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Protecting His Forever

Page 10

by Ashers, LeAnn

  “Oh shit! You too?” Jessica yells from the backseat.

  I look back at her, shocked. Her eyes widen like she can’t believe she told us. We both laugh hysterically.

  “Oh shit that’s great.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “Plus my ta-ta hurts.” I shift uncomfortably.

  “Wasn’t he easy, Sydney?” Brae asks angrily.

  “Yes, he was. He was freaking huge. Hurt like a bitch, but the orgasm made up for it.” I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes at me.

  “I need a hot sexy man! My hormones make me horny all the freaking time. What am I going to do when I can’t reach back there? I’m screwed,” she cries out.

  Me and Brae share a secret look. “Chase,” we mouth at each other and giggle slightly. Chase is a total man whore, but I can tell him and Jessica have a little something going on.

  Turning around I pat her leg. “Oh, honey, I will buy you the biggest vibrator.” She sniffs and wipes her eyes and gives me a big smile. Disaster averted.

  A few minutes later we pull up in front of the salon. Opening the car door, I walk to the back seat to help Jessica, who takes my hand to pull herself out of the car. We are greeted by a woman who leads us to a room to change into our robes.

  A few minutes later, we are led to another room with three beds for our massages. Looking down at Jessica’s belly, I think, Yep, that’s not going to work. She sighs from beside me and knows it too.

  “I’m pregnant; I can’t lay down on my belly like that.”

  “We have a pregnancy table, it’s no problem.” The masseuse pats her shoulder and walks out of the room.

  Brae and I sit down on the table just as a man comes in carrying another table that has a hole right in the middle. Jessica gives him an appreciative smile, while Brae and I gawk at him. He is one sexy man. He then struts right to me. “I’m your masseuse for the day.”

  I blush and look down at my feet. Holy shit. Holy mother frigging shit. Kane is going to have a bitch fit, but hey, I don’t get to choose my masseuse, right? Two more hot men walk in and that makes me feel better.

  “Please take off your robes and place this towel around your waist.” The men walk out of the room to give us some privacy. Sliding onto the bed, I tuck the towel tightly around my waist. Brae starts giggling beside me and Jessica looks like she is in hot guy heaven.

  “You're going to take off your shirt too, right?” Jessica asks the men as soon as they walk into the door. Brae and I look over at her, shocked.

  The masseuse beside her chuckles and shakes his head no, then he gets busy doing what massage people do. I stick my head through the little hole and try to relax.

  “Kane is going to die, Sydney.” Brae’s voice is muffled by the cushion.

  “I know it.” I giggle nervously.

  “You have a protective man?” the one massaging me asks.

  “Heck yeah. He’s built like a Mack truck. Wouldn’t want to cross him,” she says with a laugh.

  “That’s okay. I’m gay.”

  “Ahh, okay, then that does help things for you, but let’s take a picture and send to him,” Jessica tells us both. I raise my head up to yell at her.

  Brae raises up and forgets she doesn’t have a top on as she sits up. Her tits are on full display.

  “Brae, your top!” I yell at her. She looks down and her hands automatically come up to cover herself. She blushes all the way down to her toes.


  After all the primping, I’m beyond tired. I walk into Kane’s to the aroma of steak. Groaning, I walk into the kitchen to see him in his boxers slaving over the stove again. I forgot to eat lunch too.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he says without turning around.

  Walking over to him, I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his back. I feel at home as soon as I get around him.

  “How was your day?”

  “It was great,” I tell him. Too cheery. You’re giving yourself away.

  “How was the massage?” My eyes widen. What do I say?

  “It was fine,” I say, but it sounds more like a question.

  “I really didn’t like that man rubbing up on my woman.” Oh shit. I move back so I can look at him.

  “Your new pregnant friend sent Ethan a pic and then he sent it to me.” He’s still cooking the food. Is he mad?

  “You’re not mad, are you?” I ask nervously.

  “I’m not mad, baby. I just didn’t like him rubbing on you like that.” He turns around and hugs me to him.

  “He was gay,” I blurt out and Kane chuckles.

  He turns around and jerks my hips against his. “I don’t care if he was a woman, a nun, or the freaking pope. I don’t like anyone touching you.” He smacks my butt and turns back around to finish cooking. Walking upstairs, I change into one of Kane’s shirt. At least he wasn’t mad.

  The rest of the night is us just spending quality time with each other. We eat dinner, cuddle on the couch, and when we’re finished, he carries me upstairs and falls asleep on my belly. Smiling to myself, I think about how lucky I am to have someone like him. Together, we have an unbreakable bond.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ring, ring, ring. I roll over groaning. “Turn it off.”

  “I don’t recognize this number; I better answer.”

  The bed shifts as he sits up in bed.

  “Hello?” he says in his sexy morning voice. “It is,” he tells the person on the phone.

  Sitting up, I get the feeling something is wrong.

  “What?” he asks, shocked. He stays quiet for a second listening. “I didn’t know I had any family left.”

  My eyes widen, and I place my hand on his back. Did a family member of his die?

  “Yes, I’m still here. Hang on a second.” He takes the phone away from his ear and hits speaker.

  “Continue,” he tells whoever is on the phone.

  “You’re the only living relative left. Her daughter has no one. She was your mom’s sister’s daughter. Arabella is your cousin. Would you be willing to take her in? It’s either you, or I will be forced to put her in foster care. She’s had a rough go at life. Her mother was hooked on drugs really bad; she died of overdose. The little girl was found in a closet,” the woman’s voice tells us sadly.

  Tears rush to my eyes.

  “How old is she?” I ask not being able to help myself.

  “She is three years old.”

  I look at Kane with my eyes full of tears.

  “I’ll take her,” he tells the woman on the phone.

  “No, we’ll take her.” I grab his hand tightly. Kane talks on the phone going over details and whatever else before hanging up so we can get up and get dressed. She will be here later this evening. She just lived two hours away. Grabbing my purse, we haul ass to Kane’s truck. We have nothing for a little girl.

  “We need snacks, clothes, toys, blankets, furniture and necessities. Oh shit. I don’t even know!” I ground out, stressed.

  Kane takes my hand and kisses the top of it. “We will figure it out.”

  Sighing, I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

  Kane picks up his phone and calls Ethan. He explains everything. We will need help getting the furniture up in time.

  A few minutes later we pull up in front of a furniture store. Kane comes over to my side to let me out and we walk hand in hand up to the front doors. I can’t believe this is actually happening. This poor little baby, she just lost her mother. I can only imagine the kind of hell she has seen or been through.

  Kane smacking my butt brings me out of my thoughts. Rolling my eyes, I walk inside the front door that he holds open for me. Looking around the store, I realize I have no clue where to start.

  Looking up to the sign that tells you where the kids section is, I head in that direction. As soon as we get to the back section I see a white bed that is fit for a little girl. It's a four-post bed with white curtains hanging from the top of the frame, and that wrap around the posts of the bed. It loo
ks like a princess bed. Looking around, I see all the furniture that matches—the toy box, small dresser, and chest. The drawer knobs are adorned with jewels.

  Grinning at Kane, I tell him, “This is it.” He chuckles and goes to find a worker.

  This is the day that everything changes. This little girl is going to change our lives forever. I never thought this would happen, but everything happens for a reason.

  Later that day

  “She is almost here, Kane,” I tell him breathlessly. The social worker called and told us she was ten minutes out.

  “I know, sweetheart.” He looks down at me softly and holds me tightly in his arms.

  Laying my head against his chest, I suck in a deep breath enjoying just being in his presence.

  “You don’t have to be here for this, Sydney.” His arms tighten around me waiting for my response.

  “I know, Kane,” I mutter against his chest before looking up at him. “I want nothing more than to be here for this little girl. Not one second did I doubt this.”

  His face softens before he brings his mouth to mine. Sighing, I pull him harder against me. He moves his lips tenderly over mine. When he pulls back, his breathing is labored. His lips go to my forehead, and he whispers, “I love you, Sydney.”

  Closing my eyes, I try to hold back the emotions I’m feeling. “I love you, too.”

  The sound of a car driving up the driveway has me looking out of the window. My heart stops. “She’s here,” I whisper to Kane.

  He smiles and takes my hand. Together, we walk out hand and hand. Through the window of the car I can see a little blonde head looking all around her frantically trying to take everything in.

  The social works gets out and walks to the backdoor. “How are you guys today?” the social worker asks as she opens the back door to the vehicle. She leans in and unbuckles the little girl.

  Little feet hit the pavement as she climbs out of the car. My eyes shoot down to the ratty shoes that cover her feet. The worker pulls her into view and my heart breaks instantly. Walking down the steps, I’m itching to get close to her. To comfort her. Kane follows closely behind.

  “Meet Arabella,” the social worker says, and I let go of Kane’s hand. Taking the last couple steps so I’m a foot away from her. She barely peeks at me before going back to tugging at the ends of her clothes.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” I bend down so I’m eye level with her. Reaching up, I touch her shoulder. She jerks back like I hit her. She looks up at me and her face crumbles as she starts crying. She’s scared. Not knowing what to do, I take her into my arms. Her little face rests on my shoulder, her tears soaking my shirt.

  Standing up, I place my hand on the back of her head and the other under her butt to hold her up. Warmth hits my back as Kane wraps his arms around us both. The social worker is staring at us with tears in her eyes.

  Kane places his hand on her back and she jerks again from the contact. Kane drops his hand and he looks out at the field with his jaw clenched. He’s pissed, and so am I. What kind of mom lets her child get hit? What kind of fucking mother doesn’t care for her child? Today is the day this little girl won’t ever have to worry about anything like that again.

  “I have some papers here for you to sign. I checked everything, and it’s obvious that you can financially care for the child. I checked your records and everything came back clean. I will be back in a week to check on things.” She nods her head at Kane and points to go inside the house.

  Kane puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me up the steps. Arabella is still wrapped around me tightly. Her little fists clenching my shirt.

  “This way,” he tells the social worker and points toward the kitchen.

  Her mouth is open as she stares around at the house. She turns to Kane. “Wow, your house is amazing.” She then turns her head to the boxes of toys and bed things for Arabella. Her face softens and turns to look at me. Smiling, I hug Arabella tighter to me.

  “I see you guys are well prepared.” She doesn’t say anything else as she follows Kane into the kitchen.

  What do I do? Follow after them? Stay here? Deciding to stand at the door frame that leads into the kitchen so I’m in view but not close enough to think I’m eavesdropping, I watch as Kane signs some things and the social worker puts them into a file. “I will be on my way. It was nice to meet you.” The social worker turns to Kane and then to me.

  “You too,” I tell her. Kane just nods but doesn’t take his eyes off me. The door shuts a minute later.

  What do I do now? Maybe she is hungry.

  “Are you hungry, baby?” I ask her softly. I can feel her nod slightly against my shoulder. “What would you like?” I ask again.


  Looking up at Kane I smile at him. Kane takes out his phone to place the order.

  “Kane, I’m going to sit in the living room while we wait for the pizza.”

  He nods his head. His eyes are sad when he looks at Arabella. She reminds him of himself when he was a kid. The product of having to live with a mother who did drugs and did nothing to care for her child.

  Sitting down on the couch, Arabella doesn’t move. After a few minutes she starts to move around a little, and then she turns her head and her eyes connect with him. Her icy blue eyes have me sucking in a sharp breath. Her eyes are identical to Kane’s.

  I can feel Kane walk by us and sit down beside me. His hand touches my thigh as he looks down at the little girl. She sits up a little farther to get a better view. Looking at Kane, I notice him smiling at her slightly.

  “Hey, baby,” Kane whispers to her. He smooths her hair away from her face. She doesn’t flinch.

  She sits up all the way, her eyes never leaving Kane. Kane rubs his thumb over her cheek. Her eyes widen. Bracing myself, I prepare for her to start crying. To my utter disbelief, she lifts her arms and reaches for Kane.

  She wraps herself around him like a monkey. Her little fists clench his shirt. Her face goes to his chest. Kane wraps his arms around her protectively. He gives me a pained look. I know how he’s feeling. It’s tearing me up inside at the thought of what made this little girl this way.

  The doorbells rings and Arabella cries out and burrows deeper into Kane’s chest. He holds her tighter. Putting my hand over my mouth, I try to hold in my sob. Kane leans to the side slightly and pulls out his wallet. He nods to the door. Nodding, I go to pay the pizza man.

  Hurrying, I pay and grab the pizza, gently closing the door behind me not wanting to startle Arabella. Going to the kitchen I grab plates, two waters, and a cup of milk. Setting everything on top of the pizza box, I carry it back to the living room.

  Arabella is still cuddling to his chest. “Food’s ready.”

  Kane lifts her up so she sitting in his lap. Opening the box, I place a piece on each of our plates. Noticing that Arabella’s eyes never leave the food, I quickly cut the pizza up into little pieces so she can pick it up and eat it herself.

  Sitting down, I put the plate into her lap. She stares down at it for a second before she nervously looks around her like she’s waiting for someone to snatch the food away any second. She slowly picks up a piece and lifts her to her mouth and takes her first bite. She barely bites into it before she starts chewing and shoves the rest into her mouth. Kane and I don’t eat—we can’t take our eyes off of this little girl.

  Grabbing the sippy cup off of the coffee table, I hand it to her. She takes it from me and takes a dainty sip. Her eyes widen and looks down at the cup wondering what’s in it. She doesn’t even know what milk is!

  Clearing my throat, I try to control my emotions. More than anything I just want to curl into a ball and sob. I want to take the pain away from this child. Make her feel safe and have her forget everything that happened to her.

  She finishes the food and climbs off Kane’s lap.

  “Pee,” she says quietly.

  Shocked that she said something, I stand up slowly. Offering my hand for her to take, sh
e wearily looks at it before slipping her hand into mine. Leading her to the bathroom she goes straight to the toilet and does her business.

  “Let’s wash our hands.” Pulling out a little stool I lift her onto it.

  Putting some soap in her palm, I turn on the water and help her scrub her hands. Bending down, I blow bubbles from her hands. She giggles. It’s barely noticeable, but it’s something. Smiling proudly, I rinse her hands and dry them with a towel.

  “Want to show her to her room?” Kane asks from behind us. Turning around, I lift her down from the stool. She stares at Kane and then back at me.

  Taking her hand, I lead her to the steps. She looks up at them before putting her foot on the first one. Kane walks ahead of us. We spent the last few hours putting everything up. Don’t ask me how we did it, but we did.

  Kane pushes her door open and walks inside, flipping on the lights as he goes. Turning the corner, she sees her room. Her eyes light up and her mouth opens slightly. She lets go of my hand and walks toward a doll laying on her bed.

  She stops before she can touch it. She looks at me nervously. “It’s yours, baby.” She grabs the doll and hugs it to her. Backing out of the door, I pull Kane with me. We move out of the sight of the door. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly to me as I let go of the emotions that have been threatening to break free from the moment I met this little girl. His hand shakes as he rubs my back, trying to comfort me.

  I can hear her inside of the bedroom playing with her toys.

  “Kane,” I start, but he shushes me.

  “I know.” He kisses my forehead before pulling me tighter against him.

  “I love you,” I say against his chest.

  “I love you, too, baby. So much.” He kisses the top of my head.

  Closing my eyes, I take in the comfort of Kane’s arms. Pulling back, I peek around the corner at Arabella. She’s sitting on the floor brushing the doll’s hair.

  “I need to give her a bath,” I tell him.

  “Give her a bath, and I’ll fix her bed for the night.


  Walking back into her bedroom, I tell her, “Okay, sweetheart, it's time for a bath. Let’s pick out your pajamas.” I go to her little white dresser and pick out two princess gowns and hold them up for her to pick one. “You choose the one you want to wear.”


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