Book Read Free

Accidental Arrangements

Page 19

by Alexandra Warren

  “It’s what they said you wanted,” I reasoned, quickly pulling my glass to my lips so that I wouldn’t have to say anymore.

  But Elizabeth’s face was already twisted with annoyance as she pleaded, “Jules, you know me better than any of them. And you know I don’t want to do... that.”

  I nodded to agree. “I do know that. Which is why I… also came up with other plans; backup plans. I mean, I would’ve gone with it if you were game, but I also know you which means you wouldn’t have been game. So we are going to dinner. But then we will be properly escorted to the party bus for the best night of your life, even if it’s just the two of us and a couple of strangers off the street.”

  While I knew I’d be excusing myself from the dinner table to actually make the plans I had already spoke up, there was no way in hell I was going to ruin my best friend’s weekend. And even though the expenses of it all would be cutting severely into my weave budget for the month, it was all worth it once Elizabeth smiled to say, “I knew I picked you as my Maid of Honor for a reason.”

  “Wearing my natural hair for a week won’t be so bad. I can just… watch a bunch of YouTube tutorials,” I thought to myself just as my phone began to buzz on the couch nearby. And the second I read the screen to see who it was, I was quick to excuse myself, though I was sure it only made things look even more suspicious as I slipped into one of the bedrooms just as the FaceTime call was connecting.

  I couldn’t help myself in licking my lips the second it did before I acknowledged, “Levi. Hey. Is something wrong with the apartment?”

  I hated the way my body reacted to his heavy gaze as if we were even in the same room; even in the same city. And I was reminded of that fact when he finally spoke, “I haven’t seen you. Haven’t talked to you. I guess I was just making sure you were still alive.”

  Regardless of our current predicament, his concern was flattering, eliciting a smile as I told him, “I’m alive. I’m… in Vegas.”

  “Vegas? What are you doing in Vegas?” he asked as he sat up, keeping the phone in front of him as he showed off just how distractingly naked his chest was.

  And no matter how tempting it was to come up with some elaborate story - lie - just to get under all the skin he was showing off, I decided to avoid adding any more controversy by answering shortly, “Liz’s Bachelorette Party.”

  He nodded, running a thumb across his lip with a smirk. “Oh, I thought you were on the run or somethin’. Avoiding me on purpose.”

  “It’s not that serious, Levi,” I told him with a smirk of my own.

  “Of course not,” he muttered before picking up his voice to add, “Well… I’m glad you’re alright. Have fun. Tell Liz I said what’s up.”

  “I will,” I told him with a half-hearted smile, feeling regretful that we had turned into this; had become worthy of only a surface level check-in. And by the look on Levi’s face, it seemed like he felt the same way, forcing me to ask, “Is there… something else?”

  “You look good, Jules. Don’t hurt ‘em too bad out there,” he said, giving me the full smile I had fallen in… lust with.

  And while I knew I was playing with fire, tiptoeing back into a place I didn’t belong, I couldn’t help myself in flirting, “If that’s not the goal, you’re doing Vegas wrong.”

  “You’re right. I guess I’m just being selfish as usual,” he said, giving me another one of those gazes that made my heart flutter.

  But before I could get fully sucked back in, I told him, “Whatever, Mr. Graham. I gotta go.” Though I wasn’t exactly ready to hang up, wasn’t ready to stop... looking at him.

  I suppose this was why I had avoided him in the first place, so that I wouldn’t find myself in this exact position. And I knew the small crack of vulnerability was officially under attack once Levi said, “I miss you, Jules.”

  “No you don’t,” I told him with a giggle as I shook my head, trying to maintain at least an ounce of control no matter how crazy the butterflies were going in my belly.

  And it didn’t help that Levi doubled-down when he said, “I’m serious. It’s all quiet around here. And it doesn’t smell as good.”

  “Try a shower. That usually helps,” I teased, jokes and miles being the perfect buffer to separate myself from the situation.

  But of course, Levi was quick to remind me that the distance was only a temporary thing when he replied, “Be good out there, Mean Ass. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Yeah… see you then,” I whispered as the call ended.

  And while I expected to have a moment of silence to get myself together, to digest my thoughts and feelings about the conversation, Elizabeth line-jumped it all when she shouted, “Bitch, ya’ll go together!”

  “We do not!” I shouted back, feeling defensive as I stepped out of the room and found her leaning against the wall right outside of the door.

  Of course her ass was eavesdropping.

  “I miss you, baby. Come home, baby. It’s not the same without you,” she mocked teasingly as she made her way back to the bar.

  And once again, I found myself on the defense as I followed her while replying, “That’s not what he said.”

  “That’s what it translates to,” she fired back as she handed me one of the shots she had already poured.

  Even though my nerve endings were beginning to tingle from all of the alcohol we had already consumed in the less than an hour we had been together, the conversation with Levi gave me plenty needing to be washed down as I clinked glasses with Liz before tossing it back with ease.

  I honestly wasn’t even sure what to expect when I made it back home. Were we supposed to be buddy-buddy acting like nothing ever happened between us? Or were we supposed to be cutty-buddy, acting like everything happened between us and we were desperate for more?

  Girl, are you already drunk?

  He said he doesn’t want more.

  “Are you ready to go?” I asked as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, knowing dinner was even more crucial if I expected to stop thinking about it all, let alone be able to survive the night.

  And I was saved by the knock on the door, signaling the rest of our group’s arrival as Elizabeth replied, “I guess I don’t have much of a choice now.”


  I was desperate for a way to fill my time so my thoughts wouldn’t be completely consumed by Jules. She had technically only been gone for two days, but it felt like a lifetime considering we weren’t exactly on the best of terms when she left. And now that we seemed to be at least heading in the right direction after our phone call, I found myself trying to do everything I could to make the time go faster until she would make it back.

  Playing basketball, watching film, and lifting weights was enough for me to exhaust myself to the point of needing a hot shower and a solid nap. But now that I was awake with most of the afternoon still remaining, I decided to skip over to Lily’s crib for what was sure to be an equally exhausting experience with my niece and nephews.

  The second I pulled up, I was bum-rushed by Adrian and Andre who were both anxious to update me on their lives as I made my way from the car towards the apartment. In fact, I hardly caught a word they said as they shouted over one another, both desperate to get their point out before the other could. But once I actually stepped inside, it was little Anastasia who toddled her way right into my arms, practically stealing the show.

  “Man, I can’t believe how big she’s getting,” I shouted to Lily as I picked her up and slung her against my hip just as her mother was emerging from the kitchen.

  And as she wiped her hands on the dish towel she was carrying, she replied, “You? Imagine how I feel trying to carry her big behind around like she’s still a baby.”

  “She is a baby, Lily. And she’ll always be one with those two guard dogs as her big brothers,” I told her just as the two of them slipped off to their bedroom, already engaged in a new argument over what action figures they were going to play with.

/>   I admired their connection, along with the way they loved on and protected their baby sister. But that wasn’t enough to stop Lily from suggesting, “You know good and well you’re way more protective than they’ll ever be, Uncle Levi.”

  I snuck a kiss on Anastasia’s cheek, causing her to giggle as she tried to push my face away with her grubby little fingers. “Just returning the favor since you’ve protected me all of these years, sis.”

  “Aww look at you. Jules is clearly softening that ass up,” Lily gushed as if I hadn’t always shown her and the kids mad love.

  But since I knew she was just taking any opportunity she could to tease me about it, I was sure to do the same when I told her, “Yeah, softening my ass up by throwing that ass back.”

  “Levi!” she screeched, snapping the dish towel at my legs.

  And I couldn’t help but laugh, bouncing Anastasia in my arms as I replied, “I’m just messing with you, Lily. We haven’t even been fuckin’ around like that.”

  “Thanks for the update. So greatly appreciated,” Lily said with a roll of her eyes just as my phone began to buzz in my pocket. Since I couldn’t reach it with Ana in my arms, I sat her down on the ground before I pulled it out. And all it took was one quick glance at the screen for Lily to snap, “See. He’s the exact reason I have to be so protective of you. What is that nigga doing calling you?”

  “Chill. He’s still my agent, sis. If he’s calling, he must have some good news,” I explained just as I tapped the screen to answer the call on speakerphone.

  “Yeah, he better,” was all she muttered in response, forcing me to shake my head as I said, “Damien, what’s the word?”

  “Levi Graham, it’s good to hear your voice,” he replied, his voice thick with satisfaction which instantly made me hopeful.

  But I didn’t get a chance to bask in it for too long as Lily shouted from nearby, “Get to the point, Damien!”

  “Hello to you too, beautiful,” he quickly added, obviously amused by my sister’s disdain for him.

  In fact, she was still rolling her eyes when I brought the conversation back to its original topic. “So what’s up, Damien? What you got for me?”

  He released a sigh that wasn’t exactly heavy but also not as cheery as I would’ve liked when he finally replied, “Nothing set in stone just yet, but we do have a few things potentially brewing.”

  “Things as in contracts?”

  “Things as in possible tryouts. Unfortunately, you’re still considered damaged goods, Levi. So you’ll have to prove yourself before anybody is willing to take a chance on you.”

  I tried to keep my composure, but the phrase “damaged goods” had my blood boiling as I thought about how hard I had worked over the years. Hell, how hard I had worked my whole life. Sure, I had suffered a few injuries, had ran into a few setbacks, but there was nothing damaged about me. So I had no problem defending, “Man, they know my game is tight. It’s always been tight.”

  Again, Damien sighed before he added, “Your game has also been sitting dormant which means there’s no telling what you can still do. Now I’m going to see if I can get the clearance I need to get them all set-up. But in the meantime, I need you to stay on your A-game.”

  I nodded as if he could see me, knowing if nothing else, that was something I could actually control. “I got you, bro. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Levi. I want the best for you. I want you to win. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Once again I nodded. “Yeah, I hear you. But hey, while I have your ear. Do you happen to know any talent agents?”

  “I know a few, why? Are you trying to broaden your portfolio?”

  I peeked up at Lily and found her eyes boring into mine as she cocked her head to the side waiting to hear my response. But since I knew my answer would warrant even more of a reaction, I looked elsewhere when I told Damien, “Nah, not for me. For my gir… my roommate. She’s a really good actress, but she doesn’t have anybody to represent her.”

  “I’ll make some calls. See what I can do.”

  “Bet. I appreciate that,” I said as I peeked up to Lily once again, this time finding a smirk plastered on her face as I halfway listened to Damien respond.

  “No problem. But remember, Levi. A-game. And stay your ass at home so you’re not getting into any trouble. The last thing we need is another headline.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, man. I’m a homebody like a mothafucka these days,” I told him with a chuckle that Lily silently mocked.

  And while I rolled my eyes at her, I heard Damien say, “Yeah, alright Mr. Homebody. I’ll get up with you soon.” Before ending the call.

  I was hardly surprised when the first thing out of Lily’s mouth was, “Your gir… roommate, huh?”

  The only thing I could fire back without completely outing myself was, “Shut up, Lily.”

  But that wasn’t enough to stop Lily from continuing on her teasing streak as she practically sang to Anastasia, “Your Uncle Levi is a homebody because he’s whipped,” before turning to me to ask, “Where is Jules anyway?”

  I shrugged. “She’s in Vegas. Gets back tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you’re here. Your little gir… roommate is out of town so you’re trying to pass the time. How sweet,” she gushed in only a way she could.

  “Man, whatever,” I replied with a wave of my hand just as my phone began to buzz again.

  Lily smacked her teeth as she picked Anastasia up from the ground before asking, “Geez, what does he want now?”

  “Nah, it’s Wes,” I told her just as I pressed to accept the call and asked, “Wes, what’s up?”

  His heavy panting was enough to make me nervous when he replied, “Levi, can you meet me at the hospital? Chloe just went into labor!”

  I flew up from the couch, surely doing nothing to help his anxiety as I shouted, “Oh shit! Hell yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Ya’ll need anything?”

  “Just support so I don’t… pass the... fuck out,” he stammered as Chloe let out a scream of pain in the background.

  And as he coached her through with a, “We’re almost there, Chloe.” I was sure to tell him, “I got you, bro,” before I ended the call.

  I was already on my way towards the door when I told Lily, “I gotta go, sis. Baby Girl Wes is making an early entry.”

  Her concern was evident when she replied, “A really early entry. Is everything okay?”

  “Man, I sure hope so. Gotta get there and see though,” I answered as I leaned in to give her a quick hug before I dipped out of the apartment, jogging to my car and taking off out of the parking lot with the speed of a racecar driver.

  I was nervous as hell as I thought about something going wrong with the baby; thought about my closest friend going through the rollercoaster of emotions that came along with bringing a new life into the world. But since I knew there wasn’t much I could do to control either, I was going to do for Wes what he had done for me from day one.

  Have his back.


  The moment of clarity came as I watched Wes stare lovingly at his family; his brand new baby girl resting in the incubator with an assortment of different cords attached, and her mother who was also fast asleep after surviving a scary eight hours of labor.

  It wasn’t that I suddenly wanted a child of my own. In fact, it really didn’t have anything to do with the baby. But the way Wes looked at Chloe in awe for safely bringing his daughter into the world, the way he became enraptured by her presence after being traumatized by the thought of losing her, brought Jules to the forefront of my thoughts.

  Sure, we hadn’t been in some on-again, off-again relationship like Wes and Chloe, and we certainly didn’t have a child on the way prematurely. But we had experienced our share of ups and downs, along with the middle ground we currently found ourselves sitting in; a middle ground that I was no longer interested in.

  I didn’t just want Jules in my life. I needed her.
Her support, her energy, her… insults. She challenged me in a way that no one else had because she knew me in a way that no one else did. There were people who knew me solely for basketball, people who knew me from the shit in the media, and then people like Lily who knew me from the second I entered the world which created a totally different perspective. But the fact that Jules knew the complete me, flaws and all, and found a way to still admittedly like me was something I couldn’t just let go to waste for selfish reasons.

  Of course I knew there was a lot of risk in getting involved in something serious without any certainty of my next step in life. And I knew we had already agreed to let whatever was brewing between us simmer down. But after watching Wes and Chloe, and gaining a new understanding of how important it was to uphold valuable relationships in our lives, I knew it was time for a change of plans.

  I was in the middle of straightening up the living room when the locks clicked with Jules arrival, making me anxious as I considered what her reaction would be. And while I hoped her feelings for me wouldn’t have dissolved that fast, I also had to keep in mind who I was dealing with.

  So I tried to remain neutral as I told her, “Welcome back, pretty girl.”

  “Hey,” was all she offered in response as she closed the door behind her, dropping her bag right next to it before kicking off her sneakers.

  While I could tell the little vacation had obviously gotten the best of her according to the sunglasses and baseball cap she had on, paired with her joggers and t-shirt, it still felt like the appropriate thing to ask, “How was your trip?”

  Instead of answering my question right away, she made her way to the kitchen, pulling her stool from under the kitchen sink and using it to access the medicine cabinet so she could grab the bottle of Advil. And after opening the bottle and tapping two pills into her hand, she finally replied, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

  I nodded to agree. “Good answer. I’m glad your back though. It’s good to see you.”

  With the pills in her hand, she climbed down and headed for the fridge to grab a bottle of water to wash them down with. And as she twisted the cap off she said, “Levi, you act like life just suddenly came to a halt because I was gone.”


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