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Heron's Landing: The Complete Series

Page 37

by Iris Morland

  “But I know you’ve dreamed of a position like that. Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “I always thought I just wanted to get away from Heron’s Landing. That it was just a pit stop. But then I met you, and my dream—it changed. Because you are my new dream.”

  Grace couldn’t say anything, so she yanked on his jacket collar and pressed her mouth against his, and although his cheeks and nose were cold, his mouth was hot. She moaned against his lips. He tasted like peppermint and Jaime and everything she’d ever wanted. Pressing her hands against his chest, she felt his heart pound beneath her fingertips.

  “Come on, let’s get in the truck before we freeze to death,” he said. He helped her inside, and then they were kissing and touching, making the windows of the truck steam. Jaime stripped out of his jacket while Grace peeled off hers, and it was only when he stopped to gaze into her eyes that he said, “You cut your hair.”

  Grace smiled. She’d cut her hair so it was a chin-length bob, and it had been freeing. A new beginning, especially when she’d thought she’d never see Jaime again. Now, he fingered the shortened locks, looking like he had no idea what to say. She hoped he liked it, and when he didn’t say anything, she became self-conscious.

  “I know it’s short,” she began, “but I thought I needed something new.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair, touching her chin as he did so. “I like it.” Then he caught her gaze. “But you could be as bald as an egg and I’d love it, because it’s you.”

  She touched his hair, which was rather shaggy at the moment. “I’m not sure I could love you as well if you went bald,” she teased. “I rather like your hair, you know.”

  He hauled her into his lap. “So you just like me for my looks? I never knew you were so shallow.”

  “There are so many things you don’t know about me.” She touched his mouth with a finger, which he kissed.

  Looking outside at the falling rain, she laughed suddenly.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “You said you didn’t remember, but this is just like when you walked me home.” She smiled at him, her eyes shining. “That was the day I fell in love with you, the first time, you know.”

  He brushed her cheek with his fingers. “I lied, you know, about not remembering.” Her eyes widened slightly. “I remember seeing you that day, getting drenched, and how you wouldn’t talk to me for the entire walk home.”

  “I was just too shy to talk to you. You held the umbrella over me while you got soaked.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist again with her perched on his lap. “And I’d do it again. I love you, Graciela.”

  She laid her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as the rain fell outside their safe haven.

  WITH THE COMING of spring came the beginning of wedding season once again. After hosting its sixth wedding, River’s Bend started to come back to life. The harvest looked good, and with the revenue from weddings and other events, the vineyard began to turn a figurative new leaf. Soon, they’d actually be making money again.

  Jaime had returned to his position as the executive chef, while Grace had decided to apply to grad school come the fall. After much debate with her parents, she moved in with Jaime after spring break, although Carl had not been particularly fond of his unmarried daughter “shacking up with his former employee.” She’d also begun painting again, and although she was often frustrated with the results, Jaime had encouraged her to continue. One night, Grace had gotten up the courage to ask if him if he’d let her paint him—and in the nude, no less. Some painting had occurred, but things had devolved when Jaime started literally painting Grace before they toppled to the floor, laughing and kissing.

  Now the trees were changing, and the white buds flourished on the pear trees. Going outside was like a petal tornado if the wind were blowing, and Grace loved every minute of it. When Jaime wasn’t busy working, they would take walks around the town, and they particularly liked to go to the spot down by the river where they’d talked so many months ago.

  Standing outside River’s Bend at the beginning of May, Grace looked up at the clear sky, closing her eyes. It was the first really warm day of spring, and everyone it seemed had come to River’s Bend’s first annual farm to table event. Hosting chefs, farmers, and other merchants from across the state, the event bustled with activity. Grace had only seen Jaime this morning for a few moments before he’d had to go into work. Right now, he was giving a demonstration while his audience applauded.

  “Having a good time?” Gavin walked up to her with Emma in tow. Emma clutched her dad’s hand, as she was shy around crowds like this.

  “I am. What about you? I feel like I haven’t seen you two in ages.” Grace smiled at her niece, who gave her a tentative smile back.

  “Busy. My job wants me to return to Boston. They were never fond of me telecommuting, and now they think it’ll be better in the long run if I return.” Gavin grimaced. “But Emma just started school here, and I'd hate to make her start elsewhere a second time.”

  Emma didn’t say anything. Grace was once again struck by how much her niece looked like her sister-in-law Teagan, but she also had the blonde hair that was common in the Danvers family.

  “How is Teagan?” Grace asked softly.

  “I haven’t heard from her, but as far as I know, she’s doing all right.” He didn’t volunteer any more information than that, and Grace couldn’t blame him. She knew their divorce was soon to be finalized, and her mother had told her Gavin had signed and returned the divorce papers already.

  Suddenly feeling awkward, Grace was relieved to see Kat walking up to them. She waved. “Kat!”

  Kat smiled, returning the wave. Today she wore a blue dress with boots, her lipstick a shade of fuchsia that only she could pull off.

  But Grace’s attention was snagged when she saw Gavin stiffen as Kat approached. Kat didn’t look at him, either, but instead focused her attention on Emma.

  “Hey Emma,” she said, “how’s your spring break going?”

  Emma shifted on her feet. “Okay,” she murmured at her feet.

  “You want to go get some funnel cake with me? I know I can’t eat an entire one myself.”

  Emma nodded. Gavin seemed intent on not looking at Kat, which Grace found rather amusing.

  Seeing that Jaime had finished his presentation, Grace said to no one in particular, “I’ll let you guys go get that funnel cake.”

  “Bye, Grace,” Kat said as Grace walked away.

  Jaime was cleaning up his station, but when she approached, he stopped and embraced her. He kissed her lightly, and she smiled.

  “What was that for?” She looked up at him.

  “Because I wanted to. Besides, you look so pretty today. And if I’m lucky, maybe we’ll get some time alone so I can show just how pretty I think you are.”

  She blushed and laughed. “You’re ridiculous.” But instead of pulling away, she twined her arms around his neck and murmured, “Do you think you have time right now?”

  His eyes gleamed. Before she could protest, he picked her up as she shrieked with laughter, taking her away to show her exactly what he’d meant.


  When Grace arrived at Jaime’s after her shift at Trudy’s, she had chili splattered on her shirt after a fellow server had run into her by accident. She’d smelled like onions and chili powder all afternoon, and the smell was cloying at this point.

  “Have a good day?” Jaime called from inside the house.

  Grace inhaled. She knew that smell—he was making pupusas. Her mouth watered, and she followed the scent into the kitchen.

  One of the biggest perks of dating Jaime was the food: he cooked her the most amazing, delicious food, so much so that she’d probably gained five pounds since they’d started dating three months ago. She couldn’t complain, really. Few people had boyfriends who not only cooked for them, but who looked dreamy as they worked in the kitchen.

/>   Grace leaned against the doorframe, just watching Jaime cook. He’d rolled his shirt up his forearms, exposing his tanned skin, and he sautéed some amazing combination with a flick of his wrist, whistling as he cooked. His dark hair curled at the back of his neck, and Grace had to restrain herself from going up behind him and playing with it. She loved his hair. She also loved how his stubble brushed against her skin as he kissed her, or how he smelled like cedar and something she had yet to identify. Whatever it was, it set her heart pounding as much as the first day she’d met him.

  “How was work?” he asked again, looking at her. Then seeing her stained shirt, he raised an eyebrow. “Have an accident?” “Jason ran into me.” She looked down at her shirt, which was definitely ruined. “Isn’t it lovely? It looks like someone puked on me.”

  “No talking about puke in my kitchen.” He kissed her quickly before returning to the food. “Dinner will be ready soon, so go take a shower.”

  She smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  He smacked her on the butt for that, and she squealed.

  After a quick shower that got rid of most of the smell of chili from her skin, she tossed the shirt in the garbage and was about to slip into her usual yoga pants and tank top, when she considered. Jaime didn’t really care what she wore, but tonight, she wanted to surprise him. Not only with her outfit, but with something else she’d wanted to do for some time…if she had the guts to ask him.

  She pulled out an emerald lace bra and matching panties from the depths of her drawer, a gift from Joy for her birthday that had made Grace blush and Joy laugh. Now Grace thanked her friend for her foresight. Grace had never bought lingerie for herself, simply because it had seemed unnecessary.

  But that had all changed, hadn’t it?

  She slipped on a t-shirt and yoga pants, mostly so the lingerie would be a surprise. She also wasn’t brazen enough to sit at the dining room table in her bra and undies. She had to stifle a laugh, imagining sitting in her lingerie while trying not to get food all over the lace.

  Jaime was placing food on the table when she came in. She sighed in sheer happiness. Food like this was truly the way to a woman’s heart. Sitting down, she waited for him to sit as well before digging in.

  Jaime had made sure to feed her a variety of El Salvadoran dishes, with pupusas con chicharrón as both of their mutual favorite. Made of a thick corn tortilla filled with pork, it was served with curtido, a slaw with red chilies. Jaime made the tortillas himself, usually when he had the day off, and then proceeded to create so much food that Grace would inevitably feel like she wouldn’t be able to eat for days afterward.

  “This is amazing,” she said as she took a bite. “I think I love you.”

  He flashed her a grin. “That’s the goal, you know.”

  “To keep me coming back for more? You’ve succeeded. I’ll never ever leave.” She took a bite of the curtido and almost shed a tear, it was so good.

  They ate until they could barely move, and there were still tons of leftovers for the rest of the week. Grace eventually got up and began doing the dishes, which she usually did if Jaime cooked. Sometimes she did the cooking, and he was always smart enough to tell her everything she made was good, even if they both knew she could never match him in that department.

  As she washed a dish, she felt hands come around her waist. She sighed as Jaime kissed the side of her neck. Her hair was still in its short bob, which gave him easy access to her neck and shoulders. She closed her eyes, the dish slipping into the sink.

  “Do the dishes later,” he said in a low voice, trailing kisses down to her shoulder.

  She remembered what she’d wanted to ask him. She couldn’t let him distract her—not yet. Turning, she placed her hands on his chest and said, “I want to paint tonight.”

  He blinked. “You mean, right this second?”

  She nodded. “I feel inspired tonight.”

  He seemed nonplussed at her deciding to paint instead of make out, which she thought was rather adorable. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she told herself to be brave and ask him.

  “I want to paint you,” she said.


  “Yes.” She bit her lip, and she could feel a blush crawling up her face when she added, “In the nude.”

  His eyebrows flew up, practically to his hairline. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  Then, to her relief, he laughed. “Why, Graciela,” he said, his hands trailing down to her ass, “I had no idea you were so kinky.”

  She pushed him away playfully and told him to go to the living room while she got her paints.

  “Should I be naked when you get there?” he called.

  “Whatever you want to do!”

  She rather hoped he would be naked by the time she got her things together, mostly because watching Jaime strip had a tendency to distract her. She wanted to do this. She had been painting more and more lately, and although she’d yet to create a painting she absolutely loved, she at least liked what she was creating. That feeling had been absent from her painting for way too long.

  She carried her paints, easel and a new canvas into the living room, where Jaime was lounging on the couch, completely nude, with everything visible. She spluttered.

  “I’m not doing a recreation of the Titanic painting!” She set her things down and then hit him with a pillow. “At least try to be classy about it.”

  He laughed a husky laugh. “I’m just following your directions, madam.”

  “No, you’re not. Behave yourself.”

  He smirked. She patently ignored his burgeoning erection, although it made her skin hot and prickly.

  “How do you want me to pose?” he asked, sitting up.

  “Um…” She honestly wasn’t sure. She’d only thought this far ahead. “I guess, try to pose naturally?”

  “I’m not sure sitting around in the nude is anything I’d call natural.” He looked like he was biting back a smile. “But I’ll do my best.”

  Grace rolled her eyes as she began sharpening a pencil. Before long, silence fell, and she started sketching the lines of Jaime’s body. He’d posed in a half-sitting position, looking off into the distance. Her heart hammered as she watched him, drawing him in long strokes of her pencil. He had a gorgeous body, she had to admit. The lines of his muscles, how his arms curved and angled, how his chest hair was scattered over his firm chest. She licked her lips.

  It was such a strangely intimate thing, drawing him like this. It wasn’t just the sexual tension—although that was there, making her palms sweaty and her body long for him—but there was also a level of trust that somehow changed everything. He’d trusted her enough to let her do this, and gratitude filled her.

  After sketching, she began mixing paints. Jaime turned his head, watching her out of the corner of his eye.

  “How long will I get to sit here?” he asked.

  She shivered at the rumble of his voice. “For a bit longer. I just want to start in on the actual painting.”

  She swirled her brush in a warm brown, painting in his skin. For some reason, every stroke of the brush caused her body to tighten, like the brush was painting her. She swallowed, her mouth dry. She could see that Jaime was still aroused, and concentrating became more and more difficult.

  As she licked her lips, she saw him staring at her. His eyes darkened, his body now at attention in more ways than one. She set the paintbrush down, her hands too shaky to keep it steady.

  Getting up, she wiped her hands on an old towel she used for painting before going to the couch. Standing over Jaime, she watched as he moved so his feet touched the floor, spanning her waist with his hands. In this position, he was about level with her breasts, which she definitely noticed. Her nipples peaked beneath the fabric of her shirt.

  “Graciela,” he intoned. A slight flush appeared high on his cheekbones.

  She touched his hair, smoothed a finger across one of his dark eyebrows. “I love you,” she said simply, b
ecause it seemed like the thing to say.

  “I love you.” He then repeated the phrase in Spanish, which she could recognize now. Her heart contracted as he leaned forward and kissed her on her heart.

  Her heart hammering, she caught the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, exposing the emerald lace bra. Since it was a demi-cup, it barely covered her nipples, pushing her breasts up and out, on display just for him.

  His eyes darkened, his eyelids heavy. He clenched his fists, like he was restraining himself. His chest heaved, and she could see his erection growing. She couldn’t help the shiver that traveled through her body.

  She stepped toward him again, and he took her into his arms. Burying his face between her breasts, she gasped as he kissed her bare skin of her sternum. He growled low in his throat. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I’m about to spontaneously combust. So yeah, I like it.” He palmed one breast and rubbed his thumb across her sensitive nipple. She groaned, tipping her head back. His fingers were insistent, plucking and pulling as he kissed the tops of her breasts. His tongue swirled across the soft skin.

  She put her hands on his shoulder to push him away. But before he could protest, she smiled and slipped out of her yoga pants, revealing the tiny matching panties. He swore underneath his breath.

  “Where did you get these?” He kissed her belly, gripping her ass.

  “They were a gift.” She gasped as his tongue made a circle around her belly button. “I guess I should wear them more often.”

  He growled, and then in a swift move, he pulled her into his lap before standing up, her legs hitched over his hips. She could feel his erection through the thin barrier of her silk panties, and it only made her thighs clench harder around him.

  He carried her until her back met the living room wall, Jaime’s mouth descending on hers. He kissed her until her head spun, until she had to clutch at his shoulders to keep herself from melting into the wall. His stubble scraped at her chin and cheeks, and she reveled in the bite of pain it caused. Running her fingers through the soft hair at his nape, she couldn’t help but smile when he shuddered.


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