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The Return of Jonas (Pearl Vampire Chronicles #4)

Page 12

by Nelson, Dara

  Matt and I escorted them to Megan’s room.

  “Two hours Jonas,” I said, “we’ll be waiting out here in two hours to escort you out.”

  “Gee, Sarah, two hours might not be long enough, I usually like to go all night,” he said and I saw Megan’s eyes go wide and she smiled.

  “Jonas, I’ll be waiting out here, be done in two hours.”

  “I’ll try, Sarah,” he said, grinning, as he reached behind Megan and opened her door. He began kissing her as they walked into the room and it was only a few seconds before I heard her moaning. I sat down on the bench in the hall and pulled Matt down next to me. “Really, Sarah? Do we really have to stay here… and listen to that?” he said.

  I nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. Just in case her moans turn to screams from pain, Matt. But we can pretty much tune them out,” I said as I climbed onto his lap, facing him and began kissing him. His hands quickly moved around to my back and he pulled me closer. Uh-oh, I thought. This was definitely more than just a make-out session. “Uh, honey,” I mumbled between kisses. “Careful, we are in the hall, you know.” I groaned when I felt the bulge growing in his pants. “Matt,” I groaned as I pushed away his hand as it tried to move up under my shirt. “Don’t,” I mumbled as his hand again reached for my breast. Something wasn’t right. He wasn’t saying anything. It was as if he couldn’t hear me. As his hands moved to unbutton my pants, I grabbed them and yelled, “Matt, stop it!”

  His eyes snapped open and he looked around, as if he had no idea where he was. He looked at me, then down at his hands, which were still on the waistband of my pants. “What? What was I doing?” he said.

  I grinned at him. “Trying to make love to me, right here, in the hallway.”

  “But I… but I don’t remember,” he groaned.

  “I know,” I said, “it’s got to be him,” I gestured toward Megan’s door. “He must be transferring what he’s feeling into your head. Carlos said he can do that, remember?”

  Matt’s mouth closed on mine again. I was going to lose it… we were going to lose it if I… if I didn’t… I pushed myself off of him and backed up to the far wall. He started to stand. “Stop.” I said. “He wants us to do this. Why? Does he want us to leave our post here? Or is he just playing? It doesn’t matter. I’m staying here, we have to stop.”

  Matt groaned, “But it hurts to stop, Sarah.”

  “I know, believe me I know,” I said, my chest still heaving. “Try to think about something else, something bad. Think about how you felt when Malina had you, when she took you away from me.”

  “Not working Sarah,” Matt said as he bent over, groaning.

  We could hear Megan in her room and her cries of pleasure weren’t helping either. Finally, thankfully, the feelings vanished. I could hear Jonas laughing in Megan’s room before he went back to what he was doing. “You want more?” Jonas said to her.

  “Oh my God, yes, please, yes, more,” she groaned.

  I squatted down with my back against the wall and my head in my hands. “I’m sorry Matt,” I whispered.

  “Sorry?” he said, his chest still heaving. “What on earth for?”

  “For agreeing to this, for letting him inside.”

  “Sarah,” he said as he looked at me, his eyes still filled with pain, “there’s no bloodshed, no one’s dying, no one’s getting hurt, well almost no one.” He tried to smile.

  “Is it safe to sit next to you now?”

  “Probably not,” he grinned as he held his hand out to me, which I gladly took as I sat next to him.

  Sometime later, I heard voices coming towards Megan’s door.

  “Sorry, hun, but I only get two hours,” Jonas said.

  “I’ll ask her then,” Megan said, “she can’t be that cruel. She’ll understand. You can’t leave yet, you just can’t.”

  Megan’s door opened. “Sarah?” she said.

  “No, Megan. I’m sorry. He has to leave now.”

  “But… but… oh my God, Sarah. That was the best sex I’ve ever had. I have to have more, I need more, please?” she pleaded.

  Jonas leered at me as he spoke to Megan. “Sorry, Megan. I’ve got to go. But I’ll be back.”

  “No, please don’t go. Let me come with you. Please, can I come with you?”

  He smiled at her. “Not this time, sweetie,” he said as he kissed her.

  She groaned and pulled him tight to her. He pulled away and had to gently push her back.

  “Promise me you’ll come back,” she pleaded. “Promise me you’ll come back, soon.”

  He kissed her cheek as he looked at me. “I’ll be back, soon,” he said, then he took a step toward us. “Shall we?” he said as Matt and I stood up.

  “That was so not cool, Jonas,” Matt said.

  Jonas chuckled. “I thought it was funny. Although I should have known that Sarah would be strong enough to resist. Megan seemed pretty impressed, though, didn’t she? Just think, Sarah, this could all be yours.”

  “Shut up Jonas,” Matt and I both said… and he grinned.

  “You know, we don’t have to be enemies, Sarah.”

  I stopped and stared at Jonas. “Does that mean you’re going to leave Carlos alone? That you’re not going to hurt him?”

  “Carlos? No, I’m going to kill him. It’s his fault that I was locked up for two-hundred years. But why do you care?”

  “Because he’s my best friend, Jonas. Because he’s Matt’s best friend. And because if it wasn’t Carlos, it would have been somebody else who turned you in. You were out of control and had to be stopped. You needed to be locked away,” I said.

  His reaction was swift and decisive. “Nobody deserved what I got,” he growled into my face as he grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head back.

  Matt moved to stop him, but he reached out with his right hand, grabbed Matt by the neck and pinned him against the wall. “All I have to do is squeeze, Sarah,” he whispered.

  “Matt, stop moving,” I said, then I looked into Jonas’ eyes. “God, Jonas, please, don’t.”

  His black, hatred-filled eyes glared at me. I really thought he was going to break Matt‘s neck. My heart was flying in my chest and my brain was working at a million miles an hour trying to figure out a way I could stop him. I didn’t have to break his hold on Matt, just get him to loosen it a bit, just distract him. Suddenly I knew exactly what I had to do. Both of my hands came up. They cradled Jonas’ face, turned it towards mine and planted a kiss on his mouth. I kept my eyes open and saw the shock on his face. Surprise turned to what I could only describe as laughter. His eyes softened and I, again, saw something other than anger in them. But he also looked completely confused by this change, like it was something totally new to him. He nodded then took a step back, releasing us both. Matt had me in his arms a split-second later.

  “God I love your spunk, Sarah. I’ve got to get out of here now,” Jonas said, “but I’ll be back soon.”

  “I won’t be here, Jonas.”

  “Yes you will, Sarah.”

  “No, Jonas, I won’t. I’m, ummm, we, are going to the island. If you insist on going through with this, then we’re going to the island. Tomorrow. That’s where you can find us.”

  “Mmm, that must mean you’re going to change your diet for me, Sarah. Alright, you go. I’ll give you a little time, not much, but a little.”

  I stopped and looked at him. “Jonas, will you please let this go? I really think you and I could be friends if you’d just let this go. You could stay here. I’d help you get cleaned up, get you back on the right diet. This anger you have, I don’t think it’s all you. I think most of it is your addiction. I’m so tired of all the fighting. Let me help you, please?”

  Jonas just stared at me with his mouth hanging open. He looked from me, to Matt, back to me and back to Matt.

  Finally he said to Matt, “She’s serious, isn’t she?”

  Matt nodded, “Yes she is. I know. I told you,” he said.

e,” Jonas said, shaking his head as he started walking toward the door. He opened the door then turned back to us. “Until next time. Sarah. Matt,” then he flew out the door like a rocket.

  Chapter Ten

  I wrapped my arm around Matt’s waist. “Come on,” I said, “it’s time for dinner.”

  “Sarah?” he whispered. “I can’t beat him. Not physically anyways. He’s just too strong.”

  “I know, honey. I’m working on him. I think I’m even getting through to him a little.”

  “I don’t know Sarah. Do you really think he can change?”

  “People can change, Matt. Even people like Jonas. Sometimes all it takes is having someone around who believes in them.”

  We reached the coolers in the clinic. I looked at Matt and waited.

  “What?” he said.

  “Turn around, please?” I said which he did. I punched in the combination then grabbed eight pints. Then I had Matt grab two from the other fridge. We walked silently down the hall to Carlos’ room and I knocked on his door. I heard voices, giggling (Really? Giggling?), then Carlos said, “What?” through the door.

  “He’s gone, Carlos,” I said.

  The door cracked open a few inches and a shirtless Carlos poked his head out.

  “Everything okay?” he said then he noticed the surprised look on my face. “What?” he said.

  “Are you… are you healed enough for that?” I said.

  “Oh,” he grinned, “apparently I am. Now, if you don’t mind…”

  “Ummm, I brought you dinner, too,” I said. He reached his hand out the door to grab it, but I pulled mine back.

  “Carlos, you can’t. Not with her in there. What if she was too close and you bit her?”

  “Oh, crap,” he said. “You’re right. Sorry, I’m still kinda new at this interacting with humans stuff. Do you mind keeping her company in the hall for a second?”

  “Sure,” I said, “send her out.”

  A few seconds later Maria stepped out wearing Carlos’ robe and the flush and glow of someone who’d just had their first intimate vampire experience was written clearly on her face. I smiled at her. I knew that look all too well. “Hi Maria,” I said as I handed the four pints of good blood and one pint of bad (or evil) blood to Carlos. “Give me the bad one when you’re done, I’ll drink it, okay?” I said and he nodded. He closed the door to his apartment and a few seconds later I heard the hum of his microwave, then his bedroom door as he closed it, wanting more privacy. A minute later his door opened. He handed me the bad pint and gently took Maria’s hand, pulling her inside. I quickly drained the blood and then Matt and I started down the hall, but Carlos’ voice stopped me.

  “Sarah?” he whispered. I turned and looked at him. “Did you know? Maria. Did you know that I would… that I would fall for her?”

  I smiled at him. “I had a feeling, Carlos.”

  He shook his head. “Amazing,” he said. “You did good, kiddo. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Carlos. Oh, and we’re leaving for the island tomorrow,.”

  “We are?” he said, “Okay. But Maria’s coming with us.”

  “Is that smart, Carlos? Wouldn’t she be safer if she were here, away from him?” I said.

  “I’ll keep her safe, Sarah. But I need her with me, otherwise I won’t be effective. Plus, she’s ready to go through the change for me. We’ve already talked about it. We can do that when we’re out there, so she’ll be a little less vulnerable. Please?”

  “Carlos. You’ll have to keep her safe from me too. I don’t know how I’ll react once I’m on that stuff. I could be dangerous. The whole point of us going to the island was so I wouldn’t be around humans, remember?”

  “I know, Sarah. She won’t leave my side. We can do the linking ceremony right when we get there, then do the change a few days after that, okay?”

  “I guess, if you’re sure. I’ll see you in the morning, Carlos. We’re leaving at ten. Night.”

  “Night, Sarah. And, thanks again,” he said as he closed the door.

  I walked in to our room and smiled as I saw Matt lying naked on the bed. He grinned at me and said, “Feed me, baby.”

  “Okay,” I said, “but why are you naked?”

  “Well, we’ve both seen how Carlos reacts when he drinks this stuff. If I react the same way I want to take full advantage of it. And if I don’t, well, I still always want to make love to you.”

  I hesitated. “Okay, I guess. But no biting, Matt. There can’t be any biting. I don’t want to taste this stuff or have it inside me until we’re tucked away on the island, where it’s safe. Which means that I absolutely cannot bite you.”

  He stuck out his bottom lip. “No biting? Ahh, that sucks,” then he grinned. “I suppose I can live with that.”

  I set the pints down on the end of the bed and pulled my clothes off. I dropped the pints in the microwave and turned it on. After it dinged, I grabbed them and climbed on the bed next to Matt. I went to hand him the pint of evil blood, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me. I stared at him. “Don’t let me be like him, Sarah. I don’t want to end up like Jonas: angry, bitter and alone,” he said.

  “You won’t, sweetheart. I promise,” I said. “You ready?”

  He nodded, but looked terrified. I held one of each in my hand as I climbed onto his lap so I could face him. As if trying to put off what he knew he had to do, he started kissing me. We were both already naked so it didn’t take long for both our bodies to respond. “Matt,” I said as he kissed my neck, “you’re dinner’s getting cold. He groaned into my neck and then stopped. He looked at me and nodded. I held the evil pint up to his nose. As soon as his fangs dropped I pulled it away and replaced it with the good blood.

  He moaned loud and long, and I instantly felt the rest of his body respond under me. I put another one on his teeth. He groaned out a “Yesssssss,” and pulled me tighter to him as he began to move inside me. “More, more,” he panted as it emptied. I quickly pushed on the third. His eyes rolled back into his head and he grabbed my hips, pushing me down onto him. The fourth and final pint, he drained in a second. He growled as he tossed it aside, then he pushed me back on the back on the bed and crushed his body down hard onto mine. His mouth found mine and I could taste a little of the blood in his mouth. I was on fire now, and apparently so was he, as reaction was swift and very strong. He growled “Bed’s too soft, I need more.” He pushed us both off the end of the bed onto the floor, catching the back of my head just before it hit the ground.

  “Oh my God, Matt,” I groaned as my first climax hit. I had to fight the urge to bite with every muscle in my body. And that was just the beginning.

  As the first light of dawn came peaking through the window, he finally reached the monstrous climax that he had been searching for all night, although I had lost count how many he had that had led up to this one. And I didn’t even bother trying to count how many I had. He couldn’t keep from biting on this one though, and I almost lost it when his fangs sunk into my neck. I cried out as my own climax crashed down and turned my mouth toward his neck. Just a little taste wouldn’t hurt would it? But just as my fangs touched his skin, I closed my lips over them and pressed only my mouth into his neck, until we were both done. Matt rolled onto his side, clearly exhausted. We both quickly fell asleep, but he kept twitching and jerking, waking me up each time he did. I finally gave up on sleep, got up and started packing our things for the trip. Our ride was leaving at ten, so I woke him up at nine by gently kissing him. His eyes shot open. “More?” he gasped. “Is it time for more? Please tell me it’s time for more.”

  “Matt, we have to leave for the airport in an hour. More is going to have to wait until we’re on the island.”

  Panic filled his face. “No,” he gasped.

  I kissed him to distract him, then pulled back and reminded him, “Honey, as soon as we get to the island, we both get to have some.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds then understood. “Both?
Both of us? Together? Oh God,” he said as he shivered. He pulled me down to him, his mouth crushing onto mine.

  “Matt,” I mumbled through the kisses, “don’t you want to shower before we leave?”

  “If I’m choosing between a shower or sex with you,” he said as he slid one finger into the waist band of my jeans, just one tiny little finger, and ripped them right off of me. “I’m choosing sex, every time.”

  “Holy shit, Matt. How did you… oh my God, don’t stop, don’t you dare friggin’ stop,” I groaned.

  I dressed (again!) and got him out the door a few minutes before ten. We walked down the hall and knocked on Carlos’ door. He opened it with a huge smile on his face, but I grew concerned when I saw the dark circles under Maria’s eyes. She was human, she needed sleep.

  As we settled onto the plane, both Matt and Carlos were jittery. Matt fell into a fitful sleep in his seat. Maria laid her head on Carlos’ shoulder and tried to doze off, but he kept turning and kissing her, waking her up again. On the third time he did this, I shot into his mind, ‘Stop it, Carlos.’

  ‘No,’ he thought and he tried to kiss her again.

  ‘Carlos!’ I thought.

  ‘What?’ he thought as he turned and glared at me.

  ‘She’s human and needs her sleep. You’re going to make her sick. Knock it off, Carlos.’

  ‘Or what?’

  ‘Or I’m going to knock your ass out,’ I thought then had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  “Ahhh, I see psycho Sarah is back in town,” he whispered, then he started quietly chuckling. He stood up, gently laying Maria across his seat as he did, and came and sat in the empty seat next to me. He clasped my hand in his as he gazed lovingly at Maria. “I really don’t know how you did it. First try and you knocked it out of the park. You have a gift. You are one of a kind, Sarah, and definitely something special.”


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