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Sanctuary Creek

Page 17

by John Patrick Kavanagh

“He asks if I’d like to come over for dinner some night and continue the discussion.”

  Samson couldn’t believe it.

  “It floored me,” she went on. “But I figure if that’s what the Pope wants, that’s what the Pope gets. I did go to mass this morning, in case you forgot.”

  “You? At the mansion? For dinner?”

  She looked at him quizzically. “Not just me! I’m not that crazy!”

  “Then who then?”

  “Julianne, if you’ll recall, is flying in tomorrow. He wants to meet her. And Viola!”

  “Who’s Viola?”

  “It’s a joke. Like voila. Transposed.”

  “I know you’re upset about all of this but it sounds to me like it’s going to work out for you. Just give it a little time.” He thought a moment. “So what do you need my help with?”

  “To get him to sign off on my papers.”

  “I don’t have any involvement with MT.”

  “But you do have an involvement with me. Just… mention it to him next time you talk. As a favor.”

  Right. Mention our involvement. Then slash my throat? Anything else?

  “Anything else?”

  “Uh… Tommy’s trying to shake me down for a bigger settlement on the financial end of our less-then-blissful union. He said he’s got some vids that’ll do the trick.” She sighed. “You know Claude Tufts?”

  No, he’d never met the man but had seen his huge portrait gracing the lobbies of the handful of his hostelries at which he’d stayed. Tufts was chairman of Martemont Properties International.

  “Not personally, but I know who you mean.”

  “Claude and Tommy’re real friendly. Tommy comps him front rows, acetates, pre-rees, girls… who knows what else. Claude comps him rooms, VIP treats… who knows what else.”


  “So Tommy said that as a favor from his best friend in the world that just for fun, knowing that the P-suites were booked for the Scholastica thing, that wouldn’t it be a hoot to fish a few cams into them to see what Sancter types did when they weren’t at mass.”

  She let it hang.

  “Tommy said he’s got some very interesting material. Tommy said I should look up the definition of Ruthless in the dictionary. I did. It means showing no mercy or pity.”

  I don’t know if you’re listening, Sir. I think the rubber has just met the road. Just tell me how I can unmeet it and I’ll proceed as directed.

  “What would you suggest?”

  “I’d suggest you help me get that annulment and I’ll pay Tommy whatever he wants. If both are accomplished, he gives me the vids.”

  She walked toward the back door, Samson following. He opened it and she stepped outside. “Funny thing.”


  “Just as I was leaving my audience, something really queer happened.”

  “Go on.”

  “Peter reached into his pocket and pulled out this little stone and started rolling it back and forth in his hands. He didn’t say anything about it, but I think he meant for me to.”

  “I don’t follow.” Couldn’t be. Too incredible. Too…

  “Then he held it up, not a foot from my eyes. Business-side up.”

  “Sebastian’s Pebble?”

  “The same.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Samson was shocked out of his sleep at 4:30 the following morning, having forgotten to reset the alarm that had woken him the previous one. Instead of getting up, he shut it off and drifted into a lighter sleep, filled with random dream glimpses of Kim and Mary Beth and Angelique and Annie Knight and Florida floating past his mind’s eye. He finally had enough around 6:00, switched on the television and then made his way to the master bath for a long, leisurely shower.

  * * *

  “Good morning. It’s Tuesday, April 13th. I’m Geoff Grading and this is Chicago Cable News Network. Today will be sunny and clear with a high in the mid-60s. But bring an umbrella as you leave the house this morning because tonight we can expect severe thunderstorms as the remnants of Hurricane Birch move into our listening area. We’ll have a complete forecast, along with the traffic, later in this broadcast, but first the top story today in the Windy City.

  “Sanctuary Creek in northwest suburban Barrington, the American headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, is shrouded in secrecy and turmoil today as tragic events, suspicious occurrences and unusual actions by the Church hierarchy continue to plague the otherwise quiet, low profile compound. For the latest developments, we switch to Pam Neri who’s just outside the gates of the fortress and who has been following the unfolding stories capturing the attention of everyone, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Pam?”

  “Geoff, as you can see just beyond me a sizeable crowd is milling about near the front gate of Sanctuary Creek, all of them wondering what is going on behind the tall, iron fences, all of them trying, like I have since four this morning, to put together the pieces of a very extraordinary puzzle. Federal, State, County and local officials are present, along with a number of persons present for their own personal reasons, the entire scene one of wonder and questions: questions which are not being answered by the Church officials we have thus far attempted to contact.”

  He turned on the first, then the second, and finally the third of the chrome and brass Niagara showerheads.

  “The first event which may or may not be a link in a whole chain of events which has brought all of us here this morning was the sudden, unexpected death on Sunday morning of Cardinal Juan Castro, the Secretary of Finance for the Church and a long-time confidant of the prelate of the Church, Pope Peter the Second, who resides inside the compound and who has not been seen in public for months.

  Informed sources have told me that the death of Cardinal Castro has had a devastating effect on the Pope and that since the Cardinal’s death the Pope has been in seclusion, refusing to speak with even his top aides in person, instead only talking to them on the telephone or sending them instructions and orders through intermediaries.

  One of those orders was that services for Cardinal Castro would not be held, at least publicly, here at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Creek, as many expected, but instead would be held at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, many miles from this apex of Christianity. No explanation was given for this decision except a comment from one of the Church’s press people that Holy Name was much more accessible to the many persons who would probably attend the service, which will be held this evening, and that the security force here at Sanctuary Creek was already taxed to the limit and could not adequately handle the throngs of faithful who would no doubt want to attend.”

  Though structural variations in the townhouses were frowned upon, he’d been granted a variance for the master bath—eliminating the tub to make room for a seven foot long, five foot wide, open plan shower space.

  “In the wake of Cardinal Castro’s death, a number of developments have transpired. First of all, security here at Sanctuary Creek was increased, this on top of an almost panic level amount of protection which has been in place since the mysterious and, as yet, unsolved murder a few months ago of Arthur Guralski, the comedian who rose to fame due in large measure to his incredibly accurate impersonations of Peter the Second. It’s rumored that the murder has been traced back to the leader of the Cult of the Six, an outlawed fringe organization of disaffected Catholics who hold as their spiritual leader Perrin Bronsen, a defrocked priest who was a close associate of a previous Pope, Sixtus the Sixth. Bronsen has been fashioning a self-styled revolution which would yank the leadership of the Church away from the Sanctuarian Party, the faction which currently runs it with Pope Peter at the helm, turn it over to the rival American Conservative Party, and that the murder of Guralski was the first step, a warning shot to those in Sanctuary Creek that there was trouble brewing in the provincial provinces. Reports linking the Cult and its leader to the murder, however, are clearly premature. Only rumors.”

  “Pam, our cameras just
showed a motorcade moving rapidly into Sanctuary Creek. Do you have any information?”

  “Another part of this unfolding story, Geoff, is that the Council of Twelve, the leadership of the dozen or so political parties which set policy for the Catholic Church, have been summoned to Sanctuary Creek. Ostensibly, the reason for the arrival of these officials is to attend Castro’s private funeral service here tomorrow. Sources close to the Administration, however, have exclusively informed CCNN that the true reason for their appearance is to attend a number of high-level meetings to discuss crises facing not only the Church itself, but also its leader, Pope Peter.”

  The nozzles—one in front, one in the center and one over the marble bench in back—could each pump up to five gallons of water per minute, from a fine spray to a deluge even Noah might recognize.

  “And what are those crises?”

  “First and foremost is the physical and emotional well-being of the Pope himself. A contact within the Sanctuarian Party has informed me that the Pope has been ill the past few months, although the nature of that illness has not been revealed. I was told in confidence that the Pope is often bedridden and rarely conducts the business which he is charged with conducting. Another source tells me that the Pope has been bedridden for the past three days and that all of the business of the Church is being handled by his top aides, two of them, in fact, sitting in for the Pope in a teleconference held between the representatives on the Council of Twelve only yesterday. This would lend credence to the fact he will not be attending the public funeral ceremony for Cardinal Castro.”

  “And who are those two top aides now running the business of the Church?”

  “One of them is Bishop Mitchell Mitchell, a longtime personal aide of the Pope who many say has been running the business of the Church on a day-to-day basis for a number of months, since the Guralski murder.”

  “And the other?”

  “The other is believed to be Terence Samson, a shadowy figure within the Church hierarchy and most recently the head of fundraising efforts on behalf of the Sanctuarian Party. Contacts within the Party apparatus have informed CCNN that Samson has been on a fast track in the past year and if recent events are any indication, this new player in Party in-fighting may emerge as the new head of the Sanctuarian Party in the near future.”

  “Why is that?”

  He’d balked when Kim had suggested they spend $1700 for the 450 gallon hot water heater, but it was a choice he never regretted.

  “I have been told that Samson was called back from a secret meeting with representatives of the Cult of the Six, a meeting which was held at the request of the Church to quell any possibilities of any sort of coup that the Cult may have been planning and to work out a deal which would lead to safe passage out of the United States for certain members of the Cult who might be implicated in the Guralski affair.”

  “But if a murder has taken place, how could the Church possibly protect those involved?”

  “The Church, at least the quasi-colony of Sanctuary Creek, has a certain diplomatic immunity similar to that afforded to representatives of other foreign governments residing here in the country. So through the use of diplomatic passports and private jets, it would not be especially difficult for the Church to remove certain individuals from here.”

  “Back to Samson.”

  “The results of the meeting he had with the Cult, and possibly Bronsen himself, are currently unknown, although one of my sources has told me that the talks were open, frank and productive. His work must have accomplished something major, though, in light of what happened upon his return to Sanctuary Creek.”

  “Pam, let me interrupt you for a moment to inform our viewers that we have just received a report of a gasoline tanker truck spinout on the southbound lanes of 355 between the Northwest Highway and Euclid Road exits, adjacent to Cyclo Stadium. Drivers are advised to avoid this stretch of highway and exit southbound at Palatine Road, northbound at Kirchoff. Fire trucks are on their way and we have dispatched CCNN’s Skycopter One. Now, you were saying?”

  Sunday Afternoons with Niagara, she’d lovingly christened it. Three on the dot. I’ll be waiting for you.

  “Geoff, I was saying that Terry Samson has apparently been given carte blanche to start making serious calls on behalf of the Church. I have been able to confirm a report that the night he returned from the clandestine meeting with the Cult, Samson was appointed to the Secretary of Finance position within the Pope’s Cabinet, a position he has apparently coveted for a long time and one which he demanded if he was to continue his association with the Party and the Church.”

  “Pam, joining me here in the studio is Morgan Fitzgerald who covers the Roman Catholic Church for CCNN, NBC, the Tribune and RCC This Week. Morgan, what do you make of the events of the past few days out at Sanctuary Creek? Do you see a pattern of any kind?”

  “None whatsoever. I think it’s a series of unrelated circumstances that is being built into much more than it merits.”

  “Like what?”

  “Pam, for starters, I’d say the Terry Samson angle is getting more play than it deserves. I’ve talked to him a number of times in the past, I know the people he works with and I genuinely doubt that Mr. Samson, or anyone else for that matter, is trying to make a power grab within the Sanctuarian Party or the Church.”

  “But you would agree that he has been made the Secretary of Finance for the Church, a position previously only held by those with the extremely high rank of cardinal?”

  “That’s true, and it came as a surprise to me when I heard about it. But my sources tell me that Samson has simply been put in charge of this office until a permanent successor to Cardinal Castro can be named. I think it was a choice the Pope found expedient under the circumstances. I wouldn’t doubt but that Mr. Samson will be replaced in the very near future, perhaps even as early as tomorrow, when the Pope is able to meet face-to-face with the Council, and will then return to his post inside the Party.”

  The sweet aroma of the water fed from Lake Michigan filled his nostrils as he closed his eyes, letting it beat on his face. Remembering.

  “Morgan, could you comment on a couple of other points Pam raised in her report from the Creek?”


  “The Pope’s overall health.”

  “I’d guess he’s about as healthy as he’s ever been. Certainly, the position carries a good deal of stress and I’m sure the past few months have been more of a strain than average, especially with all this hype about Guralski and the upcoming primary elections, Castro’s death and the helicopter crash yesterday. But aside from that it’s business as usual at the Creek.”

  “We’re going to have a report on that crash in a few moments from Sam Jackson but before that, let’s examine a few of these issues in detail. Pam?”

  “Terence Samson is a long time confidant of the Pope, their relationship dating back to the time that the Pope was the Archbishop of the Chicago Archdiocese. After Peter ascended o the papacy, he saw to it that Samson was given a key post within the Sanctuarian Party. It’s no secret that Samson had a long and intimate relationship with the Pope’s sister, Mary Beth Rehmer, and it’s also no secret that the two of them were seen last night sharing an intimate dinner at one of the eateries inside of Sanctuary Creek. I think that may say something.”


  Kim was always there. On the dot. Wrapped in a huge, white Egyptian cotton towel. Two thick, natural sponges. A canister of pineapple scented soap. Two Starbucks travel mugs topped off with her unrivaled piña coladas.

  “Morgan, I think it says Samson is destined for big things within the Church, and that Jeff Gayle, the current de facto head of the Sanctuarian Party, may resign his position to make room for Samson’s ascendancy to a higher position.”

  “Pam? Mr. Samson is now the Secretary of Finance. Aside from being Pope or the Secretary of State, that’s as high on the totem one can climb.”

  “Morgan? He’s not destined to
become Pope. He’s not even a priest.”

  “Pam? One doesn’t have to be a priest to assume that position.”

  “Morgan? That’s about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

  “Pam? I’d suggest you read up on your Canon Law.”

  “Ladies? Can we return to the topics at hand? Pam Neri?”

  “Archie Knight, the Sancters’ godfather, has ordered Jeff Gayle to resign his position to make room for Samson’s growing empire.”

  “Where did you get that story?”

  “I’ve got my sources, Morgan. Just like you have your sources.”

  “I suppose.”

  “And I suppose that we’ll just have to see the way it all plays out, along with the other problems which are facing the individuals who are currently trying to work through the morass of rumors and innuendoes crippling the Church’s day-to-day operations.”

  “I’ve got to disagree with you on that point, Pam. Actually, a number of them.”

  “Such as?”

  Usually, the 450 gallons would be emptied.

  “First of all, Jeff Gayle does not have a de facto leadership position within the Sanctuarian Party. He is its Executive Director and has done a very good job handling same. He serves at the pleasure of Cardinal Primovich of the Archdiocese of Chicago, the two of them have an excellent relationship so I highly doubt Mr. Gayle has any reason or intentions of resigning.”

  “Even if Samson coveted the post to add to his expanding collection of power?”

  “Mr. Gayle and Mr. Samson also have an excellent relationship and I’m certain Samson doesn’t covet Mr. Gayle’s job though even if he did, he wouldn’t take it away from him. Next, the idea that Mr. Samson would be given any additional responsibilities above and beyond his current position in the Cabinet simply wouldn’t make sense in the way things are structured in the Administration. Thirdly…”

  “Morgan, let me interrupt for just a moment. I’ve been told that all lanes, both north and southbound on 355 have now been closed, that no traffic is moving in either direction. We recommend to our viewers as they head out to work that 355 be avoided, and that extra time be allowed for if this particular road is one they typically use in their travels. Now where were we? Pam Neri?”


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