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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 12

by Pixie Moon

  "That has to hurt. Is she going to be okay?"

  "Yes. Day likes it rough. She taunted Din Grof on purpose. Now he’ll take care of her needs." Din Tairin nuzzles my ear and inhales deeply. "Just like I’m going to take care of your needs." He stands and sets me on my feet.

  His hand engulfs mine as he leads me toward the lounges and orders me to sit with my legs draped over the sides. I follow his command with a racing heart. I look around and see couples in different states of sex. I can do this. I wiggle and sink deeper into the tan cushion. My feet don't touch the floor like his would but I’ll manage. When his hot gaze moves to my wet folds, carnal happiness flows through me. Din Tairin looks at me with such fierce desire my inner walls clench. Flipping fuck, that’s hot. The tension in my core sends out a fresh wave of need, my toes curl in anticipation.

  A singing sound whirls around us. I look over and see Day having her ropes tugged higher. Her back is arched and her plump breasts are aiming at the ceiling. Din Grof growls as he lifts her up and impales her on his huge length. He kisses Day’s neck as he holds her with one arm and pulls hard on her dyed nipple hair with his free hand. She shudders and makes that musical sound again. She’s coming. Day got what she wanted.

  A finger sliding through my wet slit and then pushing its way inside me has a gasp and then a moan coming from me. Tairin’s finger presses hard on a sweet spot. I moan and jerk under his talented finger. He slips two more inside and then growls softly against my neck as his fingers spread and close, move up and down. I close my eyes and arch into him as the beat and other’s sensual moans dance around me.

  My clit pulses, silently begging. Tairin rakes his fangs over my neck and groans. My heart races. Will he bite me here with all these people around? A part of me wants him to. I shift against his fangs. He growls and nips me lightly before he kisses his way to my needy center.

  The feel of his tongue raking over my dripping entrance has me whimpering. I clutch his broad shoulders and look down. Lights strobe over him and sensual heat pulses through the club. The tension coils tighter within my core. Need has me arching and spreading my legs wider. He looks up, male satisfaction is dancing in his gold and purple gaze. That look makes me need him more.

  I beg with my eyes and groan when a gleam enters his eyes and then he starts eating me with great devotion. Licks, nibbles, and kisses push me closer to the peak. I curl my fingers in his hair. He growls, the sound sends pleasure racing through me. When his hot tongue starts circling my aching bud all of my muscles tighten. His fingers curl within me. Sparks ricochet through me.


  He growls. The vibration sends me higher. I cry out the second his lips latch onto my clit and start sucking. His fingers fuck me with wild abandon. I pant as my body tightens. One more hard thrust of his fingers and I shatter.

  Lights flash through my head and I cry out as he brings me to ecstasy. I shiver and moan as his tongue laps at my swollen clit and refuses to stop until I sag into the lounge totally exhausted.

  He slides his fingers out of me and then kisses his way to my mouth. My lips open for him. They always will. I groan as he shares the flavor of my cum. Salty and slick. So erotic and dirty. I revel in his kiss, his domination.

  He presses down onto me and I feel his hard length. I caress his shaft and then move to free him. He grips my wrist and shakes his head.

  “Next time, Kinsey Lea. Tonight is all about your pleasure.” His gaze eats me up and delves into my soul.

  I can’t believe he doesn’t want anything in return. Nobody gives without wanting something. I can’t be this lucky.

  The look in his serious eyes says I’m wrong. A piece of my heart flutters over to him even if it shouldn’t. Moments like these make me long for foolish things. Things better not longed for.

  ~ Din Tairin ~

  Kinsey Lea’s scent is driving me zyfing insane. Pride and lust and anger are circulating through me as I guide her back to our table. Her taste on my tongue eases some of my anger.

  I love how excited she is with the club and all of its members. She is handling it beautifully. I pull her down onto my lap and watch the silky material of her tiny dress caress her soft skin. I inhale her heady satisfied scent and hold it in as long as possible. I want to roll around in her scent and then fuck her senseless but that’s not going to happen. I’ll push her limits next time. She’s experienced enough new for tonight.

  As I watch the crowd, her hand tentatively strokes my shoulder. I catch a whiff of the insecurity that she tries to hide. My hands clench and a look from Zairin has me loosening my fists. I look into her pretty brown and green eyes. Hurt and distrust echo through her. I’d love to tear the people apart who did this to her.

  Kinsey Lea glances to where Grof is growling orders. The warrior has Day on her knees sucking his cock. Then she glances back at me.

  A frown wrinkles her brow as her hand stills. “Do I need to ask before I touch you in the club?”

  “No, little one. Din Grof is punishing Day because she pushes him to. Every male here is different but the females are made aware when they are approached by a male for the first time. A lot of the playthings like it rough and want the males to totally dominate them. Since it relieves the tension in the warriors, everyone wins.”

  “So I can tease you. That’s good to know,” she says as her hand starts caressing the back of my neck.

  Lust pounds through me. I growl and nip at her lower lip. “Just remember that I’m the only one you can touch.”

  Something in my gut shifts. I’m not possessive. I look deeply into her expressive eyes and change my mind. I’ve not been possessive in the past.

  The look of satisfaction in her eyes appeases the beast in me. I’ll take her bold happiness over her uncertainty any day.

  I’ll keep showing her how welcome she is in my life until all I ever see in her eyes is satisfaction.

  Kinsey Lea belongs to me.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  I chew the last bite of my nayhew steak to the slow beat wafting through Midday & More.

  The restaurant is purely amazing. The colored tables, natural light, plants, and music make it feel homey. The owners’ bickering adds to the vibe. This is real. They are real. Dins Tymor and Zima WavTe are an interesting couple. Their son, Sakmor, makes a low growling sound which surprises me. Zaphinians start that young.

  Dins Tairin, Zairin, Zar, and Ryk are steadily taking bites of food. Like me, Hallie and Skyla are nearly done but the zaphinians will have to eat for a while longer. I still can’t imagine eating all of your food for the day at one time.

  The pretty maroon skinned waitress comes over and fills the zaphinians drinks. Her smile is wide and friendly. Her wild bangs bounce as she moves on to help another customer.

  I hear the pale blue skinned male call her Kaksie. Yes, that’s her name. Zima said it earlier. As he talks to Kaksie, light glimmers over his skin, blond hair, and black eyes. I strain my brain to remember what his is…a ver…verplonian. That’s it. They are supposed to be good with plants. Hallie can probably appreciate the verplonians on an even higher level than the rest of us.

  The mix of tan, maroon, tan striped, pink, and blue beings in the restaurant is amazing. Such a wonderful and unique place. Earth is so far behind. And it’s dying. A pinch of pain slices through my heart. Earth wasn’t a good place to live but I’m sad its ailing and most likely won’t survive much longer. Near the end, food is going to be even harder to come across. I glance at Din Tairin. He saved me. He was a shaft of light when my world was at its darkest.

  I have to remember to show him how appreciative I am for as long as I’m with him. Hallie and Skyla are lucky their guys saved them.

  One of the four foot tall blue beings laughs loud enough to draw a lot of attention. The antenna sticking out of his white hair bobs.

  I lean closer to Hallie. “What are the short blue beings?”

nbsp; She leans over until her long hair touches my arm. “They are sorpegians. Harmless most of the time but they can get loud. Loud enough to hurt your ears.”

  I watch the sorpegians as Hallie goes back to eating the last of her fruit. I take a last bite of my cronbe fruit and relish the sweet and hot flavor. Skyla giggles at something Din Ryk does to her. The happy look on her face is good to see.

  It’s good to see my friends in person instead of just hearing their voices on the com device. I barely stop myself from looking at my cheap-ass pretty boy. This planet does have holocoms that allow you to see the person you are talking to but Din Tairin doesn’t have one in the living room, only in his office. At least we have a com device in the living room at all. Hearing their voices is better than nothing. I need to remember that.

  The doors open and a group of zaphinians trudge in. Tymor and Zima bicker for a moment before asking Ryk to hold his nephew while they go over to the group.

  Din Ryk takes a few bites of food and then feeds some to little Sakmor. Skyla brushes her fingers through the toddler’s dark hair.

  Zaphinians are good parents. Not all, I’m sure. But the WavTe’s are. Skyla is lucky to be having the baby of a loving male.

  Din Zar growls against Hallie’s ear. The love in his eyes is reflected in hers. All of the couples at our table have a magnetism about them that is flipping beautiful to see. Even Tairin and Zairin have a special bond with the others. My stupid heart jumps with longing. I know I won’t ever fit in the way Hallie and Skyla do so I need to toughen up. I have bad karma or something. When Hallie smiles at me and Din Tairin rests his hand on my thigh, I know I’ll take what life offers while I can. I’ll be prepared this time. When I do something to make them not like me anymore, I’ll be ready and walk away knowing I’ve at least been close to love. For the moment, I’m lucky.

  As they start talking about everyday things and including me, I feel another piece of my heart go out to Tairin and the others. Zima and Tymor come back to the table and Din Ryk passes the toddler to his father like he’s done it a thousand times before. They are one big family.

  Could they become the loving family I’ve never had? Do they have room in their hearts for one more?

  “Give that back.” The angry shout fills the room. All heads turn to the sound.

  My eyebrow hikes up at the sight of a sorpegian leaping onto the table. His fist shaking at a zaphinian male who is standing nearby eating a nayhew steak with his bare hand.

  The blue guy’s antenna sways as he shouts at the zaphinian male. When the zaphinian laughs and takes another bite of steak, the other sorpegian climbs onto the table and starts shouting. Hallie was right. For little beings they have booming voices.

  Chairs scrape back as the males at our table stand and take control. A fight breaks out and Tymor takes a hit to the face before the male is contained. The zaphinian bully starts shouting as he’s forced to the door.

  “Get ready for a new way, our way! Times are changing.” The male’s voice fades as he’s led away from the restaurant.

  “That prelling idiot needs to chill,” a zaphinian male says.

  His friends’ eyes are wide. “Yeah, he needs some wasa.”

  I glance at Hallie, Skyla, and Zima. “What’s wasa?”

  Zima rolls her eyes. “It’s a plant that grows wild. It has calming and healing properties but some overuse it. That drugged out group is called wasafors.”

  “Are they dangerous?” Skyla whispers as she rubs her baby bump protectively.

  Zima shakes her head. “Not normally. The drug keeps them calm.”

  “That’s a relief,” Hallie says.

  Zima hugs Sakmor to her. “Yes, but the grounfos are another matter. I’m sure that guy was one of them.” Her gaze cuts to the unhappy customers climbing down from the table. She hands Sakmor to Skyla. “I’ll be back after I make the sorpegians happy.”

  The door swings open and our guys walk over to us. Din Tairin and the others look fierce as they gather at the end of the table. Hallie and Skyla sit on either side of me. Sakmor squirms until Skyla sighs and lets him down. The little follow heads to a box in the corner and starts pulling out toys. He looks so little compared to everyone else. So innocent and free of worry. Zaphinian babies are just like human ones.

  Growls are coming from the warriors. Din Ryk sends a message to a commander named, Din Tuk HalFe and then all the guys huddle close. Serious gazes take in the other customers off and on as they talk. The aura around them screams dangerous beasts.

  This planet is not totally safe…but then, neither is Earth.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  The club is packed.

  As Din Tairin talks about business, club and warrior alike, I watch all the people. The gyrating on the dance floor is erotic and powerful. These warriors put off that aura like no others. I glance over at my warrior. He keeps me mixed up. He’s mostly absorbed in business but then at times he shows me kindness like I’ve never known. And sex with him is flipping awesome. If he kicks me out it’s going to hurt like hell.

  I need to harden my heart. I’m sure pretty boys break hearts like normal guys. Maybe worse. I peek at him through my hair. My heart lurches and aches. Definitely worse. Why couldn’t he be normal? I don’t need the extra pain.

  His hand begins stroking my knee soothingly as he talks. It’s flipping freaky how he knows when I’m feeling down. My scent must have given me away. I’ll have to try harder to keep my emotions blank. Needy people get left behind.

  His large hand lightly squeezes my knee before he retrieves his glass. I immediately mourn the loss of contact. No, I need to toughen up.

  Blowing a breath out helps. I glance around and enjoy the different shades of blue and silver that are washing the area in colored light. A loud moan from my right has me looking over.

  The bartender I met before is busy in a different way tonight. Soja. Din Soja, that’s his name. His hands are buried in long purple hair. The reslikian’s lips are wrapped around his thick shaft and she’s slowly taking him all the way down her throat. Flipping fuck, she’s good.

  When she comes up for air, I notice the tan skinned female is Fraysta. I’ve only met her once but she was nice. Looks like she’s very good at her job. When she swallows Din Soja’s shaft again, he moans and strokes her head. That’s hot. I wish I didn’t have a gag reflex. I’d be able to devour Tairin.

  As Fraysta continues eating Din Soja’s length, I notice she’s rubbing her slit. I love that she’s enjoying herself and that she’s bold enough to go after the pleasure she seeks.

  Tairin’s hand returns to my thigh and starts to inch up it. I look over at him but he’s still talking to his friends, something about the grounfos. I go back to watching the badass bartender and Fraysta. He is now holding her head in place and fucking her mouth in deep thrusts. Her hand is buried between her legs. Din Soja stiffens and cries out as he holds her in place. Her throat moves as she drinks his seed, her fingers delve in and out of her pussy.

  Mesmerized, I watch as he relaxes for a moment and then with graceful moves, Din Soja pulls out of Fraysta’s mouth, lifts her off the floor, and places her on the stone table. A glass gets shoved to the side and a brewmar quickly flies down and retrieves it. Din Soja spreads Fraysta’s legs wide and stares at her slick feminine lips for a long moment before he kisses his way down her inner thigh and to the apex of her curvy legs. She jerks and cries out when he starts licking and sucking her pussy.

  I look back at Din Tairin. Damn, he’s still talking business even though his hand is now a stroke away from my pulsing center. The sexual heat in the air is thick. I look around and see several couples in varying states of sex. All this sucking, licking, and thrusting is pushing my need to the brink.

  As Fraysta cries out and trembles in climax, I decide to do what she did earlier, chase my own pleasure.

  I take Tairin’s large hand and press it to the junction
of my thighs. My hips immediately rock into his rough flesh. A low growl from him has my nostrils flaring. I look over into gleaming gold and purple eyes.

  A smile curls his lips and reveals his pearly fangs and his deep dimples. “You need attention, seema. I’ll give it to you with pleasure.”

  “She’s new.”

  I look over at the warrior standing close by. He wasn’t there before. Flipping fuck, Tairin can draw me in completely. That can be dangerous. His hand tightens and then he sighs and relaxes, with effort I’d guess.


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