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Trapping Drake 01 - Trapping Drake

Page 3

by Lee Brazil

  The man looked tired, though. Good. Maybe he’d dreamed as restlessly as Drake. Drake certainly hoped that he had played a part in them!

  “I have my brother’s jeep.” The husky tenor was exactly as he remembered, a sensual caress that his body responded to automatically.

  “Ahh, well. Good, then. Please.” He gestured to the chair nearest his own at the small round wrought iron table, but Jesse smirked and deliberately chose the chair farthest from him. Fair enough. Attitude was acceptable under the circumstances. “I got plain house blend. If you’d like something else I’d be happy to get it for you.”

  Jesse shook his head, propping one denim-clad ankle over the other, showing off a pair of battered Vans. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, tapping them on the palm of his hand a few times. Strangely enough, Drake hadn’t remembered the taste of cigarettes from last night’s kiss. Usually he could tell if a man smoked. Drake smoked in high school and had finally quit when Alexi refused to kiss him. It had taken him a few months, but he’d finally come to appreciate the difference not smoking made in his life. Fascinated, Drake watched as Jesse pulled a cigarette from the pack and offered it to Drake. He shook his head. “No, thank you. You know, it’s illegal to smoke those in public venues in this state.” He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the red lips pressed tight to the white cigarette, imaging those lips closed tightly around his finger, his cock. He shifted in his chair.

  “You going to arrest me, Drake?” The sweetness from last night had definitely faded. Jesse had a right to be pissed, he supposed.

  “No, I’m not. But I’m not defending you if the manager asks you to leave, either.” Thin white fingers pulled the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it on the ground. He smudged it out with the battered skate shoe, and then glared at Drake.

  “Fine. But if I can’t smoke I’m not staying long. Say what you have to say and I’ll say what I have to say, and let’s get the fuck out of here.” He picked up the coffee cup that Drake pushed over to him and took a sip of the black liquid, closing his eyes in bliss.

  Oh, good Lord. If the man looked like that over a cup of coffee, Drake would give a lot to see how he looked in orgasm. And, he vowed, he’d find out some day soon. “Okay.” He pitched his voice to a soothing tone and persevered in the face of Jesse’s hostility. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have said anything about your boyfriend. And I shouldn’t have kissed you, even though I didn’t know you were in a relationship. We’d barely met and I rushed things, a lot. I’d offer the excuse that you were just too damned sexy and I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I’m an adult and I should be able to control my impulses better than I did.” And wasn’t that the fucking truth? He generally exercised a great deal of control over his actions and his emotions. Jesse seemed to bring out this rash side of him.

  Jesse’s mouth dropped open and he stared.

  “Really. I’m sorry. I was wrong, I admit it. Can we agree to be friends?” Jesse had become paler. Hadn’t he expected the apology to extend to the kiss?

  A jerky nod answered him. Jesse broke eye contact and watched two college girls as they passed by chattering and giggling. At last he turned back to face Drake, and his expression seemed troubled. Drake’s protective instincts stirred. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Look, I’m involved with someone. I just came here to make sure you know that. And I’ve got to go.”

  Pushing, knowing he might regret the outcome, Drake insisted, “But we can be friends.”

  “Yeah, sure...” Jesse slid from his seat and reached for the cigarette packet again, grimacing slightly as he realized what he was doing. He clenched his hand in a fist at his side. “Call me sometime. We something.”

  A less gracious acceptance of an overture of friendship Drake had yet to hear, but he’d take what he could get. Sipping his coffee, he watched Jesse make his way across the parking lot to a white soft-top jeep. The man didn’t even look back once to wave.


  Jesse waved to Shane, the coworker who had given him a lift to and from school today. Seeing Jay’s jeep in the driveway surprised and worried him. Jay should have left for work over an hour ago.

  “Honey?” he called as he shut the door. He dropped his things on the cedar bench and listened for Jay’s answer.

  “Back here.” The husky voice came from the back of the house, and relieved that Jay hadn’t overslept, Jesse headed to the large family room that looked out over the patio and backyard. Jay sat on the sofa, arms wrapped around his knees, looking outside.

  When Jesse approached him, he turned his head slightly away. Jesse automatically pressed the palm of his hand against Jay’s forehead. No fever. “What’s wrong, honey? Did you oversleep?”

  “No. I’m okay. I called in sick. I wanted to talk to you.” Jay turned back to face him, and Jesse sank onto the sofa, staring. Jay’s eyes were darkly shadowed and red-rimmed. Had he not slept at all? He reached out to embrace and offer comfort, but Jay pulled away, leaning back against the sofa arm.

  “Please. Don’t. I need to talk to you, and then...if you’re nice to me, I won’t be able to say this.”

  “Jay, you’re scaring me. What is this about?” Jay hadn’t ever called in sick to work before. If anything, he went to work when he shouldn’t. His brother had never refused his touch. Since birth they had been one another’s comfort and support. The rejection sent a searing pain, a sense of loss through him. He couldn’t lose Jay.

  “I saw Drake today.”

  Drake? Guiltily, Jesse flushed. “How did you even know about Drake?” The words were out, and he couldn’t take them back. He should have given Jay all the details from his adventure last night, not just the bare bones. He could see, though, that Jay had felt guilty about the whole thing with the missing jack and the worn treads on the tires, so he’d downplayed it. Silly thing to hide, anyway.

  Jay’s sardonic smirk said as much. “When I got home this morning, I went to wake you.”

  Jesse shuddered with the memory. Beautiful way to wake up. “Yes?” It was like coaxing a reluctant thirteen-year-old into telling a story. Jay wasn’t usually like this. He was normally so sure and brash.

  “You whispered his name. I knew it was important. I was worried.”

  Oh God. That couldn’t have been good. “I’m sorry.” He forced the apology out and brushed the moisture from his eyes as his throat clogged with emotion. He’d pushed the confusion Drake engendered to the back of his mind, determined to let it go and be happy with Jay, who he knew loved him. Again he reached for Jay, wanting to reassure his love.

  Again Jay evaded him. “I’m not done. I found his card in your pocket after you went to work. I realized he had to be the guy who helped you with the car last night. I wasn’t digging, I swear. I wouldn’t invade your privacy like that. It fell out of the pocket when I picked up the laundry, and the caught my attention.”

  Heart aching, Jesse nodded. “I know you wouldn’t. But you could, you know. There’s nothing I wouldn’t share with you.” It had been foolish to hold any little thing back.

  Jay’s eyes held his intently. “Really? Let me finish, and say that again.”

  “If you let me hold you, you’ve got a deal.”

  “I don’t deserve it after what I’ve done, but I’d like nothing more than to be held by you.” This time when Jesse reached for him, Jay moved into his arms in a rush, snuggling close and clutching him tightly.

  Jesse let his hands wander, stroking silky hair, petting pale skin, reclaiming, reassuring himself and Jay. “Okay. Go ahead. When I hold you, I can handle anything.”

  “I called him. I met him. We talked.” Jesse stilled and pressed his lips to the crown of Jay’s head.

  “What did he say?” If Drake had been as big a bastard to Jay as he’d been at the close of the night last night, he’d hunt him down and kill him.

  “He thought I was you.” Okay, that was moderately bette
r. “He apologized.” That was even better. What in that could make Jay so emotional? “For kissing me.”

  Shit. “I’m sorry. He kissed me and it was only once. I should have told you. It didn’t mean anything.” Fuck. He knew Drake was trouble. “Please, don’t be upset about it.”

  Jay shook his head. “I’m not upset about that. I got that he kissed you and not the other way around from what he said. I admit when I found the card, when you whispered his name, I was worried that he was someone who could take you away from me. Someone that you could love without stigma, but...”

  “I love you, Jay, honey. I found Drake sexy, yeah. I’ve never been attracted to anyone but you like that. I didn’t fall in love with him at first sight, though.”

  “But you could love him, later. Couldn’t you?” Jay insisted.

  “Maybe. But that’s not what this is all about, is it?” He knew. Jesse knew what was coming. Jay and he, they were almost like one person in two bodies. It stood to reason, didn’t it, that if he found Drake so freaking attractive, if he thought he could love Drake, then Jay felt the same way?

  “No.” Jay tilted his head to meet Jesse’s eyes again. His own reflected a deep sadness and near despair. “You know, don’t you? How he made me feel? I’ve been sitting here wishing I’d been the one he kissed, feeling like a jealous ass, because I love you and I want you, and I think I want him, too.”

  Jesse swallowed carefully, combing his fingers through Jay’s silky ash-blond hair. “So, what are you saying?”

  “I don’t know. I just knew I had to tell you. I couldn’t stand in your way. If you feel like I have felt all day, there’s no way I can force that on you.”

  “Jay, I’m not sure, but it sounds like you just gave me permission to see Drake.” Heart pounding, Jesse nearly held his breath waiting for the answer. He couldn’t do it, could he? Even with permission?

  “Yeah, I am. Now let’s go back to your earlier statement. Is Drake something you couldn’t share with me? Is that why you didn’t tell me about the kiss?”

  Sharing Drake with his brother? “If only you knew what I was dreaming when you heard me whisper his name, you wouldn’t ask me that.”

  For the first time that evening, Jay smiled. “The same thing I’ve been torturing myself with all afternoon?”

  “More than likely. I didn’t tell you because I thought nothing would come of it. I didn’t plan to pursue it. Drake is sexy as hell, but I love you, and I would never do anything to make you unhappy.”

  “You make me happy.” Jay’s whispered declaration lured Jesse closer. When Jay skimmed his lips over Jesse’s cheek toward his mouth, Jesse tilted his head to allow better access. His eyes drifted closed when Jay sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and traced it with his tongue.

  Jesse cradled Jay’s head in his hands, opening to accept the tender caresses. Jay muffled a laugh that melted into a groan as Jesse’s tongue swept inside his mouth, tasting, teasing. They shifted about on the sofa until their bodies pressed together, chest-to-chest and hip-to-hip in the narrow space.

  Suddenly Jesse couldn’t get close enough. A sense of urgency, a response to the advent of change, he knew, swept through him. He tugged at Jay’s T-shirt, pulling it smoothly up and over his twin’s head, regretting the separation of their mouths but reveling in the contact with warm pale flesh. He would caress, would love the uncertainty of the last few hours from Jay’s memory.

  Jesse wasn’t alone in his enthusiasm. Jay’s hands trembled as he fumbled with the buttons of the jeans Jesse wore, finally just shoving the loose denim down over his hips and thighs. Jesse whispered encouragement and approval, hoping his touch conveyed his pleasure and awe.

  “Oh God. I need you. Please?”

  Jesse’s body shook as he watched Jay. “What do you want?” This was all about Jay, making Jay feel loved, secure.

  “I want you to fuck me.” His shock at Jay’s response must have shown. It wasn’t something they’d ever done before.


  “Not if you don’t want to.” Jay trembled, waiting for his response, clearly regretting making his wishes known.

  Jesse looked down, grabbed Jay’s hand, and brought it to his throbbing cock. “Oh, I want to. It’s just...well...I never...” How could he be embarrassed to tell Jay he’d never done that before?

  “Me neither,” Jay said, stroking his hand soothingly over Jesse’s jaw. “I’ve never done it either, but...I think it’s something Drake will want, and I may be a stupid jealous fool, but I want the first time either of us does this to be the two of us, not the two of you.”

  Jesse wasn’t sure what Drake had to do with this, but he knew what he wanted, and if they could find a place for Drake in their lives, it would just be the icing on the cake. He dug between the sofa cushions for a tube of lube and carefully prepared Jay. Not having done it before wasn’t an excuse for hurting his beloved. He knew the mechanics involved, and he knew every expression, could interpret every emotion on Jay’s face. Watching closely for signs of pain or that Jay had changed his mind, he cautiously penetrated the little opening with a lubed finger, stretching and loosening the muscle before adding a second finger and repeating the process.

  When they were both flushed and breathing heavily, he judged Jay ready and pressed the slick head of his cock to the tiny opening, hesitating again. “You’re sure?” He had to make the offer, give Jay the chance to back out. “We don’t have to do this. My loving you doesn’t depend on this.”

  “Please,” Jay whispered. Groaning, Jesse pushed forward as the muscle stretched and accepted him. Jay stilled and sighed. Pleasure. His expression spoke only of pleasure and happiness. Giving in, Jesse surged forward.

  “I love you.” Their voices mingled.

  Jesse groaned. Beautiful. The sensations, the pure intimacy, the deep close contact of making love with Jay like this were overwhelming. He thrust deeper, his body rubbing against Jay’s cock with every movement.

  Jesse stared down into Jay’s eyes, clear, dark blue pools of emotion and desire. He’d never have chosen Drake over Jay, but Drake and Jay? Jesse’s rhythm increased as the pinnacle of release neared. Heavy breathing and the slap of skin on skin mingled with Jay’s sexy whimpers.

  “So close,” Jay whispered, clutching tightly at Jesse’s body, petting and stroking frantically wherever he could reach.

  “Yes, come for me,” Jesse murmured through panted breaths. He gasped when the flood of wet heat spilled on their bellies and the clenching of muscles around his invading cock signaled Jay’s release. His own orgasm followed closely, the massaging muscles coaxing it from him.

  Jesse threaded shaking fingers through Jay’s hair and kissed him deeply. He pressed tiny kisses to Jay’s jaw and throat, moaning lightly. “That was amazing,” he sighed. They lay in silence, snuggling on the sofa as the light of the late evening faded into night.

  “So, how do we go about this?” Jay’s voice was content and happy, all traces of sadness missing.

  “Dating Drake? Finding out if we love him? If he can love us? Good question.” He thought about it for a moment. “You say you didn’t tell him you were you?”

  “No. He thinks I’m you.” Jay snuggled closer.

  “Okay, so...this isn’t strictly honest...and...” Jesse grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa to pull over them.

  “I got it. He could end up hating us, you know.” Jay knew exactly what he was thinking. He always did. They’d traded places as kids plenty of times, but the goal here was different. They wouldn’t try to pass themselves off as each other. Each of them would be himself; Drake just wouldn’t know that there were actually two J. Cahills.

  “It might be irrelevant. He may not love us in the first place. I think we shouldn’t make the decision to tell him more about us until we know more about him. He’s a cop, you know. We have to know we can trust him, and he needs a chance to get to know us.”


  “So are you goin
g to tell me about this new man in your life?”

  “New man?” Drake looked up from the papers he was busily shuffling to gaze blandly at his partner.

  The big lug wasn’t buying the innocent act, though. There were benefits to having the same partner for so many years. Drake just couldn’t recall any of them when Sean Mullins stared at him in that probing manner. “Yeah. I can tell when you’re seeing someone.”

  Drake snorted. “Super detective, eh? Tell me more.”

  Sean’s feet came off the desk and slammed into the cracked linoleum underneath with a thud as he pinned Drake with a sharp glance. “You admit it?”

  “I wasn’t aware I was hiding anything.” Drake pushed the stack of files over to a corner of his desk to make room for his feet. It was late and the reports were overdue, but they wouldn’t be getting done tonight either. “You’re the great detective. You tell me what your keen wit has deciphered.”

  “He’s blond, short, and helpless.”

  Drake crumpled a sheet of scratch paper on his desk and threw it at Sean. “Why do you say that?”

  “’Cause that’s the kind you go for, cute big-eyed waifs. Helpless. People who need looking after, taking care of, you know.”

  So Jesse was a petite blond, and he had needed help the night they met. Didn’t mean a thing. “Alexi wasn’t blond.” As though that were proof. “Neither was he helpless.”

  “And he broke up with you because you were smothering him with your caretaking ways,” Sean insisted.

  “He broke up with me to get married and have kids, to make his parents happy.”

  “Please. I saw him with that guy in the bar a few months ago. Your old buddy Simon, wasn’t it? He’s no more straight than you are.”

  Explaining Alexi’s decisions smacked too much of making excuses. Besides, Jesse was a petite blond and he did seem to need looking after, if the condition of his car tires was any indication. Quite honestly, Drake found that appealing. He liked taking care of his man and liked being taken care of in return. “Okay, so he’s blond and petite. I’ll grant you that much.” Blond, petite, and gorgeous. “What else do your senses tell you, Batman?”


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