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Protecting His Forever

Page 16

by Ashers, LeAnn

  “Tease me anymore, and I’ll spank your ass later for that shit.” I tap her ass lightly in warning.

  “Oh, baby, I’m hoping so.” She bites my earlobe and pecks my lips. Lifting her in the truck, I discreetly adjust my pants and jump in the driver’s side. That girl will be that death of me.


  The next two days are filled with getting Carter settled in and then it’s the morning school starts. While I’m getting his lunch ready, the cat rubs around my legs. I think back to the day before where Arabella brought him in the house with a big grin on her face.

  “Momma, wook what I got.” She hugs the cat to her and it wiggles, wanting down.

  “I see that, baby.” I bend down closer to her.

  “Tan I keep it?” She gives me those big doe eyes.

  “Ask your father about that.” She grins because she knows she will get her way.

  “Daddddy!” she yells in a sing-song voice.

  He charges into the room frantic when he hears her yelling, but stops in his tracks when he sees her with the cat in her arms.

  “What’s that?” He points at the cat.

  “It’s a pussytat, Daddy.” She rolls her eyes and looks down at the cat.

  “Why is it here?” He looks at me accusingly. Shaking my head, I point to her.

  “Oh, Daddy, tan I keep it? Pwease?” She evens looks like she is almost in tears. Yeah, she’s good.

  “Arabella, you don’t need a cat,” he tries to argue.

  “Daddy, I always wanted a pussytat.” Her bottom lip trembles.

  “Okay, fine.” He sighs and presses a kiss on the top of her head. She runs off squealing. I laugh at how hooked she has him. She just has to give him those eyes and he will agree to anything.

  Kane walks past me to the fridge. Carter climbs up on the bar stool and eats his breakfast. Arabella is laying on the couch watching cartoons. SMACK! “Good morning, sweetheart. Your mother is taking Arabella for the day.” He leans closer so he is almost whispering,

  “When we get home I’m going to eat your pussy and fuck you all day.” He kisses my cheek and stalks off. I clench my legs together in anticipation.

  We drop Carter off at school. He walks into his classroom looking all cute. His seat is beside a girl and she smiles at him all sweet. He’s too young for that shit. She needs to keep her eyes to herself.

  “Calm down, Momma Bear,” Kane whispers into my ear. Laughing, I push Kane away. Walking over to Carter, I smother him with kisses.

  He pushes me away and laughs out, “Stop, Mom.”

  My mouth falls open when I hear him call me Mom. His eyes widen then he looks down at the desk embarrassed. Leaning down so I can whisper into his ear, I tell him, “Don’t be ashamed about that. I want nothing more than to be your Mom.” I kiss his cheek and stand up. Kane takes my hand and leads me out of the room. We leave with one last glance at Carter.

  The whole ride home I worry about him. Kane hurries over to my side of the vehicle when we arrive. I laugh at his antics as he pulls me into the house.

  Lying in bed after three rounds of hot monkey sex, the phone starts ringing. Kane rolls out of bed and picks it up. His face changes and then looks confused. He runs downstairs.

  Rushing after him confused, I see Kane looking everywhere for something.

  “What is it, Kane? You’re scaring me!” I yell at him.

  “All right we will be there in thirty.” He hangs up and looks at me.

  “What is it, Kane? I swear if you don’t tell me…” I charge over to him.

  “Carter brought the cat to school with him today. It was in his backpack. It started meowing and the teacher came over to investigate.”

  My mouth falls to the floor. “Why?”

  “I don’t know.” Kane lets out a deep breath and rubs a hand through his hair.

  We hurry and get dressed. Racing to the school, we see Carter is sitting in the principal's office looking upset. The principal spots us and waves us in. She is an older lady around fifty or so. She points down to the seats beside Carter who has the cat in his lap still.

  “Carter, since your parents are here, will you tell me now why you brought the cat to school? You did know it wasn’t allowed, right?” the principal asks him.

  He nods his head while looking at the ground still.

  “Sweetheart, why did you bring it to school?” I put my hand on his face and tip his chin up.

  “Because he—” he points at Kane “—said to you that he was going to eat your pussy! I didn’t want Arabella to be upset!” he cries out and holds the cat tighter to him.

  I blush from my head to my toes. We all stare at him speechless. The principal is looking at us wide-eyed then busts out laughing. Kane bends over and laughs his ass off.

  “Carter, he wasn’t going to eat the cat.” I blush again and look up at the ceiling.

  “He said so!” He stomps his foot on the ground.

  “I think it’s time for you to go back to class,” the principal tells Carter. She gets up and tells her secretary to walk him to class.

  “Oh my God!” I hiss at Kane while putting my hands over my face once the principal leaves the room. I wish the ground would swallow me up right now and hide me forever. It’s the first day of school. It’s freaking hilarious, and I’m sure I will laugh at this later, but Carter just told the principal that Kane was going to eat my pussy.

  She sits down in front of us. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that.” She sighs and shuffles papers around on her desk.

  “I’m so sorry about that!” I cry out to her.

  I grab Kane’s hand because I’m about to run out the door. I can feel Kane laughing beside me. I glare at him and that just makes him laugh harder. “I swear if you don’t hush I will dismember you.” His eyes widen and he turns to the side while holding his junk.

  The principal is grinning at us. “All right, you guys can go home.” I get up quickly and scoop up the cat. I speed walk out of the school. I stand outside of the passenger side of the truck waiting on Kane.

  He opens the door and lifts me inside. Pulling down the mirror, I look at myself. My hair looks like a rats nest. Great, I even look the part. Kane notices what I’m doing and bursts out laughing again. I’m going to kill him.

  Picking up a shoe off of the floorboard, I throw it and it bounces off the side of his head. His mouths pops open and then he starts laughing again. Flipping him the bird, I look out of the window the whole time he drives us to go pick up Arabella. Leaving her for the few hours we did earlier was long enough.

  Feeling a hand on mine, I look over to see that we have stopped and we are parked outside of my mom’s house. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even notice. Kane lifts my hand and kisses my ring finger.

  “What are you thinking about, sweetheart?”

  Pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. “I was thinking about us. How five months ago we weren’t even together, and now we are engaged and have kids. Since I have you I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you.”

  “Sweetheart, you are not going to lose me. You’re stuck with me.” He presses a tender kiss to my lips. Wrapping his arms around me, he whispers into my ear everything that he loves about me and our life.

  Hearing squealing, I look up to see Dave and Arabella standing on the porch. Arabella is jumping up and down looking at us. Looks like someone is excited to see us. Kane drags me out his side of the truck and sets me down.

  Arabella runs off the porch and tackles me with a hug. She acts like she hasn’t seen us in days let alone a few hours.

  “Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa?” I bend down to her level.

  “Yes! We tolored and pwayed. Me and pop pwayed dress up! He was a pwincess and he was dorgeous.” She jumps up and down while moving her arms enthusiastically.

  Looking up at David who is staring down at Arabella like she has betrayed him, Kane lifts her off the ground and bites at her belly. That causes her to break out in a f
it of giggles. Grinning at them, I walk into the house to see Mom cleaning up the kitchen.

  “How was your morning?” She smirks at me.

  “It went well.” I cough, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  “Why are you back so early?” She gives me a curious look.

  The reason why runs into the kitchen. Oh no, I hope she doesn’t ask why—

  “Why is the cat here?”

  “Umm, Carter took him to school with him today,” I barely whisper, hoping she won’t hear.

  She gasps and stares at me like I’m crazy. “What? Why did he do that?”

  “Because he thought Kane was going to eat it.”

  “What? No!” Her head tilts to the side and stares at me confused.

  “Yes, Mom,” I groan and cover my face.

  “There is more to the story than that.” She gives me that motherly look that always has me spilling my guts.

  “He heard Kane says he was going to eat my… Umm. Yeah.” I point down to the location. Her eyes widen and then she bursts out laughing. She holds her belly. Not able to hold it in, I start laughing too.

  “That’s hilarious!” She wipes at her eyes.

  Kane walks in with a smirk because he knows why we’re laughing. Dave comes in behind him and he looks back and forth between me and my mom. She is holding her stomach.

  “What is it?” he asks and walks over to wrap his arms around my mother.

  “Carter took the cat to school today. He thought Kane was going to eat the cat. I’m assuming Kane said pussy?”

  Dave stares up at Kane and then at me with wide eyes. Oh God. I groan as a huge smile overcomes his face. He walks back over to Kane and smacks him on the shoulder. Rolling my eyes at them, I go in the living room to put Arabella’s shoes on.

  Looking at my phone I see that it’s 2:30 and we need to go pick up Carter. “Kane, we need to go get Carter!” I yell at him while slipping on my shoes and walking out to the truck.

  Kane walks outside a minute later and buckles Arabella in and then helps me up. It sucks being short. For one, sex is awkward sometimes. If he fucks you over the table your feet will be hanging off the ground. Kissing while standing on the ground is a pain in the ass.

  My phone goes off and I lift my butt up so I can get it out of my back pocket. I see that I have a text from Jessica.

  Jessica: Where are you?

  Me: Picking up Carter. What’s up?

  Jessica: Just checking in.

  Me: Spill.

  Jessica: I got me some D.

  Me: OMG! Who? What? Where?

  Jessica: Chase! We had a date and hit it off.

  Me: Get it girl.

  Jessica: Oh I did and much more. ;)

  Me: We are pulling up at the school. Talk to you later.

  Putting my phone down, we park along the sidewalk where the teachers lead the kids out. Carter is in second grade he is first. He is talking to another little boy. Kane jumps out of the truck and comes over to help me out.

  Stepping up to the sidewalk, Carter’s face lights up when he sees us. He points at us then tells the little boy something. Carter takes off running and then tackles me in a hug. Startled, I look up at Kane and then I hug him back.

  “How was school today sweetheart?” I rub his cheek.

  “I had fun. Missed you.” He hugs me tighter and my throat feels thick. This sweet boy is coming out of his shell. Carter pulls back and hugs Kane’s legs.

  “Missed you too,” he whispers.

  “Missed you too, son,” Kane leans down and hugs him tightly.

  “What ‘bout me?” Arabella asks him while stomping her foot.

  “Missed you to Bell.” He ruffles her hair before turning back to look at Kane again. “Do I get to go train now?”

  “I just got the phone call this morning. You get to start next week.” Kane ruffles his hair.

  Carter looks down at the ground. “Okay.”

  “But tomorrow we get to get your gear.”

  “Yes!” He fist pumps the air and runs to the truck. Waiting by the door he is practically jumping up and down.

  “Come on, Momma. Let’s get you guys home.” He leads me over to the truck and helps me in. Pressing a kiss on my lips, he shuts the door and helps Carter in.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Today is the first day I have been out on my own. Completely alone. I wanted to take my time, buy some clothes for me and the kids. A baby bump popped up out of nowhere.

  Walking outside of the mall, Kane calls, and I pick it up.


  “Hey, baby. You on your way home? You snuck off on me,” he says angrily into the phone.

  “I’m sorry.” I sigh into the phone. “I’m on my way home now. I love you.” I’m fucking stupid for sneaking off.

  After hanging up I stick my phone in my bra. Opening my car door, I never make it inside. Something slams against the back of my head. My face hits the glass of my car window and something cracks, then there’s nothing but darkness.


  Groaning, I turn over trying to get away, thinking about my children and my Kane. My two babies growing in my stomach. Oh God, my babies. Clutching my babies, I look up at my attacker. Gasping. No. No way. This can't be. Gasping for air, nothing comes out before his slams his foot down on my face.


  There is a deep throbbing in my forehead and my throat feels like sandpaper. My body is like Jell-O. It’s like I am having an out of body experience. I know what’s going on around me but I can’t control my body. My shoulder blade and arms are on fire. My head feels like fifty pounds, and I try to move my feet, but they barely move.

  Hearing whimpering from beside me gives me enough strength to crack my swollen eyes open. Craning my neck to the side I see a naked woman whose arms are over her head. Blood is covering her back and legs. My heart stops when I realize where I am.

  Cameron. I used to go to college with him. He was a stalker, basically. I turned him down because I was concentrating on my studies. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Everywhere I went, he was there.

  The night when I finally had enough, I was walking home from work, and I could feel a presence behind me, and I knew instantly who it was. He followed behind not speaking or anything. Just following. I remember feeling the unease of what was happening.

  Then his hand wrapped around my arms and he pushed them over my head. His eyes were coal black, and I will never forget feeling the fear of being helpless. Luckily, a police officer drove by at that time and he was arrested. I forgot all about him, but I never forgot the look he gave me as he was driven away in the police car or the bone chilling smile he gave me.

  “Are you okay?”

  Snapping out of my thoughts I look over at the girl. Her voice has to be the sweetest voice I have ever heard. “I’m okay, but are you okay?” I wince when I ask that because she isn’t okay.

  “I've been better. What did you do to get down here?” she managed out through her ragged breaths.

  “Cameron… I went to school with him and—” I start, but I’m interrupted when I see him walk in with a sinister look on his face.

  “Well well well. She is awake. Now, how should we start your torture, huh?” He tisks and trails a finger down my belly. My thoughts instantly going to my babies. Please God, someone find me.

  Cameron picks up a knife and walks over me. Gulping I try to control my shaking body. He presses the tip on my chest. Wincing when he presses harder. His pupils dilate. He’s getting off on this. Vomit crawls up my throat.

  Gun shots rang through the house. Kane. He’s here. I can feel it. Cameron looks at me pissed off and then runs up the stairs. Dropping the knife as he goes.


  When Sydney never comes home I snapped into action calling Ethan, Isaac, Chase, and Dave. Grabbing my keys, I walk downstairs to the basement. I go to the gun safe. Pressing in the code, I swing open the door and I take in my large assembly of weapons. Grabbing my AK and a load
of weapons I make my way upstairs just as I hear vehicles roaring up my driveway.

  Before I can make it out of the kitchen the door is slammed open and in runs Ethan. The rest of the guys are right behind him.

  “What happened?” Ethan asks with a murderous look on his face.

  “Your sister snuck off without me. She was supposed to be home an hour ago. She isn’t answering her phone, and I have a feeling in my gut something has happened. I just need to figure out where she’s at.” Slamming my hands on the table, I’m ready to murder someone.

  “Check the motherfucking tracking thing on her phone!” Ethan roars in my face. Pushing him back, I run to grab my laptop. Logging on, I see she is on the outskirts of town. I look at the men behind me. They have fought beside me, protected me as I did them. My brothers.

  “I’m getting my fiancée. I’m not asking you to go with me, but that woman is my everything. The thought of her or my babies hurt is driving me crazy. I’m about to go kill some motherfuckers too. You never mess with what’s mine, and that woman is mine!”

  Grabbing my gun, I load it and some clips. When I hear guns clicking beside me I see the men beside me loading up guns. Smacking them on the shoulder, I pick up my phone to call Syd’s mom to pick up Carter. Arabella is already over at her house because I was searching for Syd all day long.

  Thinking of her has me punching the wall. I love her so fucking much. My heart is hurting from the being separated. Her smile that can make that meanest motherfucker smile. That woman has changed my life, and I’m going to get her back no matter what. Those men are going to pay. With their life.

  Walking back into the kitchen, I see that all the men are ready. Their expressions show that they’re ready.

  “You guys don’t have to do this.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “We know we don’t, but you have saved all of our lives more than once. Syd is my sister, and we all care about her.” Ethan smacks my shoulder and the rest of the men nod their heads in agreement.

  “Let’s go.” I walk out the front door and jump into my truck. They climb in and Isaac is sitting beside me giving me directions. Besides Isaac talking, there isn’t any sound. We sit in silence because the shit that’s about to go down can kill us all, but I’m not going down until my woman is safe.


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