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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 58

by Ashley Stewart

  Tiffany stepped back to slowly remove her dress and stood in front of him in her panties and strapless bra. They were black to match her dress, and she kept the heels on as well. Gavin looked thoroughly at her body.

  “So what were you planning on doing with me when you brought me to this hotel?” She asked quietly.

  “Let me show you, sweetheart.” She squealed and jumped onto the bed as he walked toward her like a lion seeking out its predator. The closer he got, the more clothes he threw around the room, until he was as naked as she was. When he got to the bed his boxers slipped down his legs. She held out her arms, and he went into her inviting depths.


  Bisexual Ménage Romance

  Chapter 1

  Savannah tucked her hands into the pockets of her jacket and paused to look around the rink.

  There were a number of children learning to skate for the first time, like little ducklings waddling behind their parents or older siblings, a few solitary teens with their headphones on and two or three others who probably dreamed of being in the Olympics, stopping every now and then to pull off a spin or a fancy jump. But most of them were couples – straight, gay, black, white, teenage, grown-up, even middle-aged – all of them smiling or giddy.

  Savannah sighed.

  What was she thinking? Of course, there would be couples everywhere. It was a skating rink, after all. For those who were only starting to date, it provided the perfect opportunity for holding hands or for guys to show off and play knights in shining armor to damsels in distress. For established couples, it was a stage for creating a lovely memory that would strengthen their bond. Even those who weren’t dating yet could fall under the romantic spell created by the smooth ice and the lazily drifting snowflakes and finally have the courage to cross the threshold of friendship.

  For those like her who were single and alone, though, it was depressing, more so than sitting in front of a fire alone, which was what she had been doing inside her cabin for most of the afternoon.

  It was not that Savannah couldn’t attract guys. It was the opposite, actually. With her glamorous looks – true, she wasn’t as stunning as her older sister, Selene, but she still had a pretty face with green cat-like eyes and an hourglass figure – and her billion-dollar trust fund, she was a natural magnet for guys. The wrong guys. In short, the jerks.

  The men who approached her were usually only after three things: sex, fame and/or money. In other words, they just wanted to use her and Savannah had grown so sick of them that after a dozen or so, she told herself she would never go out with jerks. She could sleep with them, yeah, but just once, nothing more. If she was going to go out with someone, she was going to make sure it was a man, not a boy in grown-up clothes, and someone who really cared about her. Not her money, her family or what was between her legs. Just her. She was beginning to doubt, though, that such a person existed.

  Right now, she would settle for a good-looking jerk, preferably someone with big arms to keep her warm. Yet, it seemed as if all the jerks had been left behind in New York.

  Oh, well. She would just have to go back to her cabin, ask the chef to whip her up a bowl of warm bouillabaisse, open a bottle of vintage wine from the cellar and curl up in front of the fire.

  That in mind, Savannah made a beeline for the exit but halfway through, a young girl passed by in front of her, chasing after someone, and she lost her balance. Unable to recover, she braced herself for the fall, knowing the ice was cold and hard. To her surprise, though, she found herself falling into a pair of strong arms instead.

  “Whoa! Careful there. The ice seems more slippery than usual.”

  Curious to find out who the arms and the voice belonged to, she turned her head, her eyes growing wider as they gazed on a familiar face.

  “Chad Wyatt?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Guilty.” He grinned. “But let’s not broadcast the fact. Not everyone here is a hockey fan like you.”

  Actually, Savannah wasn’t a hockey fan. She simply made it her business to know all the famous, good-looking guys, knowing she could bump into them at one place or another. And Chad Wyatt was definitely good-looking. With his long, blond curls which they called the best flow in his league, his dreamy blue eyes and his boyish dimples, he was a real heartthrob, melting the hearts of girls everywhere even as he wowed sports fans and critics with his maneuvers on the ice as the lean and agile forward for a professional hockey team. Too bad he was also a jerk, his high-end bachelor lifestyle and his playboy habits only as famous as his career stats.

  Well, she did say she would settle with a jerk right now, didn’t she?

  Savannah straightened herself up, brushed off some snow from her hair and gave him a perfect smile. “Thanks for saving me. I’m lucky there was someone who knows the ice like the back of his hand nearby.”

  “I’m lucky I was at the right place at the right time,” Chad told her.

  Yep, he was smooth as ice just as they said he was.

  “Though I’d like to believe it’s more than a stroke of luck,” he added. “Fate, maybe?”

  Savannah shrugged.

  “I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. Wait. Don’t tell me where.” He rubbed his chin. “I know. I’ve seen you in my dreams.”

  Nice try.

  “Actually, you probably have seen me before on TV or on some magazine,” she told him. “I’m Savannah Powell. My father’s Grant Powell.”

  “Grant Powell. That does sound familiar.”

  Savannah couldn’t tell if he was just being coy or he seriously didn’t know who her father was.

  “Or maybe you’re more familiar with my older sister, Selene Powell, though she goes by the name Faline, you know, like that doe in ‘Bambi’.”

  Chad nodded. “I’ve seen her.”

  “I thought so.”

  “She’s not as beautiful as you, though.”

  Savannah blushed and snorted at the same time. “Yeah, right.”

  “You have the loveliest green eyes I’ve ever seen,” Chad said. “They remind me of…”

  He paused to think.

  “Of a cat’s eyes?” she supplied. It was what people often told her.

  Chad looked at her. “Of a meadow in the spring with its blades of grass drifting in the wind, the kind you just want to run through and roll all over on.”

  “So you want to roll all over me?”

  His eyes gleamed with mischief. “I’m saying they have this exciting color that just makes you want to let loose and have fun.”

  Now, that was something new.

  Suddenly, a strong breeze blew by and Savannah wrapped her arms around her chest.

  “Are you alright?” Chad asked.

  Savannah nodded. “I’m just a little cold, I guess.”

  Chad frowned. “I’d hate to see you freeze to death out here. Why don’t you come with me to my cabin? I’ve got a nice fire waiting and lots of quilts to cuddle under.”

  Savannah didn’t doubt it. He probably came here to the skating rink for one reason and one reason alone – to lure a lonely girl like her into his cabin so they could get cozy. Not that she minded right now. In fact, she couldn’t deny that she was a little eager to be alone with Chad, her heart pounding in her chest.

  She smiled. “Sounds great.”

  Chapter 2

  Savannah had thought she would be alone with Chad but the moment she entered his cabin, she realized that wasn’t the case. There was someone else there and at first, she thought he was the chef because he was wearing a white apron and standing behind the stove but as Savannah got a closer look at him, she recognized him.

  Derek Brown. The goalie on Chad’s team. They called him ‘The Mammoth’ because of his brown skin and the fact that it was tough to get past him. One look at him and Savannah could easily understand why. He was large, alright, almost twice the size of Chad. Why, the apron almost looked like a bib on him.

  Wait. What was Derek Brown doing here?

>   Savannah was about to ask when she heard a cat’s meow. Immediately, she turned her head to see a gorgeous Maine Coon walk into the room. It headed for Chad, circling him and rubbing its head on his legs.

  Savannah smiled. She, too, owned a cat, after all, though hers was a Scottish Fold.

  “I would’ve thought you were more of a dog person,” she said to Chad.

  “That’s a mistake people often make.” Chad scooped up his cat. “Say hello to Savannah, Snowman.”

  “Snowman?” Savannah nearly laughed.

  “Why not? He’s as white as snow and he’s male.” He offered the cat to her. “Want to pet him? He’s not aggressive towards pretty women.”

  “I bet he’s been around a lot, huh?” Savannah stepped forward to pet the cat behind its ears. “Hi there. How are you doing?”

  “Now, you’re making me jealous,” Chad teased.

  He stopped to sniff the air then set down Snowman before striding into the kitchen.

  “What’s cooking, Derek? Smells good.”

  “I’m making a lamb stew,” Derek answered. “It should be done in a few.”

  Chad placed a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “By the way, I’ve brought a guest. Savannah, meet Derek. Derek, meet Savannah.”

  Derek gave a small wave and a slight smile then went back to his cooking.

  “He’s a bit shy,” Chad mouthed.

  Savannah could see that. In spite of his appearance, Derek seemed completely harmless, especially in an apron. It made her wonder why his ex-girlfriend, who was a TV actress, called him a heartless, primitive beast.

  She watched as Derek let Chad taste the stew, after which Chad gave a thumbs-up sign, then he whispered something in Derek’s ear which Savannah could almost swear made the larger man blush. What could Chad have said?

  “Please make yourself comfortable and warm,” Chad said to her as he went back to the living room. “I’ll just go change.”


  When Chad returned, he and Savannah sat on the rug in front of the fire and talked until dinner was ready. He told her that he was there at the ski resort for a three-day break. He also said that he and Derek were best buddies, which was why they were on vacation together and sharing the same cabin. Savannah had guessed as much, though she also couldn’t help but suspect Chad and Derek were something more.

  That suspicion became stronger during dinner as Chad and Derek sat beside each other, sometimes picking food off each other’s plates and pouring each other wine. Once, Derek even wiped the sauce off the corner of Chad’s mouth. Did best friends do that?

  After dinner, the three of them sat in front of the fire again and this time, since the alcohol was starting to set in, the topics became much less random and much more serious.

  “What happened between you and Lindsey Strump?” Savannah asked Derek boldly after a while. “What did you do to make her hate you so?”

  Derek shrugged. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “That there was the problem,” Chad said. “See, Lindsey wanted more attention, more affection, more…communication, maybe. And Derek’s not exactly good at those things so she probably got frustrated and then decided to paint him as a monster, which of course, she did convincingly. She’s an actress, after all, plus look at Derek. Anyone who doesn’t know him would be damn scared of him even though the truth is he’d never hurt a fly.”

  “Not intentionally,” Derek added.

  “I see.” Savannah nodded. She didn’t really know Lindsey, but she had listened to enough interviews to believe she could pull such a nasty act off.

  “See,” Chad said. “We’re good guys, not the jerks the media portrays us to be.”

  “Really?” Savannah raised an eyebrow. “Why do you go spending so much money then and partying here and there, taking dozens of women to bed.”

  “Dozens?” Chad gave her a surprised look. “The most I’ve taken to bed at one time was two.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes.

  “And they volunteered. I didn’t force them or anything.”

  “Yup,” Savannah said. “You just seduced them with one look.”

  “I’m not that good,” Chad said humbly. “Am I?”

  Savannah didn’t answer.

  “As for the partying and the spending, I’m just really living life to the fullest,” Chad added.

  “Tell her about your brother,” Derek spoke.

  Savannah waited.

  Chad sighed. “Fine. Want to hear my sob story? My brother, Mike, who basically inspired me to pursue my dreams and be what I am today, died just before those dreams came true. He died in an accident. His car got hit by a truck. I just want to live life for the both of us.”

  It could have been a story fabricated to win over a woman’s sympathy and yet, Savannah could feel that every word was the truth. And it wasn’t good because she was starting too really like Chad.

  And Derek. There was simply something about the larger man that made her want to hug him. Maybe because he reminded her of a big teddy bear?

  Frankly, she couldn’t choose who she liked better. But did that matter? It seemed as if they were both unavailable anyway.

  After a gulp of wine, Savannah decided to be blunt, unable to restrain her curiosity any longer. “Are the two of you in a relationship or something? And friendship doesn’t count.”

  “Do you really want to know?” Chad asked.

  Savannah nodded.

  Chad looked at Derek, silent for a moment. Then he turned back to her. “Fine. We’ll let you in on our secret.”

  With that, Chad went over to Derek and kissed him.

  Chapter 3

  Savannah blinked. In spite of her strong suspicion, she was still surprised to find out it was true and it was a good thing she had set down her glass or she would have dropped it, genuinely astounded by the sight of two very manly men kissing each other, the two quickly progressing from an innocent lip-lock to a French kiss.

  At least, she was at first but the more she watched – and she couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off Chad and Derek – the more her disbelief gave way to fascination. Indeed, strangely, Savannah didn’t feel the least bit disgusted or put off. She was simply captivated.

  She watched closely as the kiss turned into a make-out session, neither Chad nor Derek minding her presence. In fact, they seemed completely oblivious to it – or maybe they had forgotten it? – as their hands roamed each other’s bodies, Chad’s hands slipping beneath Derek’s sweater to caress his chest and play with his nipples while Derek ran his hands down Chad’s spine, eventually reaching the bottom where he cupped and squeezed Chad’s tight buttocks. Then Derek pulled Chad forward onto his lap, grinding their crotches together before reaching for Chad’s.

  Boy, he sure wasn’t shy anymore.

  What happened next was a little hard for Savannah to see but she could tell from the way Chad was moaning as he trembled against Derek’s chest that Derek was stroking his cock. Skillfully, from the looks of it.

  Curious, Savannah shifted to the side and sure enough, she saw Chad’s proudly erect cock being held captive in Derek’s large hand and the sight was enough to make her mouth water.

  She was not just fascinated now. She was undoubtedly turned on. She could feel it in the fullness of her breasts and in the dampness between her thighs. As unbelievable as it sounded, while the two men were hot individually, they were even hotter together, the heat quickly spreading through the room.

  Unable to resist, Savannah unzipped her pants and slipped one hand beneath her cotton panties while she lifted the other to cup one of her swollen breasts. Closing her eyes, but retaining the image she had just seen clearly in her mind, she rubbed and stroked, gradually lying down on the rug as the pleasure heightened, threatening to overtake her.

  What was this feeling? And why was it more intense than any she had ever felt?

  Just as the incredible sensation was about to wash over her, she felt a hand jerk her arm away and when she o
pened her eyes, she saw both men hovering above her. Before she could protest, they undressed her, Derek removing her pants and her stained underwear and Chad taking off her shirt and bra.

  Naked, she felt a chill, but it was quickly dispelled as Derek crouched between her legs, his tongue circling the nub of flesh hidden in her curls. Chad, on the other hand, took off his pants and boxers and knelt above her, his cock nudging her lips.

  She parted them to take Chad’s cock inside her mouth. At the same time, Derek’s tongue delved past her other pair of lips, dipping inside her. She trembled in response, every cell of her body tingling with desire, yet she managed to do her task, sucking on Chad’s cock even as Derek’s mouth set her body on fire.

  Again, Savannah felt close to the breaking point and this time, there was no holding back. She plummeted into the abyss of pleasure, a cry escaping her throat as she did.

  By the time she recovered, Chad was no longer above her but Derek was still between her legs, this time something larger than his tongue nudging her soft folds.

  Much larger.

  Gripping the rug, Savannah held her breath and braced herself for it but nothing could prepare her for that massive cock stretching her as it entered her inch by inch.

  Now, she knew another reason why he was deserving of his moniker.

  Once he was completely inside her, he stopped.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her, his voice filled with concern.

  At that moment, Savannah realized that Derek was trying to be gentle, that he was actually afraid to hurt her and that that fear was holding him back. It made her feel sorry for him and want to embrace all of him at the same time.

  She nodded, placing her hands around his neck. “Give it your best shot.”

  She saw a flicker of surprise in his black eyes and the next thing she knew, he was kissing her, gently at first and then fiercely. He suddenly stopped, though, his body tensing before he sucked in a deep breath and although Savannah had forgotten about Chad, she suddenly realized where he was.


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