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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 3

by Pixie Moon

  Treia snorts. “Your nose is off. I have noticed that you’ve lost your pretty boy smile lately.”

  I shrug. “Something’s off. I know it gut level.”

  “You’ll be better when we get home.”

  I frown as I look around. “No. The problem is there too because it’s in me.”

  She stops and stares at me. “A good seema can fix you up.”

  I don’t agree or disagree with her. That scent captures my attention again. I inhale it deep into my lungs and savor it.

  “Zaphinian warriors, come and see what’s up for sell today.”

  At those yelled words, LarPe and I look up on the sell-block. The barpolian female running the sell points to a female on the stage.

  When our gazes meet, my heart stops. I can’t stop looking at her. Something in my chest shifts. “I have to go check her out.”

  LarPe laughs. “I can see why. Maybe she is what you were smelling, eh?”

  We head to the stairs and ascend to the platform in no time. The little human is drawing me in like no other. I have to smell her, touch her, test her, buy her.

  We pass a kepslian as we go to her. Someone else is looking him over but I only have eyes for the human.

  Her black hair is a bit wild and she’s dirty but her eyes hold me just as captive as her scent. I don’t like the smell of fear, worry, and doubt coming from her but beneath that is the sweetest aroma I’ve ever smelled.

  While I stare into her brown and green eyes, LarPe circles her and then says in English, “She looks thin and spooked but she has the potential to be a seema, maybe even a plaything for the club you own. Don’t you think, Pretty Boy?”

  The human’s eyes widen and then shift to LarPe. “You speak English.”

  “Yes,” LarPe answers.

  I watch as the human’s gaze is drawn back to mine. The beast in me is happy to see that she is just as inexplicably drawn to me as I am to her.

  Treia laughs and shoves my shoulder. I let her because I only have eyes for the pretty human.

  “What’s your name,” I ask. I breathe in her scent and enjoy the heat that spears through my groin.

  “Kinsey Lea Walker.”

  I watch as her big beautiful eyes turn pleading and then she rolls her lips inward and her gaze shifts. Her emotions are all over the place. Hope, fear, lust, and doubt thicken the air around her.

  Kinsey Lea’s gaze returns to mine and she says, “Can you help me? I was taken from Earth? Sold actually.”

  “Would you like to be my seema?” The warrior in me demands I take her home.

  Kinsey Lea nods her head. “Yes. Wait, what’s a seema?”

  The scent of fear thickens around my human. I don’t like it.

  Treia steps closer to Kinsey. “A seema has a very important job. Seemas take care of a warrior’s needs. Both sexual and all the things at home that need to be taken care of to keep it running smoothly.”

  I watch Kinsey Lea and hold back a smile when a stronger dose of arousal comes from her at the mention of a seema’s sexual duties. Yes, she is looking like she will work out fine. I look around at the crowd and then back at my human.

  Kinsey Lea swallows hard. She steals a peek at me and then asks Treia, “Are you looking for a seema too?”

  LarPe chuckles. “No. You are cute but you don’t have the right equipment for me. Lank is my seema. I’m Din Treia LarPe and I believe all Din warriors should have a seema.” LarPe looks at me and then back at my human. “You’ll make a good seema for Din Tairin GyRol. That is, if you’re willing to follow orders and pleasure him when and where he needs you to.”

  Relief swirls in the air around Kinsey Lea as she looks into my eyes. Since Treia was so informative, I can see why Kinsey Lea thought that Treia was also looking for a seema. I stare back at her and ask, “Would you like to be tested for the job?”


  Her agreement holds a hint of hesitation. That’s good since she doesn’t know me and humans from Earth usually don’t know about other beings until they are taken from their home world. She is handling her situation well. I admire her strength.

  When I step even closer to her, she looks nervously around and then back at me. “Will the test hurt?”

  My heart aches for her. I shake my head. “No, little human. Just stand still.” At her nod I lean in and sniff her neck.

  I grin when she sucks in a breath and then shivers. The chemistry between us is so much more powerful now that I’m in her personal space. It’s a space I plan on being in as much as possible.

  While LarPe strokes the hilt of her weapon and stares at the crowd, I deepen the test.

  I lightly brush my palms over her shoulders and then run my hands down her arms and back up. My touch is deliberately light. I repeat the moves a few more times as I breathe against her delicate neck.

  When the scent of her arousal gets stronger, I brush my hands up her sides and then over her breasts. She shivers and moans when I do it again. Her nipples harden and poke against my palms. I long to play with her for hours but this is not a good place for that.

  My fangs itch to sink into her shoulder. I barely restrain myself. My vents flare at my unusual need. Bites are too intimate for just anyone.

  Using my warrior training, I pull away from her and then only stare into her beautiful eyes for a moment.

  Turning away from Kinsey Lea Walker, I take on a calm uncaring stance and call the barpolian female over to begin the selling process.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  I can’t believe how hot he makes me.

  My nipples are hard enough to cut branches for patching a roof and there is a wild beat pulsing through my clit. He barely touched me. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. Is it an alien thing? I look up into his pretty eyes. The gold and purple tones are glowing lightly. So beautiful. I can see why his friend called him a pretty boy.

  When he turns away from me, I get a glimpse of his eyes hardening. They stop glowing. Fear builds within me. Was he not effected by me the way I was effected by him?

  I look out at the crowd. They are a rowdy crew of beings that I can’t imagine going home with. No, he is my best bet at living. And his touch was amazing. If he doesn’t buy me then I know I’m going to die. I can feel it.

  Adrenaline rushes through me as he motions the female barpolian over as well as one of my captors. I watch as he talks to them in a language I don’t know. My heart feels like it’s going to explode at any moment. My life is in his hands.

  Movement has me looking to my left. I watch as the kepslian is lead away by a spooky looking four-eyed beast. The sad look in his eyes makes my heart break. I don’t want him to get eaten or have a horrible life.

  I look back out at the crowd and shudder. I don’t want a horrible life either. No, I need to leave with Din Tairin GyRol. Will he buy me? Can he afford me? A new level of horror fills me. What if the barpolians are asking too much for me? He may not be able to afford me. My heart drops down to my toes. I have the worst luck in the world. What’s wrong with me?

  With a heavy heart, I watch the zaphinian male. He is so handsome. I look at his tall fit body. He is humanoid. But he is also different. Not in bad ways though. His skin is lightly striped and I notice that he has two small vents on each side of his nose. They flare every so often otherwise they are unnoticeable. His eyes have three beautiful tones. And I love how they can glow.

  When I see him shake his head and then wave his hand in my direction, fear courses through me again. Is he refusing to pay the price they want? I don’t look my best. My heart hammers at the thought of him leaving me behind.

  I should be used to it. When am I going to learn? My shoulders sag as I look away and into the crowd of aliens. I want to go home.


  I don’t have a home. My life sucks. Flipping fucking fudge. If I live I have to learn to harden my heart and make it stay that way. I’m too soft. Maybe that�
��s why nobody stays around me for long.

  I square my shoulders and decide to be tough like everyone else. I can do this. I can be chilly. I glare at the crowd. Take that bitches.

  When someone in the crowd raises a fist, I don’t cringe at all. I stare him down until he looks away.

  “Yeah, take that,” I whisper. I’m feeling better already.

  My chain gets tugged and my captor hisses. “Be submissive or die.”

  A shudder runs through me. My glare drops to the floor. “Flipping fuck.”

  Movement has me looking up. My heart screams out when I see the zaphinian female heading to the stairs. They are leaving. No! Din Tairin GyRol is not going to buy me. My heart hammers out a horrible beat. It hurts to breath. I really wanted to leave with him. My crazy body wants him like no other.

  Life really does suck. I peek up at him. He has a small device in his hand and the barpolians are looking at it as he waves his hand in my direction. He is telling them something as he points up and down my body.

  Heat floods my cheeks. He’s refusing to pay full price because I’m slender. Global Warming will do that to a person. The female barpolian says something, Din Tairin GyRol shakes his head and turns to leave. My captor says something in that foreign language. I wish I knew what they were saying.

  But it is obvious. I don’t need to hear him tell them I’m not good enough. Why am I such a glutton for punishment? I should be glad I can’t understand them. My self-esteem can’t take much more.

  As he takes a step away from the barpolians a tear slips down my cheek. I should be used to rejection. When am I going to learn? Right now with my foolish heart aching, I doubt I ever will.

  Of course I may not live long anyway. This crowd is not happy and loving. The insane side of me still longs to leave with the handsome zaphinian male. I watch him take another step toward the stairs and my heart rips in two.

  Anger rises up in me. Why am I sad? I don’t even know him and he doesn’t know me. He could even be a nice looking serial killer. I should be glad he’s leaving. I look over and watch him take another step. Pain flares through my heart as it sends out a silent signal to him. A foolish SOS.

  The sound of the barpolian female’s voice has me looking at her. She is calling out to my zaphinian and he stops.

  He stops.

  My heart pounds out a hopeful beat. I watch the female barpolian shake her head and wave her hand in my direction. GyRol shakes his head and turns. She says something else and he stops and goes back to her.

  They speak for a moment longer and then she holds out a device and he moves his device over hers. My heart leaps up and down. Hope blasts through me. When the barpolian holding my chain releases me from my bonds a tear slides down my cheek. And it’s not because of the pinpricks moving through my arms and shoulders. It’s because of his actions.

  He saved me.

  Din Tairin GyRol walks over and smiles down at me. My heart turns to mush when I see deep dimples framing his masculine lips. I love dimples. His are the deepest I’ve ever seen. He truly is a pretty boy when he smiles like that.

  He grips my hand and slaps a piece of metal over my wrist. I gasp when the metal conforms to my wrist. I watch as he connects the other end to his own wrist.

  “What kind of metal is this?” I ask as I look at it.

  “A very special kind. One I’ll tell you about later. Right now I just want to get you onboard our craft.” He takes my hand and leads me to the stairs.

  A part of me still can’t believe he bought me. I’m so happy I could cry. When we step to the ground Din Treia LarPe looks me over with approval.

  Her gaze moves over to Din GyRol. “That was good bartering, GyRol. Those prelling thieves didn’t deserve full price.”

  Shock ripples through me as they place me between them. LarPe is in the lead and GyRol is behind me. I go over her words again. My zaphinian is tight with his money.

  As we walk, the chain connecting us gets tugged every once in a while. It’s just long enough for me to walk ahead of him. I look out at the crowd of scary beings and shiver.

  The cuff makes me feel better. Din Tairin may just be taking care of his purchase but at least I know he doesn’t want to lose me. Something in my chest swells at the thought of him wanting to be with me forever.

  I shake my head. Don’t go getting any foolish dreams, girl. Nobody stays forever.

  That seems to be true but at least I can be near him for a while. What is wrong with me? I’m supposed to be hardening my heart, not looking for a long term relationship. Happiness. A family. Those are not in my future. The past has taught me that.

  I stumble and nearly run into Din Treia when she suddenly stops. Din Tairin’s hand strokes my shoulder. I look back and up into his face. He’s scanning the crowd with an intensity that causes me to tremble. Something about the way he carries himself is such a turn on. I’ve never met a man like him.

  Din Treia says something to a short dark blue male that is blocking her way. They exchange a few words in a language I don’t know and then she growls. A moment later she punches the male in the face.

  I stare in stunned disbelief when the male purrs loud enough for me to hear him. She growls again and hits the male so hard that he falls to the ground. As I follow her around him, I see his fingers twitch. She just knocked him out! She is a badass.

  We walk through the crowd for a short amount of time and then I hear Din Treia LarPe talking to someone but I don’t see anyone. When she lowers her arm, I notice a light flash on her wristband. She must have been talking to someone on it.

  Within minutes we get close to a large spacecraft and the door opens. She was calling in. As I take another look around I’m glad she did. I wouldn’t want to stand around out here waiting for the door to open. Anyone in this crowd could easily kill me and them too.

  I admire how organized they are. We go up the metal ramp and step inside. The door closes with a thud. I’m relieved to be away from the alien filled crowd, but am I any better off?

  What if they were nice to me out in public but are going to turn evil now that nobody can see? Maybe the barpolian female only thought they were nice to the beings they take home. I could be nothing more than a female to experiment on. My heart starts pounding.

  Doubt fills me. I hear a loud inhale and look behind me. His pretty eyes snare mine. I could look into those gold and purple pools forever.

  “You don’t ever have to fear me or my friends. I’m going to take you to a room. You’ll stay in it while I help fly this craft out of here.”

  He takes my hand and leads me down the silver corridor. Din Treia goes down another corridor as we continue forward in this one. He stops in front of a door and opens it. I stare around the small room as he releases my cuff. I rub my wrist and feel a little naked. I was getting used to the metal connection to him.

  I watch him pocket the cuffs. He points to the chair and then the bed. “You can stay on either one of those while we had for home.”

  My stomach gurgles and then roars. I feel a flush cover my whole face. He frowns and tells me to wait. I suck in a breath when Din Tairin suddenly leaves in a blur. What the hell? I’ve never seen anyone move that fast. But then I’ve never encountered aliens before. I wonder what all he can do.

  A few seconds later he returns with a small sack and a glass of what looks like water. My stomach roars again. “Sorry about that.”

  “Never be sorry for being hungry.” He hands me the glass. “It’s water and you’ll find crumlet crackers in this bag. The small green flecks are crushed crum nuts. The crackers are good for you. I expect you to eat them while I’m gone.”

  He hands me the bag and once again leaves in a blurred motion. I watch the door close. What just happened? Where did the nice guy go? I don’t know if I like the demanding version of my zaphinian pretty boy.

  As I fish through the bag and remove a cracker, I remember the barpolians saying that the zaphinians like submissive lovers. Well flippin
g fuck. At the thought of all those spooky aliens I shudder and hope I can be submissive enough for Din GyRol. If not, I may end up on the sell-block again.

  “No, I have to be what he wants. If I want to live, that is.”

  I take a bite of the cracker and relish the lightly sweeten flavor. It was very nice of him to bring me some food. Before I know it, I’ve eaten all of the crackers. I take a drink and think about how that should please Din Tairin. Maybe it won’t be so bad taking care of him.

  I sink onto the bed and blow out a frustrated breath. “It’s not like I had a good life anyway.” Hope flares in my chest. Going to a new planet will be my chance to start over. I just hope my new planet is in better shape than Earth.


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