Lazarus Rising
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recreation. see service industries
redundancies. see employment
Communist Party (1951), 21–22, 510–11
East Timor (see ballots)
gun laws (proposed), 252
preamble to Constitution (proposed), 285
prices and wages (1973), 59–60
republic (1999) (see republican debate)
water policy (proposed), 560
refugees and asylum-seekers
ALP policy, 485, 653, 658
‘children overboard’ affair, 404–10, 483
Coalition policy, 375, 389, 393–410, 589, 604
detention, 394, 399, 401
Liberal Party debates, 79, 135, 671
migration zone exclusions, 403
offshore processing (Pacific Solution), 402–4, 521
people-smugglers, 395, 404–5, 408–9, 518, 521
political asylum, 510, 521
statistics, 393–94, 404
Tampa affair (see Tampa, MV)
Vietnamese, 599
see also border protection; immigration; Indo-Chinese refugees; Tampa, MV
Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands, 526–27
regional development, 667
Regional Forest Agreement. see forest policy
regulation. see government regulation
Reid, Alan, 50
Reid, John, 111
Rein, Therese, 649
Reith, Peter
as MP, 130–31, 171, 183, 197, 205, 219
as shadow minister, 183–84, 186, 190, 192, 196, 259, Plate 19
as minister, 184, 402
as Minister for Workplace Relations, 235–36, 241–42, 287–92, 294–95, 297–99, 362–63, 565
as Minister for Defence, 363, 402, 405–9
republican debate, 321
Telecard affair, 363
Reith family, 130
charities (see charitable organisations)
discrimination, 234
education, 243
freedom, 425
inter-faith dialogues, 420–21
Pauline Hanson, 256
see also Buddhists; Christianity; Hindus; Islam; Judaeo-Christian ethic
Remembrance Day, 85
republican debate
Coalition opinions, 52, 199–201, 207, 217–18, 319, 322, 330, 334–38, 371, 670
constitutional convention, 217, 319–21, 322–28
direct-election republicans, 320–23, 325–26, 329–31, 333
Keating’s advocacy, 199–201, 227, 284, 513
media, 589
minimalists, 322–23, 333
oath of allegiance, 240
referendum (1999), 52, 199, 217, 240, 285, 317–19, 321, 324, 326–35
rescue operations. see Australian Search and Rescue; Bali; refugees and asylum-seekers; Tampa, MV
research and development, 492. see also science and technology
Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
board members, 106, 554
governors, 105, 143, 265, 368, 532, 544, 576, 631
Hewson, 103
independence, 536, 630, 643–44
interest rates, 105–6, 264–65, 368, 534, 542, 544, 641, 643–44, 649
monetary policy, 105–6, 114, 127–28, 532–34, 644
resources. see natural resources
retail turnover tax (1978), 104
retirement (Howard), 588, 604–12, 614–16, 618, 620, 623–25, 647–50
retrospective legislation, 108
Charter of Budget Honesty, 265
Fraser Government, 96–97, 105–12, 119, 122, 128
Howard Government, 539
Rudd Government, 535
Whitlam Government, 54
Reynolds, Kevin, 639
RFA. see forest policy
Rhodesia. see Zimbabwe
Rice, Condoleezza, 377, 382–83, 450, 465–66, 528, Plate 32
rich. see high income earners
Richardson, Dennis, 411, 456
Richardson, Graham, 147, 183
Richmond Air Base, NSW, 413
Ridgeway, Aidan, 280
right wing of ALP. see Australian Labor Party
right wingers. see political conservatism
Rinnan, Arne, 395–97, 399
Rio Tinto, 590
Ritchie, David, 683
roads. see transport policy
Robb, Andrew, 222, 255, 329–30, 625–26, 687
Roberts, Anthony, 683
Roberts, John, 472
Roberts, May. see Kell family
Roberts, Tom, 369
Robertson (federal electorate, NSW), 598
Robertson, Carol, 685
Robertson, John, 632
Robinson, Eric, 69–70, 77, 79, 106, 117–18, 156
Rocher, Allan, 206, 210, 226
Rockhampton, Qld, 645
Rome. see Italy
Ronaldson, Michael, 371
Roosevelt, F.D., 381–82
Rose, John, 103
Rosenblum, Myer, 29
Rove, Karl, 631
Rowley, Blen, 685
Roxon, Nicola, 644
Royal Air Force (RAF), 13
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), 9, 32, 69, 168, 267, 358, 412–13, 435, 449
Royal Commissions
building industry (NSW), 27, 567
electoral redistribution (1978), 106
Painters and Dockers (1980), 110
Soviet espionage, 22–23
royal family, 320
Royal Military College, Duntroon, 447
Rubin, Robert, 534
Rudd, Kevin
Latham and, 484
as MP, 310
as spokesman on foreign affairs, 444, 449–50, 452
as leader of the opposition, 285, 547, 550, 559–60, 580, 583, 601, 610–11, 620, 623, 631–40, 642–43, 645–47
as Prime Minister, 107–8, 239, 265, 279, 404, 473–74, 516, 522, 532–34, 536, 639, 647, 649, 651–53, 655–58, 662–63
removal as PM, 601, 626, 651–53, 655–58, 666
Rudd Government (2007–10)
China policy, 511–12
climate change, 550, 552, 554, 556, 560, 652–53, 662–63
economic management, 107–8, 265, 532–33, 535, 631, 651–52
election (see elections (Federal, 2007))
foreign policy, 531
Indigenous issues, 273, 279
industrial relations, 567–68, 578, 580, 659
national security, 526
parental leave, 495
public opinion, 655
refugees & asylum-seekers, 404, 653
removal of PM (see Rudd, Kevin)
transition to, 647–49
Ruddock, Philip, 56, 175, 281, 404–5, 408, 634
rugby football, 12, 18, 29, 32, 308, 317, 352, 355, 372–73, 415, 592, 595–97, 614, Plate 26
rule of law
international, 468–69, 674
UK, 103
Rumsfeld, Donald, 376–77, 382, 428, 432–33, 438, 448, 467
Rumsfeld, Joyce, 376
Rundle, Tony, 247–48
rural Australia, 95, 156, 249, 300, 364, 477, 491, 556–60, 659, 667. see also agriculture; environment; forest policy; pastoralists
Russia, 356, 377, 433, 437–38, 440, 442–44, 467, 504, 531. see also Soviet Union
Ruth, Babe, 460, 466
Rwanda, 271, 274, 467
Ryan (federal electorate, Qld), 150, 362–63, 365, 367–68, 389
Ryan, Fergus, 685
Ryan, Peter, 666
Ryde, NSW, 211
Saddam Hussein, 389, 423, 425–30, 433–34, 436–37, 441, 444–48, 452–54, 459–60, 464, 468, 475
safety net. see social security
Sainsbury, Murray, 121
St Catherine’s Girls School, Waverley, NSW, 49
St Marys, NSW, 225
Sale, Vic, 613
Salvation Army, 487
Sampras, Pete, 376
Samudra, Imam, 420–21
Sanctuary Cove, Qld, 156
sand mining, 156
Santamaria, B.A. (Bob), 34
Santos, 530
SAS. see Special Air Service
Saturday Evening Post (periodical), 14
Saturdays. see weekends
Saunders, John, 591
Saunderson, John, 371
Savva, Niki, 600
Schieffer, Tom, 377–78, 380, 386, 389
Scholes, Gordon, 82, 87
Schroeder, Gerhard, 473
Schubert, Misha, 611
Schumann, John, 314
Schumer, Charles, 384
Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, 364
science and technology
Barry Jones, 372
climate change, 549, 551–56
Howard’s statement (Backing Australia’s Ability, 2001), 372
Moore as minister, 242
Scott, Evelyn, 280–81
Scowcroft, Brent, 469
Scrafton, Mike, 405–6, 409
Scullin, Jim, 651
search opeations. see Australian Search and Rescue
secondary boycotts, 93, 288–89, 562, 565, 670
Howard’s family, 8–9
politics, 31–32
secular traditions, 233
Selwood, Neville, 597
blocking legislation, 58, 69, 71, 84, 86–87, 164, 171, 190, 399, 401 (see also supply)
‘children overboard’ inquiry, 407–9
Colston defection, 266
control (1950s), 69
control (1970s), 63–65, 69
control (1980s), 118–19, 122, 171
control (1990s), 241–43, 266, 274–76, 306, 313, 664
control (2000s), 521, 543, 566, 568–70, 576, 608, 612, 653, 659–60, 665, Plate 13
Democrats, 314–16, 653
Deputy President, 266
elections (see elections (Federal))
Family Law Bill (1974), 73
government leaders, 102, 237
hearings & inquiries, 579, 590
joint tickets (see Coalition)
Liberal leadership (1989), 180
Minchin as leader, 579, 654
opposition leaders, 220–21, 237
President, 266
see also the names of senators
September 11, 2001. see 11 September 2001
Serbia, 356, 467–68
service industries
climate change, 552
industrial relations, 568, 570–71, 573
see also tourism and recreation
service stations. see garage
sex discrimination, 494
Seychelles Islands, 525
Shack, Peter, 147, 180, 182
Shackleton, David, 406
shadow ministers
Coalition shadow cabinet (1980s), 143–44, 210
Garland as, 87
Howard as, 79, 91, 140
non-parliamentary work, 79
see also Opposition
Shakespeare, William, 504–5, 662
Sharp, John, 185, 289, 298–99
Sharpe, Ian, Plate 3
Shearer, Andrew, 683
Sheldon, Joan, 262
Shellharbour (NSW), 656
Shepherd, Bruce, 159
Shepparton, Vic, 10, 666
Shergold, Peter, 239, 297, 553, 648
Shergold Report, 553, 636, 663
Sheridan, Greg, 175, 207
Shi’ites, 430, 459, 468
Shipley, Jenny, 351, 521
Shipton, Roger, 178, 603
shooting. see gun laws
shopping centres. see public opinion (Australia)
Short, Jim, 236, 267–68
Short, Leonie, 367
Sidebottom, Sid, 479–80
SIEV IV. see refugees and asylum-seekers
Sikua, Derek, 527
Simons, Margaret, 136
Simpson, Bob, 15
Sinclair, Ian, 56, 92, 95, 105, 160–61, 163–64, 167, 177, 180
Singapore, 351, 520, 598–99
Singh, Manmohan, 529–30, Plate 32
single-income families, 494
Sinodinos, Arthur, 220, 239, 314, 331–32, 367, 405, 456, 478, 571, 600, 614, 647, 683–84, Plate 21
skiing, 203
Sloane, Judith, 578
small business
1983 election, 134
1993 election, 194
1996 election, 223, 227
Democrats, 242
Howard Government, 233, 589, 670
Howard’s family & upbringing, 10, 17, 19–20, 24–25, 48, 212
industrial relations, 142–44, 563, 565, 567–71, 575, 578
Liberal candidates, 371
Macfarlane as minister, 365
parental leave, 494
Tasmania, 479, 491
tax reform, 360–61, 363, 365–66
‘small l’ Liberals. see Liberal Party of Australia
smaller government. see government spending
Smeaton, Daryl, 251
Smith, David, 88
Smith, Ric, 412, 417, 421–22, 509
Smith, Stephen, 512
Smith, Warwick, 206
smoking, 19, 24, 70, 102, 106, 489
Smyth, Brendan, 216
Snedden, Bill, 51, 56, 66, 69–71, 76–78, 81, 302
soccer, 15, 591, 596–97
social conservatism
ALP, 73–74
Bjelke-Petersen, 158
Costello, 650
Howard, 65–66, 158, 176, 589, 670
‘Howard battlers’, 485
Howard Government, 234
Howard’s upbringing, 14–15, 21–22, 24
Social Justice Commissioner, 278, 283
social policies
Harradine, 241
Howard Government, 135, 220, 239, 486–97, 546–47, 670
Pauline Hanson, 258
Whitlam Government, 55, 65, 73
social security
Coalition policy (1990s), 187, 190, 212, 220
Deane as Governor-General, 323
Howard Government, 234, 237, 239, 263, 370, 486–89, 492, 495, 536, 538, 547–48, 573–75, 630–31, 670
Indigenous policy, 256–58, 282–83, 285
‘middle-class welfare’, 492–93, 539
Newman as minister, 237
tax reform, 306
social welfare. see social security
Sogavare, Manasseh, 527
Solicitor General
Bennett as, 582
Ellicott as, 53, 60
solicitors. see law
Solomon Islands, 355, 526–27
Somare, Michael, 527
South Africa, 29, 76, 156, 327, 523–25, 671, Plate 28