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TACKLE (Boston Terriers Book 4)

Page 2

by Jacob Chance

  I raise my shoulders in a quick shrug. “You know who my dad is. Did you think I’d come away completely unscathed?” Lifting my hand I flag down the bartender with a smile. She struts over.

  “Well, well, well. Haven’t seen you since the party at your house.” She looks me over as if she’s a cat and I’m the cream she wants to lick up. There may have been some licking involved the night of the party she mentioned.

  “Hi, Sandy. How are you?”

  Leaning forward on the bar she invites me closer, displaying her ample cleavage. My eyes reflexively skim over the dark valley before moving up to connect with her gaze. She smiles flirtatiously. “I thought I’d hear from you by now.”

  My fingertips carelessly drum on the wood. “I don’t remember saying I’d call.”

  “After what we shared it seems like the polite thing to do.”

  “Really? You mean after we fucked like we’ve fucked before? And it’s never meant anything more than sex to either one of us.”

  “Maybe not to you, but it has for me.”

  I shake my head. “I’m glad you cleared this up, but it doesn’t change anything. I’m not interested in a relationship, Sandy. Don’t act like I haven’t been upfront with you. Any time we’ve hooked up in the past it hasn’t been a problem, so why the change of heart now?”

  “I like you. You’re hot, you’re a football player, and your last name is Lincoln. What’s not to like?”

  Ah, there it is. The real reason she likes me - my dad’s bank account. Son of a bitch. Am I not enough on my own? Do women really need another reason to like me?

  “How about you grab me a Sam Adams and we end this conversation?”

  “I’ll be right back with your beer.” She spins away, moving down the bar to talk to another customer. My teeth clench, flexing a muscle in my jaw. I hate being used for my last name.

  “That must suck,” Zeke offers before taking a sip of his Heineken. He’d been so quiet and still, I’d forgotten he was sitting next to me.

  “What?” I feign ignorance.

  “Being liked for your money.”

  “Yeah. It does.” I surprise myself with my candid answer. “I mean, isn’t this face and body enough to keep them happy?” I jest, covering up how much I’m bothered by this situation.

  “When you meet the right girl she won’t care about your last name or how much money is in your bank account. She’ll only care about you.”

  “Eh, I’m not worried about it. I have no intention of settling down until I’m well into my thirties.”

  “You say that, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you can’t help who you fall in love with.”

  “Yeah, but you can’t fall in love if you don’t let yourself.” Zeke chuckles. “What?”

  “You can’t stop yourself from falling in love, Trevor. Trust me, I know.”

  “You and Amelia are an unusual situation. I don’t think you can compare your circumstances to most.”

  “The circumstances don’t matter, dude. Haven’t you heard the expression, ‘The heart wants what the heart wants’? There’s a reason why people quote that saying. It’s true. It doesn’t matter if you plan to avoid love. If it’s meant to be it will find you when you least expect it and make you its bitch.”

  Chapter Two


  Rolling my shoulders, I tip my head from side to side, loosening up the tension tightening the base of my neck. We’re in the final quarter with only twenty seconds left on the clock and we’re down by three points.

  “Guys, we’ve got this. We’re in great position to score. Everyone stay on your assignments and let Grace do her job,” Amelia instructs. We break apart, filtering over to the line of scrimmage and get in place.

  Amelia shouts out the count and the ball is snapped directly to me. I catch it, running straight up the middle unscathed. I bound into the end zone with a ridiculously large smile on my face. Cheers erupt from the crowd and fireworks explode on the jumbotron along with the word ‘touchdown’.

  Leah, one of my best friends and our top wide receiver, shrieks, swallowing me up in an exuberant embrace. She bounces up and down like an excited puppy and the rest of the offense joins us.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” Amelia slaps me on the ass. “You ran like the friggin’ wind. Did anyone even make contact with you?”

  “Nope, not even so much as brushing against me. It was a clear path.” I glance around at my teammates. “You guys killed it with your blocking.”

  “Woot, woot. Another W for the season,” Leah chirps happily. We’re undefeated so far.

  Jogging over to the sideline, we’re met with high fives by our offensive coordinator, Zeke. We call him Coach, and Amelia calls him her boyfriend. The two of them are ridiculously in love, but they have to remain apart for the entirety of the season due to a no fraternization clause in their contracts. They both do an unbelievably good job of masking their feelings. Leah and I are the only people she’s told. Most would never notice the hidden emotions simmering below the surface, but I can. Their eyes linger a beat too long on one another and they stand a little too close together. It doesn’t matter if they’re not looking at each other. There’s a magnetic energy around, drawing them closer even when they try to remain apart. It must be amazing to be so attracted to someone and trust in them without any doubt. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to believe in someone else so completely. That’s how you get hurt.

  Sinking down onto the bench next to my teammates, I unsnap the chin strap and yank the helmet off my sweat soaked head. Grabbing my water bottle, I gulp down mouthfuls of the cool liquid, soothing my parched throat. When I’m done, I sigh with pleasure and set the bottle on the bench.

  “Great game, girls.” Coach stands in front of us with a grin on his handsome face. “We did some things really well and some things not so well. We’ll watch some film on Sunday and work on what needs to improve for our next game. But for tonight and the rest of the weekend, enjoy the win.” He flashes us one more smile before walking off.

  “Are you going to the frat party now?”

  Am I? I know I told Trevor I would, but do I really want to see him? Yes, I do, and that’s even more of a reason to avoid going.

  “Well?” Leah prompts, nudging my shoulder.

  “I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind.”

  “Then I’ll make the decision for you. I want to go and I need someone to come with me. And guess who that someone is?”

  “What about Amelia?”

  “What about me?” Amelia chimes in.

  “Why can’t you go to the frat party with Leah?”

  “Sorry, no can do. I’m working.” She glances at the clock on the wall. “Shit, it’s almost eight now. I’m gonna be late if I don’t run.”

  I take in Leah’s puppy dog eyes. “Fine. I’ll go with you, but I’m not staying for long.”

  “Yay,” she squeals. “Let’s go back to our rooms and get ready. We’re gonna have so much fun.”

  “Oh boy. Can’t wait.”

  My clammy hand closes around the metal doorknob. Go in and get this over with. No don’t. You’re not ready to see Trevor.

  I’ve been doing my best to avoid him since we went to his parents’ beach house six weeks ago. I got to know him better than I intended during a tackle gone wrong in a game of beach football. Ever since then I’ve stayed away from any social situations that would involve being around him. The time apart hasn’t lessened my attraction for him, though. Seeing him outside of our class the other day proved that.

  Hesitating, I lean my forehead on the scarred wood, unsure of what to do. Inhaling, I blow the air out between my pursed lips in a long, drawn out sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Leah questions.

  “Nothing. Just bracing myself for the craziness.” I play off my dilly-dallying, but I’m afraid of what I might find on the other side of this door. I’m hardly a stranger to frat parties. I’ve attended my fair sh
are over the past two years, but none where I’ve been manipulated into going. And never when the invite came from Trevor Lincoln. What is it about him that affects me so much? He’s not the first hot guy I’ve spoken with.

  I’m not some shy, taciturn girl who can’t hold her own around an attractive man. I don’t get tongue tied and nervous around the opposite sex.

  I dislike everything Trevor stands for, and yet my insides are tied in double and triple knots knowing I’m about to see him. My legs are paralyzed in place by the mere thought of stepping inside this house. What’s happening to me?

  “Let’s go, girl. It’s time to get our party on,” Leah giggles behind me. Shit. I need to do this for her. I said I would and I’m going to follow through… as soon as I take one more breath and utter a silent prayer. God, please don’t let me regret this.

  My fingers tighten around the worn brass knob, twisting it to the side. The door sticks, not budging a single inch. Maybe I shouldn’t go in. This could be some sign from the universe. A warning of sorts. A cosmic red flag. If it goes unheeded maybe I’ll regret this moment for the rest of my life.

  “Need some help?” Leah asks raising a brow. “You didn’t get a jump start on drinking without me, did you?”

  “No, I wish I did. This door is sticking.” I jiggle the knob, annoyed at being here in the first place. Add in Leah questioning my strange behavior, and my frustration is escalating. I mumble, “Fuck it,” slamming my right shoulder against the wood. A quick, creaky protest is all the warning I get before the door flies open taking my balance along with it. I tumble forward, tripping over my own flip flop covered feet. Grimacing, I prepare for my bare knees to painfully meet the hardwood floor, but it never happens. I land against a rock-hard, masculine body that smells better than anything I’ve had the pleasure of breathing in. A chuckle rumbles from deep within the solid chest, vibrating pleasantly beneath my ear.

  “Red, you certainly know how to make an entrance.” My mouth falls open when I realize who I’m sprawled against. “If I didn’t believe in fate before, I might now. You keep ending up in my arms. I think someone’s trying to tell you something.”

  Un. Fucking. Real. Of all the guys to catch me it had to be Trevor Lincoln. Why me, God? Why do you hate me so?

  Pressing my palms to his firm pecs, heat radiates from his body like a smoldering flame. I resist the urge to glide my fingers over the warm muscular expanse. Instead, I step backward, placing some distance between us, glaring up at him. “Why does the message have to be directed at me and not you?”

  “Because I already know you belong in my arms.” My mouth opens and closes like a puppet. I’m at a loss for words. “You’re welcome, Red.”

  “Huh?” What’s he talking about?

  “Aren’t you going to thank me for catching you?”

  “Maybe you should thank me for giving you a reason to get me in your arms since you admitted wanting me there.”

  He grins. “It’s not just that. I also saved you from two years of embarrassment.”

  I wave my hand around. “You think I care what any of these people think?”

  “I hope you care what I think.”

  “Don’t count on it.”

  “Hey, Trevor,” Leah cuts in as she looks around, eyes sparkling with awe. “Are you a member of this frat?” She whispers the last two words like we’ve joined the upper echelon of the university. Instead we’ve only entered an old, smelly house where a bunch of jocks live.

  “Yeah. My old man was, and Brady too. I didn’t really have a choice.”

  “That’s a rather naive way to live,” I scoff.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Going through life not taking responsibility for the choices you make. Whether they’re someone else’s expectations or not they’re still your choices.”

  “Sometimes it’s better not to buck the system.”

  “So you say.”

  “You don’t agree?”

  “If I don’t like something, then I’m not going to go along with it.”

  Trevor glances between Leah and I. “Why don’t you both come with me and I’ll get you something to drink.”

  “A drink would be awesome. And maybe you can introduce me to one of your cute friends too,” Leah suggests.

  The three of us walk through the large living room, Trevor in the middle of us. Loud music blares from standing rectangular speakers that look like they’re leftover from the eighties.

  “By the way, nice subject change. Don’t think I didn’t notice.” I flick my eyes his way.

  “I figured you did, but It seems a little early in our relationship to discuss such heavy subject matter.”

  “What relationship?”

  “The one that started tonight. As I said, it’s too early for the serious stuff. We’ll save that for another time.”

  “I don’t even like you. What makes you think I’d want to be in a relationship with you?”

  “Come on. I’m a catch. I get good grades, I’m a football player, I’m a member of this frat, and my dad is Lawrence Lincoln.”

  I suck my tongue against my teeth. “If you think that works in your favor you haven’t figured me out at all.”

  “It’s hard to when I never see you, Red. You’ve been pretty scarce since the Hamptons.” He’s noticed? Has he missed me?

  He leans down whispering in my ear, “I’ve missed you.” I sweep a glance in his direction. Did I ask that question out loud, or is he in my head now too?

  I study his face. Is he being sincere? Or is he fucking with me?

  His blue eyes meet mine without shifting away. He sure looks like he’s being genuine, but for all I know he could be the world’s best actor.

  Am I someone to play around with? Maybe I’m a challenge to him. The first girl who’s not impressed by his parentage or the absurd amount of money in his trust fund.

  None of that matters anyway because I’m not going to fall for his bull.

  “Trevor, who are these lovely ladies?” A deep voice booms above the chatter and music. A hairy giant of a man walks toward us. His thick, golden brown hair falls in long waves to his broad shoulders and a dense beard covers the bottom portion of his angled jawline. Who is this guy? Is he a mountain man?

  “Clancy, let me introduce you to Grace, the new running back, and Leah, the wide receiver, for the women’s football team.” Clancy’s eyes lock on Leah and a wolfish grin appears, showing straight white teeth. “Clancy plays on the hockey team.”

  “Hello, Leah.” He practically purrs her name and Leah’s eyes widen comically in her oval face. He clasps her hand in his giant paw and raises it to his lips. Her panicked expression is priceless. She looks like she’s not sure if he’s going to kiss her hand or eat it.

  Clancy presses a surprisingly gentle kiss to her skin, staring up at her with flirtatious hazel eyes.

  “Oh,” Leah sighs, a small smile relaxing her features slightly.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” His voice is gruff and gritty, much like his appearance. Any second I expect him to sling her over his shoulder and carry her off to his mountain.

  “You too,” she squeaks looking down at where he still has hold of her.

  I step forward and stretch my hand out to him. “I’m Grace. It’s nice to meet you.” Clancy reluctantly releases Leah’s hand in order to shake mine. His grip is much softer than I expected, but still firm.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Grace. I’ve heard you run like Hermes himself.”

  I laugh. I can’t help it. “That’s a flattering comparison, but I am only a mere mortal.”

  “She’s insanely fast.” Leah chimes in. It appears as though she’s over the initial surprise of seeing Clancy.

  “And you’re not?” I direct at Leah. Clancy watches her with a smile on his lips and leans down closer.

  “Tell me more about your special talents.” Leah flushes a deep pink. I’ve never seen her embarrassed, until now.

  “I… I… I�
�m just a wide receiver,” she sputters.

  “You’re not just anything.” His tone and expression seem weirdly intimate and I’m beginning to feel awkward standing here.

  I turn to Trevor. “How about that drink?”

  Chapter Three


  I smirk knowing her true motivation for offering to go anywhere with me. She wants me to rescue her from this peculiar situation. As much as I’d like to tease her by playing ignorant, there’s no way I’m going to squander this opportunity.

  I hold out my hand. Grace surprises me, slipping hers into mine without protest and my fingers close around her soft skin. “We’ll see you guys in a bit,” I cast a quick glance at Clancy and Leah and they’re already lost in conversation. “Let’s go.” I gently guide Grace along beside me.

  She groans, “Ugh. What the hell was up with those two? You could practically see hearts floating over their heads.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “You tell me. He’s your friend.”

  “Clancy’s…” I pause, searching for the right words. A player? A partier? Probably not the best choices when trying to reassure her. “He’s a great guy. He’s not the relationship type, but I’ve never seen him react to a girl that way.”

  “Great.” She rolls her eyes. “So, he’s easy like you?”

  “I’m not easy.” I feign outrage. “Unless you mean on the eyes, that is.”

  “Sure. You forget I’m on the football team, and word spreads like wildfire when someone hooks up. I know way too much about you and Owen.”

  “All positive stuff I hope?”

  “You would think it’s good that you’re being spoken about. It’s the perfect example of the old double standard that will never go away. If a woman fucks around, she’s a slut. If a guy does, he’s skilled.”

  I grin. “You heard I’m skilled?” She pulls on her hand trying to get free from my hold, but I’m not ready to let her go. I steer her over to the hallway just outside the kitchen entrance. “Does it bother you I’ve slept with other people?”


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