Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance
Page 19
He stood at over 6 feet, 190 pounds of solid muscle in all the right places. He liked to keep himself in shape, always pushing himself beyond his own endurance because that was how he had seen his father become what he was today.
He heard what sounded like a vehicle and turned to see a blue Honda coming over the rise.
There was a female with flowing blond hair behind the wheel, she was tapping her fingers to the beat of some insane 80’s song that she had grown up listening to.
At first he thought that she was just going to fly by his extended thumb, ignoring his request for a ride but suddenly the brakes came on and the car began to move backward, until it was right beside him.
Angela’s parents had told her that picking up strangers was asking for trouble but she just couldn’t help herself when she saw this man. It felt like she had to give him some kind of aid. It certainly didn’t hurt that he was quite the specimen, just looking at him made her yearn for some kind of chance to see him in the buff.
She rolled down the window to let this handsome man stick his head in between the glass and the door. “I don’t know exactly where you’re going, but wherever it is, I can take you part of the way. I’m on my way into town and if you want to join me as far as there, I don’t see any reason why you can’t.”
He nodded his head and grabbed onto the door, careful to restrain his strength because he had been known to overdo it in the past. He slid into the seat and looked over at this woman with a careful eye. She was very beautiful, but she was wearing way too much makeup for his liking. Females of his kind never put on any of that crap, they were all natural from the top of their heads all the way down to their toes. It wasn’t like this was a surprise to him because he had gone out on his own full of tribal markings. All lion shifters when they came of age went out on their own to see the world as it is. It only lasted a couple of days, but it had been more than enough to awaken his curiosity.
“I appreciate the ride.” He was a man of few words, but it wasn’t lost on him the way that she was now licking her lips suggestively. Had he not been gay, he might have considered an impromptu meeting of the minds… and bodies.
“I would ask what you were doing out here, but my real question is why don’t you have any shoes on?” He looked like he had been walking for days, but to her he seemed to have a sense of feeling right at home out there.
Jensen looked at her quizzically. “I have never had a need for them before, so why would I have a need for them now?” It seemed like the right thing to say at the time, but he had no idea how suspicious he really looked in bare feet. He heard heavy breathing and turned to see a man curled up in the back seat. The hair on the back of his neck raised and he thought for sure that there was trouble brewing.
“I guess I can… Oh, forgive me, but that’s my brother Gordon. We’ve been driving for a couple of days and I know that he’s not going to be very happy to see that I have picked up a passenger.”
Angela was envisioning what it would be like to have her legs wrapped around this man’s midsection. She could see the muscles bulging through the shirt and began to think that he could easily lift her and fling her around the room with ease. She liked having somebody being dominant in the bedroom, but she wasn’t sure if this guy really fitted the bill. There was something docile, yet forceful in his eyes that seemed to be fighting each other for control.
“I’m not sleeping, sister, and I should’ve thought better about letting you… letting you… drive.” He lost his train of thought as he caught the blazing blue eyes of the stranger in the rearview mirror. They were amazing, mesmerizing and he turned to get a better look. “Now, don’t be rude and why don’t you introduce me to your friend.”
“I actually don’t know his name.” She knew how bad that sounded, but then again he was a stranger and introductions had not been made. That was soon rectified.
Discovering that his name was Jensen made them post it under “unusual”, who knew anyone called that? But his name didn’t make them think that he was in any way a threat.
Jensen had been casually looking at Gordon, sure in his belief that he felt heated exchanges of energy going back and forth between them. He could’ve just been projecting, but he was almost certain that this man had eyes for him. He had to admit that the guy was quite nice, but wasn’t nearly as muscular as he would have liked. It didn’t matter, because his kindness, and the way that he was looking at him, was more than enough to raise the temperature in the car by a few degrees.
“We’re on our way back to our parents’ house for their 25th anniversary party. We’ll be staying for a few days and then we are heading back to Texas. I have my own business and my sister Angela is my partner in crime. She has a real knack for numbers and I’m glad to have her onboard because I would probably be a sinking ship without her.”
He was looking at Jensen, imagining what he would look like naked and he was also getting the feeling that they both were thinking the same thing. “I normally don’t do this, but maybe you would like to stay with us.”
“I never agree with my brother on anything, but I think that you staying with us would be a good idea. We’re not going to try to put words in your mouth, but you look like you could use a place to stay and a hot meal. I know for a fact that my mother is making salmon. I’m sure you’ve had salmon before, but you haven’t had hers. It’s just to say the neighbors come calling whenever they smell that aroma coming out of her kitchen window. She’s also quite the baker, you can’t look in her fridge without seeing some kind of delicacy.”
“I’m not sure that it would be appropriate for me to stay with you at your family home. It might be a little awkward, but you certainly have given me food for thought. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a couple of days.” He wanted to see Gordon in a more Biblical way. The only way to do that was to have access to the goods.
“If you don’t mind me saying so, Jensen, you seem to have this way about you. I’m not sure quite what it is, but it’s almost like you have been around the block a few times.” Gordon wanted to know his story, but so far Jensen had been less than forthcoming about his past or his family life.
Gordon and Angela were the ones that were mostly talking and Jensen was sitting there staring straight ahead and listening to every word that was being spoken.
Jensen felt a little penned in, visibly squirming in the seat because he was lacking the freedom of the open air. He wanted to stretch his limbs, let the sun into his life and listen to the birds chirping in the distance. What he had instead was stale air, some kind of smell coming from the engine and a feeling of claustrophobia that he had never had before. He wanted to get out, but to voice his concerns would make him look weak and that was something that he wasn’t prepared to do.
Gordon could see that he was uneasy, but he was totally unaware of the fact that Jensen was not exactly like them. What he did see was a man, a true man that had this animalistic sense about him. He wanted to hug him, tell him that he was perfectly safe, but he couldn’t do that and risk the fact that his sister would find out. She had no idea that he was gay and he had no desire to come out of the closet anytime soon. He liked the way things were and he was almost certain that his father would disown him if he had any inkling of his true sexuality.
“Gordon, as a gay man do you ever feel like you are against the world?”
Angela turned abruptly, not even watching what she was doing as the car careened over a curb and almost over an embankment. She finally found her sense of reason and finally pulled herself away from the shock of what she had just heard. She turned the wheel back toward the road, so that it wasn’t going to be some kind of catastrophe. What she did notice right away was that the only person that wasn’t shaking in their boots was Jensen. He was apparently taking everything in stride, even after coming that close death he was as cool as ice.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Jensen, my brother is not gay. I would know if he was because we have bee
n living together for almost 18 years. I can count on… I can… come to think of it, I don’t remember him ever having a real girlfriend.” She was now looking in the mirror towards her brother, seeing that his face had turned this ashen white and realized the truth had been staring her in the face all this time.
“Angela, I so wanted to tell you, but I was always waiting for the right time. I guess being outed in the car is the right time.”
“Gordon, I don’t know what to say and I guess if I think about it things do begin to fall into place. I’m not saying that you were flamboyant, but there were small things that didn’t make sense at the time. Putting everything into context, I can see it now as plain as day. I think that you should tell mother and father, but that is not my secret to share with them. Whatever you decide, I am behind you hundred percent. You could have told me and I would’ve accepted it because you’re my brother and I do love you.”
“I don’t get it… and you can’t possibly tell me that you didn’t know that your brother was gay. It’s written across his face, all you have to do is look in his eyes and you can see it. I’m sorry that I overstepped by bounds, but I really didn’t think that you had no idea.” He leveled his gaze on Gordon in the back seat, pleading his case with his eyes and hoping that he would take his solemn nod in the spirit that it was given.
“Jensen, I guess I was going to go down this road eventually, but I didn’t think it was going to happen in the car. I envisioned more of a family meeting to let the chips fall where they may.” He felt exposed, but there was also this relief that came from his sister finally knowing the truth. He didn’t even know that he was going to feel this way, but he now had someone that he could confide in. “I don’t suppose you told your father that you’re gay.”
“Bro, you can’t be serious and you’re telling me that this man… and what a man… is really playing for the other side?” Angela figured it as such. All the good ones were either taken or gay.
“I’m almost certain of it and believe me, my radar has never been hundred percent right but even I can see it.” Gordon looked at Jensen in the rearview mirror, saw him smiling and thought about what it would be like to have him in the family home for the next couple of days.
“Gordon, I don’t know how you can possibly know that and my family has no idea. Then again, I could say the same thing about yours. It’s funny, but we really don’t know what’s going on in somebody’s head, until they tell us.” This revelation subdued the rest of the ride until the moment they all looked at each other, just as they came up the driveway to a two-story house. It was almost an unwritten rule between the three of them that they would not say a thing. Nothing.
As it was, the family was quite taken with Jensen. They found him to be charming, sophisticated and a little strange all at the same time. It was this curiosity that saw them accept the idea of him staying there. They felt like they would be doing themselves a disservice if they were to turn him away at his hour of need. As devote Catholics, they had never strayed away from the path that God had put them on. This was their time to give back and not just with money and donations to the church.
Jensen was just as taken with the two of them, and found Judith and Hank real salt of the earth people. They were hard workers, didn’t mind getting their hands dirty and had kind souls that he could see just from looking at them. He had never felt like he belonged before and yet here he was with virtual strangers and already he could feel their acceptance, like warm sunshine on his face in the middle of the afternoon.
Chapter 3
They had dinner together and even though they told Jensen to relax, he just couldn’t abide by their wishes. He decided to put his own culinary touch on the food and he found that the abundance of fish to be quite to his liking. He loved salmon and he had a recipe that was perfect for the entire family. It came with his own personal dill sauce, something that he made from scratch and it was only good luck that they had the ingredients in the house.
“I don’t know where you came from young man, but you’re more than welcome to come back anytime.” Judith was quite taken with the way that he moved with such efficiency and precision in the kitchen. His knife skills were above reproach and she thought that he must have been some kind of chef in a past life. “I’m sure you noticed that our daughter is single. She’ll tell you that she’s seeing somebody in the city, but she has yet to bring him round. I think that she might be ashamed of her family, but then again maybe she’s lying to keep me from meddling in her dating life.”
“I think any family should be as open and honest together as they possibly can. Judith, you and your husband are two of the good ones and I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t accept any man that came into this house.”
He was behind Judith, reaching around to help her dice the tomatoes in the correct way. He had always felt like such a barbarian digging into his meal with his bare teeth and hands, but it was the way that things had been. He’d only recently seen cooking shows on the internet. They really didn’t have a TV, but since they needed to stay connected to the outside world and the other tribes around the globe, they saw no reason not to use the farmhouse nearby for all their needs.
It didn’t take them long to wire something into their house without their knowledge, running the wire down underneath the ground, until they were able to have internet access in the Royal Family’s Court. They would only use it sparingly, making sure that they didn’t overdo it, but for the most part his father really didn’t want anything to do with it. He thought that it was wrong for them to be getting involved with anything that was pertaining to humans.
The new friends had a wonderful meal together and even though there were some interesting glances between Jensen and Gordon, it didn’t even occur to Judith or Hank that something was going on.
Gordon on the other hand was making eyes at Jensen, putting his foot on his leg under the table to get his attention. Once he saw that he wasn’t being pushed away, he decided to see how far he could really go. He took some of the dill sauce off the plate on his finger and then ran it around his lips in a very profound way. He sucked it into his mouth and used his tongue to twist and turn over his digit, until he saw Jensen’s eyes going wide with interest.
For Jensen’s part, he was very well aware of the fact that Gordon had his toe running up and down his left leg. It soon placed itself in between his legs and against his crotch. He had never had this done to him before, by either a man or woman, and the fact that Gordon was doing it on the sly under the very eyes of his parents was very naughty. He felt like they were getting away with something taboo and the way that he was having his cock massaged by Gordon’s foot was very friendly.
This was of course meant to be exciting and it was certainly achieving what it was supposed to. Jensen’s cock was now alive, awakening from the stimulation of the toes working him over into a near frenzy. He continued to eat, but he was enjoying the attention that Gordon was giving him.
Now that Angela knew that her brother was gay, she could finally see the desire in his eyes towards their new friend. She also saw that Jensen was very much into it himself. She had to smile, dropping her fork and reaching down, almost expecting what she was going to see, but still very much enamored with the sight that greeted her eyes. She couldn’t stay down there long, but she did see the package between Jensen’s legs and had a pretty good idea that he was probably sporting at least 8 inches of solid man meat. It wasn’t lost on her that her own brother had designs on Jensen and was now exciting him to the point that he was visibly sweating.
“Jensen, are you hot?”
Jensen almost choked on the piece of fish in his mouth, until he realized that Hank was only referring to the fact that he seemed to be a little overheated. “I’m fine, but I would like to wash up.” He had finished dinner and it took a lot of effort for him to pull away from Gordon’s eager little toes, but he finally found the courage to do so. He pushed the chair away, breathing a sigh of relief be
cause he was so close to unloading in his pants that he was almost forgetting who he was. It would never be something that could be condoned in his own society. It didn’t mean that he didn’t like it because he did.
“My wife has already laid out some towels for you in the guest room. You’ll find a bathroom connected to your room, too. You have your own private one, so you don’t have to go out of your room to get anything. If you need anything, all you have to do is holler and I’m sure that we can find whatever you need.”
Jensen got up, excused himself properly and actually bowed before he realized that they were not used to that type of thing. Right now, he needed a cold shower… in the worst way possible. He had to turn in such a way, so that they wouldn’t see the condition that he was in. He saw Judith blushing and had a pretty good idea that she had already figured out that his libido was rising to the occasion.
He walked with confident strides up the stairs, holding onto the wooden banister and stopping momentarily to look at all the photographs on the wall. It was basically a time capsule of the kids’ lives. He could see Gordon as a little boy and then saw some more photos of him graduating. He put his finger on one of them, traced an outline of his mouth and then sighed with a sort of exasperation. He continued to climb the stairs, looking down to see that Gordon was watching him with intent. Jensen decided to see just how far this attraction could go and motioned for Gordon to join him upstairs.
At first, Gordon had no idea if he was being serious, but then he followed his instincts and gave chase. He was going to have to be careful, because any wrong move or sudden outcry of passion would certainly alert his folks to the fact that he was gay. Yet it didn’t stop him from going down the hallway; glancing back to make sure that none of his family had followed he went into the guest room.