Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 136

by Ashley Stewart

“Oh my!” I blurted out without thinking. Quickly, the guy crawled off of her and she covered herself with the blanket.

  “Alexis! I’m so sorry! I lost track of the time!” Her eyes were wide with fear. I recognized the guy. He worked at the coffee shop. It was my favorite hangout and now it would be tainted and tied to this disgusting memory.

  “I just want to find some peace somewhere. Apparently, I can’t get that at home either. There is something called a BEDROOM,” I spoke with controlled anger. Leaving them there, I stormed back out. Avoiding the coffee shop, I marched down the street to the bookstore, found a cozy corner and just released all the stress in one long sigh.

  My phone buzzed. Seth sent me a message. I grinned, feeling relieved to hear from someone that wasn’t connected to all the drama.

  Thank you again for inviting me to class tonight. I really enjoyed it.

  His text meant a lot to me. As simple as it was, it was really nice.

  You’re welcome. I’m glad you decided to join us.

  My reply was basic but kind. He didn’t send anything else and it wasn’t needed. That was enough to relieve my mind of many of the evening’s stressors. I found a classic novel and nestled into the lush and comfortable chair. Feeling safe, secure and content, I delved into a world that was not my own.

  After an hour, my phone buzzed again. I had just reached the tenth chapter in the novel. I glared at the brightened screen only to see Jessica’s name.

  Hey girl. Where are you? I’m looking for you.

  Sighing, I wasn’t sure that I was ready to reply. Then again, I knew that I had to face her when I went home.

  I’m at the bookstore.

  My reply was simple.

  I will be there in five.

  Locking my phone screen, I set it down and continued to read the novel. My thoughts had become distracted with the reminders of the afternoon and I realized I was re-reading the same sentences two and three times. Irritated, I gave up and abruptly shut the book. As I was standing to stretch my legs, Jessica found me. She looked overwhelmed with nervous tension.

  She opened her quivering lips but nothing came out. I sat back down in the worn-in, comfortable chair. She sat in the one next to me.

  “So, I guess your guy friend went home?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she muttered, looking down. “Look I wasn’t expecting that to happen. He had been flirting with me at the coffee shop and offered to walk me home. So I let him. Then, he asked to come in. I let him. We were on the sofa and one thing led to another…”

  “So you set up a blanket in the middle of the living room floor to take care of business there.” I was trying to not be livid. I knew that I had had sex in the apartment with Ashton but at least we went to my bedroom!

  “I know you’re angry. I should’ve taken it to the bedroom. I’m sorry.”

  “I had a terrible evening. All I wanted was to get home, make a simple dinner and relax while watching a good movie. Instead, I became traumatized by an unwanted sex scene. I was disgusted. Thank you for apologizing though. I know you didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  She pursed her lips tightly. “I feel terrible about it. I would be equally traumatized if I had walked in on you and Ashton.” She almost grinned in spite of herself.

  “Well, that may not happen much longer.”

  She looked confused. “Now what?”

  “He is hiding something from me.”

  She shook her head. “On top of hiding you from the public? Girl, he may be loaded with cash, but I don’t know about that.”

  I didn’t want to talk about it again. “So, what’s up with this new guy? I didn’t think you were one to immediately sleep with someone.”

  She blushed. “Well, we’ve known each other just from all the times I’ve hung out at the coffee house. I don’t know. It seems like something may come from it. Time will tell.”

  I gave her a sideways look. “Come on. You don’t just do that unless there are some serious feelings going on.”

  “True,” she smiled.

  Seth messaged me again. Jessica saw his name pop up on my phone screen.

  “Ooooh…that’s becoming more and more interesting,” she stated in a valley girl tone.

  “Yeah, well, we are just friends. That’s all.” I opened up the message.

  Have a good night!

  I smiled after reading it. Jessica noticed. “Uh huh…he totally has a crush on you, Alexis. What are you going to do?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess I will just keep taking it day by day. I will figure everything out.”

  Chapter 3

  “So now that you have your teaching certificate, are you going to continue working for the Ashton J Corporation?” Seth asked me, taking a sip of his cold vanilla frappe.

  “I’ve thought about it. I think I’m going to stay where I’m at for the time being and continue to teach at the YMCA. Ultimately, I would like to have a full time job teaching Yoga and everything about it,” I explained.

  His dark framed glasses didn’t appear as nerdy as they once had. If anything, they were growing on me. Sitting at my favorite window at the coffee shop, I couldn’t help but awkwardly sneak glances at the guy I had caught sleeping with Jessica. It was difficult to recover from something as awkward as that.

  “Ashton seems pretty keen on you,” Seth said boldly.

  “Oh? How so?” I asked, trying to remain demure. It was critical that he didn’t know about the affair, although, it was probably becoming noticeable.

  “He just seems very protective of you. I don’t know,” he shrugged, blushing slightly. I could sense that he was genuinely concerned for me.

  “Seth, are you worried about me?”

  He took a minute to answer. “Maybe?”

  His answer was the sweetest thing anyone said to me in a long time. Sadly, it far surpassed any romantic words that came from Ashton, and that spoke volumes.

  “Well don’t. I have a professional relationship with Ashton. He said he has seen a lot of potential in me and that remind him of when he was my age. If anything, we have become good friends. I’ve learned so much from him, and honestly, it’s because of him that I’ve been able to teach at the YMCA.”

  Seth nodded his head. “That’s awesome.”

  I smiled. “I’m not saying that I want to be the next Yoga guru.”

  “But he has given you many opportunities that you may not have had otherwise. How did you get the job to begin with? You were fortunate to get your foot in the door because I know there are many people that become star struck every time they see him out in public.” Talking to Seth came so naturally, even if he was asking a lot of pointed questions. I knew deep down that he had every right to be suspicious. Honestly, I secretly wished that I could tell him the truth because it was getting harder to only talk to Jessica about it. Seth made me feel safe. His friendship seemed secure and true.

  “Yes, he has. I never thought that I could be on the set of one of his videos. That was amazing in and of itself.” I took another sip of my lemon iced tea. “I saw an ad online for an assistant position, so I applied. I didn’t see the harm in at least trying. The job was in my field of study, and I knew if I got it, it would offer many opportunities that the average Yoga student wouldn’t otherwise have. But yes, people do seem to idolize him in an unhealthy way. They treat him like he is the next Brad Pitt.”

  Seth laughed. “Only the women treat him like that. He looks great for his age.”

  “Yes he does,” I said much too easily. In that moment, Ashton messaged me.

  Hey babe. What’s up?

  I tried to hide the message from Seth. Although I’m sure that he saw Ashton’s name, he didn’t make me feel uncomfortable about it. I didn’t reply to the message.

  “So, are you looking for a serious relationship still? I know we’ve become friends and your profile on findinglove.com is getting all kinds of hits, but you’re not replying to any of them. Is that too forward of
me to ask?”

  “Of course not, Seth!” I shoved my phone into my purse, not wanting to see it vibrate when Ashton started to call. He often called me if I didn’t respond to his messages within a certain time frame. “I suppose with everything going on in my life, I’ve kind of relaxed on the dating scene. I wasn’t expecting to be so busy all the time.” I regretted lying. It was easy to sense that Seth was testing the waters, and yet, here I was, linked to one of the richest men in the world but unable to date freely as I wanted. My emotions were torn between my hidden relationship, or whatever it was, with Ashton and the pleasant new one that was forming with Seth. I was really putting myself in a pickle. Ashton not only had the money, but he was incredibly hot and good looking. Seth wasn’t much to look at, although he wasn’t unattractive either, but he had a heart of gold.

  “Oh, I understand completely. I’ve not been very active on there either. Look, I don’t want to ruin our friendship, but I do like you. I’m in no rush, so don’t feel like you have to decide immediately. I just think I owe it to you to be honest. You’re a true catch. You’re beautiful, smart and hard-working. Any man who ended up with you would be lucky.” His words struck a strong, resonate chord in me.

  “Thank you for your honesty.” Guilt rushed through me immediately. I wasn’t being completely honest with him, and I didn’t want to start a relationship with him that was based on dishonesty. “I’m actually very smitten by your words. I like you too, Seth. I do. However, right now, I have some things in my personal life to figure out before I’m ready for a serious relationship. Can we continue being friends?”

  He smiled warmly. “It would be a pleasure to continue in being your friend.”

  I gently grasped his hand and squeezed. “Thank you. You’re a very good guy. I truly appreciate your heart.”

  “Likewise. You’re a good friend, Alexis,” he smiled, twitching his left eye. Regardless of his nerdy habits and style, he was handsome in his own way.

  Chapter 4

  The air was stifling in the office. Alexis was smiling but staying to herself and the other ladies were snickering behind my back. I wasn’t known for angry outbursts and random firings, but it was tempting on that day. I sat at my desk, browsing through my appointments. I was relieved to see that I had a scheduled magazine shoot at a North Carolina beach in a few days. Having a great idea, I called Alexis into my office.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “Alexis,” I said, “You can relax. Please close the door.”

  She calmly closed the door and sat in front of my desk. “What do you need?” She was watching me carefully. Her behavior was emotionally distant.

  I sighed and tried to ignore the negative thoughts in my mind. “On Thursday, I have a photo shoot with Fitness Witness Mag. It’s not far from here. The location is on a North Carolina beach. It’s a very rural area and not a tourist destination. Would you be interested in assisting me on the trip?”

  “How many days?” she opened her notepad, prepared to write.

  “It’s just on Thursday. I planned on returning Friday morning since the shoot will likely last several hours. I thought it would be fun to relax at the beach and have a nice, mini vacation.” I smiled, hoping it would entice her. I knew our disagreement the other night was causing the distance.

  “I’m not sure,” she replied. “I don’t want to give the other ladies in the office any more reason to think that we have something going on. Perhaps you should offer it to one of them.”

  “But they weren’t hired as my assistant,” I said.

  “Honestly, neither was I. I was originally hired as an office assistant.”

  “And I changed that title not too long after that. It was made known to the ladies as well,” I reminded her. “Look, I don’t want to beg you to spend time with me. Take time and think about it. There won’t be any pressure, and you may enjoy it.”

  She sat in deep thought for what seemed like forever. “Thank you for the offer. I will go. What time should I be ready to leave on Thursday?”

  I felt a surge of excitement as I realized my charm was working on her again. “We will swing by and pick you up at your place at four o’clock in the morning. Don’t worry about putting in a full day in on Wednesday. You will likely want your rest since we will be leaving so early the next morning.”

  “Okay, I will be ready,” she replied professionally. “If you don’t have anything else for me to do, I’m headed back to my desk. I have quite a few files to copy into the system before I leave today. Janet is staying on me about it.”

  “You’re free to go,” I grinned. I watched as she left my office. I couldn’t help but notice how her skirt flattered her sexy legs. “By the way, Alexis? You look nice today,” I complimented her.

  She turned her head, grinning slightly. “Thank you, sir.”

  Two hours went by before Janet came to my desk. “You just received a certified letter, sir. It’s from Miller & Bankston Associates.” I cringed. I didn’t want to see the contents of the letter, and she knew it.

  “Thank you, Janet.” I almost mumbled the words.

  “If I had as much money as you, I would pay these people to shut up. Now, it isn’t any of my business, but that’s my personal opinion.” Janet’s tone was sassier than usual. I didn’t like that she knew more than Alexis. Her smirk made me nervous.

  “You’re right. It isn’t any of your business,” I paused. “Who wants to freely give away what they’ve worked so hard for? Unless it’s for a worthy cause, I refuse,” my tone was dark and angry but even.

  “That stubbornness may keep it going on forever, then.”

  She marched out of my office with attitude and arrogance. I wanted to fire her on the spot but knew she would instantly make me pay for it. It was funny to me how many people thought money could settle everything. It couldn’t. I was being haunted by my past and wanted far away from it. If my fling with Alexis were discovered, it would destroy any progress I had made. I pulled out my phone and studied Alexis’ pictures on social media. She turned me on tremendously. Unfortunately, I knew I was in the doghouse with her. The beach trip would change that, though.

  Chapter 5

  The makeup artist was oiling Ashton’s perfectly chiseled chest and abs. It didn’t matter how annoying the man was, he was still one of the sexiest men alive. He caught me nearly salivating and sent me his charming half-smirk. He knew he was hot. The ocean waves were crashing behind him. The skies were bright blue with only a few wispy, white clouds floating here and there. It was a beautiful day at the beach and there wasn’t a soul in sight, except for the crew.

  The photographer asked him to do different Yoga poses. With each pose, his body took my breath away. I couldn’t believe that I had slept with the most wanted man in the country! Why was I was complaining? What was wrong with me? Oh wait, I had a conscience. I knew the real Ashton. He wasn’t any different from anyone else. Sure, he had insecurities, emotions and habits just like the average person. However, he flourished in front of the cameras, under the spotlights and in front of the crowds. It seemed like the attention brought him to life.

  “Flex your arms and look straight at the camera,” the photographer guided him. Ashton followed his command with ease. He made it look effortless.

  Someone tapped my shoulder. “Miss? Are you Mr. Jackson’s assistant?” It was a lady that had been holding the clipboard and keeping notes. Headphones hung around her neck and her thin-framed glasses barely clung to the end of her nose. Her hair was almost frazzled, and to my surprise, she didn’t have an ounce of makeup on. It was always my understanding that people who worked in film and fashion presented themselves in near flawless form. I was quickly learning that this was an illusion. They were the ones that were continuously pampered whereas the production crew worked tirelessly and relentlessly, often going hours without food. Many like this lady didn’t have time to bother with perfect hair and makeup. It was reserved for the celebrities and stars of the show.

>   “Yes, ma’am, I am,” I smiled at her. She didn’t seem to have to smile.

  “It’s rather warm out here. He may need some water soon. We keep our bottled waters in the van. You will find a cooler in the back.” She pointed to the van parked on the edge of the sand. I had watched most of the camera crew bring things in and out from the van.

  “Okay, thank you. I will work on that now.”

  She continued. “Have you arranged for him to have any food brought to the set?”

  “No,” I answered slowly, starting to feel confused.

  “Okay. Some assistants stay on top of that stuff. I didn’t know. The producer has ordered pizza for the crew. Everyone is welcome to it,” she said, all business.

  “Thank you. We usually just grab something to eat after the event.” I almost felt offended. Then again, she was probably used to assistants orchestrating such things. I never truly felt like Ashton’s assistant. It was then that I realized how unprofessional our relationship was. I didn’t think of myself as his assistant. I thought of myself as his mistress. For whatever reason, he needed our relationship kept under wraps, I instinctively sensed that I needed to do a better job at playing my role. “If it’s going to be several more hours, I will have something brought here so it will tide him over until he is ready to grab a meal later.”

  “Well, I don’t know how much longer the shoot will run. It depends on the photographer and the lighting. If he is pleased with the shots and if they’re what he had in mind, it could be over any minute. If he wants sunset shots, it could be a few more hours. It just depends,” she explained. “You’re new to this type of work, aren’t you?” she finally grinned, almost chuckling. “It takes some getting used to if you are.”

  I chuckled along with her, “Yeah, I’m a little new at this.”

  “As long as you learn to love it, then you’re in the right place.” She returned to her checklist and wandered off.

  Two hours later, the photographer called it a wrap. He was satisfied with the daylight shots and dismissed everyone. They gave Ashton a white robe and towel. Grinning from ear to ear, he approached me. “Are you ready to grab some food and do our own thing?”


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