to lick her slowly, devoutly, making her shiver. Then he looks at her and smiles, caressing her face and hair.

  «You are truly wonderful, baby. This pearl between your legs is sublime, and it tastes like honey. You are the best gift I could ever wish for. Thank you for this gift.» he says satisfied.

  Then he lies gently on top of her, preparing to penetrate her again.

  - Chapter III

  “Stiffness is a companion of death; flexibility is a companion of life.”

  — Lao Tzu


  The next day, Sibylle enters her apartment that is almost lunch time. Her three best friends are busy in the kitchen, and their chatting stops as soon as they see her.

  All three freeze in their position: Alma with a spoon in her hand with which she is stirring the vegetables in the wok; Virginie squat down feeding the cats; Nora with a bottle of beer in her mouth and her hand keeping the fridge open.

  Sibylle goes to sit on a chair with the expression of someone who has just received a shocking news. Her friends leave what they are doing and go to her. Except Nora, who closes the fridge, ends calmly the whole bottle, puts it on the kitchen cabinet, and belches loudly before going near her.

  «Sibylle, are you all right?» asks Alma, taking her hands.

  Sibylle looks at them one at a time knowing that they really want to know everything. They are her friends, her sisters, with them there is no embarrassment.

  «That man—» Sibylle says, unable to continue.

  Virginie chuckles.

  «Whoa! Someone has been banged hard!»

  Sibylle smiles and laughs, shakes her head and then laughs again.

  «We want to know everything, everything you understand?!» tells her Virginie, stroking her own long hair.

  «I don't know if I can describe what I felt, I do not know if I can explain how amazing Drakkar has been—»

  «Drakkar?» all three ask.

  «Yes, it is the secret name of the man with whom I had the rendezvous. We had sex like two animals in heat. We both felt an incredible feeling between us since the first moment, and for the first time in my life I felt sexually... alive. The agreement was that I had to masturbate while he watched, but something has changed and— Oh dear, I never thought a person could do it that way. We were two animals. And then—»

  Her eyes are staring at the floor now: she is remembering again, she is shivering again.

  «And then—?» Virginie prompts her.

  Sibylle closes her eyes.

  «He licked me ‘there’ and almost made me come with his wonderful tongue.»

  The three friends cheer.

  «I already like this guy!» says Nora raising a fist.

  «Then I did come more than once, and this morning — when we wake up at dawn — we did it for the third time. Then the phone rang and he had to go. Oh, and do you remember that problem I had when I was with Claude?» Her friends nod. «Remember I was desperate. I often had the urge to pee during sexual intercourse and I stopped to run to the bathroom? I even went to the doctor for a visit, because I thought it was a bad infection and—»

  «Yes, yes, we remember. It also happened with this Drakkar?» asks Virginie.

  «Yes, but he knew what it was. You know when a woman, uhm, gushes from her vagina that clear and odorless liquid?»

  All three utter a long “oh”, incredulous and astonished.

  «Exactly: “oh!”» she chuckles, then she looks up with dreamy eyes. «Drakkar made me gush until there was none. That man made me wet, then licked my... juice, you know? It wasn't disgusted by my flavor; on the contrary, he continued to play with my pussy, getting wet and being delighted of doing it! And he was so in control of everything: of the situation, of my body, of his magnificent body. He made sure that I drank enough so that I hadn't to suffer from dehydration.»

  «Sensationnel...», whispers Virginie, astonished.

  «We spent most of the night talking like old friends. We talked about everything. Drakkar is wonderful. He is intelligent, strong, funny... and he can be even sweet when he wants to. We laughed so much and then he—», Sibylle's eyes fill with warm tears, «He held me in his arms and I fell asleep, while his hand was stroking my back and his mouth was kissing my hair. Girls, I'm almost sure he is—»

  «“He is” what?» asks Virginie.

  «The man of my recurring dream. And now I think I know what he meant last time when he told me: “if you say ‘no’ I will go away forever from your dreams.” When I said “no” he really has left my dreams, but only to meet me in real life.»

  Alma tenderly sighs and holds stronger her hands.

  «What a wonderful thing it would be if it were true! And your eyes, Sibylle— The last time I saw them shining in this way it was when you fell in love with Claude. Could it be that this Drakkar—?»

  «No», says Sibylle peremptory, «I still love Claude and I intend to have him back. With Drakkar I experienced something unique, I cannot deny it, but it's nothing more than a healthy, instinctive sexual desire.»

  «And a toast to sex, then!» says Virginie, going to take the glasses. «To sex, that brings to life our sweet Sibylle, turning her from a shy and timid damsel in an uninhibited slut!»

  All laugh, the atmosphere is jovial and the sun rays light up all around.

  «You still have to tell us many things, Sibylle. We want details!» says Alma.

  «No, please, not while we eat.» complains Nora.

  «You know what? You didn't describe this Drakkar yet. How he looks?» continues Alma.

  «Oh, he is so handsome.»

  «Aww!» howl the three friends laughing kindly at her.

  «Come on, tell us properly how he looks.»

  «He has a mouth that— Oh, that mouth», she pauses for a moment, thinking back to that mouth of his.

  «Sibylle, Sibylle, Sibylle!» jokes Virginie snapping her fingers in front of Sibylle's face.

  «His mouth is beautiful, and his eyes are so piercing, expressive, full of passion. But I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask.»

  The friends stare at her.

  «A mask? Throughout the night, until morning?» asks Virginie.


  «There you go. He is a frigging weirdo.» grumbles Nora.

  «He is not a weirdo, he just likes to wear them. What upsets me — a part the fact that I cannot enjoy his face — is that if I meet him I cannot even recognize him.»

  «Oh Sibylle», begins to say Alma while helping Virginie to put the glasses on a tray, «I'm sure you'd recognize him. You would recognize him by his smell, his voice, his movements.»

  «While we finish preparing tell us more about this unforgettable night.» suggests Virginie, stirring the vegetables.r />
  Alma turns the TV on to have it in the background, but stops to look at the latest news: the occupation of a building in Rue de Courcelles, a street not far from there. A dozen men have barricaded themselves on the third floor of a building, taking hostage some people and throwing in the street below everything they find. They have already destroyed some cars parked. They are furious because one of their friend committed suicide in prison. But they don't believe is a suicide.

  «It's not far from here.» whispers Sibylle in shock.

  All their arguments vanish as they follow the report. Suddenly a loud noise echoes in the distance: helicopters. The four women go out on the terrace looking at the sky while the noise gets louder. A minute later three helicopters fly over their heads, heading to the building with the hostages.

  «It's the DAFT!» exclaims Nora, raising her fist and cheering with a long cry of exultation.

  The D.A.F.T. — Division d'Assaut Français des Taureaux (French Assault Division of the Bulls) — is a division of the French special forces specialized in handling situations of emergency and extreme violence. The members of the DAFT are specialized in taking control of every situation, they are prepared to any kind of combat and armed conflict. They are trained hard and are always ready to enter in action, never scared to deal with any kind of risk. The men of the DAFT are also known for their integrity and preparation, which make them extraordinarily decisive and excellent in every field.

  “In the military operation first ensure the victory and then give battle”, is the motto of the division, taken from the Art of War by Sun Tzu. The people and the press affectionately simply call them “The Bulls”. After a few minutes the women go back inside to finish preparing the meal, listening to the journalist reporting excited the arriving of the DAFT. Sibylle sighs, sits on a chair and immediately the black cat jumps in her lap in search of cuddles, which Sibylle gives him happily. Alma smiles.

  «Are you thinking about him, Sibylle? Of your Drakkar?» Alma asks, taking the white wine from the fridge.

  «No, she is thinking of his cock!» says Virginie, taking a cucumber and shaking it in front of Nora, who snorts irritated.

  Sibylle smiles then sighs again, kissing the cat behind the ear.


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