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Billionaire Eternity: The Alpha Billionaire Romance Complete Series (3 Full-Length Box Sets Included): An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 91

by Anna Collins

  “I actually had it outfitted with a 40-inch television. It has all the comforts of home. I plan to christen it this weekend, and the both of you are invited on the maiden voyage. I would like to know your opinion and see if I made a good choice. It’s a bit extravagant, and I know I shouldn’t have, but you only live once,” Wes said as he was now behind Rita with her long blond hair in ponytails making her look innocent.

  “I admit I wasn’t very happy with him when he bought it. It was a lot of money, but it certainly did give him a jolt in the pants. There’s no reason for the little blue pill when he gets one look at that boat and then turns and grabs me for a night of passion leaving me panting for more,” Rita said giving the idea she was exaggerating, but seeing their amorous ways she wasn’t.

  “I’ve never known you to be bashful, and I don’t want you to start now,” Wes said as he lifted the gauzy white dress she was wearing and showing off the pride of working out with a trainer every day.

  “Honey, we have guests, and we can’t possibly do this in front of them…can we?” It wasn’t a question; it was more like she wanted to put on some kind of show to give us a reason to feel like we were stepping in where we didn’t belong.

  “This is my house, and I’m damn well going to do whatever I want. I see you wearing this dress and nothing underneath, and you expect me to be a good boy all through dinner. It took all my willpower not to take you right there, but I held back. There’s just so much I can take before I have no choice but to give you a royal fucking. You can’t say you’re not excited, and the wetness on my fingertips tells a different story. I’m not asking them to watch, but I’m not opposed to it either. I kind of find it exciting; it gives me a reason to whip it out,” Wes said with his hand now moving the zipper of his pants down.

  “I think it might be time for us to leave,” I said directing my comments to Casper who was sucking on the end of his index finger.

  “Not so fast; don’t you think it would be rude to leave during the main event? I’ve seen them chase each other around the table, but I’ve never actually witnessed anything more than that. I did hear what sounded like animals killing each other a night I stayed over. I was curious to walk in on them, but I got the feeling they would have offered to have me to join them. They’re pretty open sexually,” Casper said holding my hand tightly and not allowing me to pull away before there were naked bodies writhing on the floor.

  I was looking at all three of them, and I thought for sure they had all lost their minds. I was ready to bolt, but then they all turned and began to laugh at my discomfort. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but this turned out to be something of a huge misunderstanding. They only wanted me to think they were going to have sex in front of me. I had to admit to myself I was a little disappointed they didn’t follow through. There was a small part that was interested to see things from a more voyeuristic point of view.

  “You should see your face. I thought for sure you were going to faint. We did this same thing to Casper when he first came to have dinner with us. We met him quite by accident in the market. Both Wes and I can’t really speak the language. We got into this shouting match with one of the vendors, and it took Casper coming to the rescue to pull us apart before we came to blows. I hope you are not offended. It’s not to say once you leave here we’re not going to be all over each other. I wasn’t lying when I said that boat out there is better than Viagra,” She said while pushing Wes away from her and his eager hands were hard to keep in one place.

  “I should have told you ahead of time, but I didn’t think it was my place. This is a game they like to play. Who am I to take away their fun? You really did think I was going to keep you here against your will to watch them get it on. If you really believed it, then you really don’t know me at all. I’m sure in time we will have more between us than just the hot animalistic sex,” Casper said as he tried to make light of the way I was shaking like an old man.

  “You were frightened. I do hope we didn’t make things awkward for you. My invitation to join us this weekend is for real. My father used to own a boat similar to this one and we used to take it out every weekend and scare the hell out of everybody. He had the tendency to live by his own rules regardless, of my mother’s nagging ways. I think I take after him, but I’m not sure that’s a good thing. I guess from the many hours I have laid the pipe on Rita she would say differently,” Wes said as Rita slapped him on the chest and made him jump back a couple of feet.

  “Don’t worry; I’m sure we’ll all be able to convince her to take the trip. She’s going to need us to promise to keep our clothes on,” Casper said.

  “I can’t speak for Wes, but I’m not sure I can keep any such promise. I’m very much open when it comes to my body. I look this way because I want people to see me. I just hit the big 40, and you wouldn’t know it from looking at me. This place is like the fountain of youth. There is no stress or any worries unless of course, you have a tendency like the two of us to get into trouble without even trying. I think you’ll find my bikini will not be on for long when we hit the open water. You can both look all you want, but only touch, if I say so,” She said as we made our way back to the front door.

  I saw no staff and the size of the place really did look like it needed somebody to take care of it. Then I remembered she was a little out there and with no way to police her actions, she could become either her own worst enemy or a whirlwind of efficiency.

  “I have to give you credit. Both of you seem happy and isn’t that the most important thing of all? You have something others pray for every day. The only thing I can wish for the both of you is to not take it for granted. That there isn’t a time in the future, you want to cut your arm off. Keep things fresh like you have been, and I don’t see it being a problem in your future,” I said giving them my unbiased opinion and seeing the way they looked at each other was like they were seeing each other for the first time.

  Chapter 10

  “I know you’re mad at me, but I hope it’s not going to last long. The icy chill is not what I hand in mind for this evening. They are an acquired taste, and most wouldn’t be able to sit down with them for dinner, let alone a whole evening of conversation. You took everything in stride, except for when they mentioned they were going to have sex in front of you. I’m not sure, but I got the feeling you were a little disappointed they didn’t. There’s no shame in that. Everybody has those strange kinky tendencies they never want to mention outside of the dark,” Casper said as I sat there beside him fuming and trying not to let it get to me.

  “I should know by now everything you do is not exactly normal. It shouldn’t surprise me you would introduce me to these people under false pretenses. I have to say the food was to die for, but the floor show afterward was not necessary. I might have been a little curious, but I was relieved when they didn’t go through with it. I’m sure by now they are polishing the dining room table with her ass. That kind of reminds me of how you did the same thing to the table outside on the deck with mine,” I said with a sideway grin; a hint I was not going to be able to stay mad at him for long.

  “It’s getting late. I’m under the impression abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. Tonight, you will sleep alone, thinking about me and hoping I will show up in the middle of the night for that ill-advised booty call. I’ll see you in the morning and not before that,” Casper said as he pulled over to my driveway and left with a backhanded wave of his hand.

  He didn’t even kiss me goodbye. I guess if he did we would most likely not be able to stop there without taking things further. I had no problem, but he wanted things to grow with anticipation in the air. I would have gladly given his knob the spit shine it desperately needed. I had already given him incentive for this evening with the promise of oral gratification. He didn’t take me up on my offer, but I wondered how long he would be able to resist.

  I was feeling a sexual energy surround me. I could’ve been responsible for my own climax, but it would negate
his need to seduce me in the morning. I was anxious, drawn tight and feeling a fire that would not go away. I stood at the breakfast bar, looking back over my shoulder at the table outside with the moonlight illuminating the very spot we had consummated our relationship. It was probably just my imagination, but it really did look like my ass print was right there as a reminder of what we did.

  “He does have a tendency to get underneath your skin,” I turned quickly with my hand grasping onto a knife lying haphazardly in the sink.

  “Come….come any closer, and I swear I will use this. Take what you want and get out,” I said with the looming shadow of somebody now emerging from the cover of darkness.

  “There’s no reason to be alarmed. I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to let you know the kind of man you’re getting involved with. If you don’t want to hear it, I can easily leave, but I don’t think you expect me to do that. He’s not the man you think he is. You probably already know that but have decided to stick your head in the sand. I don’t have this luxury. Money has changed hands. I thought for sure this was going to be an easy job, but he has made it more difficult involving you,” The man said as he did not offer up a name and sat down on the other side of the table.

  “I don’t want to hear it. Whatever is going on with him, he’ll tell me when he’s ready and not before. I would suggest that you leave without saying anything further,” I said, not even believing the words coming out of my mouth myself.

  “You must know he’s dangerous. I would really like to leave this alone, but you’re standing in my way. I never had collateral damage before, and I don’t want to start now. By telling you, maybe I will give you a reason to walk away before it’s too late. I don’t want to be the bad guy. It’s not who I am, but sometimes it’s necessary to hurt somebody before they hurt themselves. Casper is lucky to have you in his life. I know this is going to hurt you and break your heart,” He said. He was wearing a light beige tee shirt with a pair of black pants and a belt to match.

  “I’ve made my wishes pretty damn clear. I don’t want to use this, but I would be justified protecting myself against an intruder. This island is not like the United States. They might even give me a metal for bringing down the crime rate. There’s no reason to involve the authorities. This is your chance to leave before I forget I’m a lady,” I said hoping he was going to heed my request, but also in some small way hoping he wasn’t going to.

  “You might be right. I’ve given you a choice. Don’t say I didn’t warn you ahead of time. I think I was generous giving you a heads up on what you have unintentionally stepped into. Trust me when I tell you this is not going to end well. I don’t have to care for your safety. What happens after I leave here is not going to keep me up nights. Casper is the one to blame for all of this, and I want you to remember that.” He got up, and I followed him with the knife outstretched, making sure to look as threatening as possible.

  “You have delivered your ominous message. Don’t come back here again, unless you plan on being on the receiving end of this knife. I won’t think twice the next time. I will act on instinct, and it won’t be good for you or those you work with,” I said as he smiled like he knew something I didn’t.

  “I do like a girl with spirit. I just hope your faith in him is not going to cost you in the end. He may tell you one thing, but he’s certainly leaving out others you need to know about. Don’t take my word for it, ask him and find out for yourself. He might lie to you, but maybe you’ll get lucky, and he’ll tell you the truth. I doubt he wants anything to happen to you. He was probably pretty hesitant to get involved with you. I would like to say this is the last time we see each other, but I don’t think that’s true. Warn him if you want. It’s not going to matter one bit,” He said as he stepped out onto the porch and literally disappeared.

  “Don’t come back if you know what’s right for you. That’s the only warning you’re going to get from me. I’m sure you can still hear me. Coming here is an invasion of my privacy. I don’t like feeling vulnerable in my own home,” I said feeling a little regretful I didn’t ask him about Casper and the reason why he was coming after him.

  I stood there for quite some time looking into the darkness and waiting for some kind of rebuttal. I could only pray to the Holy Ghost he was not as dangerous as he appeared to be. There was this coldness in his eyes. He had the look of somebody who really didn’t care if I were to get in the way of a stray bullet or not. I should’ve questioned him further, but he did rattle my chain; that was precisely the reason why he had introduced himself in this way.

  I didn’t want to believe what that man had to say, but he seemed pretty damn sure of himself. I had some questions still lingering in my mind about Casper and his new friends, Wes and Rita. It was almost like they had this dysfunctional family and now I was a part of it. Casper seemed like a good man, but he also seemed haunted by memories he couldn’t shake. I thought I would be the one to save him, bring out the real Casper and then claim him for my own. How could I do that with so many questions still hanging there in the air for me to wonder if I was getting in over my head?

  It would’ve been a good thing for me to just leave and find some other tropical island to call my own. I didn’t necessarily have to be in Bali. The mystery of Casper and the business of writing something to grab the readers’ attention were going hand in hand. I could identify with the female character and give her the kind of substance people would find enthralling enough to pay attention to.

  I found myself praying for the first time in a long time. My faith had already been tested to the limit. I wasn’t much for traditional religion. I did not believe in the collection plate, but I had my own beliefs; I was going to stick to them regardless of anybody’s attempt to make me see things differently.

  I had to wonder what that man’s intention was toward Casper. The warning was pretty clear. If I were to get in the way, then there was absolutely nothing he was going to do to prevent what was going to happen next. I couldn’t believe Casper was this bad guy the man was depicting. I always thought I was a good judge of character and Casper had shown to be a bit mysterious, but also a man of character and morals. He liked to push the envelope from time to time, but I couldn’t believe for a second he would really hurt me on purpose. I had a feeling he was running from something, and maybe it was time to finally get him to put all the cards on the table. This relationship could be broken if given a real reason to. It was about time I found out more about Casper and not just what I had been told on the surface. Before I got too deep, I needed to know just what kind of drama I was in for.

  I scoured the area for the man thinking he would come back, but I guess he kept his word. I told him in no uncertain terms I didn’t want to know what Casper was up to. I regretted that, but I would rather hear from the horse’s mouth than hear it from a secondhand source. There were always two sides to every story, and this one was going to have to wait until morning. I would get Casper alone and get him to open up. It felt like he was frozen in place. He needed somebody like me to come around and thaw his icy exterior.

  He must have trusted me a little bit to introduce me to his new friends. They were what I would consider an acquired taste indeed as he said. Despite my misgivings, I was beginning to think maybe there was room in my life for some kind of odd friendship. It was getting tougher every day, but in my heart, I knew Casper was one of the good ones. I didn’t know how I could say that when everything else was telling me I was dead wrong.

  I went all through the house and made sure the doors were locked, but I had a feeling if the man wanted to get in, no lock was going to prevent him from doing so. This guy was surely a professional and took his job seriously enough to come here and give me fair warning. He didn’t want any innocent bystanders to get in the way. I liked Casper was not a regular kind of man. He had layers, and I was willing to find out about each and every one of them.

  I found myself double checking everything, almost like I was obses
sive compulsive. I had learned to live with this particular trait of mine for quite some time. It hadn’t come back since I was in my late teens, but it was touching on my shoulders like a long lost friend coming back to say hello. I tried to push it aside, but the man really did scare the living daylights out of me.

  I went up to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and I turned on the light to an ungodly scream. It came from me. I had no idea I could make this kind of noise except of course, in the bedroom when a man knew what he was doing. Casper had this ability; I just needed to lead him to the water so the horse could drink. It was a metaphor to indicate he needed a little bit of practice to be perfect. He thought he was the best and with a few pointers, he could be a contender.

  In the wall embedded like a specter, was a knife covered with a red substance. I thought for a moment it might be blood, but the thickness actually didn’t prove the theory; it was paint. He had been in my house longer than I had thought. He had the time to go upstairs and look around which made me feel like my skin was going to crawl away on its own.

  It took some considerable effort on my part to get the knife out of the wall. He had used some strength to leave it there. This guy was trying to make his point clear enough to cut glass. He seemed like the kind who showed no mercy.


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