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Billionaire Eternity: The Alpha Billionaire Romance Complete Series (3 Full-Length Box Sets Included): An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 78

by Anna Collins

  “Lucy… Lucy… Lucy,” He screamed while pushing his pelvis up against me to get that maximum depth.

  The world wasn’t black and white and I was the undiscovered diamond in the rough. I fell down against him after feeling his injection of man cream. When he finally fell away from me with his cock now depleted and useless, I knew that I’d found something that I didn’t expect to. The woman that I was had been hanging around my neck like an anchor. Eventually, it was going to weigh me down and drown me underneath the mundane and boredom that was crushing the very life out of me.

  “I don’t know how many times I would want to do that without seeing what was going on, that was something that I will remember forever. I guess it’s true about the fact that if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. It’s the same when it comes to the sweet delights that are locked up within the gates of your sex,” He said while lying there with his two hands over his chest in contentment.

  “I hope that we never stop surprising each other. I’ve learned in the short time that I’ve been with you that I can look past those things that have made me afraid to wake up to face every morning. I look back and I see so many opportunities that were wasted. I look at my life now and what I was before and it’s that difference between night and day,” I said as I realized that he was sleeping and never heard a word.

  I could lie there in perfect silence and know that we were two of a kind. The real world had sheltered me from the one man that had the ability to change everything with the snap of his fingers.

  I was having the greatest dream of being with Devlin and living in my life of luxury and decadence all rolled into one. Suddenly, my world was extinguished by the blazing light above.

  “I need you to get up and get dressed quickly. The plane is ready to take off and we need to be on it in the next 5 minutes,” He said as he was mumbling something underneath his breath like some kinda crazy person.

  Chapter 33

  I was rushed out the door having no idea what was going on, except for the fact that he looked like he was frazzled and had the hounds of hell on his tail. I wanted to tell him that everything was going to be OK, but he really didn’t give me that sense of confidence.

  “I really don’t have time to talk about this, Lucy. I’ve already said too much as it is. I have an interesting destination in mind. It will help us to recharge and to immerse ourselves into the culture of the Jamaican people,” He said while throwing my bags into the airplane like they didn’t deserve tender loving care.

  He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me up the stairs until I was sitting there with my seat belt on feeling like I had just been through a whirlwind of emotions. The loving moment that we had was ripped asunder by this sudden departure from paradise. I was kind of giddy with anticipation to see other people. I’d been sequestered here for too long and it was about time to get back in the public eye.

  “I think that I’ve always been wondering where my happy ending is. You might be the man that I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know. You have many demons, but I think that I’ve helped you to shed a few of those things that have kept you up and night,” I said while taking his hand and holding it tightly to show him that I was here for him.

  I wasn’t sure that he could even hear me. I was unveiling to him the keys to my heart and he was unwilling to snatch them from my grasp. He looked nervous and was constantly looking through the window to see if those dogs of hell had found him. His eyes were unblinking and I’d never seen anybody that distraught over something that he couldn’t see with the naked eye.

  I heard what sounded like gunfire, but it had to be a car backfiring. There was no possible way that we were in some kind of war zone where casualties were part of any battle. I saw on his face that he was visibly concerned and then the plane lurched to the side like it was in a dogfight for its life.

  “I don’t think that my pilot is up to the task. I’m going to have to go up there and show him how to do this right. Stay here and if at all possible try to distract yourself with something that will stop you from shivering with fright,” He said as he made his way up to the cockpit and disappeared from sight.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I have no idea why I’m a part of it,” I said while gripping the armrest and holding on for dear life.

  This was not the kind of love song that I was looking for. I couldn’t decide for him what he was going to do from one moment to the next. He did have a mind of his own and there was nobody that was going to influence his decisions.

  I heard something hitting the side of the plane. It once again did a nosedive and then twirled in the air while making my stomach turn and twist on its own.

  “Lucy, I’m going to have to ask you to hold on to something. Stay with your seatbelt firmly in place and don’t take it off for any reason,” Devlin said as he made his proclamation through the intercom system.

  I don’t know what’s going on, but the air masks that have come from the ceiling is not instilling me with a lot of faith in his ability. Whoever is coming after him is not one to take any prisoners. He had obviously gotten some kind of forewarned knowledge that this was going to happen and decided to act quickly to avoid this very thing from happening.

  I’m very tempted to look out the window, but I really don’t know if I want to see some kind of world war two scenario. They were strafing us and Devlin was trying to avoid being hit by going into some evasive maneuvers. I don’t know how long it took to get out of this kind of attack. It felt like forever and then the plane finally leveled out.

  He stepped out of the cockpit and I could see that the pilot was looking back with his face totally white from shock. It looked to me like Devlin wasn’t wrong about the pilot’s capabilities. He had obviously not seen anything like this and didn’t want any part of it. He wasn’t the only one.

  “We have made our getaway, but trust me they’re going to find us again. I’m not sure that we’re going to make it to Jamaica, but there are some smaller islands in the area that might be better suited for our purposes,” Devlin said as he took my hand and tried to comfort me in the same way that I had tried with him.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about or do I have to guess,” I said while looking him in the eye and trying to determine if his words were going to have any kind of truth behind them.

  I would really like to tell you, but I’m not sure that you’re ready for the answer. These people have a right to be angry. I may have done something that got underneath their skin. You think of me as a good man, but I’m not. I fooled them into thinking that they were getting something that they weren’t. It was an allusion. I thought that I had been fooled, but it appears that they had a way of finding out that what I gave them was a fake,” He said while opening up his computer and logging onto several different emails of threats that had been levied in his direction.

  “You couldn’t possibly think that this wouldn’t come back and hurt you. Were you ever intending to give them what they wanted, or were you hoping that this was going to blow over? Don’t answer that, because I think the look on your face tells me everything that I need to know and more,” I said as I looked at his profile with the worry lines underneath his eyes.

  “I wasn’t the same person as I am today. I was a man that couldn’t be stopped from doing something stupid. I was broken, but I’m better every day for knowing you, Lucy. I always thought that I only had one love, but you gave me hope that there could be another. I think that I only made it worse, but that can’t be helped. We’ll land shortly on one of the smaller islands near Jamaica. I have one in particular that I have used in the past to hide in plain sight. It has a population of less than 300 with most being from England and abroad,” he said while breathing a sigh of relief that they had gotten out of that in one piece.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are losing fuel. I can’t even be sure that we’re going to make it to any kind of land at all. It’s up to you w
hat you want to do. I suggest that we turn back, but even that is an uncertainty,” The pilot said while keeping his eyes on the fuel gage.

  “I really don’t like the sound of that, Devlin,” I said while grabbing onto his arm and digging my nails into the skin to make him grimace.

  “I’m sure that it’s nothing to worry about,” He said in a comforting way, but not enough to really give me any reason to believe him.

  “It’s going to be a very bumpy ride. We will be practically running on fumes when we get over the island. I have done this maneuver a couple of other times, but it’s really not going to be fun for any of us. I’ll be coasting on an air pocket coming down onto the runway. We are going to be lucky that we survive. I know that you want me to promise you something, but I can’t give you something that I don’t believe. You’re just going to have to put your trust in my hands and hope for the best,” The pilot said as he gripped the wheel and stared straight ahead like his life depended on it.

  “You’ve been with me a long time, Jules. You came to me right after you got your pilot’s license and you’ve been with me ever since. I don’t think that I could ask for anybody else to have my life in the palm of his hands. You’ve always been able to think outside the box and I think that it’s a testament to your skill that we haven’t crashed. This is not the first time that somebody has come after me in this way or have you forgotten what happened in Israel,” He said while they both shared a knowing glance.

  “I know that it can’t be easy and that you could’ve had any number of other pilots. I thought you were a damn fool to choose me over those that had training in the military. You would’ve been served well by taking one of those into your employ. I don’t even know why you even gave me a second look. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful and the money does help me to bring my family over from abroad,” Jules said while he thought positive and tried to keep things steady and on course.

  “Do you know the reason why I chose you? I wanted somebody that I could mold and to turn into the perfect weapon against any kind of attack that came my way. It’s the reason why I sent you to that school to learn how to defend yourself. That wasn’t for you and I’m afraid to say that it was mostly for me,” Devlin said while basically unburdening his soul.

  “You must know that I already knew that. It didn’t stop me from taking your money. We both had our own agendas. It just so happened that they seem to mesh at the time,” Jules said.

  “I’ve always known that you were astute and I guess I just didn’t give you the credit that you deserve. I’ve never meant to strong arm you into anything and I hope that you didn’t take anything that I said as any kind of offense. I’ve always done what is best for myself when I should’ve been looking after others. I just never had any need to do anything for anyone. I got us into this because I really didn’t care about my own life. It could have ended tomorrow and I would’ve been grateful for the ride,” Devlin said while looking at me with a wink to tell me that told me what he said was a lie. He didn’t mean any of it.

  There was no way that he was going to change for anyone. I might be able to smooth out the rough edges, but that was about all I was going to get from it. To be honest, I’m not sure that I wanted him to change and it was the man that I met that had turned me on to a better life for myself and for my family.

  The plane began to shake uncontrollably and I and Devlin were holding hands. We stared at each other and without saying a word; I think that we said more to each other than all the time that we were on the island. It was quite evident that his arousal for me was not just physical. He had fallen into a deep hole and his heart had now been taken by another.

  If it wasn’t bad enough that we were running on fumes, then seeing that streak of lightning and hearing that crack of thunder really didn’t help any matters. I held strong to the belief that Jules had everything well in hand and wasn’t going to let anything happen to his cash cow. Devlin was a strange man to read, but his money made him an easy job offer to take when the opportunity arose.

  “We just lost electrical and I’m turning everything over to auxiliary power. One of the engines was struck by lightning and is right now a smoking crater with a stream of fire leading behind it. I’ve called ahead to let them know that we are making an emergency landing. I did it on the channel that you requested so that we can avoid the unnecessary entanglement of those that are coming after us to find us here,” He said while looking back to see that the fire had now been subdued by the wind raging from the outside.

  Chapter 34

  I had my hand on his cock and for whatever reason this kind of adrenaline was making me do something that was untoward. He stared at me in bewilderment, but he didn’t try to stop me as I released the snake from its cage. I had my hand wrapped around him and I was pulling with a whisper of his excitement now spilling from the top.

  It was like I had turned a faucet only slightly, but enough to know that there was a steady stream coming my way. He probably didn’t think that it was anything sexual, but my mind was whirling with the very idea that this could be my last moment on earth. I would rather be faced down with his cock in my throat than to sit here and do nothing.

  “I suppose everybody deals with a threat to their life differently. You go ahead and do what you need to do, Lucy. I think I might be exactly on the same wavelength. I think that I would rather die with a smile on my face than a look of terror any day,” Devlin said as he moved his hands away from his lap to let me have free access to the goods.

  “I hope you both know that what you’re doing back there is only causing a distraction up here. I can’t say that I don’t enjoy it. I’ve always been a bit of a voyeuristic kind of guy. Don’t let me disturb you or anything. It’s not like I’m up here trying to save our lives or anything like that” Jules said with a little bit of sarcasm and excitement at the same time.

  “I can’t explain it. I just know that I need this and I’m just glad that you are not trying to push me away. You’re about to become a member of the mile high club. I’m sure that you are already a member, but I think this memory will be more profound. I look at you and the way that your cock seems to know what’s coming and I have no choice, but to give into that desire. To submit to you, as we are about to crash land is a new low even for me,” I said as I came a little closer to the object of my desire.

  “I really didn’t take you for someone that would feel this way in the face of overwhelming danger. I guess we don’t know ourselves until we are faced with the impossible. You really don’t have to worry and this is commonplace when we go out together” Devlin said as he was dispensing a bit of wisdom to put her in the right frame of mind.

  I can smell the sex coming off of him and I can’t help, but to want to devour the very thing that he holds that most dear to his heart. My mouth salivates for the chance to taste him again, but this is different. He is going to explode in my mouth and I kind of hope that it’s the moment where I lose consciousness.

  “You make me feel that anything is possible, Lucy. You give me a reason to believe that the future is bright and that I might have reason to wear shades” Devlin said as he took a page out of a certain Canadian artist’s playbook.

  I had my mouth over the knob and I was giving it a bit of suction to draw some of that sticky substance into my mouth. I reveled in that taste. The shaking of the plane was only making my body hunger to consume every single bit of him.

  He was holding onto the chair and I had this feeling like this was one of those firsts that he probably thought that he would never have in his life. He was always striving to do something that was different. He wanted to experience everything and not leave anything behind on his last and final breath.

  I was boiling over in the inside and I was tempted to sit in his lap, but that would’ve been asking for trouble. One wrong move and I would be flying in the cabin with nothing to hold onto. The very image of my body doing that made me shake my head with his cock now lodged deep with
in. I slapped at his thighs through his pants while raking my nails and making him cry out underneath his breath.

  “I thought that I was the only one that could surprise. I guess I should have known better than to open up this Pandora’s Box and let your repressed sexuality come to the surface. You do that like nobody else and that is one thing that you should know is the truth. On the surface, I might seem worldly, but I have yet to experience that one thing that will make me say that I have done and seen it all. I get this feeling that when it happens that will be when I finally leave this mortal coral behind for the next chapter” Devlin said as he held onto the arms and watched my head bob up and down with my hair flying everywhere.

  “It’s very hard to do what I need to do up here and watch the both of you at the same time. I think, I see the runway lights in the distance and we have just broken the needle underneath the empty mark on the fuel line. The engines are sputtering and they have just gone out altogether. There’s nothing that I can do, but stick by him between my legs and kiss my tail goodbye,” Jules said as he most likely struggled with what his life had become under the tutelage of a man that didn’t care for anyone or anything.


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