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Revenge Is Mine

Page 7

by Asia Hill

  “Baby you hungry?”

  After I told he what I wanted, I had a little fun with her mouth. The hoe’s head game was lethal. Too bad she was a dead bitch walking.


  I sucked my man’s dick until I heard his toes pop, and then I went downstairs to fix him dinner. I had to make sure that he was on his best behavior first. I went into the pantry and moved a can of peas. Once I did, the wall moved to the side revealing my security room full of cameras. Jaw might have thought that shit was sweet. Not just yet, baby. I had a camera in every room of this house—even the bathroom! I knew how many turds he dropped when he shit. I also had cameras all around the outside of my house. I zoomed in on two familiar faces walking through my gangway.

  “What the fuck?”

  Did he call them? How? He didn’t have a phone. Shit! If those two bastards are here, I know they brought company.

  Chapter 22

  Lil Mama

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Yeah, ma, what’s on your mind?”

  “What do you really do for a living?”

  I could tell that question caught her off guard.

  “Man, Lil Mama, you ain’t no dummy. I took over my brother’s empire. I also been taking care of his daughter, Spooky.”

  “I’m only asking because I don’t wanna be laying up with no stranger.”

  Something wasn’t right with Cee. Her phone would ring all hours of the night. If it was money like she said, why not answer? She don’t even pick up for me on the weekends. Is there really a niece? She had me ready to get my Sherlock Holmes on.

  “Cee, you not on no bullshit with me are you? I would hate to have to turn into a psycho dike.”

  She started laughing like I was playing. Little did she know I was ‘bout that life.

  “Man, Lil Mama, you tripping. Don’t start looking for some shit that ain’t there.”

  Her phone started ringing. When she looked at me, I mugged the fuck out of her.

  “Answer your phone before I punch the shit out of you.”

  She actually answered it.

  “Hey sexy. What you doing? I miss you too. I’m ‘bout to come see you right now.”

  She hung up and smiled at me.


  “You real funny.”

  Little did I know that the joke was about to be on me.


  I was going on four months and could no longer hide it. My little girl was growing at a rapid pace. I even began feeling slight movements. I was so blessed to have E with me. She has been my rock, not to mention the help and support I was getting from my cousin, Spooky. I hadn’t seen or heard from Lil Man. I was happy about that shit. He was going to eventually become a problem. I knew that he wasn’t just going to let me and my baby live happily ever after. I was prepared. I was also relieved that Re’s crazy ass ain’t been over here either. I didn’t need the extra stress. E was all I had right now.

  “E, you wanna go see a movie? I’m bored.”

  “Hell naw. You know how much it cost to go see a movie? We can find my bootlegger Wish over there on the Dan Ryan. He got some new shit.”

  “Ole cheap ass. Come on. I want some McDonald’s, too.”

  “You giving up some ass tonight? You know what they say about a good ole pregnant cat?”

  “You wish. I’ll drown yo ass in all these juices.”

  “You might be right. Let me play wit’cha booty then.”

  “Fuck no, nasty. Come on, I’m hungry.”

  (Lil Man)

  I thought it was going to be hard staking out Dirty’s crib, but it really wasn’t. I stole a car when I went out west to get KeeKee.

  “Pass the weed, nigga.” (Giggling)

  “Man, don’t start all that giggling and shit.”

  “When you lace the weed, I can’t help it. It tickles.”

  “Something is seriously wrong with you.”

  I was about to say something when my words got caught in my throat. Dirty and JoJo walked out of the house hand in hand. They looked like a happy couple. KeeKee zoomed in on what I was looking at and made matters worse.

  “Damn, cuzzo, ain’t that’cha baby mama?”

  “Yeah, man!”

  “And ain’t that the nigga that was shooting at us? Yo, bitch set us up. I told you, but you ain’t wanna listen. What type of hoes you be dealing with?”

  As he was talking, I grew madder and madder.

  “Shut the fuck up and follow them.”

  “Why can’t we get ‘em right here?”

  “Na, we need to get them away from the hood. We don’t know where them other hoes at. Just follow them.”

  I was going to kill that bitch, Dirty, tonight. JoJo was coming with me. We followed them all the way to 87th and State. I saw some fat-ass dude run up to their car with some DVDs.

  “So what the fuck they tryin’ do? Make it a Blockbuster night?”

  KeeKee knew how to egg me on.

  “Looks like it. Damn, Joe, you let a bitch take yo girl?”

  I didn’t even respond. After they drove off, they went across the street to the McDonald’s. It was time to end their little date night.

  “KeeKee, park over there by the alley.”

  “Man, cuzzo go handle yo business. Let that hoe know you run this.”

  “Don’t call her no hoe. That’s my baby mama. Show some respect.”

  “Mothafucker really? She almost had us killed. She with the enemy right now. Respect my dick! Handle your business before I get mad.”

  When I got out of the car, the cold air woke up all my senses. The coke from the weed had me feeling like I was Tony Montana. I had to make sure my aim was on point. After JoJo had my baby, she was a dead bitch, too. Tonight was Dirty’s time to die. I ran around the back of the McDonalds when I saw them pull up to the drive-thru window. I had to wait a few minutes because there were a few cars in front of them. When they finally got to the front of the line, I made my move.


  “Welcome to McDonald’s, may I take your order?”

  I never got a chance to give the lady my damn order. I looked in the driver-side mirror and saw a nigga in a hoodie running towards the car. I almost shit myself when I saw Lil Man’s face. The nigga was actually smiling.

  “E . . . GUN!”

  (BOC!, BOC!, BOC!, BOC!, BOC!)

  I tried to throw the car in gear and pull off, but I just really learned how to drive. My whip game wasn’t that proper. I rammed the car in front of us.

  “I’m trying to, E.”

  The bullets were steady flying nonstop. How many fucking guns did he have?

  “AWW SHIT, JOJO, I’M HIT! JoJo, drive this fucking car before he kills us, man!

  I was about to have a fucking stroke. E was bleeding from her upper chest area. I didn’t want a bullet to hit me in the head, so my head was low. I swerved out of the parking lot, whacking a few cars in the process.

  “Take me to the nearest hospital, JoJo.”

  “Where you hit at, boo?”

  “My shoulder. Take me to Jackson Park Hospital on 76th and Stoney Island.”

  How did he know that we were going to be at that McDonald’s? Now I gotta explain shit to her friends. Shit!

  Chapter 23

  Money Man

  “Alright, Boo, we are in position. It’s cameras everywhere. If she’s in there, then she already knows that we’re here.

  “Me and Meech are at the front door. As soon as you hang up the phone, kick that mothafucking door in. Be careful.”

  I hung up the phone and looked at my little brother.

  “Outlaw, you ready? On three, we both gon’ kick this bitch in.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “One, two, three.”


  Fuck! I ran to the living room to grab my AK-47 up under the couch. I was about to kill everybody. I’ma kill Jaw’s ass last. I’m sick of his meddling-ass family. As soon as I grabbed my gun, I heard my b
ackdoor fly open.


  “Come on in here, mothafuckers.”


  “A’ight Meech . . . One, two, three!”


  Meech kicked the door off of its hinges. As soon as the door came flying open, I saw a woman running towards the back of the house.

  “Meech, go get here. I’ma look for Jaw.”

  I quickly hit the basement and looked in every room. I almost threw up when I saw the red room. Jaw’s pictures covered every wall in that room. There was a big-ass red bed in the room with cuffs all over the place. We were dealing with a sick bitch. I tripped over something at the foot of the bed.

  “What the fuck?”

  My heart rate sped up when I realized it was my nephew’s boot. Where the fuck was he?

  (BOC!, BOC!, BOC!, BOC!)

  “Oh no! I ran up outta that basement so fast, you woulda thought it was on fire.

  “Meech, where you at?”

  He didn’t answer.

  (BOC!, BOC!, BOC!)

  It was coming from the kitchen. When I went to investigate, I saw Money Man and Outlaw shooting the wall.

  “Why the fuck are ya’ll shooting at the wall?”

  “Because, Auntie, Outlaw said she ran in the pantry. We can’t get in there because she locked the door.”

  “Stay here.”


  I waited a good 10 minutes after she went downstairs to start going through her shit. In her closet, she had a gang of men’s clothing on one side. Something told me to just check the sizes. All the sizes from the shirts to the pants were my size. Man I had to get the fuck out of here. God must have heard my prayers, because the next thing I know it sounded like World War 3 downstairs.

  (BOC!, BOC!, BOC!, BOC!)

  When I heard them four gun shots, I grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants to throw on. Whoever was downstairs shooting wasn’t about to catch me slipping in my draws and socks. On the way out of the closet, I grabbed a pair of all Black Timbs. I didn’t even check to see if they fit. I already knew they did. I threw the boots on and ran to the bedroom door. I didn’t have a phone to call for help or a gun to help my damn self. Whatever the case was, I wasn’t about to go out like no punk-ass nigga. I looked around the room for something. On the night stand was a big-ass candle. Yeah, a candle. I know what you probably thinking, but check this out. It wasn’t one of them little Family Dollar candles. It was one of them big ones from Bath and Body Works. Hey it was something. I found a good-ass hiding spot on top of the dresser behind the door. Whoever came in that door was getting the shit bust to the white meat. Seconds later, I heard somebody running up the stairs. When the door opened, I held my breath and got ready.

  (Young Meech)

  After I kicked in the front door, I saw the back half of a female running towards the kitchen.

  “Meech, go get her.”

  I didn’t waste time trying to catch that bitch. As soon as I hit the corner . . .


  I ran smack dead into Money Man.

  “Damn, Money, look out. Where the bitch go?”

  “I saw her run in that pantry.”

  Outlaw’s crazy ass walked up to the door and opened fire.

  “I’m about to check upstairs. Don’t let that hoe creep up out of that closet.”

  I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I was praying that my homie was alright. I searched two rooms that were right off of the stairs. Nothing! There was one more room to check. I was scared as hell, too. I didn’t know what I was gonna find. I opened the door slowly. When I walked all the way in the room, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I swung my gun around prepared to shoot, when all of a sudden Jaw screamed, “MEECH, DON’T SHOOT!”

  “Nigga ,why the fuck you hiding behind the door?”

  (BOC!, BOC!, BOC!)

  “Because I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Who the fuck is still down there shooting?”

  “Probably yo damn brothers. Let’s get the fuck outta here before the police come.”

  We took off running out of the room and ran into Boo.

  “Gah damn it. Ya’ll scared me. Nephew, you a’ight?”

  “Hell yeah. Where’s that crazy bitch at?”

  “Don’t know. She ran when we kicked in the door. Let’s go now!”

  After we made it up outta the house, Money Man and Outlaw came running from the back.

  “Why ya’ll running? What’s that smell?”

  “Well the bitch never came out of the closet so we kinda set the kitchen on fire.”

  “Man, ya’ll crazy as hell. Jaw, you riding with us?”

  “No the fuck he a’int!”

  JuJu walked up on us with a mean-ass look on her face. Jaw knew what time it was. He turned to me and shook my hand.

  “I’ma call you later, my nigga.”

  I heard the police sirens and knew what time it was . . . time to bounce.

  Chapter 24

  Lil Mama

  “Well, why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

  “Bitch, I did. You didn’t answer your phone.”

  “I ain’t got no missed calls from you. Fuck all that, is he alright?”

  “He’s fine. We didn’t find that bitch though. She got away.”

  “Damn, that’s crazy. “

  “Lil Mama, what’s going on with you?”

  “Girl, my boo got me tripping. I don’t trust her ass. I really think she fucking around.”

  “Then leave that hoe alone. We gotta get these kids in line. Enough is enough. We need to set better examples. Bitch, I’m not trying to go back to jail.”

  “And you think I am? Let’s do what we said we were gonna do.”

  “You still wanna do the night club?”

  “Yes. We can do this. Think about it. But for now, let’s sit down with the kids and get their minds right. If they do summer school, they can graduate on time.”

  “That’s the plan, Boo. Let me hit you back. My boo on the other line.”

  “Yeah, whatever. You better get ya mind right. I’m ‘bout to call Ashley to see if that shooting was reported.”


  Thank goodness it was Friday. Today, my boo was picking me up and we were going out.

  (Ring, Ring)

  “Hey, boo, how did everything go?”

  “Shit I was calling to ask you. Did anybody call talking about a shootout on 42nd and Princeton?”

  “Um, I think I heard about a house catching fire after a domestic dispute. Did ya’ll find him?”

  “Yeah, we good. Thank you for not letting Heidi get locked up.”

  “Tell her she better not hit another one of my officers. If she do, her ass is going to jail.”

  “What you doing tonight? Wanna go have some drinks?”

  “Me and my boo supposed to hit a few bars down town.”

  “Your boo? Okay then. Me and Heidi might find you.”

  “Alright, see you tonight.”


  I was unusually nervous around my own damn man. After we got home, he went straight to the bathroom and ran a bath. I had so many questions I was just too afraid to ask. I wanted to know if he fucked her. Sad to say, but that was the only thing I was really thinking about.

  “Ju, come take a bath with me.”

  “I don’t want to. As a matter of fact, turn the water off. We need to talk now!”

  He did as I asked and came and sat next to me. I wanted to throw up. I smelled her scent all over him. He saw me turn my nose up, so he scooted over.

  “So what happened? How the fuck did she get the upper hand on you like that?”

  He put his head in his hands and took a deep breath. I knew that after this conversation, our relationship would never be the same.

  “And I wanna know everything.”

  After nearly two hours, I was in tears. My lil’ feelings were so hurt. I couldn’t breathe. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. All h
e could do was hold me as I had a meltdown. I couldn’t believe that crazy bitch tied him up and raped him repeatedly. The hardest thing to accept now was that there is a chance that she could be pregnant.

  “So what you wanna do, Ju? She not gonna go away. If she ends up pregnant, please don’t leave me.”

  “Do you want . . . well, let me say this, if she does get pregnant, what are you gonna do?”

  “I don’t wanna think about that. If I see her, I’ma kill her. Baby or not. We together for life, ma.”

  I had to accept it. I loved this man, through thick and thin. I hoped death didn’t do us part.

  (Ring, Ring)

  Jaw snatched my phone. “Damn, why you do that?”


  “Um, can I speak to JuJu?”

  “Who is this?”


  “Yeah, who is this?”

  “This JoJo.”

  “What the fuck you want?”

  Who was he talking to?

  “Give me my phone.”

  I snatched it from him and walked off.

  “Why the fuck is JoJo calling you?”

  “Because she can. What’s good, JoJo?”

  “Me and E went to McDonald’s last night and out of nowhere Lil Man came up shooting. E got shot.”

  My stomach dropped. If it ain’t one thing it’s another. Jaw saw the look on my face and ran over to me.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “JoJo, where ya’ll at?”

  “At Jackson Park Hospital. Look, she’s okay. It was a shoulder wound. She’s doped up on pain meds. Her mother is up here cussing everybody out in Creole.

  “We’re on the way.”

  “When you get here I’ma leave, because I don’t want to be near ReRe. My lil’ cousin is on her way to get me in a cab.”

  “Thank you.”

  When I hung up the phone, Jaw had the nerve to be giving me the ugly face.


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