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Blazing Bedtime Stories, Volume VI

Page 13

by Tori Carrington

  He stood up, then bent closer and kissed her, a long, sweet, gentle kiss that seemed to go on forever. Any concerns she had were instantly wiped away. For the moment, she could believe that the affection between them was enough to weather any storm, even a sexual tsunami.

  * * *

  ALEX HAD ALWAYS loved spring skiing. The weather was warmer, the slopes sunny, and though the snow wasn’t the best, he knew the season would be over soon, so his enjoyment was doubled.

  He stood crossways on the run, Greta above him, her poles planted in front of her in an attempt to stop herself from sliding down the hill. “You can do it,” he called. “Big, wide, easy turns. Just like I taught you.”

  “It’s too steep,” she said, glancing around at the skiers gliding past her.

  “It isn’t if you just crisscross the run. You’re not going to go straight down the mountain.”

  He’d expected the morning to be a long series of arguments, but to his surprise, Greta was trying her best to learn. In the past, she’d always just brushed off his offers to teach her to ski, but for some reason, she was putting a decent effort into this lesson.

  Wincing, she shifted her skis downhill and began to move, sliding across the run on the packed snow. As she reached the edge, she put her ski tips together and made a beautiful turn, then headed back toward him, a wide smile on her pretty face.

  “Keep going,” he urged as she skied past him. She made another turn and when she passed again, he followed her, calling out encouragement as she gingerly made her way down the run.

  “Now, try to get your skis back together again as soon as you’ve turned.”

  She screamed a couple times as she made a few dicey turns, but they reached the bottom of the hill without any falls. Alex skied up beside her and laughed. “See. I told you you could do it.”

  Greta clapped her mittened hands. But in her jubilation, she lost her balance and tipped to the side. Arms flailing, she fell into the snow, her skis sliding out from beneath her. She looked up at Alex, wide-eyed.

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, you’ll get more comfortable as time goes on.” He held out his hand to help her up, but instead, she pulled him down with her.

  “Stop laughing at me,” she said, throwing a damp mitten at his face.

  “I’m not laughing at you,” he protested. “I’m just enjoying the moment.”

  “The moment I humiliate myself in front of you?”

  “No,” he murmured, slipping his hand around her nape. He pulled her into a kiss, made all the more difficult by the tangle of skis and poles he had to work with. She responded reluctantly at first, but then sighed softly as she opened beneath his gentle assault. When he pulled back, Alex brushed a windblown lock of hair from her eyes. “I’m enjoying this moment.”

  Greta sent him a winsome smile. “This was fun,” she said.

  “Enough to make you want to try it again?”

  “I think I’ve had enough humiliation for today. But maybe another time.”

  Alex helped her to her feet, then released her bindings with his pole. “What humiliation? You did really well.”

  “I fell at least thirty times. Maybe more.”

  “Oh, stop,” Alex said, reaching down to grab her elbow. “It’s not like all your clothes suddenly came off in the middle of the town square. This is a ski hill. People fall.”

  “But I seemed to do nothing but fall,” she protested. “If you were trying to teach me to lie down in the snow, I’d be an expert.” She struggled to pick up her skis, holding them in front of her at an awkward angle. “I know you’d rather be racing down some black diamond run instead of hanging out with me. Why don’t I go warm up in the lodge and you can enjoy yourself a little.”

  “I like hanging out with you, Adler. You amuse me.” He hooked his thumb under her chin and dropped a kiss on her lips. “I think we’ve had enough for today. Let’s get some lunch. And after that, we can do a little shopping.”

  “Shopping? We’re going to shop when there’s skiing to be done?” Greta reached out and gently slapped the side of his head. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I’d just rather spend my day with you than all alone on the slopes. Is there anything wrong with that?”

  “Yes,” she said. “You’re acting like a—” Greta stopped, then began to fuss with her ski poles. “Never mind,” she murmured.

  “No, what?” Alex asked. “I’m acting like a what?”

  “A boyfriend,” Greta replied, fixing him with an uneasy expression. “It’s just a little…unnerving.”

  Alex took her skis from her, balancing both pairs on his shoulder. “Maybe we ought to give that a try,” he said.

  “Give what a try?” Greta asked.

  He glanced over at her. “Are you really that obtuse or are you—”

  “I’m not obtuse.”

  “Then you’re obviously trying to irritate me by playing dumb. I’m telling you that I think we should try dating. No, not dating. We should…be together.”

  “You’re crazy,” Greta said. “We can barely get along for two hours in a row. You expect us to survive a real relationship.”

  “We got along pretty well last night. And this morning. If you recall, we barely argued at all, which must be some kind of record for the two of us. And I’m thinking this afternoon will be even better.” He grinned. “Practice does make perfect.”

  “This isn’t skiing,” she said. “You just can’t decide to have a relationship and expect everything to work out. We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. Besides, we can’t have a relationship. We work together and at Johnson-Jacobs, there are rules against that sort of thing.”

  “What are you afraid of?” Alex asked.

  “Nothing,” Greta said. “Except the fact that you haven’t managed a relationship longer than eight weeks in all the time I’ve known you. Why should I expect something between us to be any different?”

  He shrugged. “I suppose you wouldn’t. But do you really think I’d risk our friendship for some casual affair?”

  They didn’t speak as they returned Greta’s rental boots, skis and poles. She refused an offer of lunch and they headed back to the parking lot. He reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers.

  Greta glanced over at him. “It’s what boyfriends do,” he explained. “They hold their girlfriend’s hand.”

  “What else do they do?” she asked.

  “Anything their girlfriends want?” he said with a grin. “What do you want? Anything at all. Just name it.”

  She studied him shrewdly, her forehead wrinkled into a frown. “I heard about an antiques store in town,” she said. “We could check it out.”

  “That sounds like loads of fun,” he said.

  Greta laughed out loud. “You sound too enthusiastic to be believable.”

  “No,” he said. “I think it will be fun. Maybe we’ll find one of those pottery things you’ve been looking for.”

  “Roseville,” she said. “It’s Roseville pottery.”

  “Right,” he said. “Roseville. I’ll have to remember that if I’m going to be your boyfriend.”

  “Don’t get too far ahead of yourself there, sparky,” she muttered. “We haven’t set foot inside a store yet.”

  They drove into Aspen and parked the car near the antiques store that Greta had spotted. But this time, Alex slipped his arm around her waist as they strolled down the sidewalk.

  “Is this it?” he asked, pointing to a small shop.

  Greta stared into the window. “Yeah.”

  “Roseville,” he repeated to himself.

  They walked inside. Unlike their previous shopping trips, Alex didn’t wander off and entertain himself. He stayed at Greta’s side as she examined a shelf of colorful pottery. After she’d picked up several pieces, she shrugged. “Nothing here I want,” she murmured.

  “There has to be something in this store you want,” he said.

  “It’s too
expensive,” she whispered. “Overpriced.”

  “If you could have any one, which would you want?” he asked.

  She pointed to a small blue vase. “This one. It’s wisteria. They’re pretty rare.” She wandered off to a far corner of the shop and he motioned to the clerk.

  “Wrap this up,” he said softly, handing her the vase. “And throw in…” Alex searched the shelves for an inexpensive item, then picked up an old milk bottle. “This.” He gave the clerk a credit card. “And don’t let her see what you’re doing.”

  Alex strolled over to Greta’s side and watched as she picked through some lace-edged table linens. Though he thought they were pretty, he wasn’t quite sure what Greta would do with them. “Nice,” he murmured.

  After they’d browsed for another ten minutes, the clerk called him over. He signed the credit-card receipt and picked up his bag.

  “What did you buy?” Greta asked as they walked out the front door.

  He pulled the bottle from the bag. “An old milk bottle. I need something to put my quarters in for the Laundromat.”

  “Nice,” she said, eyeing his purchase with approval.

  Alex slipped his arm around her waist. “All this shopping has made me hungry. Should we eat out or head back to the cabin?”

  She thought about his question for a moment, then shrugged. “Cabin,” she murmured.

  Though Alex knew the refrigerator was well stocked, he was hoping there was something back at the cabin that she wanted more than leftover Thai noodles.


  THEY ATE DINNER in front of a roaring fire, the cartons of takeout spread in front of them like a feast. Greta was amazed at how easy things were between them, easier than they’d ever been. They’d always bickered like an old married couple, but now, Alex didn’t seem to be interested in provoking her.

  She thought back to grade school, to the first boy who’d ever taken an interest in her. He’d teased her mercilessly, chasing her around the playground, throwing stones at her or pulling her hair. Her mother had assured her that boys acted this way when they liked a girl.

  Was that how it had been with Alex? Had he been so afraid of his feelings that he’d felt the need to keep her at arm’s length? She wanted to believe that his newfound attraction to her was based on something more than just physical need.

  “I had a good time today,” she murmured, toying with the stem of her wineglass. “It was kind of strange.”


  “I don’t know. It was like we were ourselves, but different. We acted like…grown-ups.”

  “We are grown-ups,” he said. Alex reached out and grabbed her hand, then placed a kiss in the center of her palm. A shiver skittered down her spine as her mind flashed an image of Alex, naked and aroused. She knew what he was thinking and she’d been unable to focus on anything else since the moment they walked in the front door.

  They had the whole night in front of them, an empty cabin, a huge bed, everything they could possibly need. How could she possibly resist? “I like the new us,” she said, smiling.

  “Do you think the new us should try out that hot tub? I had a look at it earlier. It’s filled and it’s hot.”

  “It’s also freezing outside,” she said.

  “You skied all afternoon,” he said. “Certainly you’re bold enough to brave a little snow on the deck. It’s like that big bathtub upstairs. Only outside, beneath the stars.”

  Alex jumped to his feet and began to strip off his clothes. “Come on, Adler. I dare you.”

  Greta never backed down from one of Alex’s dares and he knew it. She stood up and followed suit, until she wore nothing but her underwear. Alex was already naked as he picked up the wine and both glasses and headed for the door.

  But when he stepped out into the snow, he howled. “Move fast,” he warned. “And if you want me to share the tub, you better take off the rest of your clothes.”

  She ran to the door and watched as he crossed the snow-covered deck. He set the wine and glasses down as he pulled the cover off the hot tub. Then he hopped into the steaming water, wincing until he was completely submerged. “Come on. You’re going to get cold standing there.”

  Steeling herself, she ran across the deck, trying to follow his footsteps in the snow. When she reached the tub, she sat down on the side and swung her legs over into the water. Though the initial shock was painful, the allure of Alex, naked and wet, was enough to distract her. Greta sank beneath the surface and Alex met her in the middle.

  “Naked,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the curve of her neck.

  He reached behind her and unfastened her bra. Then, twisting his fingers in the waistband of her panties, he pulled them down along her legs. He draped both over the edge of the tub.

  “Much, much better.”

  Greta wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, their bodies coming together beneath the bubbling water. He pulled her legs up against his hips as his hands slid over her slick skin. Was it any wonder she found this so easy? Seduction was a simple thing, given the right tools. A hot tub was an absolute necessity, as was a bathtub sized for two, French sheets, expensive wine and a cabin so remote that no one would disturb them. And, of course, a man she found endlessly attractive.

  He grasped her hips and pushed her up above the surface, then gently brought her back down, his erection sliding against the crease between her legs. The sensation was incredibly powerful and Greta moaned softly.

  “Like that?” he asked.

  “Mmm,” she replied, closing her eyes and tipping her head back.

  He continued to move against her, pulling them both over to the edge of the tub where he could sit on an underwater ledge. Greta stretched out above him, her breasts brushing against his chest as his pace grew faster.

  At first, she was aware of every stroke, every heartbeat, but as her need began to grow, her mind grew fuzzy and her limbs boneless. His lips were warm on her neck and he bit softly as he trailed kisses along her shoulder.

  She wanted him inside her, only a condom wasn’t anywhere at hand. Greta knew Alex always practiced safe sex and so had she. But for the first time in her life, she wanted to feel a man without any barriers between them. Birth control wasn’t an issue since she took her pills faithfully.

  She felt her need spiraling out of control and as the first spasm hit her, she slid down against him. Alex gasped as her body trembled. He pressed his lips to the spot between her breasts and held her close until the orgasm subsided.

  When she grew still, Greta opened her eyes and stared down at him. “That was nice,” he said.

  “For me. Not for you. Yet.”

  “I can wait,” he said. “I think sex in a hot tub is a bit overrated. But sex in a big bed after messing around in a hot tub…now, that’s something I can get behind.”

  Greta pressed her forehead to his and slowly rocked against him. “So, should we get out of this tub and move to the bed?”

  “Anybody home?”

  The shout startled them both and Greta turned to see a man standing inside the brightly lit house. She slipped out of Alex’s embrace and moved to the near edge of the tub. “Is that Dave?”

  “Yeah,” Alex said.

  “What’s he doing here?”

  “I don’t know. I guess he changed his mind.”

  “He can’t find us together,” she said, searching for an escape route. “Oh, God, our clothes are all over the floor.”

  “Get down,” Alex said.

  Greta sank beneath the water, pressing herself up against the edge. Alex pulled her back up. “You don’t have to drown yourself,” he said. Then, he leaned over the edge of the tub and called to Dave. “Out here.”

  “Don’t call him out,” Greta whispered.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” Alex asked.

  “My sister had plans for tomorrow, so I thought I’d drive up tonight and we could get in a day of skiing tomorrow,” Dave said. “Is there someone else here?”

>   “Someone else? No. Why would you—”

  “There’s dinner for two in front of the fireplace,” he said.

  “Oh. Yeah. Greta came along when you decided to back out.”


  “Yeah.” Alex’s hand drifted down Greta’s body, coming to rest on her thigh. “I think she’s probably upstairs reading. She said she wanted to turn in early. Exhausted from shopping, I guess. I’m just enjoying the hot tub.”

  “It’s all right I came?” Dave asked.

  “Sure. You know Adler. She’s like one of the guys.”

  “Well, let me grab my stuff from the car and I’ll join you. I hope there’s beer.”

  “Sure,” Alex said. “Lots of beer.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  A few seconds later, Alex pulled her out of the water. “Go. Quick. Run upstairs and get dressed. Then move my stuff to one of the other bedrooms.”

  Greta grabbed her underwear from the side of the tub and hurried back inside, steam wafting off her naked skin. She grabbed up her clothes, praying that Dave wouldn’t walk through the door before she was safely upstairs.

  Alex grabbed his jeans and tugged them on, then locked the door until she reached the upper landing.

  “Get dressed and come back down,” he called.

  Breathless, Greta closed the bedroom door behind her and leaned back against it, her heart slamming in her chest. Though they’d pretended to be in a relationship for Thea Michaels, that behavior was easy enough to explain at the office. But a naked romp in a hot tub would have been far more complicated.

  She raked her hands through her wet hair and glanced around the room, strewn with both of their belongings. So much for one last romantic night together. They’d be sleeping in separate beds tonight and the thought of being alone, with Alex in the next room brought an unexpected pang of sadness.

  This wasn’t good, she mused. In just one day, she’d become so infatuated that she couldn’t imagine spending a night without him. Greta shook her head. “Get a grip,” she muttered. “Fairy tales always come to an end.”

  * * *


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