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Accidental Arrangements

Page 25

by Alexandra Warren

  But it was now or never as I faced him straight up, trying to find the words and somehow coming up with, “That was a great game. You were… amazing.”

  He smiled proudly, licking his lips to reply, “Yeah. I’m glad you showed up. Must be my good luck charm.”

  I tried not to blush, but it was practically inevitable considering Charmer Levi was in full effect. Still, I managed to at least avoid his eyes when I told him, “I don’t know about all that, but I’ll take it for now.”

  “Thank you for coming. Seriously. I know you have a lot going on right now and…”

  I cut him off, peeking up to remind him, “You make time for what you want.”

  But it turned out that that simple eye contact was my biggest mistake considering the way Levi’s eyes bored into mine, looking right past the friendly facade I was trying to put up and digging into the one he knew best as he took a step closer and said, “Jules, there’s so much I wanna say to you, so much I need to say to you.”

  “So say it.”

  My heart was already pounding through my ears as the arena suddenly felt even more empty; only he and I as I waited for his response. And while I had a strong feeling I knew what his words would be, there was nothing that could’ve prepared me for actually hearing them out loud when he took my still sticky hand to say, “I love you, Jules. I’ve been in love with you. And being away from you has only made that fact even more clear for me. But I know things are different now. I know we’re both in a different space, trying to get our solo shit figured out, and…”

  “I love you too.”

  “You do?” he asked, almost as surprised as I was with how easily it had slipped off of my tongue. But it was the truth. It had always been the truth.

  So I had no problem admitting for a second time, “I do.”

  “So what are we supposed to do about it, pretty girl?” he asked in a voice just above a whisper as he wrapped an arm around my lower back.

  I smiled as I tilted my head back to meet his eyes. “Well… for starters, you can tell me about your new life in Phoenix so far, and I can update you on mine here. Maybe over a quick bite to eat since I’m sure you have a plane to catch. And when you land, you can FaceTime me until we fall asleep.”

  “What if I can’t sleep? Shits been a struggle without your hot ass all over me,” he said as he pulled me in tighter, landing a kiss on my forehead.

  A kiss that I completely savored as I answered, “Then I guess we’ll have to try something else to knock you out until you can come see me again. You know, get creative.”

  “I’ll be on the first flight here after these last two games. I can promise you that,” he said with a sneaky little smirk, letting me know exactly what was on his mind.

  “Can you promise me something else?”

  “What’s that?” he asked, landing another quick kiss on my forehead.

  And while his lips against my skin were quite the distractor, I was sure to be clear when I answered, “Promise that you’ll always have my back. No matter how tough things get.”

  “That’s never changed.”

  “And promise that you’ll break up with me before you even think about cheating because I don’t play that shit.”

  His little chuckle warmed my skin when he replied, “Jules, I just got your ass back. Why would I already be thinking about messing it up?”

  “I’m just saying. I’ve already delivered one fade behind your ass, and even that was too many.”

  “Well can you promise me something?” he asked, his expression hopeful as if he was going to make a serious request. But when I gave him a nod to continue, I could only laugh once I heard him add, “Promise you’ll give all of my damn t-shirts back.”

  “Oh, whatever! You know you love when I wear your clothes.”

  “Yeah, until my ass is running around here naked cause I’m all out of stuff to wear,” he replied, making me laugh even harder.

  Though I had no problem telling him, “Guess you’ll just have to buy new ones with the money you’ll get off of this new contract.”

  If there was any truth to the numbers being thrown around on the various sports networks about how much money Levi could earn when Phoenix decided to extend his contract, he would be able to buy much more than just a few replacement t-shirts. But to my surprise he only shrugged when he replied, “The money will come when it comes. Right now, my focus is on you and playing ball. Everything else is a bonus.”

  “Wait a minute. Did I just come first on that list? Me and then basketball?” I asked teasingly, knowing it was surely just a coincidence.

  But Levi’s expression was completely serious when he looked down at me and answered, “That arrangement wasn’t by accident. Just like our arrangement wasn’t by accident. You knew exactly what you were doing when you approved me to be your roommate.”

  “Falling in love with you was definitely an accident,” I admitted as I snuggled in a little closer, my heart full as he rested his chin in my hair.

  Though I could only shake my head when I heard him reply, “I’m Levi Graham. What’s not to love?”

  “Oh God. Here you go…” I groaned, following it up with a laugh.

  “I’m just messing with you, pretty girl. You changed me for the better and now I’m ready to move forward. You with me?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m with you.”

  “Even when it’s tough and I’m getting on your nerves?” he asked as he let me go to wrap an arm around my shoulder, leading us towards where Lily, Damien, and the kids were still standing.

  And this time, I rolled my eyes as I reminded him, “There’s never been a time when you didn’t get on my nerves.”

  “See. And you’re still around, holdin’ it down. How could I not love you?”

  Again, I laughed. “You’re crazy, Mr. Graham.”

  “Crazy about you, Ms. Tyler,” he muttered just as we joined the rest of the group.

  Of course Lily was all smiles when she said, “See. Aren’t you glad you stayed, Jules?”

  “Stayed to see the two of you? I sure am,” I told her with a smile of my own, though I certainly wasn’t expecting the rush of panic that ran across her face from my words.

  But it made complete sense once Levi stepped away from me to ask, “The two of you? What is she talking about, Lily?”

  “Uh… nothing,” Lily stammered in response, turning the guy’s way to continue, “Nothing. Right, Damien?”

  But instead of agreeing, the guy only shrugged. “Lily, just tell him. He should know.”

  Lily released a heavy sigh, adjusting Anastasia on her hip as she turned Levi’s way to say, “Damien and I are… seeing each other. Have been seeing each other. For a few weeks now.”

  “A few weeks?” Levi asked, obviously surprised by his sister’s admission.

  And she only added to it when she replied, “Maybe months…”

  “All of this time I thought you two hated each other and ya’ll were actually boning behind my back?”

  “Hey man! There’s kids around,” Damien said as he made an attempt to cover the twins’ ears, though they were already busy snickering to each other as if they knew what their uncle was talking about.

  And it didn’t seem as if Levi cared either way as he continued, “Well I’m sure the kids were around when it was happening too. That apartment isn’t that damn big.”

  Thankfully, Lily stepped in, taking full control of the conversation when she said, “Anyway! We’re both adults who can do what we want. Just like you and Jules are adults who can do what you want.”

  Damien nodded, wrapping an arm around Lily’s shoulder to agree. “That’s right. And this doesn’t affect our business relationship by any means. I’m still your agent, still going to do right by you as my client.”

  “As long as you don’t accidentally create a little conflict of interest with my sister. Her clan is already complete, bruh.”

  Lily brushed him off with a wave of her hand. “Oh shut up
, Levi. You worry about you and Jules. Damien and I are just fine.”

  “So are we. Isn’t that right, pretty girl?” he asked as he wrapped me in an embrace.

  And even though it had been quite a ride, even though I wasn’t exactly sure what would come of it, there was no doubt in my mind that we would make the best of wherever we found ourselves when I nodded my head and told him, “Absolutely.”


  Christmas Eve.


  Jules was the happiest I had ever seen her as she handed over a Barbie to a little girl who looked just like LaShawn from Bebe’s Kids, giving her a big hug before inviting the next kid up to pick a gift. I was grateful to have all hands on deck - Lily and Damien, Wes and Chloe, Elizabeth and Marcus, along with a few others - for my first charity event under the Graham Family Foundation that I had put Lily in charge of. But my work wasn’t done until I was able to give Jules her Christmas gift in the form of a new group of hands that had just arrived.

  I was honestly a little nervous for what her reaction would be, nervous about if she would even recognize our special guests since she hadn’t seen them in so long. But there was no turning back as I sent the youngest one - Jacob - to tap his big sister’s shoulder.

  It took a while for her to react. But when she did, she grabbed the attention of the whole building as she screamed, wrapping her arms around his neck before pulling away to take a better look at him while the other two - Joseph and John - snuck up behind her. And once he directed her to check them out, it elicited an even louder scream as she pulled them both into a hug so tight I was sure they would burst.

  I watched from afar as she wiped the tears from her face, excusing herself from her post as she pulled her little brothers to the side, giving them another set of hugs while she asked them all an assortment of questions. And I could pretty much assume what question she had asked when they all pointed at me in response.

  Her smile bloomed even larger as she left them to head my way, already rattling off, “How did you… where did you… when did you…?”

  And I caught her in a hug as I told her, “You make time for what you want. And I wanted to give my girl the best Christmas ever.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, Levi. I… I missed them so much,” she whispered through her sniffles.

  And I made myself busy wiping her tears away as I told her, “I know you did, baby. Which is exactly why they’ll be out here for a week to spend time with you. My treat.”

  “Wow. That’s… I don’t know what to say.”

  “You can tell me how much you love me and stuff. That always works,” I replied with a smirk as I pulled her even tighter.

  She smacked her teeth, brushing a hand against my chest as she said, “You know I love you, crazy. But now my gift feels… silly.”

  “No such thing, pretty girl. What’d you get me? Lingerie?” I asked teasingly, taking a little pinch at her butt that was turned away from the crowd.

  But she still jumped away in response, giggling as she dug in her pocket and pulled out a little box. “No. I got you this.”

  I wasted no time pulling the top off, though I was a little confused when I found…, “A key?”

  She nodded, smiling as she clarified, “Your key. To our apartment. I renewed the lease.”

  “So I actually have a place to call home again?” I asked as I pulled her back into an embrace, giving her a quick kiss to thank her.

  And as she rested her hands on my chest, she replied, “You’ve always had a place to call home, Levi. I mean, it’s not like you didn’t pay your half of the rent. You could’ve always came back if you had to.”

  While I knew she was telling the truth, I also knew my truth was a little different as I explained, “It’s not about the rent, Jules. Home is wherever you are. And I’m glad you’ve welcomed me back.”

  “Well I’m glad you accepted my invitation.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re Jules Tyler. Superstar in the making. Gotta hop on the bandwagon while there’s still room,” I told her teasingly as I gave her a little kiss on her forehead, just the way she liked it.

  And as my lips lingered on her skin, she replied, “You’re gonna mess around and make me get a big head like you did.”

  “And I’ll be the first one to humble you just like you did me with your mean ass,” I joked, making her laugh before I insisted, “Now get back to your brothers. They’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”

  Jules got on her tippy toes, getting as close as she could to my face when she said, “I love you so much, Levi.”

  “I love you too, baby. Merry Christmas.”

  She gave me a quick kiss before she skipped off back towards her brothers, leaving me to take in the scene in front of me.

  I was surrounded by people who I knew all cared about me just as much as I cared about them, I had found the girl of my dreams in Jules, and I had my career back to the point where I was able to make a difference in the lives of others.

  It was much more than I could’ve asked for, more than I could’ve even imagined just a few months ago. But it definitely proved one thing. When you work hard, push through, and do everything in your power to make it work, you can have anything you want.

  The End.

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  More Books by Alexandra Warren

  Attractions & Distractions Series

  Getting The Edge

  An Unconventional Love

  The PreGame Ritual


  The Real Deal

  A Rehearsal For Love

  Love at First Spite

  In Spite of it All




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