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The Black Onyx Pact

Page 14

by Baroque, Morgana D.

  «Why you didn't bring him to the police?»

  Drakkar puts back the hair towel, turning to look at her.

  «Why? Célestine, I don't think I made myself clear: 24 hours working, fully absorbed in a delicate military operation, heavy equipment on, balaclava, shots in the ears, constant alert and total concentration!»

  «You know better than me that it's a crime to keep people against their will, you'll risk a charge for kidnapping and imprisonment.»

  «It wasn't against his will, he was the one begging me to keep him here. He said he would have been immensely happy not to spend the night in a police station. In fact, I'm not going to report him at all. We all made mistakes at that age. He just attacked me coming out from behind the bushes, I punched him and took him inside. After that he spent an hour throwing up, we talked for a long time and he told me about his life, his terrible past.»

  Saphir sighs and nods, understanding. She knows well the good heart of Drakkar, his inclination to forgiveness, his deep empathy. Those are the reasons why she likes him so much.

  Saphir goes back in the kitchen followed by him. While she goes to prepare breakfast for three, Drakkar enters the guest room where a boy of 19 years old is lying asleep on a bed. Is dressed in an orange shirt and dark jeans, and has a hand handcuffed to the headboard. He starts to wake up slowly and as soon as he opens his eyes and sees a half-naked man who looks at him with folded arms, he tries to back away in fear; but a moment later he remembers everything. He touches his right cheek on the big bruise caused by Drakkar's punch.

  «Does it hurt?» asks the man's deep voice.

  The boy looks at him and nods. His eyes are full of fear, two blue eyes that contrast well with his dark hair.

  «Come, let's put some ice on it.»

  Drakkar takes a small key from the kitchen cabinet and goes to free him from the handcuffs. He helps him to stand up holding him firmly by the arms. The boy is really slim, at his age he intimidated the security at the nightclubs!

  «Do you still need to throw up?»

  «No, sir.»

  «Sir? My name is Romain, remember? Do you have to pee?»

  «No, sir.»

  «My name is Romain. Can you walk?»

  «Yes, sir.»

  Drakkar takes his chin in his hand staring at him and saying slowly:

  «My name is Romain. What's my name?»

  «Romain, sir.»

  Drakkar rumbles and shakes his head.

  «Last night you called me by name, Nathan, remember? You did when I held your forehead while throwing up, and also when you apologized crying. So, how you should call me?»

  The boy swallows.


  Drakkar smiles, but the smile disappears as soon as the boy falls on his knees before him.

  «Please, Romain, I beg you, please, don't take me to the police! Please, I beg you, please!»

  Drakkar pulls him to his feet.

  «Shh, I won't, Nathan. Calm down now.» he whispers gently.

  The boy lowers his head trying not to cry. Drakkar can feel his shame. Now the boy is sobbing while his shoulders tremble. He looks at Drakkar with his face wet with tears.

  «Thanks», says in a sob, «I attacked you and—», he looks at Drakkar's massive body, at those muscular arms, feeling a chill in the back, «you could crush me like a grape! Thank you for not crushing me.»

  Drakkar smiles and puts a hand to the base of his neck before to hug him tight. The boy cries incessantly now, releasing all the emotions he held for long, for too long. Drakkar lets him all the time he needs, stroking his back and saying in a soft voice:

  «It's all right, Nathan, calm down. Come, lets have breakfast, then I'll take you home.»


  That afternoon on the streets of Paris, Drakkar is driving his grandfather's original post war jeep, his beloved Hotchkiss M201. It's an army green jeep completely open with neither doors nor roof. Nathan is sitting beside him looking out, lost in a thousand thoughts. In the back seats there are the two younger dogs of Drakkar: Danton and Marat. They are sitting, happily enjoying the air with their tongue hanging out.

  That afternoon there is a pleasant temperature due to the warm Spring sun. Drakkar is wearing a tight T-shirt of the same color of the jeep, and a pair of khaki cargo shorts and white running shoes. He drives moving gently the steering wheel, enjoying the pleasure of that relaxed driving. Nathan turns to look at him and Drakkar smiles, touching his heart. It's clear that the boy is not used to those little kindnesses, even just a spontaneous smile.

  «You love this jeep, don't you? I feel it, is palpable.» says the boy.

  Drakkar nods looking ahead shifting gears on the manual transmission.

  «The gear stick is a bit hard to move but apart that it's in perfect condition for its age. It was the car of my grandfather Romain. He was in the French Resistance during the Second World War. He was just a boy but he had the courage and spirit of sacrifice of a mature man. At the end of the war he enlisted in the Army and was assigned to this jeep, which was created for the French army. When he retired he wanted to keep the “lady” who accompanied him as a loyal friend. He was very jealous of her, he never let his son — my father — to drive it. But before he died he wanted to see me to give me the keys of this beauty.» Drakkar tightens his jaw trying to contain the emotions he feels inside. «He gave the keys and said: “You are the only one who can treat her as she deserves, Romain. She will never disappoint you. Sing to her the Chant des Partisans, she loves that song, I've sang that song to her for decades. You will inherit not only my name but also a part of me, of my life, forever”.»

  Nathan swallows, trembling with emotion in hearing those words.

  «Wow, must be nice to have such deep roots, to have fond memories of your grandfather.» he murmurs, looking out again.

  After a few minutes the boy turns to look at Drakkar again, now more relaxed, almost smiling. He then does something that amazes Drakkar: he begins to sing the Chant des Partisans.

  Drakkar lets him sing the first verses, looking admired at him, then joins and sing along loudly, passionately, making the pedestrians turn. They look like a boy and his elder brother that together remind a beloved grandfather. And it really seems that the sound of the jeep's engine joins their voices, as if it wants to remember Romain grandfather too. Nathan doesn't know all the verses so he stops and remains to look at Drakkar with adoring eyes. But suddenly the man stops the car by the roadside while his expression suddenly changes. He pulls the handbrake and get off the car, going straight in the opposite lane. Nathan understands where he's going when he sees an old homeless man screaming against three young boys. The three took something from him and now they're mocking him. The dog with the old man barks incessantly against them, and they are threatening to kick it. When the three boys notice the imposing man heading to them like a raging bull, they step back. Then they take the stupidest decision: they attack him.

  Nathan holds his breath when he sees the three about to assault Drakkar, but thrilled in watching the man moving in such fast and destructive way.

  «Ouch! What the fuck!» exclaims Nathan when he sees Drakkar responding to the assault.

  The man dodges all their attacks and hits them with determination at precision, making them fall almost senseless to the ground. He then drags them against a wall reproaching them with his powerful voice. He goes to see if the homeless man is ok, he gives him back his bag and pats the dog, waiting for him to leave. When the homeless man is distant he returns to the boys pointing a finger and saying something scary to them, judging from the expressions of sheer terror on their faces. Finally he comes back to the car and gets back driving.

  Nathan looks at him with admonishment.

  «You are a fucking soldier, aren't you? You are not a simple cop. What are you? A man of the RAID? One of the 36? You cannot be a member of the GIPN, maybe one of the GIGN?»

  Drakkar laughs heartily but doesn't answer.

Come on, tell me! Are you a—»

  Nathan stops because something has come into his mind: Drakkar's tattoo, his bull ready to gore!

  «Oh fuck!» cries the boy trying to get off the moving car.

  Drakkar grabs him by the T-shirt and pulls him back on his seat pointing a finger at him as a warning to not move again. Nathan breathes faster now, completely in fright.

  «Y—you are a taureau, a bull, aren't you? You are one of the DAFT!»

  Drakkar smiles at him and rubs his head, then slides to hold the back of his neck in his big hand.

  «I am just Romain. And you shouldn't be afraid of me, okay? Consider me as a father.»

  «I am terrified by my father!»

  «Consider me as a big brother then.»

  «I am afraid of him too!»

  Drakkar sighs, leaving his neck to shift the gears.

  «Is there anyone you don't fear?»

  Nathan thinks about it for a moment.


  Drakkar shakes his head.

  «Well, start with me then, okay?»

  The boy nods and smiles, incredibly relaxed now. Soon after, from the opposite direction, a car catches Drakkar's attention: an old Citroën 2CV of many colors. Sibylle's car! He slows down to look better but is not Sibylle the one at the wheel, it's Virginie and at her side there is Nora. From the open roof of the car there is a single mattress sticking out. Virginie and Nora are having their usual quarrel and when they come closer, Drakkar can hear their voices shouting. Nora is blaming her friend for how bad she drives and Virginie replies with funny insults.

  «Do you know them?» Nathan asks, noticing his interest.

  «Yes.» answers Drakkar with a big smile.

  Nathan raises his eyebrows.

  «Mmmm, beautiful girls, maybe one day you'll introduce me to them?»

  The car passes and Drakkar accelerates.

  «Gladly.» says, looking at him with a strange amused expression.

  After a few minutes they reach their destination. The neighborhood where Nathan lives is a relatively prestigious neighborhood. Drakkar stops the jeep and Nathan gets ready to jump off.

  «Well, here I am. Thanks for everything, Romain, and forgive me again for last night.»

  The boy approach his fist and Drakkar bumps it with his. Nathan get off the jeep but the man holds him by the arm handing him money, lots of money. The boy looks at him in amazement.

  «Wow! No, I—I cannot accept.»

  Drakkar takes his hand and puts the money on it.

  «My grandfather used to say: “Never refuse money, wine or a good fuck”.»

  They both laugh softly.

  «Thanks, Romain.» says Nathan touched by his generosity.

  Drakkar caresses his shoulder in a brotherly gesture.

  «Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?»

  «Absolutely. I'm home, everything is fine now.»

  «Ok, but if you need anything you know where I live.»

  Nathan purses his lips and nods, then goes away disappearing into a side road. Drakkar shifts the gear and departs.

  In the meantime, Nathan peeks to see if Drakkar is gone, then comes out and goes to the metro nearby looking around suspiciously, as if he feared other human beings.

  Hidden in front of a van, Drakkar watches him from the side mirror.

  «“Everything is fine” my ass.» he comments nervous before to pick up the phone.

  «Yes, I'm behind him.» answers a male voice.

  «Good. Keep me informed about his location. And thanks for your help, I know that today is your day off.» says Drakkar.

  «People like us don't really have days off, even if it is just a personal favor.» says his colleague.

  He closes the call and Drakkar looks at the man following Nathan in the metro. Drakkar warned him that morning, just after breakfast, he knew that the boy was hiding something.


  An hour later, Nathan arrives in a dilapidated building occupied by criminals, drug dealers, prostitutes and desperate of all kinds. With his hands in his pockets and his head bowed he heads inside. Drakkar is parked distant enough, looking at him with his professional binoculars. His colleague arrives and jumps on the jeep, complaining about the dogs on the back seat.

  «Romain, you surprise me. What kind of people you hang around with? Look where this little bastard lives. Who is he anyway?»

  Drakkar puts back the binoculars.

  «Is a boy too weak to cope with this kind of life.»

  The other man snorts.

  «What do you care? That little bastard is in the right path to become a criminal.»

  «He is just afraid, Tof. And when you're afraid you become numb, and when you become numb you are three steps away from losing your humanity.»

  «Oh come on, just take me home. That little scumbag needs some discipline.»

  Drakkar looks grim.

  «He needs understanding, Tof.»

  «Romain, those like him are the shit against which we risk our lives! What do you think he will become? I am sure that he already is a drug dealer's pet, or maybe the bitch of a local boss. We fight against these assholes, did you forget?»

  «No, I never forget it. Just like I don't forget to hold steadily at my humanity to avoid becoming a sick, dangerous, stupid prey of hate. I don't know about you, Tof, but I'm more than that. I am a man. And I dare you to call Nathan “little bastard” again.»


  Around 3am Drakkar is returning home from work. It has been a difficult but rewarding day. He parks the motorbike in the driveway and dismounts with elegance. He is dressed in a white and black biker suit; takes off his helmet and puts it on the seat heading to the entrance. He stops when he sees something at the front door: lying on the ground there is Nathan sleeping curled up in a fetal position. Drakkar sits back on his heels touching him on the shoulder and the boy wakes up immediately, eyes wide open. He relaxes when he sees Drakkar, then he sits up straight and looks at the man in embarrassment.

  «I—I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have come but I took your “you know where I live” as an invitation.»

  «It was.»

  Drakkar notices several bruises on his neck.

  «Who has beaten you up?»

  «Uhmm, friends.»

  «Find new friends.»

  Nathan lowers his head.

  «Yes, I need to fix my messed life.»

  Drakkar stands up and Nathan looks up to him, smiling bitterly.

  «Romain, I—I came just to ask you if I could stay here for the night. I'm a little... scared.»

  Drakkar gives him his hand helping him to get up.

  «Isn't there anyone waiting for you at home?»

  «No.» He looks away, adding in a broken voice: «I don't even have a house anymore.»

  Drakkar smiles.

  «This is not true, you have a home. I have a guest room where I handcuff drunk people who attack me at night. It can be your room if you want.»

  «Thanks, Romain, thank you! You are very generous, I won't take advantage of it. Tomorrow morning I'll be gone before you wake up, I promise!»

  Drakkar giggles hoarsely.

  «I didn't explain myself well: my offer wasn't just for tonight, Nathan, it was for ever.»

  Nathan opens his mouth in amazement and blinks several times.

  «What?! You... What?! No, I can't— I bring nothing but troubles, Romain.»

  Drakkar tilts his head to the side.

  «Oh really? Let them come, I'm here.» he says smiling confidently.

  «No, I—I cannot accept.» says Nathan touching his forehead in disbelief.

  «My grandfather used to say: “Never refuse money, wine or a home”.»

  Nathan looks at him.

  «But wasn't: “money, wine or a good fuck”?»

  «He used to say that when he was drunk.»

  Both laugh, then Nathan presses his lips to hold back the tears.

  «God, I'm gonna cry like a little gir
l! My father would laugh hard at me: “Real men do not cry, Nan! You are just a pussy, a fucking loser!”»

  Drakkar laughs softly with his mouth closed.

  «Your father is an idiot. It is not true that real men don't cry, real men don't make others cry.»

  Nathan lowers his head, feeling stupid. Drakkar puts a hand on his neck, drawing him gently to him.

  «I know what it means to be alone, to be afraid, and have to face life anyway. I know is not easy to trust strangers but you must learn to trust in order to be trusted. Nathan, I'm not good with certain words, but if there is a place where you can find protection, friendship and understanding that is my home. So, will you stay?»

  Nathan clings to him and begins to cry convulsively. Drakkar hugs him tight and smiles: that must be his “yes”.

  - Chapter VIII

  “Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

  — Lao Tzu


  A few nights later, a black car with an opalescent silver spiral on the side stops in front of a terrace house just outside Paris.

  Sibylle thanks Yves, the chauffeur, with whom she spoke for the entire trip. The man winks at her.

  «Have a nice evening, madame. And with Drakkar it will be for sure.»

  «He he, I think so too.»

  «But if I may ask, madame, I don't understand this erotic fantasy of yours. You told me about the last unhappy years of your marriage, so why do you want to play the role of a submissive wife to a cruel husband?»

  Sibylle smiles sweetly.

  «Because my husband wasn't cruel, so I'm not recreating a situation I actually lived. This has nothing to do with him. It is not the fantasy itself that intrigues me, but is the idea of Drakkar being my severe husband that fascinates me.»

  Yves nods and wishes her a good evening.

  Sibylle get off the car and goes inside of that lovely house, another property of the Club D. When she enters she admires that original, colorful interior decoration. The curtains, the table, the chairs, the kitchen, the textiles, everything is of a different color from other furniture. It looks like a house designed by a child. She watches the acid green clock: it's 8:30 pm. In half an hour Drakkar will be there. She goes upstairs to take a shower, and then she puts on a knee length light purple dress, a pair of lovely red shoes with low heels and goes into the kitchen, where she finds the dinner ready in the fridge, as Saphir told her. She prepares the table for two putting some candles and a vase of flowers too, the she sits down waiting for Drakkar. She looks around to be sure everything is perfect. It is. She looks at the clock: almost 9pm. Drakkar is about to arrive.


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