Carnal Discipline

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Carnal Discipline Page 7

by Kate Hill

  “I’ll only take so much of this alpha bullshit,” Julian stated, making a motion to rise.

  Curt’s knee pressed gently against his back, making it impossible for him to stand, at least without starting another brawl. The Captain leaned down, his lips close to Julian’s ear, and said, “Your scent tells me you like this alpha bullshit.”

  “I’ve always been open to new experiences.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Curt loosened his hold on Julian’s hair and caressed his head, then he dropped his hand.

  Julian heard the sound of a lid being unscrewed from a jar, then a pleasant aroma filled the air. When Curt knelt behind him and cupped his buttocks, his hands were slick with lube. One hand dipped between Julian’s ass cheeks and prodded his sphincter while the other reached around and stroked his cock.

  Julian’s eyes closed and he groaned with pleasure, his pulse quickening. Here he was, being kissed and fondled by another man and thoroughly enjoying it. This was something he’d never imagined, or maybe it had always been a secret desire. He didn’t know and didn’t care.

  Curt’s stroking quickened, almost pushing Julian over the edge. His cock ached and throbbed and he knew in a few more seconds it would be over --

  The Captain slowed his caresses and Julian’s jaw tightened with frustration. For several moments, Curt sped and slowed his movements, keeping Julian hovering on the brink.

  Finally Julian snapped, “Will you get on with it?”

  “You and Vesta are too impulsive. I said I’d teach you how to fuck with discipline. Have you given up already?”


  “Good. Get up on the bed on your hands and knees.”

  Julian curled his lip but did as ordered. Curt positioned himself behind, parted his ass cheeks and thrust his tongue between them.

  “Ah fuck!” Julian gasped with pleasure as Curt’s tongue thrust past the ring of muscle and explored. He lapped and thrust until Julian thought he’d go insane from desire.

  Panting, his heart pounding, Julian gripped the sheets hard. Growls from both men echoed through the room, the sound of Werewolf ecstasy.

  Finally Curt withdrew his tongue, grasped Julian by the hips and slowly thrust his cock into his hot, tight ass. Julian gritted his teeth, torn between pleasure and pain. The Captain took his time, allowing Julian to accept his thick, hard length. He curled a hand around Julian’s cock, stroking in time with his thrusting.

  His eyes closed tightly, Julian’s head spun. He still couldn’t believe this was happening while at the same time he never wanted it to end.

  Curt fucked him slowly, speeding and slowing his rhythm until Julian trembled on the verge of explosion, his body hot and damp with lust.

  “Gods, Curt, I can’t hold back anymore,” he gasped.

  “Can’t you?” Curt said, a teasing edge to his voice. His movements ceased, but Julian’s didn’t. His bottom thrust against the Captain and his cock pulsed in his grip. Curt growled, “Stop. Control yourself.”

  “I…can’t,” Julian’s voice was hoarse with need, his breathing ragged, yet he did what Curt said. His heart felt as if it was about to burst through his chest and he was dizzy with need.

  “Take three slow breaths,” Curt ordered.

  Julian did as he was told. As soon as he released the last breath, Curt began thrusting again, hard and fast. His hand pumped Julian’s steely shaft while he continued fucking his ass.

  With a savage howl, Julian came longer and harder than he ever had in his life.

  Chapter Six

  The following evening, Vesta sat with Altah in her chamber discussing palace business. She managed to keep thoughts of Curt and Julian at bay until Altah dismissed her.

  Upon returning to her room, she found Julian waiting at her door. “Vesta, I was hoping you’d be free for a meal.”

  “Of course. Please come in. I was just about to eat.”

  She unlocked the door and they stepped inside. In the kitchen, they began preparing sandwiches and salad.

  “I hope you’re not still angry about what happened at the ceremony last night,” Julian began.

  “I suppose I should be flattered,” she replied, staring at him. “But I was worried instead. Julian, I’m seeing a side of you I never thought existed.”

  “I’m a wolf, Vesta. When I’m around your kind I do my best to see that you forget that, but it’s what I am.”

  “I know. I --” She paused, narrowing her gaze and taking a step toward him. The uncharacteristically restless expression in his eyes concerned her. “Julian, I know you’re upset about Curt and I’m sorry. We had never discussed making our relationship permanent and --”

  “Curt and I spoke earlier,” he said quietly. A hint of color crept onto the tips of his ears, a sign that meant his emotions were running high.


  “In part. He said some things about you that made sense.”

  “About me?” Her anger stirred. They’d discussed her behind her back?

  “He basically said I bored you in the bedroom.”

  “That’s ridiculous. That arrogant, obnoxious, egotistical --”

  “He was right, though. Wasn’t he?”

  “No! You do not bore me in bed.”

  “But he’s more exciting.”

  “I never said --”

  “You didn’t have to. I know.”

  She noticed the pinkness had crept from his ears to his cheekbones. “What do you mean you know?”

  “I mean this morning we met to fight and we did. Afterward we talked and --”

  “And what?” An odd feeling tightened her gut. Lately it seemed each day Julian found a new way to surprise her and Curt seemed to be the catalyst for all the excitement. Strange. Very strange.

  “And I fucked him.”

  “What?”“ She wrinkled her nose and stared at him.

  “I believe you heard me.”

  “I did. I just -- Julian, I had no idea you or he -- Damn.” Vesta folded her arms beneath her breasts and began pacing the kitchen.

  “It was fine when you slept with him.”

  “That’s different!”


  She cast him a look that said, are you kidding?

  “Vesta, I admit I was jealous of your reaction to him, but having met him I can understand it. He is… dominant.” A slight smile tugged at Julian’s lips.

  “So what does this mean?” she said. “Do you want him instead of me?”


  “Then what?”

  “Vesta, you and I have a great relationship. I love being with you.”

  “And him? Did you love being with him?”

  Julian lowered his gaze to his hands and sighed, then glanced at her again. “Yes.”

  “So did I,” she murmured.

  “Have you ever considered a threesome?” he asked.

  This entire situation was becoming more bizarre by the moment. Was it possible that she and Julian shared the same fantasy? Even if they did, it didn’t mean Curt would agree.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I hadn’t before, but lately I’ve been thinking about you, me and Curt.”

  “Let’s ask him about it.”

  Vesta swallowed hard, her heart thumping wildly. This was insane. This was ridiculous. This was… the hottest fucking idea on the planet. “All right. We’ll ask him.”

  “He’s busy with the guards until tomorrow night. We’ll invite him for a late dinner. My chamber, if you like.”

  Vesta nodded. Her nipples tight and hands trembling, she couldn’t resist a smile. Tomorrow night, if Curt agreed, the three of them would come together. Literally.

  * * *

  Late the following night, Curt returned to his chamber after yet another round of training with his guards. Dominic had kept a firm hand on the men and they were both skilled and dedicated. Basically an excellent group, yet Curt had already implemented certain changes to improve their performance in preparation for a possible a
ttack on the Capital City.

  The men knew better than to complain, at least to his face, yet he sensed many were irritated by the increased intensity of the regimen. Too bad. In time they would accustom themselves to his methods. This happened each time there was a change of command.

  Curt had never been one to simply issue orders. He dove into his new duty with a vengeance. The work was more stimulating than he’d first imagined and the guards’ training grounds, both inside the palace and several miles outside the city, pleased him. Miles of forest and rugged terrain reminded him of home.

  Earlier when he’d received a message from Julian and Vesta inviting him for dinner, he hadn’t been surprised exactly, but pleased. The message was phrased so as not to include any blatant overtures, but after what he’d shared with each of them, it was easy to read between the lines and guess the invitation was for more than a meal.

  Curt undressed and stepped into the shower. Standing beneath the faucet, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of hot water on his skin. He could have relaxed completely, allowing the water to soothe him, but he preferred to keep his senses sharp. Complacency wasn’t in his vocabulary. The only time he ever totally surrendered to pleasure of any kind was in bed. And even that pleasure came only after he’d pushed his control to the limit. To Curt, everything, even pleasure, was an exercise in restraint.

  Young and fresh, Vesta and Julian eagerly surrendered to the desires of their bodies. Once they learned control, they would be incomparable partners in pleasure. Usually Curt preferred one lover at a time and only when necessary to feed his carnal appetite. He thought little, if anything, of his partners outside the bedroom and he knew they thought little of him as well. Usually he made it plain that their relationship could go no further than casual sex. Vesta and Julian were different somehow. They rarely left his thoughts. Each word, touch and kiss seemed imprinted on his mind. If he concentrated on them, he could almost feel their hands on his body and hear the echo of their breath in his ear. The memories were enough to stir his cock and quicken his pulse.

  He should have taken his intense desire for them as a sign to avoid them. Emotional attachments were not an option. Yet his physical desire lured him.

  Most frustrating.

  Curt finished washing and shaving, then stepped out of the shower and dressed in his everyday uniform -- black trousers and a fitted black long-sleeved shirt. He bound his hair tightly at his nape then walked to Julian’s chamber.

  When he knocked, Vesta opened the door, greeting him with a smile. She looked gorgeous in a flowing tan dress with a petal skirt that exposed a good deal of her legs when she moved. Delicate, strappy sandals adorned her pretty feet.

  He remembered how good it felt to lick her ankles.

  “Hi.” She kissed his cheek, a pleasant brush of her plump, warm lips against his flesh.

  “Good evening,” he said, grasping her shoulders and giving her a real kiss. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue tasting and exploring.

  Across the room, Julian growled, but Curt didn’t break the kiss until he was good and ready.

  Julian’s scent grew stronger, as did Vesta’s and Curt’s. The tension in the room rose to an almost unbearable level. Incredibly exciting.

  Curt broke the kiss and brushed his thumb across Vesta’s lips. Then he glanced at Julian who stood by the dinner table, his green eyes blazing.

  “Curt.” Julian nodded.

  “Julian.” Curt strode to the table, Vesta beside him.

  “We’re glad you came,” Vesta said.

  “I haven’t yet, but I’m sure I will by the end of the night.”

  A smile flickered across Julian’s lips. “So you understood our note.”

  “It was well phrased,” Curt replied.

  “Why don’t we eat before the food gets cold?” Vesta said.

  The men agreed and soon they were enjoying a delicious meal of rare meat, crunchy vegetables and strong wine.

  * * *

  After dinner, Vesta, Julian, and Curt moved to the living room and sat by the fireplace to continue their conversation. Curt revealed little about himself other than that his pack had been destroyed when he was a child and he’d since served the Blackwood Pack.

  Curt’s entire conversation spun around duty and honor. He mentioned nothing of friends or the family who’d fostered him after his own had been slaughtered. The things he didn’t say concerned Vesta more than the things he did. In spite of his strength, courage, and success in his military career, she sensed unfulfilled needs in him. She doubted he even realized he had such needs, but to her they were obvious. Several times she and Julian exchanged glances and she guessed he shared her thoughts regarding the Captain. They needed him, yet he needed them as well, even if he didn’t know it yet.

  During a lag in conversation, Julian said, “Let’s move to the bedroom.”

  “Good idea.” Vesta stood, along with Curt. She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

  They followed Julian to his bedroom. Spacious, with picture windows overlooking a pool and garden, the room had a brown carpet and an enormous bed covered in thick quilts. Three could easily fit on the bed and Vesta trembled with anticipation.

  Julian placed his hands on Vesta’s hips and tugged her to him. Smiling, she looped her arms around his neck and accepted his kiss.

  “Should we undress her?” Julian glanced in Curt’s direction.

  Vesta looked over her shoulder at the Captain. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on a chair. Vesta went weak at the sight of his gorgeous torso. Somehow standing there shirtless, wearing his uniform trousers and boots, he looked even more powerful than usual.

  A low growl of arousal rumbled in Julian’s chest and Vesta glanced at him. She noted he also stared intently at Curt’s bare chest.

  Julian had a great body, too, and was taller than Curt. She could scarcely wait to see them both naked. Though she loved the idea of them fucking her, she looked forward to seeing them kiss and fondle each other. Something about two handsome, sleekly muscled men locked in each other’s embrace was a major turn-on.

  “Yes. Let’s undress her,” Curt said and approached them.

  Julian unzipped her dress and slid it down her shoulders. He pushed it over her hips while Curt unfastened her bra. She straightened her arms so he could remove the bra easily.

  Vesta’s heart pounded with excitement. This was a fantasy come true, having Curt and Julian at the same time.

  Julian slid down her panties and she stepped out of them as well as her high-heeled sandals. Standing, Julian flung aside her clothes and Vesta gazed up at him. He was quite tall and slim, yet his shoulders were broad and his chest strong. Quickly she began unbuttoning his shirt, eager to caress his bare flesh.

  Stepping so close behind her that she felt his hair-dusted chest brush against her back, Curt covered her hands with his and said, “What did I tell you about patience?”

  Vesta smiled and raised her eyes to the heavens. She met Julian’s gaze. “Did he give you the lesson in patience, too?”

  “I believe the word he used was discipline.” Julian’s eyes gleamed with arousal.

  “You both still have a lot to learn,” Curt said. He nuzzled Vesta’s neck and whispered in her ear. “Slowly.”

  Her hands trembled a bit as she resumed unbuttoning Julian’s shirt, taking her time. While she worked on the shirt, Curt stepped away and finished undressing, though he kept his gaze on his partners, ready to reprimand Vesta if she moved too quickly. Her stomach tightened with excitement. Usually she and Julian dove into bed where he gently fondled her to wetness then made love to her until they exploded in climax. With Curt, everything was different. Foreplay was an art and the act itself a wild fuck powerful enough to hurl her into oblivion.

  When she finally unfastened the last button, Vesta sighed with pleasure and stroked Julian’s sleek, hair-dusted chest. She bent to lick his nipple, using the tip of one fang to gently scrape it. Julian groaned and held
her closer. Curt joined them. He unbuckled Julian’s belt, unzipped his trousers and pulled them down.

  Moving slightly away from her, Julian quickly removed his shoes and socks.

  Curt took Vesta’s hand and kissed it, then guided her toward the bed. “Lie on your back,” he told her.

  She did what he told her, her gaze shifting from him to Julian who also approached the bed.

  Stretching out beside her, Curt caressed her breasts. Little thrills of desire coursed through her as he squeezed the soft spheres and pinched her nipples. Edging closer, he took one of her nipples between his lips and sucked it, lashing it with his tongue, then sucking so hard that she gasped with desire. Her clit ached and pussy clenched with need.

  While Curt fondled and sucked her breasts, Julian positioned himself between her legs and covered her clit with his mouth.

  “Ah!” Vesta gasped, her body arching as pleasure grew.

  “Don’t let her come yet,” Curt ordered.

  Julian grunted in reply since his mouth was too busy with her clit to form words. He lapped slowly then used the tip of his tongue to tease the side of her clit where she was most sensitive.

  Between Curt’s nibbling and sucking on her nipples and Julian’s wickedly skilled tongue on her clit, she was ready to come in moments. She moaned and tried to thrash, but Julian cupped her buttocks tightly, holding her steady. Curt held her wrists above her head, using his weight to hold her torso down as he took his time with her breasts.

  By the way Julian licked and sucked her clit, she doubted he had any intention of obeying Curt’s order about not allowing her to come. Truthfully, Vesta didn’t think she could take much more before exploding.

  Curt released her hands abruptly and shoved Julian away from her. “I said don’t let her come yet.”

  “But --”

  Cupping Julian’s chin in his hand, Curt stared into his eyes and said, “Trust me.”

  The look of frustration in Julian’s eyes expressed just how Vesta felt, yet something compelled them to obey.

  Curt sat behind Vesta so her head rested on his lap. His fingertips caressed her face and neck and she gazed into his eyes. Something about him made her feel safe and secure yet at the same time mystified.


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