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Return of the Last McKenna (Harlequin Romance)

Page 11

by Jump, Shirley

  “You’ll be shattering my image of you as the perfect woman, you know,” Brody said.

  She pivoted in her seat. “You think I’m the perfect woman?”

  He turned toward her, but his eyes remained unreadable behind dark sunglasses. “I think you’re pretty damned amazing.”

  Her face heated, and a smile winged across her face. Her heart skipped, as if she’d been rocketed back to middle school and the cute boy in math class had dropped a note on her desk. “Amazing, huh? You’re not so bad yourself, Doctor.”

  “Well, there’s a rousing endorsement.” He laughed. “I’ll have to add that to my online dating profile.”

  She gave him a coy smile. “I can’t be throwing out compliments left and right at you. You could get a swelled head.”

  “I doubt that’s going to happen. I have my brothers to remind me that I can still be a dork sometimes.”

  “You? A dork? I don’t think so.” She took in the sharp line of his jaw, his tousled dark hair, his defined, strong hands. The last word she’d use to describe Brody was dork. Sexy, mysterious, intriguing, tempting…

  A hundred other words came to mind when she looked at Brody McKenna.

  “Hey, don’t underestimate me. I read medical journals in my spare time. And watch operation shows on TV. I’ve never been in the cool kids clique.” He grinned.

  She waved that off. “That’s overrated if you ask me.”

  He grinned. “Oh, were you in the cool kids group?”

  “I was a cheerleader.” She shrugged. “Membership came with the pom-poms.”

  “You were a cheerleader?” A grin quirked up on one side of his face. “You do know that when you tell a man that, it gives him ideas?”

  “Does it help to know I was terrible at it?”

  He thought a second. “Ummm…nope.”

  “Well, just don’t ask me to rah-rah and we’ll get along just fine.”

  “Even if I say please?”

  “Even if you say please.” She laughed, but still a simmering sexual tension filled the car, rife with the innuendos and unspoken desires hanging between them. Maybe later, she’d explore a little of that with Brody McKenna. Take a chance for once, and let the man not just into her house, but into her heart.

  They neared her exit, and she gave Brody directions. In a few minutes, he had reached the driveway of her townhome. “Home sweet home,” he said, and shut off the engine. The Jeep clicked a few times, then fell silent.

  Nerves bubbled inside her. She’d invited men into her home before, but this time seemed different. Because she’d started to like Brody—a lot? Because being around an enticing man like Brody embodied taking a risk?

  Either way, the few steps it took to get from the driveway to the front door seemed to last forever. She unlocked the door, then flicked on the hall light and stepped inside, with Brody following. “Can I get you something to drink?”


  “Um, beer, water, soda?”

  He opted for water. She filled two glasses, then led him to the small sunroom at the back of her townhouse. Screened in the summer, shuttered in the winter, the room offered large windows and a fabulous peek of the outdoors. “This is my favorite room. It’s not very big, but it has a fabulous view.” She waved toward the picture windows, and the thick copse of woods that ran along the back of the property. She’d hung birdfeeders on several of the trees when she first moved in, which provided a constant flurry of winged activity.

  Brody sat on an overstuffed floral patterned loveseat, a tall man on a feminine couch. Somehow, Brody made it work. “I can see why you love it,” he said. “It’s hard to get something like this so close to the city, with woods and everything. Sitting here must be a nice way for you to unwind.”

  “It is. I’ve spent many an afternoon or evening out here, reading a book or just listening to music and watching the birds. It’s…”

  “Calming,” Brody said.

  “Yes. Very.” Except with Brody in the room, calm didn’t describe the riot of awareness rocketing through her. Her mind went back to that almost kiss the other day. For the hundredth time, she wished they’d finished what they’d started.

  Who was Brody McKenna? Between the flirting and the compliments and the help in the bakery, he seemed interested in her, but when it came to moving things to the next level, he backed away instead. Was she misreading him?

  “When I was in…” he stopped, started again, “overseas, we stopped in this tiny village for several days. It sat in this little oasis, a valley of sorts, nestled between several mountain ranges.” As he spoke, she had the feeling in his mind, he’d gone to that destination, and his voice softened with the memory. “Not many places over there had trees, but this one did. The room where I stayed looked out over a stone wall and a field, all shadowed by the majesty of the mountains. When the sun rose, it painted an exquisite picture. Gold washing over purple, then over green, like unrolling a blanket of yellow. It was simple and beautiful.”

  “It sounds it.”

  “The days there were long, and tough.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Some days, that mountain range restored my sanity, brought me back to reality. To what mattered.”

  “My brother talked about something similar. He said that every day he spent in Afghanistan, he made it a point to find something beautiful wherever he went. And when things got tough, he’d just focus on that one beautiful thing, and it would remind him of home and why he was there.”

  “Those moments brought him peace?”

  “I think they did.” She looked at Brody McKenna and saw a man who needed that same kind of peace. He carried a load of troubles on his shoulders. What troubles, she wasn’t sure, but she suspected it stemmed from a recent tragic event. Maybe she could help him find a little solace, or if nothing else, show him she understood. He was trying to do that for her, and the least she could do was the same.

  Kate got to her feet, and crossed to a cedar box that sat on the shelf. All this time, the box had sat, closed, waiting for her to be ready. To open it, to share the contents, to tell the story. She realized as she carried the small wooden container back to the loveseat, that for a month, she’d put her emotions on a back burner. She’d done that long enough.

  “I want to show you something.” Kate settled herself beside Brody, and opened the lid. “I haven’t shown this to anyone, except my grandmother.” She pulled out a trio of velvet boxes, and laid them on the coffee table. “Andrew’s medals, given posthumously. Odd word, isn’t that? Posthumously. Like it was funny afterwards or something.” She shook her head, then reached into the box, and withdrew another item. “The flag from his funeral.” She placed the triangular folded item on the table, giving it one lingering touch then reached inside one more time. “And the four leaf clover necklace he wore. He called it his good luck charm.”

  Brody remembered.

  In that moment, he was back in the first village they’d stayed in, sitting outside, watching the sun go down behind the mountains. Andrew sat beside him, fingering the necklace. The clover had caught the last of the sun’s rays, bouncing them off like an aura. Brody had asked Andrew about the emblem, and that conversation had built the beginnings of a friendship between the two men.

  The memory sent a rush of emotion through Brody. He glanced at the necklace in Kate’s hand. The explosion had chipped off one corner, twisted another, doing the same damage to the jewelry as it had done inside Andrew’s body.
He could see Andrew all over again, lying on the ground, torn apart by the blast, while his friends lay nearby. Blood mingled with fear, and Brody and the other doctor with him rushing to try and save them all. Knowing at least one would die before the day ended.

  Brody’s throat grew thick, his eyes burned. “You okay?” Kate asked, placing a hand on his arm. Her comforting him, when he should be the one comforting her.

  “Yeah.” A lie. He hadn’t been okay in a long time, and the necklace brought back all the reasons why. “My father used to have a four leaf clover necktie. He wore it whenever he called on a new client.” Brody had shared the same story with Andrew, all those weeks ago and sharing it now with Kate was like being back there on that porch while the sun sent the world a goodnight kiss. “One of us inherited the tie when my father died. Finn, I think. We’re Irish, so you know the four-leaf clover superstition is alive and well.”

  “Andrew just liked them. When we were kids, we spent an entire afternoon, combing the yard, looking for one.” She ran her thumb over the four heart shapes that converged to form the trademark leaves. “We never found one, but we tried our best.”

  “Maybe that’s because luck isn’t something you find. It’s something you…create.”

  “True.” She gave the necklace one last touch then lowered it to the table, one link at a time. “That’s why I don’t want to open another location. Because I’m afraid that…”

  When she didn’t go on, he turned to her, took one of her hands in his and waited until her gaze met his. “Afraid of what?”

  “Afraid that I’ll be as unlucky as Andrew.” The truth sat there, cold, stark. “That I’ll take a risk and I’ll fail, and I’ll…” Her hand ran over the folded surface of the flag, “Let him down. Let myself down.”

  “You’re smart, Kate. Talented as hell. And you have something that people love and enjoy. That’s a recipe for success.” He closed her palm over the charm. “With or without a good luck charm, you’re going to do just fine.”

  “I hope you’re right.” She gave him a watery smile. “There are days when it’s hard to find that view, and focus on the good.”

  “I know what you mean. I don’t think I’ve seen that view in a long, long time.”

  She gave the box a loving touch then raised her gaze to Brody’s. “I shared all this with you because I wanted you to know that I understand what it’s like to need that one little thing that restores your sanity, gets you back on track. I don’t know what’s bothering you, but it’s clear something is weighing heavy on your shoulders.” She picked up the necklace and dropped it into Brody’s palm. “I want you to have this. Let it be your view, Brody. It worked for Andrew, and I’m sure it’ll work for you.”

  The gold weighed heavy in his palm. “I…I can’t take this, Kate.”


  Brody glanced at the medals, the flag, lying on the table, and knew he could delay this no longer. Kate deserved to know the truth, even if it hurt. Even if it went against her brother’s wishes. Maybe Andrew was wrong. Maybe his sister could handle more than he’d thought.

  “Kate, there’s something I want to tell you.” Against Brody’s hip, his cell phone began to ring, the distinctive trilling tone that meant his service was trying to reach him. Routine calls, like appointment changes, were routed to voicemail, but emergencies went straight to Brody’s cell. He cursed under his breath. “I have to get this.”

  He flipped out the phone, and answered it. In seconds, the operator relayed the information—one of his patients had landed in the hospital a few minutes ago with heart attack symptoms. The cardiac team wanted the primary care physician’s input before proceeding. “I’ll be right there.” He closed the phone and put it back in the holster. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  “Duty calls?”

  He nodded. “It’s an emergency. Listen, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, okay?”

  “I can’t. My grandparents and I are going up to Maine for the day to visit my mom. How about Monday?”

  “I’ll be there.” Even though he dreaded the conversation he needed to have with her, a part of him couldn’t wait to see her again. Today had been fun, and brought an unexpected lightness to his heart. He craved more of that.

  Craved more of Kate.

  “You’ll be there on Monday, with your apron on?” She gave him a teasing wink.

  He chuckled. “Of course. I’m starting to see it as the next best fashion accessory. What all the cool docs will be wearing this winter.”

  She led him to the door, then paused and put a hand on his arm. Her gentle touch warmed his skin. “Brody?”


  “Thank you for today. You made me laugh, and you made me forget, and it was…wonderful.” A smile curved across her face, this one a sweet, easy smile. “I needed that. A lot.”

  All Andrew Spencer had wanted was his older sister’s happiness. Brody had done his best to ensure that, and to ensure she followed the path she’d been on before she lost her brother. A win in that column, but a loss in the other, where the truth lay. And complicating the equation—

  Brody liked Kate Spencer. A lot. He wanted more, wanted to make her his. Wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until neither of them could see straight. To do that, he had to start them off on the right foot—

  And tell her why he had walked into her shop that first day. Was she ready to hear the truth? Or would it set her back even more?

  His phone buzzed a second time, reminding him the patient came first. Before what Brody wanted, before what Brody craved. And that meant any relationship with Kate Spencer fell far down the line from the promise Brody had made in that dusty hut.


  THE Morning Glory Diner promised good home cooked meals according to the sign in the window and the delicious scents emanating every time someone opened the door. Kate stepped inside, and opted for a table by the window. The flowers of the namesake ringed the bright diner’s walls and decorated everything from the menus to the napkin holders. The counters were a soft pale yellow, the seats a deep navy blue, which offset the border of violet morning glories well.

  A smiling blonde came over and greeted Kate. Her nametag read Stace, but somehow Kate would have pegged her for a McKenna fiancé without it. She had the kind of bright, happy personality that seemed to fit with what Kate knew of the McKenna men so far. “Welcome to the Morning Glory,” Stace said. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  “Sure.” Kate put out her hand. “And if you have a sec, I’d love to chat with you. I’m Kate and I’m making your wedding cupcakes this week.”

  “Kate, how nice to finally meet you in person.” The other woman smiled. “Brody told us about you. And so did Riley’s grandmother. She said you made amazing chocolates.”

  “Thank you.” Brody had been talking about her. At first, it flattered her, then she realized it made sense. He’d hired her to make Stace’s wedding cake, after all, and giving her business a plug would be part of that. Kate had been puzzling over Brody’s words from Saturday all weekend. Something troubled him, but what it was, she didn’t know. He’d left the necklace behind, right next to a whole lot of unanswered questions.

  “Listen, I need to get a couple orders on the tables, but then I should have a few minutes to sit and chat. I’ll bring us coffee.” Stace cast a glance toward the clock on the wall. “And knowing my husband-to-be, he’ll be walking in those doors in about thirty seconds for his omelet fix, so
you can meet Riley, too.”

  “Sounds great.” Kate gave Stace a smile.

  A few seconds later, the door opened and a man who looked like a younger version of Brody strode inside, straight to Stace. He took her in his arms, gave her a quick dip that had her laughing, then a longer kiss that had her blushing. She gave him a gentle swat, then gestured in Kate’s direction.

  Riley crossed the room, a wide smile on his face. He slid into the opposite seat and put out a hand. “Riley McKenna. The youngest and cutest McKenna brother—and you can tell Brody I said so.”

  Kate laughed and shook hands with Riley. She liked him from the start. “Nice to meet you. Kate Spencer, owner of Nora’s Sweet Shop.”

  “So you’re the one that has my brother all distracted. The man doesn’t know if he’s coming or going lately.”

  Had he said that? Been talking about her? “Brody and I are just working together. He’s helping me out while my assistant is out of town.”

  “Well, for Brody it’s more than some baking and measuring. The man can’t stop talking about you.” Riley leaned across the table. “He’s smitten, I’d say. Though if you tell him I said that, I’ll deny it.”

  Kate put up her hands. “Brody and I are not dating—” well, Saturday had been kind of a date, and the tension between them spoke of something more than friendship “—I’m not sure he’s interested in me that way.” Because despite the day they’d spent together, the flirting and the jokes, he kept taking two steps forward, one step back. The mixed signals confused her, and as much as she’d told Riley and Stace she’d come here to get more details for their wedding cake, she knew the truth. She’d stopped in to pump those who knew Brody best for more information. Something to help her solve the puzzle of the enigmatic Brody McKenna.

  “Tell me,” Riley said, “is Brody there pretty much every day?”

  “Well, yes, but—”


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