Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 135

by Ashley Stewart

  “There’s nothing between us, Jessica,” I whispered emphatically, leaning across the table.

  “There’s something,” she pressed.

  “No. Not a thing and don’t you dare think it again. We are just pen pals and you know it.”

  “Not anymore. Now you two have met.”

  “We are only friends. Don’t be absurd,” I shot back. Her insistence on disbelieving me was profoundly annoying. Nevertheless, there was nothing I could do to persuade her in any other way. She took a sip of her hot coffee in hopes that it would hide her grin. Naturally, it didn’t.

  “It will be interesting to see how this plays out,” she said, preparing herself for my verbal attack. I couldn’t think a single argument that would have dispelled her thoughts. I simply accepted defeat, plopped into the backing of my chair and held the hot coffee cup tightly against my mouth.

  Chapter 7

  I knew that Alexis would be at the mansion by seven o’clock. I had sent the driver to pick her up while I ensured everything was perfect by the time she arrived. I wanted to give her a memorable celebration for completing her 500 hour program and earning the Yoga instruction certificate. The chef was humming classic pieces of music while finishing up dinner for the two of us.

  “What song is that?” I asked the chef while nervously pacing the kitchen floor.

  “It’s from The Sound of Music. Sir, you’re making me nervous just by being so nervous. Relax.”

  “Well, is there anything that I can do to help you? I’m trying to expel this excess energy.”

  “Um…no, sir. I think I have it all together now. I’m about to dish everything up. It’s ten ‘til seven.”

  “Then I need to keep pacing,” I retorted, not trying to be rude. I didn’t know why I was so nervous.

  “She won’t judge you over the mansion. She will be enamored by it. Don’t you worry,” he tried to comfort me. The doorbell rang, and I knew it was her.

  “Thank you, Chef. Pardon me,” I excused myself to greet her at the door. The doorman had already opened the door when I approached. She was stunningly beautiful. She wore a slinky red, silk dress that rest just above her knees and dipped into a V-neck on her chest. The spaghetti straps enhanced her shoulders and the white, soft shoulder wrap rested daintily on her arms. She had twirled her hair into a French twist and wore red lipstick. Her silver heels offset the whole outfit. She was red carpet ready without the help of handlers or stylists.

  “Wow, look at you,” I said in greeting. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you,” she replied politely. She looked around, taking in every detail.

  “Welcome to my mansion,” I exclaimed, spreading my arms to showcase the place.

  “It’s exquisite. Really,” she said.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked, trying to help her feel at home.

  “Absolutely,” she smiled brightly. I escorted her to the dining room where the servants had already placed our food on the table. The candle sticks were lit in the center of the table and wine glasses were filled.

  “Do you drink wine?” I asked.

  She studied the table and all the décor. “Yes, I drink wine.”

  I pulled out her chair for her and watched as she elegantly sat down. She knew etiquette and manners quite well. “By the looks of it, I would have to say that you’ve been distinguished for quite some time. Finishing school is rare these days, and I don’t think you attended one.”

  “My family taught me well, Ashton. I was taught that in certain instances, you were not to eat a single food with your fingers. That even a French fry was to be broken apart and eaten using a fork and knife,” her gentle demeanor was lovely. Whenever the waitress would refill her glass or take a plate from her side, she politely sat back in her chair without slouching in the slightest.

  “Well, I want you to know that you can relax while you’re here. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I already know who you are,” I reassured her.

  Dinner was delicious and filling. It seemed to ease her nerves as well. She was no longer trying to keep up appearances. “Thank you for the dinner.” She daintily wiped her mouth with the cloth napkin.

  “I wanted to do something special to celebrate your accomplishment. You’ve passed the examination with flying colors. It’s something that deserved a celebration.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. It is certainly a defining moment for me.” I almost worried that she was considering leaving the office.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I said, standing suddenly. She sat still, wondering with wide eyes what my surprise would be. “Don’t worry. I haven’t spent a ton of money on it.” I walked to her side and offered my hand. She accepted and stood gracefully. “Just let me lead you to it.” I walked up the marble staircase that winded upward to the second floor. Only the railings curved as they followed the pathway to the right and to the left. “This is my guest suite,” I explained carefully. I didn’t want her to think too much about anything.

  “Ashton, what have you done?” Her tone was almost scolding.

  “I haven’t done a thing but plan this,” I answered, opening the thick, wooden, mahogany double doors. The bedroom was completely lit by candlelight and rose petals led to the porcelain tub. In the tub, more red rose petals floated in the water. Bowls of fancy chocolates lined the sides of the hot tub and the bed. Wine glasses and bottles of wine sat in every corner. Her face was priceless.

  “Oh Ashton! It’s like a dream!” she exclaimed, holding her hands over her mouth. She was astonished to say the least. “I’ve never I seen anything like this! Only in movies.” She caressed each and every thing that came into her path. “But, I can’t spend the night here, of course. People would know something is up right away.”

  “Don’t worry about my staff. They’ve signed confidentiality agreements. Besides, I wasn’t planning on you spending the night. I didn’t give you a heads up and frankly, I didn’t think you would anyway.”

  “Were you planning on joining me?” She met my eyes with her warm, mischievous glance.

  “I wasn’t going to leave you alone to celebrate!” I unbuttoned my shirt to reveal my six pack. I knew she really liked my abs. “Would you like a bathing suit for the hot tub? I didn’t think about that.”

  “You didn’t think about it because you didn’t want me to have anything on in there,” she remarked boldly but correctly.

  “True,” I answered, unzipping her dress in the back. I watched with a steaming passion as she tested the temperature of the water with the tip of her toes. Her nude body was flawless and pleasing to my selfish eye. I wanted all of her. I climbed in the tub with her and couldn’t restrain myself. Following her to a corner, I covered her with passion and kissed her plump lips. The steam from the water made everything even more passionate. I couldn’t kiss her enough. She couldn’t grab me hard enough. Somehow, we refrained from sex, but it was amazing to venture into everything else with her. The touch of her hand on my hard erection satisfied me completely.

  Chapter 8

  After receiving my certificate in Yoga instruction, Ashton allowed me to teach the Yoga class on Tuesday nights. I was so excited about it that I texted Seth and invited him to my class. I didn’t think that he would actually give it a try, but he did. Ashton joined the class as a participant instead of assisting me at the front of the class. Seth walked in and settled in a spot across the room from Ashton. I noticed the studious glare that Ashton had on Seth. It was worth remembering.

  I was slightly nervous about teaching for the first time completely on my own, but at the same time, I had worked my butt off for that very opportunity!

  “Good afternoon everyone,” I greeted the class. “Let’s stretch our arms above our head, inhale, exhale and release as we lower our arms. Ready?” I guided the class through the session with ease. It was definitely something that came naturally to me. Seth approached me after most everyone had left.

  “Thank you for inviting me, Alexis. I�
�m really glad that I came,” he smiled softly. He seemed like such a genuine person.

  “Thank you for coming, Seth. I’m really glad that you came,” I grinned back.

  “Well, I would love to come back next time. Are you teaching these from now on?”

  “I believe she is,” Ashton answered his question for me as he walked up from behind. I was almost offended by his interference. Seth looked somewhat startled.

  “You must be-”Seth tried to comment but Ashton rudely interrupted.

  “Ashton Jackson of Ashton J. Incorporation. It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he extended his hand to Seth. I was trying to not seethe with anger.

  “It’s nice to meet you, as well,” Seth stammered. He appeared excited to meet the man, but seemed uneasy as well. The tension in the room was definitely uncomfortable thanks to Ashton. “Well, I really must be going. I will text you later,” Seth smiled at me and left. Once he was out of view, Ashton spoke up.

  “He will text you later? He is totally smitten with you,” he stated flatly.

  “What’s wrong with that? I’m not taken,” I shot back in a catty tone.

  “What about me?” he asked in a serious tone.

  “Yes, we have something going on but it’s not a serious relationship. You’ve said so yourself. If you have to hide our relationship, or whatever you want to call it, I don’t think it’s worth thinking of it as anything significant.” I was frustrated. Sure, I loved having a billionaire’s attention and all the benefits that came with it, but at the same time some time, I hated hiding it. I didn’t like being the hidden mistress.

  “I’ve told you that it’s best things are kept silent about us,” he firmly spoke.

  “And for how long? Am I to put my romantic life on hold for someone that will never reveal to the world that he is in a relationship with me?”

  “Look, I have feelings for you, okay? I need you to trust me for now. It won’t be like this forever,” he tried to convince me.

  “If you have feelings for me, then I insist that we go public about our relationship. If we can’t go public, then I assume that, whatever this is, it’s just a fling; a friends-with-benefits situation. I’ve had to accept that already. The wooing and charming is fun at first but it eventually loses its appeal.”

  “As much as I would love to go public with you right now, I can’t. I wish you would trust me on that.” He was consistent with his argument. In fact, he seemed almost panicked at the thought of me running away. Yet, I knew he wouldn’t fire me. He was too consumed by me. In a way, I was hoping that this would be enough for him to muster up the courage to take the plunge and legitimate our relationship. To my dismay, we hadn’t made any steps in that direction.

  “I can’t promise you anything, then. Unless I’m committed to you, I can’t promise you that my heart won’t get stolen. I’m sorry.” I was so angry and let down by his insistence on staying quiet that I left him standing there alone. On my way out the door, I walked past the janitor that first caught us having sex. I simply nodded in greeting and marched right out the door. After all, if I wasn’t going to stand up for myself, who else would? The words needed to be said, and I clearly had a lot of thinking to do.

  The Billionaire’s Release Book 3

  Bella Rayne

  Chapter 1

  I returned home flustered. My butler received the brunt of my frustration as I angrily tossed my jacket onto the cold, marble floor and rudely refused the glass of wine he had for me in his hand.

  “I don’t care to be messed with for now,” I said coldly. I knew that I would regret my ungrateful words later. “Have the chef bring my dinner to my study. I won’t be eating with the staff tonight.”

  “Yes, sir,” he stuttered and quickly backed out of my way.

  I stomped up the stairs like a spoiled kid in a fit of rage. Fresh towels, linens and a pot of fresh, hot coffee were already available in the study. However, the maid didn’t wait to greet me, which was completely fine with me. I poured myself a cup and gulped it with superhuman speed.

  “Ahh!” I verbally released my frustration. The hot liquid felt like it had singed my insides, but the rush was worth it. I wanted Alexis to myself so badly, but knew it was a bad idea. I stood by the window, looking through it intensely and tightly clutching my Styrofoam coffee cup. I knew that I had not been discrete enough with Alexis. The public outings weren’t exactly the best ideas. Considering the legalities, though, I knew that declaring a solid relationship to the press could be problematic. My attorney worked way too hard to defend my case for something as simple as an affair to rip me apart at the very end.

  I heard a gentle tapping on my door. “Sir?” A small, meek voice traveled from the doorway.

  “Yes?” I took another sip of my coffee but continued to stare out the large window.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but you have a visitor downstairs.”

  I immediately turned around. “Who is it?”

  “Alexis King, sir,” she responded promptly. Her hands were clasped together in front of her waistline. She stood tensely but respectfully.

  “Thank you, Miss Waites. You can bring her up here.”

  She nodded and left the room. Pacing in circles, I prepared myself for the worst. I didn’t want to argue with Alexis again but recognized that I may not have a choice.

  “Ashton?” she spoke more firmly than Miss Waites.

  “Come in,” I answered confidently, plopping into the plush leather office chair. She had never visited my study before and admired it as she entered.

  “Wow…what an impressive study! This looks like a library from an English countryside estate.”

  “Thank you. I have come up with many great ideas in this room. Including the initial idea to giving you more than just a job,” I explained. She didn’t seem as angry as she was at the YMCA. In fact, she was still in her Yoga outfit and clearly hadn’t been home yet.

  “Oh,” she smirked, sitting down on the leather chaise lounge.

  “So…” I said after a moment.

  “So…”she responded.

  Awkward silence ensued.

  She finally spoke up. “I really don’t understand your hesitation. What legalities are in jeopardy over going official with a relationship? I don’t want to beg someone to acknowledge me, but considering the things that have happened between us, I feel that I do have the right to an explanation, don’t I?”

  Her words were sincere. At that moment, I knew that I was being selfish in keeping her around as a lover. I just couldn’t let her go. It was almost like an addiction; there was something about her that intrigued me. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Yes, you do have the right to a truthful explanation. It’s not a secret that my life is often in the limelight. In this world, I have to handle my personal life more cautiously than the average person because it could create conflict with business deals. I have to carefully protect my reputation and plan intricately with publicists and attorneys on how to approach matters like this. If it gets into the hands of the wrong members of the press before we have control over it, it could destroy my reputation, my business and my brand. It’s just a harsh reality of living this type of lifestyle.”

  She stared at me for a moment, seemingly soaking in every word, every thought. I decided to stand and walk to her. Her eyes followed me as I approached her. I held out my hand, pulling her up from the chair.

  “Alexis, no matter how complicated this is, the simple fact is, I don’t want to lose you. You’ve been a breath of fresh air.” I smiled, softly caressing her tiny hand in mine.

  “Oh, Ashton,” she looked down, unsure of how to take my words.

  I gently lifted her chin, and her large twinkling eyes looked directly into mine. Again, there was silence. I pulled her closer and carefully pressed my lips against hers. She kissed back. My hands traveled around her tiny waist and rested on her lower back while she embraced me with both arms. Our breathing became heavier. My tong
ue couldn’t reach enough of her sweet mouth. She held me close, pulling it back to her mouth every time my lips left hers. Things were progressing rather nicely until my cell phone started to buzz in my pocket.

  I ignored it the first time.

  Then it buzzed again. And again.

  I broke away from Alexis. “I’m sorry, Alexis. Normally when my cell phone rings that much, I need to see what’s going on.” I pulled it from my pocket, trying to conceal the screen just in case it was someone that I didn’t want her to know about. “Will you excuse me?” I politely asked her.

  “Of course,” she replied, looking confused.

  I escorted her to the door and apologized for having to send her out. It felt like the rudest thing I had ever done to a lady. “I will see you in the office tomorrow morning?” I tried to smile.

  “Yes,” she smiled back. “Goodnight.”


  As soon as she exited the room, I softly shut the door. My nerves were screaming loudly as I returned to my cell phone.

  Chapter 2

  It was extremely odd and rather uncomfortable. Ashton had nearly won me over again until those strange phone calls. He would always answer the phone in front of me, so why was tonight any different? His behavior was becoming increasingly more concerning and bizarre.

  While driving home, the sun was setting. Confused over everything, I looked forward to getting home and making a simple dinner, propping my feet up and watching a good movie. It was a great way to get everything off of my mind. Turning into the parking lot, there was a strange car parked next to Jessica’s. I wondered if we had company. Grabbing my things, I locked my car and climbed the stairs to the front door. I was mortified when I opened the door. On a blanket in the middle of the living room floor, Jessica was having sex with a guy. I didn’t even know that she had a guy!


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