Book Read Free


Page 9

by Helena Vera

  “Really? A frying pan?” I ask her, rolling my eyes.

  “I was making breakfast,” she responds. “The frying pan seemed like a very good idea considering I thought you were a burglar. You’re supposed to be in Birmingham. What are you doing here?”

  “It’s a very long story,” I advise, walking behind her into the kitchen where she has water on the stove boiling.

  “I’m sure it’s more interesting than what I’ve been up to,” Jessica remarks, reaching for instant oatmeal to make herself a bowl. “Do you want some?”

  “No, Axel already took me for breakfast on the way here.”

  She stops and does a dramatic turn to face me. “Axel? Your boss Axel Ash?”

  “Like you know any other Axel.”

  “What the hell? How do you end up from your grandmother’s house in Birmingham, to having breakfast with Axel? Where did you guys have breakfast.”

  “At this restaurant like five minutes’ walk from his condo.

  She points the spoon she is using to stir her oatmeal at me, dropping a blob of the stuff on the counter. “You. Spill. Everything and from the top. Don’t even dare leave anything out.”

  And because she’s my closest friend in the world I tell her everything about Axel showing up at Aldi’s, the kiss in the kitchen at my grandmother’s, how he misled everything into thinking he’s this really charming guy, the ride in the jet, how he took care of me and back at his apartment. I tell her everything, not leaving anything out. The intimacy details, I stammer through with a red face.

  By the time I’m finished, I’m out of breath and she’s stirring her oatmeal mechanically even though it has long since been over-stirred. She is staring at me in awe.

  “He likes you,” she announces when I’m finished.

  “Just to get in my panties,” I scoff.

  “Well, that he definitely does but I mean the man has to seriously like you Joyce to have gone through all that trouble to bring you back to Detroit. You know when it comes to men, I’m not easily impressed but with all Axel has done, I am.”

  I scowl at her. “Have you forgotten this is the man who threatened to sue me for ‘abusing’ his security guard?”

  “I’ve forgotten nothing,” she answers. “But I listened to everything you told me just now and I honestly believe the man is trying to woo you.”

  “Woo me? Why’d he do that?”

  She looks at me like she wants to strangle me. “Why shouldn’t he? You’re a beautiful person inside and out. I’m sure now that you’re back, he’s going to be asking you out on a date soon.”

  I grimace. “I think he already did. He told me to be ready at four.”

  She squeals in delight. “Oh my God! My best friend is getting herself a billionaire boyfriend. I mean if not me, then I’d rather it be you of all the other women in Detroit.”

  I get to my feet. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself, Jess. This is Axel Ash. He can have any woman that he wants. If anything, he is thinking of me as an amusement for him and I’m not going to be the jester in his court.”

  There, I have aired my insecurities. I’ve already been abandoned by my father. There’s no way Axel is here to stay and it would be way too easy for me to mistake his attention for something more than it is. The best thing to do is to stay as far away from him as possible. Starting with this afternoon. I don’t care what Axel says. If I have to go back to working for him, then fine. I will. But I will have nothing to do with him on a personal level.

  I say as much to Jessica who is frowning at me even before I am finished.

  “I think you’re making a big mistake,” she informs me. “Axel doesn’t seem like a man who is easily deterred. If he hopped on a jet and travel across state borders to find you and bring you back here, what makes you think he won’t be able to convince you to do what he wants. And think about it. I for one, know you’re not easy and if you’ve gone so far with Axel by sleeping in the same bed with the guy, chances are you’re too attracted to him to say np anyway.”

  Her words make me shiver but I refuse to believe I don’t have what it takes to tell Axel Ash no.



  The coolness of the damp towel travels over my heated face and down to my neck. Biting my bottom lip, my eyes travel Axel’s hands as it lowers to my chest, cooling my flushed skin. Instead of skimming over my bra and down to my flat stomach, he reached for the clasp at the front of my bra and release the material, pulling the flaps to one side so he could gaze without hindrance at my breasts.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says and I beam, thankful he didn’t find my small cups to be inadequate. He dips his head to one breast and captures a nipple gently between his teeth, causing goosepimples to break out all over my skin.

  “Axel,” I moan.



  My eyes flutter open and I smile up at Axel sitting beside me on the bed, his hip perched at eye level. His fingers are in my hair and he is sweeping the baby fine curls at the front from my face.

  “Joyce, are you awake?”

  It’s not a dream. Axel is actually here inside my bedroom. I sit up quickly in the bed and stare at him like he’s just stepped out of a Sci-Fi movie. I can’t comprehend what he’s doing here in my bedroom.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask him, trying to chase away the sleepiness. The last thing I remember was feeling tired and deciding to go take a nap.

  “I told you I’d be by at four to pick you up, didn’t I?” he returns.

  I’m shaking my head before he finishes. “No, Axel. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “I’m not asking you,” he replies. “I’m telling you to get up, get dressed and do your job.”

  “My job?”

  “Yes, the one you still have as my Personal Assistant. The one you tried to run out on?”

  “But it’s the weekend!” I protest.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll pay you for the overtime.”

  The bastard side of Axel is back, I see. This is exactly why I knew I shouldn’t mess with him. He’s too unpredictable. I’d thought he meant to ask me out personally when he told me to get dressed for four. Especially after the way he’d kissed before he asked that question.

  “How did you even get inside the apartment?”

  “Your roommate let me in. She’s a very charming girl.”

  I experience jealousy that my friend had met with Axel and the way he just described her as charming. Maybe that explains why he’s so cross with me now. He’s run into Jessica, a more beautiful and well-endowed woman who he is more attracted to.

  “I’ll be dressed in fifteen minutes,” I tell him flatly. “Please leave.”

  “Make it ten. I’ll see if your roommate has anymore funny stories to tell about her teaching job. Her students are hilarious.”

  I scowl at his back as he walks off but I hurriedly get out of bed, trying to push the thought of him and Jess being alone from my mind. It couldn’t be very far from my mind though as I hurry to the bathroom to get a quick wash off in record time since the longer I take to dress, the longer Axel would be alone with Jess and discovering all her amazing qualities.

  Back in my bedroom, I search through my drawer, not analysing why I grab my brand new black and red Victoria secret underwear set. The deep color of the thong and bra provide a great contrast to my pale skin. The bra also works as a wonder bra, pushing my breasts together so they look even fuller.

  Aware I’m already pass the ten minutes he’d given me to get dressed, I grab the first thing off the rack that I see. A gray sweater dress which ends mid-thigh with quarter length sleeves and a cowl neck. On an afterthought, I search for a pair of thick black leggings to pull on underneath the dress and put on my black and gray booties. I don’t have time to pin up my hair so I run the brush through the thick strands several times and leave it loose. I don’t bother with makeup but use a soft pink lip gloss and that’s it. I’m ready to b
reak up the laughing I’m hearing from the living room.

  Both Axel and Jessica look up when I walk into the living room. They are sitting close to each other on the loveseat while Jessica is showing him something from her lesson plan booklet.

  “Wow, you look great,” Jessica compliments me. “Doesn’t she Axel?”

  “Yes, are you ready to go?” Axel responds, getting to his feet.

  “Not really,” I answer snootily. “But do I have a chance?”

  “You’re right,” he answers but he’s still looking at me from head to toe and I feel pleased that he seems to be enjoying the view.

  “Just a minute,” Jessica pipes up and takes hold of my hand. “There’s something I forgot to give you, Joyce. Just five minutes Axel and I’ll bring her back.”

  Axel is as confused as I am as Jessica leads me to her bedroom and closes the door.

  “What’s that all about?” I ask her.

  “He’s awesome!” she squeals quietly. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Seems like you two were hitting it off before I showed up,” I said sulkily.

  She punches me in the arm. “Don’t be foolish. For one, that hot stud out there is only interested in you and two, you know I’ve got your back. I wouldn’t give a guy the time of the day if you’re interested in him.”

  “I’m not interested in him,” I protest.

  “Don’t lie to me girl,” she states and without warning pulls up my dress.

  “Jess!” I cry in outrage, smoothing back down my dress over my hips.

  “Just checking you’re wearing sexy panties,” she explains. “Sorry for invading your personal space. And nice thong. Men love sexy underwear on a woman.”

  “Is that what you drag me in here to tell me?” I ask her.

  “I’m helping you to catch a billionaire,” she replies in exasperation. “You’ve hooked him, now you need to reel him in. But you’re going to need this.”

  She searches through her night drawer and opens her hand, releasing a strip of condoms which unfolds revealing about a dozen Trojans,

  “I’ve got them in large bareskin lubricated, baby,” she giggles at my shocked look. “Now stuff these in your bag.”

  “I’m doing no such thing.”

  “I mean it Joyce. I’m not saying you’re going to do anything but better be safe than sorry. Every woman needs to walk with these.”

  “Is everything okay in there?” came Axel’s voice outside the door.

  Knowing his lack of respect for boundaries and that he’s the kind to walk in unannounced, I grab he condoms from Jessica and drops them into my bag.

  “Not because I’m going to do anything,” I whisper furiously at Jessica before going over to open the door. Axel is lounging by the door, frowning. “Everything is fine,” I assure him and lace my arm through his, impatient to leave lest Jessica takes this pushing me to be with a millionaire thing way too far and blurts something out that she shouldn’t say.

  “I’ll see you later when I get home, Jess,” I tell her.

  “I won’t wait up,” she answers with a wicked grin. “It was great meeting you Axel after hearing so much about you.”

  Axel returns her grin. “Nice meeting a friend of Joyce.”

  I almost drag Axel out the apartment and don’t relax until we’re in his car and he’s backing out of the parking spot.

  “So you and your roommate’s been talking about me,” he comments and I close my eyes on a silent groan. Too much to hope he would forget that.

  “Jessica exaggerates much,” I respond before changing the subject. We’re not heading in the direction of the office. “Where are we going? The office is in the next direction.”

  “Can’t you just relax and trust me a little?”

  “Uh no. I’ve a right to know if you’re leading me to my doom.”

  He gives a bark of laughter and glance over at me. His laughter is infectious and I can’t stop my lips from upturning in a smile.

  “Nothing so drastic, I promise you,” he replies. “You’re going to be helping me to pick out a home.”

  “A home? Don’t you have a condo?”

  “Yes but that’s in the city. I’d like a home just outside the city where it’s quieter. I’ve a few prospects and hope you can help me to choose.”

  “I- I doubt I can be of assistance to you buying yourself a house. I don’t know anything about your tastes.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do fine,” he insists. “I remember the day you helped me with ideas to redecorate the office and I can tell you know your stuff. You were very animated and convinced me in everything you were saying? How’d you know so much about this stuff anyway?”

  Pride fills me with joy at his compliment so I confess to him, “I studied Art back in college. It’s really my passion. My MBA was just a backup plan and glad I did a double major because my attempt to find a career with my Art degree just never took. It kind of sucks too because I enjoy doing it. Too bad it doesn’t pay my bills.”

  “So you’d rather do this interior decorating stuff than working as a PA?”

  “Hands down,” I answer in a heartbeat. “Sorry boss but if a job ever comes up along those lines, you’re out of an assistant.”

  “Hmm.” That’s all he said and I wonder if I ruined the mood with talk of quitting but relax when he reaches over for my hand and places it onto his hard thigh.

  Those condoms are beginning to not seem like such a bad idea after all. Maybe I should listen to Jessica more.



  “This is it! I love it! Axel it’s perfect!”

  I’m beside myself with excitement as I stand at the grand staircase of the house and do a three sixty. I completely forget this isn’t going to be my home but Axel’s and whatever woman he decides to marry one day. We’ve seen three estates already and they all have their own uniqueness but this estate is stunning and I believe it fits his bold and commanding personality very well.

  The house is located on ten thousand square feet of land and had been well-taken care of by the previous owner. Pine trees lined the driveway up to a magnificent three story sprawling structure with a free form pool.

  The inside is even better as I stare around me from the brick-floor entryway to the grand staircase leading to the upper floors. I can’t help myself and I move from room to room, still clutching his hand that I haven’t let go since he placed it on his thigh in the car. I take in the gorgeous living room, sun room, formal dining room, morning rooms, bedrooms, luxury bathrooms, modern gym, library/office, powder rooms, a sauna and even a separate guest residence.

  I hear myself rattling on about pieces of furniture which would be perfect for the mansion and I am out of breath but so excited I can’t stop myself. Until with a laugh Axel pulls me into his arms.

  “Slow down,” he smiles and kisses me sweetly. I wrap my arms around his neck and everything has been so perfect that I have a dreamy look on my face when we come up for air.

  “You really prefer this to the rest?” he asks me, brushing a tendril of hair behind my ear.

  I nod. “Yes, I think it suits you very well. It has a certain arrogance about it. Like you.”

  His brows furrow at me. “You make that sound like a bad thing.”

  “Before I met you I’d say it was.” I answer truthfully.

  “And now?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know rightly how to explain it. It’s just who you are. But,” I hesitate to add to it but give caution to the wind and say it anyway. “It’s not unattractive.”

  His face relaxes in a smile. “I’m glad I brought you here. I like this one too.”

  “Just out of curiosity, what’s the cost?”

  He names the asking price for the estate and my eyes are agog. Does anyone even have that much money?

  “Wow, what’s it like to be so wealthy?” I ask him as we walk out the mansion. Only God knows how he was able to get us into the estates we visited today withou
t a real estate agent on hand. I am beginning to realize that money means he can do a whole lot of things, I wouldn’t be able to do.


  “Lonely?” I ask in surprise. It’s the last thing I expect him to say.

  “Yes, without someone to share it with,” he clarified as we get into his car and drives off the property.

  “I’m sure there are many women who would like to share your wealth,” I tell him.

  “And you? Wouldn’t you want to marry a wealthy man too? Isn’t this what many women dream of?”

  I frown at him. “I suppose being able to not worry about things such as how to pay the bills would be a good thing but there are more important things I’d consider before I consider a man’s wealth.”

  “Such as?”

  “For starters his fidelity. Love. Trust. Kindness. You know. Attributed you can’t put a price on.”


  I am beginning to understand him more and his idiosyncrasies. He always says ‘hmm’ when he’s considering something so I leave him to his thoughts while I’m consumed with my own. I worry he may be thinking I’m after his money when that is the farthest thing from my mind.

  I can’t say I’m surprised when we end up back at his condo. I unzip my bag and retrieve my phone to send Jessica a text message discreetly that I may not be coming home after all. Almost instantly she replies with an emoji of a high five and a zucchini and a peach which leave nothing to my imagination as to what she means.

  Axel drives along the parking deck of the apartment building and finds his parking spot. I drop my phone back into my bag as he switches off the ignition. I’ve half-zipped the bag when he stretches over the console of the car and reaches for me. I am as eager as he is and meet him eagerly.

  Instead of the kiss I expected, he grips my jaw pretty much like he’d done that first day we meet and his eyes are glinting dangerously. He pulls me forward and he trails his tongue along my jawline up to my ear.

  “I want you to have no mistake about what’s going to happen, Joyce,” he says softly. “I’m going to take you inside and you know what I’m going to do to you?”


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