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Carnal Discipline

Page 5

by Kate Hill

  Pausing outside Altah’s door, she knocked.

  Kyros opened the door, his long blond hair bound at his nape. He wore a black uniform similar to the ones worn by palace guards, except for the blood red front panels symbolizing his position as a guardian.

  “Good evening, Vesta,” he said.

  She smiled and nodded in greeting. In some ways Kyros reminded her of Julian. Reserved and classy, he had great favor among Vampires, yet unlike Julian, Kyros had an underlying ruggedness. Still, after last night Vesta began to realize Julian had a wild side he kept so well hidden that it had taken her completely by surprise.

  “I wanted to see if Lady Altah needed anything from me before I go to meet Brigadier Razorpaw,” Vesta said.

  Kyros stepped aside, holding the door for her, and she entered the chamber. Vesta and Rex stood by the doors leading to the balcony. Rex wore a uniform identical to Kyros’ and the Vampire Ruler had dressed in a red gown, her thick black hair arranged in a multitude of braids.

  She turned to Vesta and smiled.

  “Is there anything I can do for you before the ceremony, My Lady?” Vesta asked.

  “One moment,” Altah said, then caressed Rex’s cheek and brushed a kiss across his lips. “Would you and Kyros give us a few minutes alone?” She turned to Kyros who nodded and stepped out the door, followed by Rex. Once they’d gone, Altah beckoned Vesta closer. “You look great.”

  “Thanks.” Vesta glanced down at her dress and smoothed it. “Are you sure I don’t look like a blimp in this outfit?”

  “No way. Honey, you’ve got curves in all the right places. You’re what a Vampiress should look like. Razorpaw is lucky to have you for tonight. And speaking of Razorpaw, how did it go the night you tended his bath? You never said anything about it.”

  “What?” Vesta tried to sound innocent.

  Altah raised an eyebrow and folded her arms beneath her ample breasts. “I don’t normally go messing around with your life, but this time I couldn’t resist.”

  “What? You mean you deliberately asked me to attend him? I thought it was because the bloodmaids were a bit out of line.”

  “A bit out of line.” Altah snorted. “They looked ready to drain the last drop of his blood. It’s not every day you see a wolf like that. Not that I care with Kyros and Rex around, but I can understand the bloodmaids’ reaction. If I hadn’t been around to protect my guardians when they first came to the palace I think the women would have killed them with kindness.”

  “Yes, now you’re doing the job.” A smile played around Vesta’s lips. “I know all about your appetites, Altah, and believe me if any woman needs two wolves, it’s you.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Altah examined her long, red-painted nails then held Vesta’s gaze. “Back to Razorpaw. Any chance of you two getting together?”

  Vesta sighed deeply and turned to the balcony, staring out at the courtyard without really paying attention to it. “I don’t know why you did that to me, Altah. You know I’ve been seeing Julian.”

  “I thought it was just friendship between you.”

  “No. We’ve moved a little beyond that.”

  “I see.” Altah approached and stood beside her. “It’s just that when Razorpaw walked into the hall, the attraction between you was obvious.”

  “It was?” Vesta curled her lip. “I thought he acted pretty cool. At least in the hall.”

  “Ah. So something did happen.” Altah grinned. “And for your information, any man who so blatantly ignored you definitely had more on his mind than his duty. Besides, the one time he did look at you I thought he was going to devour you then and there.”

  “Really?” Vesta wondered if her pleasure shone on her face. She shook her head and sighed again. “Altah, how do you handle two wolves? Is there a lot of jealousy between them? Are you really happy in that kind of arrangement?”

  “Happy?” Altah chuckled. “I am beyond happy. There’s no way I can describe what Kyros, Rex, and I share. I guess if you’re meant to be a trio, you just know it. As for jealousy, it’s more of an alpha wolf thing. They vie for dominance, but that’s just their nature. I know how much they care about each other. If they didn’t, I could never be happy.”

  Vesta nodded and lowered her gaze to the floor. She couldn’t imagine Curt and Julian ever being happy together. They were just too different.

  “Are you considering a ménage?” Altah asked.

  “Wow. Look at the time. If we don’t get out of here we’re going to be late and something tells me Curt is the kind of guy who loves punctuality.”

  Vesta headed for the door, but Altah’s voice stopped her. “Hold it right there. You didn’t answer my question.”

  Pausing, Vesta closed her eyes for a moment then turned to Altah. “Am I required to answer, My Lady?”

  “Don’t you give me that My Lady stuff when we’re in private. We’ve been friends practically since the day we were born. And no, you’re not required to answer, but if you want to talk, I’m here.”

  Vesta relaxed and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Altah. I guess I’m just stressed right now. I like Julian a lot, but being with Curt was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

  “I see.” Altah’s amber eyes sparkled.

  “Julian was upset about it.”

  “You told him?”

  “Yes. I wanted to be honest.”

  “But you didn’t want to break it off with him?”


  “What about Curt? Do you intend to see him again?”

  “I don’t know how he feels about it.”

  “It’s pretty safe to guess,” Altah muttered under her breath, then said more clearly, “If he wants to see you again, would you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Not now.”

  “A piece of advice, Vesta. They’ll both be at the ceremony tonight. See how they act around each other.”

  “You know Julian. He’s forever the politician. He’ll get along with Curt no matter what.”

  “You’re a Vampire and you have an interest in both men. Use your senses, Vesta. Observe. You’ll know if they have potential.”

  “You mean trio potential?” Vesta got a rush just saying it. The thought of her, Curt and Julian in bed together was too good for words.

  “You know what I mean. Now get out of here, and if you see Kyros and Rex send them back to me.”

  “Thanks, Altah.”

  “What are friends for?”

  Vesta left the Vampire Ruler’s chamber and headed toward her own where Curt had said he’d meet her. A little thrill darted through her when she found him already waiting outside her door. He wore the traditional black uniform of Altah’s Guard, the gold front panels distinguishing him as the Captain. The sleek shirt, jacket and trousers complemented his athletic build. Somehow his proud carriage and wolfish expression made the attractive uniform seem even more masculine.

  His gaze met hers and he stepped toward her. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled and placed her hand on his arm. “And you look very handsome.”

  His lips jerked upward in what might have been a smile, but it faded so quickly she couldn’t be sure. “Thank you. Shall we go?”

  “Unless you want to be late for your own ceremony.”

  “I can’t stand lateness.”

  “What a shock,” she murmured.

  He glanced at her sharply, gave a low grunt and escorted her down the corridor.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked.


  “The ceremony.” She stared at him.


  “You’re replacing an exceptional man,” she said.

  “Yes. Captain Dominic’s record speaks for itself.”

  She gazed at him, looking for any sign of the passionate wolf who had made love to her. Outside the bedroom, he seemed so cold, almost mechanical. “There’s more to a man than his record. What about his heart and the way he
connects with others?”

  “A wolf’s heart is in battle and his performance there is in his record. I’ve sworn to uphold my duty. Lady Altah will not be disappointed.”

  Studying him carefully, she wondered if he wasn’t a bit nervous after all. Either that or he was the most confident man she’d ever met.

  They neared the great hall where the ceremony and reception would take place. When they entered, several of the guests had already assembled. Vesta recognized many of the tribal leaders of the Vampire Nation and Werewolf pack leaders. Other prominent wolves and Vampires were also present as well as a few select members of the press to document the ceremony for the public. Everyone’s gaze seemed fixed on Curt and Vesta, so she kept a pleasant smile on her face. Curt looked like he was headed for a funeral instead of a Guard Change Ceremony.

  Vesta glanced around for Julian, but he had yet to show up.

  “I’ll see you after the ceremony,” he told her.

  She nodded and squeezed his arm in what she hoped to be a reassuring gesture, in case he needed it after all. His gaze met hers and another slight smile tugged at his lips.

  He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “I’d kiss you but that wouldn’t be appropriate.”

  A warm feeling spread through her and this time her smile was genuine. His contradictory behavior roused so many questions within her. Somehow he seemed torn by devotion to duty and the normal desires all people had.

  “How about later?” he whispered.

  “I’ll be waiting,” she replied.

  He straightened, held her gaze for several seconds then strode out of the room.

  Over the next moments the hall continued filling with guests. She noted Julian was one of the last to arrive in the company of two tribal leaders. He smiled and talked with them, so vampiric in his appearance and mannerisms that even Vesta almost forgot he was a wolf. Of course she knew better. She’d caught a glimpse of his wolfy side last night and it had been an incredible turn-on.

  Once everyone was seated, a chorus of howls from the wolf members of the Vampire Ruler’s Guard brought all conversations to a halt. The guards, wearing their black dress uniforms and led by Dominic, strode down the aisle toward the raised platform where Altah sat, flanked by Kyros and Rex. The guards assembled just below the platform and stood at attention while Dominic approached Altah, dropped to one knee in front of her and bowed his head. She murmured something to him and he rose to his feet.

  “Captain Dominic, for your centuries of loyalty and service, we thank you. Your name will be forever honored in the Vampire Nation. Though I now return you to your pack, you will always have a place among us.”

  “Thank you, My Lady. From this day forward I am no longer your Captain but I am forever in your service,” Dominic replied, then turned toward the crowd and gave a low, summoning howl.

  Curt strode through the door and walked down the long aisle. Vesta’s stomach tightened. He looked so handsome and confident, so worthy of the honor about to be bestowed upon him. This moment touched her more deeply than she’d expected. She actually felt proud of him.

  Then her gaze met Julian’s across the room. Even from such a distance she caught the glimmer of irritation in his eyes and something else. Something she couldn’t quite place. He looked away from her and instead focused on Curt who had reached Altah’s platform.

  He paused in front of Dominic and their gazes locked as the old Captain spoke the ceremonial words. “Curt Razorpaw, do you swear to uphold the laws of the Vampire Nation, to defend Lady Altah, this palace, the Capital City and those who reside here with your life?”

  “I swear on the blood of my pack and on my soul as a warrior,” Curt gave the customary reply.

  Dominic motioned for him to kneel before Altah, and Curt did so. The Vampire Ruler took the ceremonial dagger resting on a table draped in red velvet beside her. Curt extended his hand and she swept the blade across his palm, drawing blood. She held out a ruby cup to catch the blood. The scent of his blood wafted through the room and a shiver of desire rippled down Vesta’s spine. She remembered how delicious he tasted and how good it felt to take his blood in the midst of lovemaking. Though the drinking of blood in a ceremony such as this was nothing like the intimacy of a love bite, Vesta couldn’t help feeling a bit jealous that Altah would also have the honor of tasting Curt’s very essence.

  Altah then poured blood from a ruby flask into another matching cup. The flask contained the Vampire Ruler’s blood and had been used for centuries for rituals such as this. Altah passed the ruby cup to Razorpaw and he drank her blood while she drank his from the other cup.

  Once the exchange was complete, Altah herself cleaned and bandaged Curt’s hand, then ordered him to rise.

  Dominic stepped down and joined the guards as Curt strode to the front of the platform and howled. The wolf guards answered his howl. For several moments the howling went on, rising to a deafening pitch before Curt stepped down from the platform. He stood at attention with the guard as Altah and her guardians left the platform, signaling the end of the ceremony and the beginning of the reception.

  Ushers directed the guests to the tables at the back of the great hall. Only Vesta remained seated, waiting respectfully for Curt. He dismissed the guards, then approached her and offered his arm.

  Smiling, she stood and allowed him to escort her to Altah’s table.

  A meal was served immediately and afterward everyone loosened up and mingled, sipping drinks and dancing to music played by a live band. Curt left Vesta briefly to answer questions from the press along with Altah, Kyros and Rex. It was then that Julian approached her.

  * * *

  “Enjoying your date?” Julian whispered close to Vesta’s ear.

  “Don’t start,” she replied with a hint of irritation, though she kept a pleasant smile on her face. “You know it’s my duty to accompany Curt to this reception. By the way, where were you earlier? You were supposed to meet me so we could talk before the ceremony.”

  “I’m sorry. Tribal Leader Julius wanted to speak to me and I couldn’t say no.”

  “Business as usual,” she said sarcastically.

  “Vesta, I’m the Liaison for the Common Wolf. That means when a tribal or pack leader wants to talk --”

  “I know. I know.”

  His gaze drifted across the room to where Curt stood with Altah and her guardians. “Now that I see him in person, I understand what you mean about his attitude.”

  “Julian, please don’t start.”

  “I’m not. He has something about him that women respond to. Even a few of the more prejudiced Vampiresses have been giving him the eye and I overheard a few sexual innuendos from supposedly high-class ladies. I believe Tribal Leader Justin’s wife said, ‘It’s frightening the sort of wolf they’re placing in high positions. A beast like that belongs chained up. Preferably to a bed.’ Charming, huh?”

  Altah stiffened. “I didn’t think the Liaison for the Common Wolf would find humor in such a slur against one of his own kind.”

  “What does she know?” Julian took a long sip from the wine glass dangling between his fingers. “She’s a pompous ass. I hate dealing with her, but Justin’s territory borders two wolf packs, so I try to keep the peace. But back to your escort, the paragon of manhood. The bloodmaids have been gossiping all over the palace. Hell, the wolf seems to have the potential for a personal harem.”

  “Honestly, Julian, this jealousy doesn’t become you.” She turned to him with an ultra-sweet smile. “And it’s not as if you have a lack of female interest.”

  “But my interest is in only one female.”

  A little thrill shot through her. If only it hadn’t taken another man to jolt him into suggesting they take their relationship further. That in itself made her question his motives. Did he really want to claim her, or was he simply competing with another powerful male as wolves so often did?

  “Besides,” Julian also forced a smile, “why would I be jealous of such
a crude example of my species?”

  She was about to respond, but Curt headed toward them. As he neared the table, his gaze met Julian’s and both wolves growled low -- not in challenge, but in warning.

  Vesta glanced nervously from one wolf to the other, but they seemed to have regained control of themselves.

  “Curt, I don’t believe you’ve met Julian, Liaison for the Common Wolf.”

  The men nodded to each other.

  “I hope you’re enjoying the city so far, Captain,” Julian said in his usual pleasant tone.

  “I’m here to serve, not enjoy myself.”

  “Really?” Julian cocked an eyebrow and tossed Curt an accusing look. “Surely even a man such as yourself indulges in pleasure from time to time.”

  “If you have something to say, then out with it,” Curt told him. “I don’t appreciate innuendos.”

  Julian smiled again. “If you’ll excuse me, I must speak with Pack Leader Flavian. Vesta.” He took her hand and raised it to his lips, then left her and Curt alone at the table.

  Curt took his seat and said, “He’s the man you told me about.”



  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Nothing important.”

  For several moments they sat in silence. Most of the guests mingled around the room or on the dance floor. Even Altah was dancing with Kyros.

  “Do you want to dance, Curt?” she asked.

  “I don’t dance,” he stated.

  Smiling, Vesta leaned closer and whispered, “Just do what you did the night before last, only standing up.”


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