Book Read Free


Page 22

by Helena Vera

  At first I’d brushed off the little rumors about him intimidating someone until I’d seen it firsthand. At that time we’d wanted a particular building and everyone had been willing to sell out to us except one elderly man who insisted the space had been in his family for years and he wanted to pass it down to his grandson. He hadn’t known I was there and I’d heard him threatening the old man’s niece who was also in the shop with him. The girl couldn’t have been more than fifteen.

  I’d intervened then and apologized profusely but the man had been scared enough to sign over the property there and then. That was the day I decided I no longer wanted to do business with him. As he’d stood there grinning from ear to ear and commenting “that’s how you do business, Axel boy,” I’d faced the reality that the Jack I’d met in high school and this man were two different people.

  The hunger for money and power had corrupted him.

  Since he’d started threatening Joyce, I’d bloodied his nose once and told him I’d end his miserable life if he so much as looks at my wife another time. He knows I am serious too but like a reckless man, living on the edge, he insists in testing my patience.

  I could have taken care of him already but I think much of what he is saying is pure bullshit. That’s why I don’t fear meeting him but when he’s scaring the shit out of Joyce, it’s time to step in and let him know I wouldn’t tolerate it. If he has a bone to pick with me, then do it but leave my family out of it. Especially now with Joyce being pregnant with our first child, if he so much as hurts a hair on their heads, he would pay big time.

  The buzzing of my cell on the desk pulls me out of my thoughts. At first, I think it’s Joyce and is severely disappointed when it isn’t. When I see the name flashing across the screen, I scowl blackly. He is the reason I will have to sleep in an empty bed for the second night in a row.

  “What do you want, Jack?” I snap into the phone.

  “Is that anyway to greet your dearest old friend, Axel?” he says from the other end.

  “What do you want Jack?” I repeat.

  “Can’t a friend be calling to check up on another friend.”

  I hang up on him. I am not in the mood for his games tonight. The phone rings promptly a second time. I answer.

  “Listen, Jack, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit tonight. If there’s something you have to say to me, then say it and get off my phone.”

  “Such hostility but I’ll pardon it. After all your wife did leave you or so I’ve heard.”

  “You have ten seconds to get it out Jack before I hang up the phone,” I tell him.

  “Now we both know that’s not reasonable.”

  “Nine,” I start to count down. “Eight. Seven.”

  “I simply called because I believe you’ve suffered enough,” Jack explains. “I never really wanted your marriage to end, Axel. I know you don’t believe me, but I still care about you. You’re like a brother to me.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Jack. I’ve a brother and he would have never threatened my wife the way you did.”

  “You’ve got to understand I was hurt after our business failed.”

  “Your business, Jack.”

  “It was out business, Axel and you bailed on me, taking all my clients.”

  “I never took a single client except the ones I’d gotten myself,” I remind him. “You’re the one who mismanaged your resources. You never did know how to interact well with people.”

  “Maybe but I’m trying to make up for it now.”

  “Hmm.” I say noncommittally.

  “I’ve a home in the Caribbean I bought,” he explains. “And I’ll be leaving here and all this bad business behind to start over. I want to make things right before I leave.”

  “You’re moving to live in another country?” I ask, not sure if I believe him.

  He chuckles. “Well, you don’t have to sound so happy that I’ll be gone.”

  “What the hell do you think? You threatened my way Jack. That’s the woman I love and I’ve sworn to protect.”

  “But where is she now? Look Axel I’m sorry about your wife. I will apologize to her too if you bring her to the office tomorrow. It’s moving day and I’d like you to get a look one last time at the place where our dreams started before I leave.”

  Chances are that he’s bluffing and he has something else planned at his office. I know this is probably the case but there’s also the slight possibility that he really might have changed and want to apologize. If a chance exist that my friend is still inside this cold, calculated man, then I want to get him out.

  But on my terms.

  “We can meet at my office,” I tell him.

  “Why not at my office?” he grumbles.

  “Because I don’t trust you, Jack but you’d be a fool to try anything at my office.”

  “You need to work on your trust issues, Axel, my boy,” he states. “Maybe that’s the reason your wife left you after all and it really has nothing to do with me.”

  I scowl. “Don’t talk about my wife, Jack or this deal is off. Joyce is out of bounds to you. She’ll definitely not be at the office.”

  “Too bad. I’d have liked to be officially introduced to her.”

  “And not tomorrow,” I continue as if he hadn’t spoken. “The day after. Monday morning.”

  “Okay, will see you then. Thanks again Axel. This means a lot to me to be able to apologize in person.”

  He hands up and he’s just added another layer of confusion to what I’m already dealing with. He sounds sincere and if he was, that would be great. I wouldn’t be opposed to hiring him if he could show that he is changed from his power-hungry ways

  I think of the way Joyce had freaked out at the idea of me meeting Jack. At least she wouldn’t know. And speaking of which, I need my wife home soon. Tomorrow I should do something really nice for her. To let her know although she is miles away, she isn’t far from my thoughts.

  But what to do?



  “Norman is coming over for dinner this evening.”

  I try not to smile at the way my Gram sounds almost like a shy teenage girl. We’re sitting down at the breakfast table and I’m finally able to eat a hearty breakfast of pancakes with syrup. Lots of syrup.

  “So what are we cooking?” I ask curiously.

  “We aren’t cooking anything,” she replies on a chuckle. “I’m cooking. That way we can’t ruin dinner.”

  “That’s cold Gram.”

  “But true dear. The kitchen isn’t your forte. How do you manage with Axel?”

  At my husband’s name, I’m reminded we haven’t spoken for three days and I’m beginning to crack. I want my husband and this has been the hardest three days of resisting the urge to call him.

  “We have a housekeeper who does the cooking,” I explain to her. “When she’s off, Axel usually takes me out or he cooks something. He’s a good cook. He’s good at everything.”

  She frowns at me. “Why don’t you go home to him, Joyce? It’s plain as day that you are miserable here without him.”

  “I’m fine. You just don’t want me here when Norman comes for dinner tonight.”

  Her face is crimson. “Actually I do want you to be at dinner. I want you to get to know Norman and let me know your impression of him.”

  “It’s serious then? How long have you been dating?”

  “Bah dating! At our age, it can’t be called dating.”

  “It is Gram. And it’s so good to see you enjoying yourself. You look happy.”

  “I’ve always been happy,” she says with a smile.

  “I know,” I agree. “But this happy is different. The kind of happiness you only experience with a man you care about.”

  “And exactly why you need to go back to the man who makes you happy.”

  I am helping her to wash up the dishes afterwards when the doorbell rings.

  “Can you get that Joyce?”

/>   “And if it’s a salesman, I don’t need anything.”

  I wipe my hands on a dish towel and go to get the door. At first I believe he’s salesman.

  “I’m sorry, we don’t need anything to do,” I tell him prepared to close the door.

  “I’ve a delivery for Joyce Ash,” he responds. “You are Mrs. Ash?”

  I frown at him before I look pass him to the delivery truck parked in the yard.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Please sign here.”

  He thrusts a clipboard in my hand and marks the place for me to sign.

  “What for?” I ask but he’s already walking to the truck. I scratch my signature hastily and observe as he opens the back of the truck and takes out an enormous gift basket but that’s not all. He also retrieves the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that I’ve only seen one other time. My wedding.

  I instantly know this is Axel’s work. My heart melts but the basket is too heavy and I ask him kindly to bring it to the kitchen for me. He politely says good day to my Gram, refuses the tip I offer him on the excuse he’s already been handsomely tipped and leaves.

  “Well, seems somebody wants you home already,” Gram announces. “That’s a beautiful bouquet.”

  “The same arrangement of my wedding bouquet,” I add, burying my nose into the flowers and inhaling deeply. “It’s amazing how he pays attention to every little detail.”

  “And that’s a keeper if you ask me.”

  I reach for the basket for inspection. It has all kinds of goodies that he knows I like, from fresh strawberries to chocolate, roasted nuts, grape juice and pistachio. An envelope falls to the table, getting loose from the ribbon that tied it to the basket. I’d not even noticed it before.

  “You can have anything in the basket, Gram,” I tell her, walking from the kitchen with the letter clutched to my heart. I can’t wait to see what’s inside but I want to read it alone.

  “Do you want me to put the flowers into a vase for you?” she asks.

  “Thanks Gram. I’ll split the stems in a while.”

  I go to my bedroom and close the door feeling like a shy teenager with a love letter from the boy I have a crush on. And I do have a crush on my husband. The best kind of crush.

  I lie on my back against the pillows since lying on my belly now feels weird. I can’t get over the feeling that I’m crushing the baby and lying on my tummy is no longer comfortable with my growing belly. I tear one side of the envelope open and pulls out a single sheet of paper. It is folded in two and wrapped around a card of sorts. I unfold the sides and discover a copy of our wedding picture. At the back he’d scribbled the words, Love Always. AA.

  I stare at our photo and study it for the first time. He looks so happy and pleased, the way he has his hands around my waist. The picture had been snapped just as we were about to take our first kiss as husband and wife. More inspiring though is the look of joy on my face in the pic. I’m liking at him like the sun rose and set on him. Our whole body language says I’m his and the look on my face says I agree.

  Tracing his face with my finger, I close my eyes and let the memories wash over me.

  “I promise to be your lover, your companion and your best friend. I promise to protect you with my life, to be your comrade in adventure. I promise to be true to you always, no other will ever come between us. Wherever this journey leads us, I will always be right next to you, living, learning, loving. I know I have my flaws, Joyce but I hope you’ll be able to live with me through them.”

  Tears seeped through my closed eyelids. I had been surprised at his customized wedding vow. I’d not even thought up anything to say back to him and had instead reverted to the traditional vows.

  “I Joyce, take you Axel for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”

  I’ve dishonored my wedding vow. I’d promised him ‘until death do us part’ and I tried to part us because the relationship got a little difficult with Jack. I’d promised him for better and for worse but as soon as we were challenged I was ready to quit on us.

  It’s a wonder he still loved me and is making an effort.

  I place the picture gingerly on the bed and retrieve the letter. It’s a letter typed from Axel.


  I can’t say that I agree with you leaving me. I love you and believe I prove that to you everyday. It would have made me happy, had you decided to stay and fight with me but I’m trying to be understanding of your need for space and to get away for a while. At least, I’m hoping it is for a while.

  I’ve not always been the most understanding at times and I know I was been trifle with your worry for me. I should have understood given the way I worry about you too. I hope you can forgive me.

  I’m sorry for walking out on you. I was angry that you would ever threaten to leave me because you were right. I need you. Nothing in my world makes sense if you’re not in it. I should have stayed and insisted we work things out. I never expected you to go through it and leave.

  Don’t be upset with me for not calling. My hand reaches for my phone to dial your number often throughout the day but I’m trying not to be pushy as you always claim I am. If I call you, I may be inclined to take the jet to Birmingham and bundle you back home. You could take your Gram with you, I don’t care. I just want you home but I’m willing this time to make more effort in being understanding and listening to you more.

  It’s hard you not being here. You’ve become the integral part of who I am. The bed is empty without you next to me, breakfast and dinners are cold staring at your empty chair. Even though it’s hard, I’ll patiently wait for you my wife, the mother of my child, to come back home to me.

  Love you always,


  I’m bawling by the time I finish the letter. My life is empty without him too. I want to call him and tell him I miss him and love him too. I want to pack my bag and take the next flight out to Detroit but I promised Gram I would be there for her dinner date with Norman. One more day could wait. I would get an early flight out tomorrow and surprise him at the office.




  “Shut the fuck up!” I groan and almost fling the phone into the wall before I realize it’s the alarm waking me up that’s it’s time to get ready for work. I’d never need an alarm to wake me before but my whole life is upside down since Joyce left me.

  Instead of flinging the phone across the room as I’d planned originally, I disable the alarm and make the check that has become routine over the past couple of days. Still no word from her. I’d thought that after sending her the gift basket and flowers yesterday, she would see how much I care about her and want to come back home but she hasn’t even said thank you.

  Is my marriage well and truly over? I climb out of bed with a groan, a headache piercing my scroll, reminder of how I’d gotten myself to fall asleep last night. By getting drunk. So literally I hadn’t gone to bed to sleep, I’d fallen unconscious from my drunken stupor.

  Everything in the house reminds me of Joyce and I just have to get her back. I’m losing my patience in letting her decide to come back on her own. I don’t want to go for her and have her accuse me of being demanding but if she isn’t here by today then she leaves me with no choice but to get my wife back.

  I drag my feet to the bathroom where I stand beneath the blast of the shower and allow the water to wash over me. It reminds me of Joyce and the way her body feels under mine as I thrust into her, the liquid essence of her arousal squishing around my cock. I get hard just thinking about her body and the way I can turn her on and drive her nuts with just my hands and my mouth. I miss rubbing my hand over her belly and seeing the changes in her body from her pregnancy.

  After taking a shower, I return to the bedroom to get dressed. By now Joyce would have been getting in my way, flittering about as she tries to get ready as well. Flat i
ron, make-up, pins, I miss it all. A message comes in to my phone and thinking it’s from her, I snatch up the phone.

  “Looking forward to our meeting at nine.”

  Jack. Piece of shit. I’ve an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that he is looking to make trouble today but whatever it is that he wants, he would surely get. I’m just the right kind of pissed about Joyce leaving me and it being his fault.

  I ignore the message and finish getting dressed. This morning, I don’t feel like eating breakfast and profusely apologize to Mrs. Johnson, telling her to take the rest of the day off as well as the week.

  “Am I being fired?” she asks in alarm.

  “No,” I reassure her. “I just want a few days to myself. Think of it as paid vacation.”

  She doesn’t seem convinced but there’s little else I can say to reassure her. My driver Caine drops me off to work and I instruct him to linger around the office just in case. He is also my personal bodyguard and I trust him more than anyone else who works for me. More than likely I won’t need him but I don’t like the anxious feeling in my gut.

  At one point I start to call Jack to cancel the meeting but I decide against it. Better to take care of this now when Joyce is away and get everything straightened out so when she gets back the threat of Jack would no longer exist.

  At five minutes to nine, my assistant buzzes me that Jack is here to see me. I give consent for him to come through and stand to greet him as he enters my office.

  He grins at me and I’m transported back to another time in high school when we were close. Nobody could have come between us. He always had my back and I always had his. Why had all that changed?

  “Axel,” he says in that jovial tone of his. “Why the sour face?”

  “Have a seat Jack,” I tell him. “I’ve a meeting at nine thirty so we’ve got to make this short.”


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