“So there’s nothing going on between you and Derek Brown?”
“I don’t know,” she said, placing her arm over her forehead. “I seriously don’t know.”
“Okay. I’ll leave you alone for now.”
Thank goodness for that.
“But let me know once you’ve made up your mind, okay? I want to know everything.”
She ended the call, tossing her phone aside. What on earth was going on? How the hell did everything turn out like this?
Savannah turned her head to see her cat, Miss Lavender, on the bed.
“Why can’t they see that I’m just as confused as they are?” She reached for the cat, petting it. “You can see that, can’t you?”
Just then, her phone rang again. She reached for it, frowning when she saw her sister’s name on the screen.
“I swear,” she said as she answered the call. “If you mention Derek Brown, I’m never going to return that Dior dress you lent me.”
“Whoa,” Selene said. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“You mean someone woke me up.”
“Big mistake.”
“So why’d you call?” Savannah sat up.
“To tell you that your coat was lovely in that photo.”
Savannah rolled her eyes. “Seriously, if…”
“Just kidding, though it’s true. I just wanted to remind you of our family dinner this evening. After all, with everything going on, you might have forgotten about it.”
“Nope. I haven’t forgotten,” Savannah lied, glancing at the calendar.
Right. Today was the last Saturday of the month and she, Selene and her two older brothers were supposed to have dinner together at the mansion.
“I’ll see you then,” Selene said. “Oh, and just to remind you, this is for family only. No dates allowed.”
Savannah gritted her teeth. “Selene.”
“Just kidding. Love you. See you.”
Again, Savannah lay on the bed, frowning. She wished she could skip the so-called family dinner, but she knew she couldn’t. If she did, she would never hear the end of it from Andrew. And he might even cut her allowance, being the tyrannical older brother that he was. She had no choice but to go, go and hope that dinner wouldn’t be a disaster. Then again, she was already having a bad day so how much worse could it get?
Chapter 7
“I have to say this is the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten yourself into,” Andrew said halfway through dinner after they had ran out of insignificant, random topics to talk about and the politeness had worn off. “A hockey player?”
Ralph nodded in agreement. He didn’t speak very much, but his opinion was always the same as his older brother.
“And one with a bad reputation to boot,” Andrew went on. “Why, I’ve heard he’s a drug addict, an alcoholic and a woman beater.”
“A sadistic woman beater,” Ralph said.
“He’s not…”
Savannah paused in the middle of her defense argument. Sadistic? Now, that was something she hadn’t heard before, though she was sure it wasn’t true. If anything, he was probably masochistic.
“He’s not any of those things. Those are just stupid rumors.”
Regardless of whether she was dating Derek or not, it wasn’t right to let people say bad things about him when he was completely innocent.
“It doesn’t matter whether they’re true or not,” Andrew said. “Haven’t you learned anything, Savannah? Reputation is what matters. You wouldn’t be where you are right now if Dad didn’t work hard trying to build a good reputation for our family and our company. You should do your part by upholding that reputation. You’re a Powell for goodness’ sake.”
Savannah sighed as she reached for her glass of champagne. She had heard this lecture many times before.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be a Powell anymore,” Andrew continued. “Maybe I should go off and marry you to one of our business colleagues.”
Savannah nearly choked.
“Now, now, Andrew.” Nora, his wife, who was one of the few people Andrew listened to, placed a hand on his shoulder. “There’s no reason to be hasty or harsh.”
“Yeah,” Selene agreed. “It was just a peck.”
Andrew snorted then glanced at Savannah. “Are you sure you haven’t slept with him?”
Savannah didn’t answer.
“See,” Andrew said. “You’ll sleep with anyone who has a dick.”
“Andrew,” Nora admonished.
“Though this is the first time I’ve heard of you going out with someone.” Andrew just wouldn’t stop. “Is it because his dick is the size of a baseball bat?”
Nora gasped.
“Well…” Savannah put down her fork. “It’s at least two times bigger than yours.”
It was Selene’s turn to gasp.
Andrew’s eyes narrowed. “How dare you…?”
“You started it,” Savannah told him, unafraid. Frankly, she was past her boiling point already.
“That’s enough,” Selene said. “Can we please not fight during our family dinners? Mom and Dad would be horrified if they were around.”
“They’d be upset about you, too,” Andrew said. “How many husbands have you had in the past five years?”
“Four,” Ralph answered. “Or should I say two since you divorced and then remarried the same man.”
Selene frowned.
“Guys,” Nora said. “Let’s not waste this lovely meal, alright? Why don’t we talk about something…more pleasant? I know. Why don’t we talk about what to do with the garden in the…”
But Savannah was no longer listening nor was she eating. Thanks to Andrew, she had already lost her appetite and now, all she wanted to do was leave.
“Hey, wait up!” Selene called after Savannah as she was headed out of the house after dinner.
Savannah stopped.
“You’re leaving already?”
“I have no reason to stay,” Savannah answered. “I seriously don’t know what Nora saw in that horrible man.”
“You mean Andrew? You know how he is,” Selene said. “Did you see his expression when you were talking about the size of his dick? Nora almost fainted and I almost laughed, mainly because I know it’s true.”
“What’s true?”
“That he’s got a small dick. He used to swim in the pool naked, remember?”
Savannah laughed.
“That aside…” Selene’s expression became serious. “Are you or are you not dating Derek Brown?”
Savannah sighed. “I should have known that was coming.”
“I’m just curious. I’m not judging you or anything.”
Savannah shrugged. “I don’t know, okay? That picture was shot in the parking lot of a restaurant. There were some losers who thought he was hurting me like the rumors said and to prove them wrong because they were threatening to call the cops, I kissed him. That’s all.”
“Then you’re not dating?”
“Like I said, I don’t know.”
“Has he asked you out?”
Savannah nodded. Well, technically he didn’t but it was the same thing.
“Do you like him?”
Savannah gave another nod.
“Then what’s the problem?”
Savannah shrugged again. “It’s…complicated.”
It was Selene’s turn to sigh. “Believe me, it’s not. If you want to date someone, go ahead. If you’re attracted to a guy, go ahead and sleep with him. If you’re in love, take a leap of faith. The guy doesn’t have to be perfect or the right guy even. I mean, look at me. I went for perfect guys hoping to have perfect marriages and I ended up unhappy.”
Savannah looked at her older sister. It was the first time Selene spoke of her marriages.
“Hey, don’t give me that look. Don’t you dare feel
sorry for me. Instead, learn from my mistakes. It’s what Mom would have wanted.”
Savannah looked away. “I still don’t know.”
“Sweetheart, do you want to go out with Derek Brown or not?” Selene asked. “There are only two options.”
Savannah paused to think. Did she?
“Well, yes, but…”
“Ah.” Selene placed a finger to Savannah’s lips. “No buts. When you’re in love with someone or even when you like someone a lot, there are no buts, only ands. That’s because you if you want to be with someone bad enough, then you’ll do everything to make it work and by make it work, I mean make both of you happy, not try to please other people. Remember, your happiness is what counts the most.”
Savannah nodded. “Thanks, sis. I didn’t know you could give good advice.”
“Oh, shut up.” Selene nudged her shoulder playfully. “You’ll make me cry.”
Savannah just smiled. Kidding aside, she was grateful for what her sister just said, the words making her suddenly see everything in a different light. Selene was right. Why was she worried about what other people had to say? She was the one who was going to be in the relationship, not them. It was her life, not Andrew’s. It was her opinion that mattered and she knew exactly what she wanted.
She had made up her mind. Now, she simply had to tell Derek and Chad.
Chapter 8
“Savannah?” Derek’s eyes grew wide when he saw her in front of his apartment.
“She’s here?” Chad asked from behind him.
“Good. You’re both here,” Savannah said as she stepped inside the apartment. “I have something to tell both of you.”
“I’m all ears,” Chad said.
“Before you say anything, I’m sorry about what happened,” Derek said. “I didn’t mean to…”
“Shh.” Savannah placed a finger to his lips. “This is actually a good time to not say anything.”
“He was so worried about you, he wanted to go see you,” Chad informed. “I managed to convince him that wasn’t the brightest idea.”
“Yeah,” Savannah agreed, looking at Derek. “That would have just made more people think you and I were dating.”
“I don’t care what people think,” Derek said.
“Well, you should,” Savannah told him. “Even just a little.”
As much as she hated to admit it, Andrew had a point there. Reputation did count for something, though not everything.
“Then why are you here?” Derek asked.
“How did you even get here?” Chad asked, in turn.
“I have my ways,” Savannah said slyly. “As for why I’m here, it’s because I’ve come to a decision. Not only that. On my way here, I’ve managed to come up with a plan.”
“Let’s hear it,” Chad said.
“First things first.” Savannah took a deep breath. “I’ve made up my mind to date you guys.”
Chad pumped his fist in the air.
Derek smiled. “Really?”
“Really.” Savannah nodded. “So here’s the deal. We’ll tell everyone I’m dating you. That will give us a reason to be seen together.” She turned to Chad. “And since you and Derek are best friends, you can come over to his place or mine any time and we can…do our stuff without anyone suspecting.”
“They’ll just think I’m a third wheel, huh?” Chad said.
“Exactly. And you can go and sleep with other girls, too. I won’t mind. That way, you can still continue with your ‘living life to the fullest’ thing and no one will suspect you’re bisexual.”
Chad nodded. “You’ve thought everything through, haven’t you?”
“That’s how much I’m committed to making this work,” Savannah answered. “So is it all good?”
Derek nodded.
“Perfect,” Chad said.
“Great.” Savannah clapped her hands together. “Then I’ll just go and…”
“Whoa! Wait,” Chad called out to her. “You’re leaving already?”
“Why don’t you stay a while?” Derek invited, walking towards her and holding her hand.
Savannah paused, torn between going and staying. A part of her wanted to leave at once so that she could make everything official, but a voice in her head told her there was no need to rush. Besides, she was already here and she had already decided to commit to these two men. Why not start that commitment now?
“I guess I can stay a little,” she found herself saying.
“Great.” Derek placed his arms around her and Savannah snuggled into his broad chest, feeling safe and warm.
And happy.
She had made the right decision, alright.
She was suddenly so giddy she couldn’t help but place her hands on Derek’s cheeks and kiss him, Derek kissing her back fiercely, though they both stopped when they heard Chad clear his throat.
“You’re not going to leave me out of the loop again, are you?” he asked as he approached them.
Instead of answering, Derek turned to Chad, engaging him in a passionate lip-lock.
Refusing to be the one left out, Savannah knelt between them, unzipped their pants and took out their cocks, stroking them simultaneously and then licking them alternately. She was having a bit of a struggle, though, and Derek must have noticed it because he reached for her arm, pulling her to her feet and leading her towards the bed.
There, they undressed her, touching her as her clothes came off, squeezing her breasts, tugging on her nipples and caressing the mound between her thighs. Each touch made Savannah’s body come alive, heat flowing through her veins beneath her tingling skin as her heart pounded with excitement.
When they had completely undressed her, Chad and Derek took off their clothes as well. Savannah watched them closely, fascinated by their glorious, perfect bodies, Chad’s body lean and well-sculpted and Derek’s packed with muscles that bulged and rippled in all the right places.
For a moment, they paused to admire each other’s bodies, too, stroking each other as they kissed. Just by watching them, Savannah felt aroused again and she was about to touch herself when the two returned to the bed.
Lying on their sides, they formed a triangle, Derek’s mouth between Savannah’s legs, Chad’s cock in Savannah’s mouth and Derek’s cock in Chad’s, all three of them licking and stroking each other, Savannah’s moans and whimpers combined with Chad and Derek’s gasps and grunts filling the room.
As before, with each stroke of Derek’s skillful tongue, Savannah trembled, the sensation so intense it almost kept her from sucking Chad’s cock properly. She did her best, knowing she had succeeded when she felt something warm splash inside her mouth, some drops of cum sliding down her throat. Savannah did her best to swallow them, finishing just in time to let out a cry as she, too, had her first orgasm of the night.
It robbed her of breath but she remained on her side, watching Chad suck Derek off. How he could manage to fit such a massive cock inside his mouth she had no clue but judging from Derek’s expression, he was doing great. Indeed, Derek’s eyes were half-lidded, his cheeks flushed and his lips parted. After a few moments, his features became even more contorted as he came in Chad’s mouth, gripping the other man’s blond curls and grunting as he did. Chad swallowed it all except for a few drops of cum which trickled out of the corners of his mouth.
Now that they were done, they turned to her again, Chad pulling her to her hands and knees and then kneeling behind her while Derek knelt before her, his cock, still hard and now coated with cum right in front of her face. Savannah licked every drop, pausing only as Chad entered her. Then she sucked Derek’s cock as Chad started moving inside her, trying to match his pace.
Chad’s cock was smaller than Derek’s but it was large just the same, penetrating her deeply and rubbing against amazing spots inside her. Savannah trembled, moaning around Derek’s cock as she cupped his balls. She was about to suck on them, too, but suddenly, he pulled away and before she could ask why, Chad picked up his pace,
pounding into her with such force that she was unable to think or speak, only grip the sheets and try to keep herself from passing out as she came a second time.
Chad came with her, filling her other hole with his cum. Then he pulled out and Savannah was about to collapse on the bed when Derek lifted her, placing her on top of him. Gripping her hips, he bounced her up and down on his cock, filling her with more cum before long.
After that, he lay her down and Savannah lay still, staring at the ceiling. As before, she was too exhausted to move and she had a feeling that from now on, she would feel the same each time. She had not just one but two men to satisfy, after all.
Still, she didn’t complain. How could she when she could experience twice the pleasure and the satisfaction? Indeed, whatever discomfort or exhaustion she felt, she could handle for the boys. For her boys. It was a small price to pay for the contentment she now felt, the happiness in her chest that made her truly feel like she was worth millions of bucks.
With Chad and Derek by her side, Savannah needed nothing more.
Bisexual Ménage Romance
Chapter 1
Elsa sat back on her chair and yawned.
She wasn’t sleepy, just bored. It was the middle of the week, after all, and she had been staring at spreadsheets for the past half hour. She didn’t really have anything better to do, her employees already seeing to the needs of the customers and making sure all the facilities, which she had checked personally that morning, were clean and in order.
The family adventure center, which she and her older brother, Eric, had put up, had already been running for six months and so far, it was doing well. The customers, young and old, kept coming back for the fun – the go-kart race track, the RC car race track, the bumper car pavilion, two rock walls, the arcade, a six-lane archery range and the newest facility – a 2,000 square-feet trampoline area. There was a restaurant, a playground and a picnic area, as well. The fact that Eric was a famous NASCAR driver helped boost the popularity of the business, too, and now, they had about five hundred customers each day and sometimes, more than a thousand on long weekends and holidays.
Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 60