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TACKLE (Boston Terriers Book 4)

Page 5

by Jacob Chance

  “Don’t make any decisions tonight. Maybe she had an off day.”

  “It’s possible. Or maybe she’s just got a stick up her ass.”

  “She doesn’t seem like the kind of girl to be dramatic about things.”

  “I didn’t think so either, but I saw a different side of her tonight.”

  “Which makes me think something’s going on for sure. She’s never been like that. Although, you guys definitely have some weird love/hate thing going on.”

  “I like to call it sexual tension.”

  Owen laughs, “Is that what it is? I guess it could be.”

  “Come on, you can’t tell when you’re near us?”

  “I don’t really pay attention, but I will next time.” He glances over my shoulder. “Her eyes are practically drilling a hole in your back at this very moment. Maybe you’re right?”

  “Of course I am. I just don’t know if I feel like putting in more effort to do anything about it. I’m all for hard work, but if she’s a lost cause then I’m only wasting time. I’m not really one for spinning my wheels.”

  Chapter Six


  My sorrowful eyes follow Trevor, locking on his broad shoulders as he walks away. Dammit. I don’t want him to think ill of me, but at the same time I know what happened is for the best. We come from two different worlds, and it’s best we don’t mix them beyond casual conversation. Fundamentally, we’re opposites. I grew up with a volatile financial situation. Maybe I’m just looking for any reason to avoid him.

  Sliding off the stool, I return to the girls.

  “What was that about?” Amelia inquires.

  “Nothing important.”

  “Don’t pull that with us,” Leah crosses her arms over her chest. “We share our dirty laundry with you.”

  “Fine,” I sigh. “I told him we should keep our distance from each other. That nothing will ever happen. He wasn’t happy and he walked off.”

  Amelia glances over at Trevor before her eyes connect with mine once more. “Did you expect him to be okay with that? It’s obvious he likes you. I saw it the minute you guys met. The fact that he’s been interested for this long is impressive. Maybe you’re his game changer.”

  “His game changer?” Leah repeats with a question in her tone.

  “Yeah, the one who makes him a better person. The girl he changes his whorish ways for.”

  “That only happens in books and movies,” I explain. “I’m not holding my breath that he’ll be interested anymore. I bet he’s got someone in his bed tonight.”

  “And I bet he won’t,” Amelia counters. “What are we betting?”

  “You’re serious? You want to bet on this? You’re gonna lose,” I taunt.

  “I don’t think I am. You’re too stubborn to admit he’s already changed.”

  “What do you think, Leah?” I ask.

  “I’m Switzerland on this one. I think it could go either way depending on how much alcohol he consumes.”

  Thinking about Trevor bringing some random girl home with him makes my stomach roll over repeatedly. We can’t be together, and yet I don’t want him to be with anyone else. It makes zero sense, but that’s where I’m at. I realize he’s going to screw someone else at some point even if it’s not tonight. How much longer can he hold out? He’s a hot, unattached guy with girls throwing themselves at him. Yeah, he’ll be fucking someone else by the end of the night.

  Rising to my feet, I tip back the bottle of beer and swallow the remaining liquid. Placing it on the bar, I push it with my fingertips toward the back edge of the wood. “Okay girls, I’m ready to head out.” If I leave, at least I won’t have to see who he takes home.

  “Already?” Leah whines.

  “I’ve had a long day and I have to be at work early in the morning to cover a shift.”

  Leah pouts. “I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  “I’ll walk with Grace and I can ask Owen to make sure you get back to the dorm safe.” Leah smiles at the mention of being able to stay.

  “That works for me.”

  “Hey, Dad.” I lean against the doorjamb and study his face.

  “Hi, honey, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. The question is, how are you?” I walk forward and stop next to his desk.

  “Nothing to worry about here, Grace. I’m your father. I’m the parent, not the other way around. I want you to focus on school and football. That’s all you need to be concerned with.”

  “Easier said than done. Of course I’m going to worry about this place. You put your heart and soul into it. I don’t want to see you have to sell.”

  “If that’s the worst thing that happens, then we’re doing okay. For now we’re hanging in there.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. What if we add dinner and stay open until midnight a few nights a week? I could come in and cover the hours. All we’d really need is someone to cook and maybe one other person to wait tables and help clean up.”

  “Are you sure you’d want to spread yourself so thin with school and football already taking up so much of your time?”

  “Of course, Dad. It doesn’t have to be forever. Can’t we try it out for a couple of months and see how it goes?”

  “We can do that. If it’s successful then I’ll have to think about making it a permanent option and bump up the number of nights.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We can see how three nights goes.”

  He chuckles, “When did you get so grown up on me?”

  “What are you talking about, Dad? I’ve been this way for a long time, but you don’t want to think about me being an adult.”

  “You’re right. It’s hard for me to face that you’re so mature and level headed. I want to keep my little girl forever, but I can’t.”

  “I’m still your girl and I always will be.”

  “I know, honey, but it’s nice to hear you say it.”

  “I’ll stick a help wanted sign in the window and I can put some feelers out at school. I bet some of my friends will come check this place out at night too.”

  “I’ll leave you in charge of hiring someone then, since this is your idea.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” I smile. I’m glad to be helping out in any way. My parents have always done everything they could for me and it’s nice to be returning the favor. If I can help ease their burden at all it’s worth the extra hours I’ll be working.

  Shit. My flip flops clack all the way down the long hall as I weave in and out of some of the slower moving students. I’m doing my best to make it to class before I’m late, but this feels a little like running through an obstacle course. Gripping the strap on my backpack, I hold it on my shoulder as I hurry the final ten feet. Slipping inside the door I’m relieved that in spite of oversleeping I still managed to arrive with two minutes to spare. Not bad. My hair wobbles precariously in the elastic on top of my head as I drop my backpack on the floor. Falling into the seat, I lean my arms on the attached desk with an audible sigh.

  “Cutting it pretty close aren’t you?” Trevor questions. My head snaps to the left and I find him smirking annoyingly at me. Why is he sitting next to me?

  I roll my eyes. I’m not in the mood to deal with Trevor Lincoln. “Whatever.”

  “What’s wrong with you this morning?”

  “Dude, trust me, you don’t want to talk to me. It’s Monday. I’m tired and I haven’t had my coffee yet. It’s not a good mix. Don’t get too close or I might bite you.”

  “Gotcha. Thanks for the heads up. Although, I can’t say I’d mind being bitten by your sharp little teeth.”

  Class begins and I focus on Professor Gordon’s words. Or at least I try to pay attention, but it’s not as easy as one would think. Especially when Trevor is sitting so close I can feel the heat rolling off him and smell his familiar masculine scent. Did he move his desk closer to mine? Or are his shoulders so wide it makes the space seem like it’s shrinking?

left cheek is flaming hot. Is he burning a hole in it with his laser sharp focus? Has he been staring at me the whole time?

  I’m afraid to look because I don’t want to encourage him. I also don’t need a reminder of how attractive he appears this morning with his red Terriers’ cap twisted backward. I’ve always been a sucker for that look and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me ogle him. His ego is big enough without me adding to it.

  Trevor’s foot bumps mine and I ignore it. When it happens for a second time, I flick my eyes in his direction.

  “What?” I mouth silently.

  He leans closer. “Want to get coffee after class?” He smiles showing off his straight teeth, and when I meet his blue eyes I get lost in the varying colors I notice in his irises. So many shades of blue and even some golden specks. How did I not notice before now?

  “What?” I question as I realize I missed what he said.

  “You, me, and coffee after class?” I shake my head. “Why not? You said you didn’t have coffee yet.”

  “Shh.” Holding my index finger up to my lips I redirect my gaze toward the front of the classroom where my attention stays for the remainder of class.

  Once it’s time to go, I rise to my feet. Trevor’s already standing with my backpack in his hand. I hold my hand out for him to pass it off to me and he slips it onto my arm settling it comfortably on my shoulder.

  “Let’s go grab some coffee.”

  “I figured after our interaction at the bar you’d want nothing to do with me. Why are you still talking to me?”

  “Aw, Red, come on. I can’t let you off the hook that easily.”

  “Am I just a challenge for you?” My voice quivers, revealing worry that this is exactly what I am.

  “No, you’re not. I’m not sure why I’m so drawn to you, but I am. God knows I’ve tried to stop this attraction, but it only grows stronger. And it’s not just that you’re gorgeous. It’s everything you are all wrapped in a sassy, prickly package. Your fiery hair and your personality match perfectly. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, because I can’t seem to spend enough time with you.” Oh damn. Why’s he saying these sweet things to me?

  I want to dislike him and he’s making it impossible. Maybe if I spend more time with him he’ll show his true colors.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I shock us both by agreeing, but it feels good not to overthink my decision. Besides, I need some caffeine and what’s one cup of coffee going to hurt? I could use a bite to eat too.

  We silently make our way down the hall toward the exit, and once we’re outside in the bright, morning sunlight, I dig through my backpack for my favorite sunglasses. I slip them over my eyes and Trevor spins his ball cap around so the brim casts a shadow over his eyes.

  “Trevor, what’s up?” Clancy walks up to us with a lazy grin on his lips.

  “Hey, Clance, were you in class? I didn’t see you.”

  “Yeah, I was in the same seat I always choose.”

  “Gotcha. I decided to try a new perspective today and I think it was a success. I can feel my history grade improving already. Grace, I’m sure you remember Clancy from the party.”

  “Yes, I do.” Dear Lord. He’s even bigger in broad daylight than he seemed that night.

  “How’s Leah?” Clancy inquires. I’m surprised and a little impressed he remembers her name.

  “She’s good.”

  “Tell her I was asking for her. Are you girls coming to our next frat party?”

  “I can’t speak for Leah, but I don’t usually make it a habit to attend.”

  “Only when I force you to, right?” Trevor cuts in, glancing down at me with a half smile tipping the corner of his mouth.

  I meet his eyes. “Something like that.”

  “Trevor, figure out a reason to force her to the next one. I’d like to see Leah again.” Clancy pulls his attention away.

  “You’re on your own, man. I have my work cut out for me as it is. I’ll see you later.”

  “Where are you rushing off to?”

  “We’re getting coffee.”

  “I like coffee and I have a break now,” Clancy offers.

  “You’re not invited.”

  “Trevor,” I scold.

  “What? He’s not. I want to have coffee with you, not him. I don’t need his ugly mug sitting across from me.”

  “Clancy, you’re welcome to join us,” I reply.

  “Thank you, Grace. Your manners are better than my boy’s are, but I know when I’m not wanted. I’ll catch you later.” He lifts his chin toward Trevor and walks away.

  “See ya, Clance.”

  Trevor takes hold of my hand, unexpectedly. He slots our fingers together and offers a slight squeeze as if to say, don’t even think of getting away. My skin tingles from his touch and I’m torn between wanting to yank my hand free and never wanting him to let go. I’ve never been someone who waffles back and forth when they make a decision. And when it comes to my feelings for someone, I either like them or I don’t. I’ve never acted so wishy washy in my life. One minute I never want to see Trevor again and now I don’t want him to let go. What’s wrong with me? Why does he make me so off balance? It’s a new experience for me and I’m not sure I like it.

  We head down the sidewalk along Commonwealth Ave locked in the flow of students moving from one building to another as they head to their next classes. It takes us a few minutes to clear the worst of the throng as we walk one more block to the cafe.

  Trevor opens the door and ushers me inside, letting go of his hold on me. As I walk past, his palm comes to rest between my shoulder blades, gently, but firmly guiding me forward. Is this his way of letting me know he’s still in control? Or does he simply like touching me? Maybe he’s just being polite and I’m cuckoo for imagining it’s more.

  “Why don’t you grab us some seats and I’ll get our coffee. Do you want anything else? Are there vegan options here?”

  Pushing my sunglasses up on top of my head, I smile. It’s sweet that he remembers. “I’d love a large, black, hot and a banana vegan muffin.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll be right over.” Reaching into the front pocket of my shorts, I pull out a ten.

  He scowls when he notices. “Don’t insult me. I invited you.”

  “This isn’t a date. I can at least get my own.”

  “Put it away and go sit down.” His tone is firm, offering no room for disagreement.

  “Okay, thank you. Next time it’s on me.”

  He flashes me a wide grin. “You want there to be a next time?”

  Chapter Seven


  She tips her head, shrugging one shoulder. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, big guy. Let’s see how this goes.” She spins away, the thick red knot on top of her head bobbing from side to side adorably.

  My gaze slowly roams down to the elegant lines of her shoulders. They’re leanly muscled, showing definition, but not enough to detract from her femininity. Her waist squeezes in narrowly before her hips gently flair into one perfectly rounded ass.

  “Can I help you?” My head snaps around to face the barista as I place our order. While she makes our drinks, I snatch up a stack of napkins and place money on the counter. As soon as she hands off our order my feet take the most direct route in Grace’s direction. She’s seated at a table against the side wall toward the rear of the store. It’s the most private spot available, and I can’t help but wonder if she chose to sit there for that reason.

  “Here you go.” I set down her cup of coffee on a napkin and place the plate with a banana muffin in front of her before dropping my backpack to the floor beside my chair. I pull out the chair across from Grace and sit down. Opening the cover tab on my coffee, I allow some of the heat out while taking advantage of my beautiful view.

  “Thank you, Trevor.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard her call me by my name before, but I’m already looking forward to the next time she does. Then again, whether she’s talking or silent,
what’s not to like about her mouth? A deep berry color and pouty as hell, I want to tug the bottom lip between my teeth and run my tongue over it.

  I’m notoriously bad at multitasking, but somehow I manage to fantasize about her lips and still pay attention to what she said. I raise my hand and shake my head. “No thanks necessary. What made you choose the vegan lifestyle?” She giggles. “What’s so funny about that?”

  “The vegan lifestyle just sounds so formal. For me it wasn’t so much a choice as a necessity. I developed a dairy allergy a few years ago and it evolved from there. I began substituting different ingredients and before I knew it I’d cut out meat too. I felt so much better that I decided to go full vegan.”

  “I bet it was tough to cut out dairy and meat. I love cheese, and bacon is practically a staple in my diet.”

  “At first it was, but after I got in the habit it just sort of stuck for me.”

  “And you’re never tempted to cheat?”


  “You have more discipline than I do.”

  “Like I said, I didn’t have much choice. If I eat dairy I get sick so it’s not a temptation for me at all. Plus vegan products taste great.” She breaks off a chunk of muffin, pushing it between her lips. “Mm, this is delicious.”

  “It is?”

  “You sound skeptical.”

  “I am. I gotta be honest, that thing looks suspect. Are you sure it’s a muffin? It looks more like a brown blob.”

  She laughs, “Yes, it’s exactly what I ordered. Just because something looks different doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste good.” She tears another chunk free, holding it up between us. “Here, try a piece.” Oh fuck no. I don’t want to eat anything vegan unless it’s her pussy. That’s the only exception. “Come on. Be a brave boy,” she taunts, waving the piece in front of me. I can’t have her thinking I don’t have the stones to try it. The horrible taste will be worth it in the end.

  Leaning forward, I capture her hand with mine and hold it still while my lips pluck the bite free of her fingers. Her eyes expand with surprise, showing the whites around the vibrant blue of her irises. “Delicious,” I murmur with a wink as I force myself to chew and swallow it down. The taste is just as bad, if not worse, than I imagined and I make myself wait before scooping up my coffee and taking a sip. I won’t show how repulsive that was for me. Being a vegan is important to her and I can suck down a shitty muffin once in a while if it will earn me brownie points.


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