Carnal Discipline

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Carnal Discipline Page 8

by Kate Hill

  “Kneel between her legs and thrust into her, but not deeply,” Curt told Julian.

  The younger wolf growled, his eyes glistening with arousal, and followed Curt’s instructions. The tip of his cock slid into her drenched pussy and he began thrusting slowly. At the same time, he reached out and used his thumb to stroke her clit.

  “Good.” Curt smiled slightly. He licked his fingers and thumbs and rolled her nipples between them, pinching and stroking. “Slowly, Julian. That’s right.”

  “Sure,” Julian breathed, his eyes half closed. Soon his pace quickened.

  “Every time I have to tell you to slow down, Julian, will be considered a pause later.”

  “What do you mean a pause?” Julian breathed.

  “It means you’ll have to pause before you come. You’ll drive yourself to the edge of orgasm, then you will pause. Maybe that will help you maintain control.”

  Vesta’s belly clenched and her breathing quickened even more. All this control and denial, all the time knowing how explosive the final rush would be, was too fucking much. Gods, she’d never imagined sex could be like this.

  “You’re crazy,” Julian said, yet Vesta noticed his thrusts slowed.

  “So far you have one pause,” Curt said.

  After several moments, she was so drenched and aching that she could scarcely wait for Julian’s cock to fill her completely.

  “Two pauses,” Curt announced.

  Julian growled, again slowing his pace. Twice more Curt added pauses before he told Julian to withdraw.

  Curt lay on his back and Vesta turned to him, noting the length and thickness of his cock. The head glistened with moisture. It seemed their carnal games got to him as much as her and Julian.

  “Mount me, Vesta,” Curt ordered.

  “What about me?” Julian demanded, his face flushed slightly as he watched Vesta climb on top of Curt.

  At that moment she didn’t care which one filled her. She needed a cock deep inside her, rubbing in all the right places. Her hand curled around Curt’s steely, velvet-skinned shaft and guided it to her hot, wet pussy. She lowered herself onto him and rode.


  “Curt, if you don’t quit saying slowly I’m going to smack you,” she panted, but did what he said.

  Something between a growl and a chuckle rumbled in his chest. She rode him at a steady pace, but the feeling of his cock deep inside her was so good that she couldn’t help rocking faster. He reached up, offering her his hands to clutch. Their fingers entwined and Vesta’s head arched back, her entire body aflame.

  “Ah! Oh, Gods, Curt!” she cried, coming hard.

  Her heart pounding and breasts heaving, she relaxed, allowing her head to fall forward, her long hair brushing his chest.

  Curt eased her onto her back and brushed her mouth with a kiss.

  “Now she’s ready for you,” Curt told Julian. “After all, she shouldn’t suffer for your punishment. Now. Take her.”

  Julian’s lip curled in an angry gesture toward Curt, but when he turned back to Vesta, affection and desire shone in his eyes. His long, lean body covered hers and he filled her slick pussy with his rock hard cock. He thrust quickly, his eyes half closed and a look of raw desire on his handsome face. Soon she felt the almost unendurable tension in his body, watched his face flush and his chest twitch as he neared his climax.

  “Pause,” Curt said with an evil grin.

  “Forget it,” Julian panted.

  “I knew it. No self-control. All the finesse of a youth with his first woman.”

  “Won’t work,” Julian said, thrusting faster, then he stopped suddenly, his muscles tense and chest heaving. “Fuck. You’re a cock sucker, Curt.”

  “Maybe later. Hold still.”

  After a moment Julian began to relax the slightest bit, seeming to have regained control of himself.

  “Continue,” Curt said.

  Again Julian drove into her. This time when Curt ordered him to pause, Julian clenched his teeth so hard Vesta wondered how they didn’t break. Tendons stood out in his neck and her vampiric ears could hear the pounding of his blood. How she’d love a taste, but if she bit him now, she knew there was no way he could keep from coming. She couldn’t do that to him, not when he was locked in a battle of wills with Curt.

  “Go on,” the Captain ordered.

  Vesta’s orgasm built more slowly since she’d already taken the edge off with Curt, but she felt the telltale ache and knew it wouldn’t be much longer before she came. By the raggedness of Julian’s breathing and the staccato rhythm of his heart, she wondered if he could hold out long enough to bring her to orgasm.

  Once again Curt stopped him and Julian cursed softly. Vesta wanted to close her eyes as pleasure grew, but she couldn’t stop looking at Julian. His usually calm green eyes were dark and glistening with passion. He drew gasps of air through parted lips and arched his head back.

  “Continue. Take your time.”

  Julian pulled out almost to the tip and filled her slowly. Again and again he thrust, gradually quickening his pace.


  Julian stopped abruptly, his eyes closed and entire body trembling on the brink of orgasm. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead and upper lip.

  “Now fuck her hard,” Curt ordered.

  Growling savagely, Julian pounded into her, unleashing the tight hold on his passion. Vesta had never felt anything like this with him. It was absolutely amazing. She clung to him tightly and, unable to resist a moment longer, sank her fangs into his damp, pulsing neck. His sweet blood filled her and his fierce thrusts pushed her over the edge. In the midst of her orgasm, she felt him come. He howled and bucked against her, his body straining into hers before he collapsed on top of her.

  For several moments they lay panting. Vesta was the first to stir. She opened her eyes and glanced at Curt who knelt by them on the bed, staring at them with raw lust, his fist curled around his cock. Then it struck her he still hadn’t come.

  Julian uttered a soft moan of contentment and moved off her, a smile on his lips.

  “You were right,” he said to Curt, then narrowed his eyes at the sight of the Captain’s enormous erection. “You really should do something about that.”

  “Or one of us should,” Vesta suggested.

  This time it was Julian who grinned wickedly. “I have an idea. On your feet, Captain.”

  Curt raised an eyebrow and for a moment Vesta thought he might protest taking orders. Then he rose.

  “Vesta, you take the front. I’ll take the rear,” Julian said.

  Another thrill of desire shot through her and she left the bed to kneel in front of Curt while Julian knelt behind him. She grasped his cock and took the head between her lips. Her tongue swept over the crown then lapped the underside. At the same time, Julian thrust his tongue between Curt’s ass cheeks and teased his sphincter.

  They played with him for a long time, slowing and speeding their motions, hoping to hear him beg or become frustrated as they had been. They found the Captain had amazing self control. To save her jaw and Julian’s tongue from muscle strain, they finally lapped and sucked with a vengeance. The sharp cry of utter fulfillment ripped from Curt’s chest and the way his powerful legs trembled with his release was a payment well worth waiting for.

  All three climbed into bed and lay for several moments, a mass of warm, throbbing, utterly content flesh.

  A short time later Curt rose from the bed and reached for his clothes. Vesta and Julian opened their eyes and turned to him.

  “Where are you going?” Vesta asked.

  “To my room,” he replied.

  “Why? Were we hogging the covers or something?” Julian teased. He raised himself onto his elbows. “You said you were off duty until tomorrow morning. You can stay with us tonight, if you want.”

  “No, thank you.” Curt efficiently pulled on his clothes and headed for the door as Vesta and Julian exchanged looks.

  “Curt, wa
it.” Vesta stood and approached.

  His gaze swept her naked curves then returned to her face. “I have to get up early tomorrow, Vesta. This evening was enjoyable. Thanks for your hospitality.” He nodded to her, then to Julian and left the chamber abruptly.

  Vesta turned back to Julian who shrugged and said, “The man obviously has issues. Come back to bed.”

  Still confused over Curt’s actions, she climbed beneath the covers and Julian drew her close to his side, kissing her hair.

  “There’s something so… lonely about him,” she said.

  “I think he just needs time. A wolf like that is more complicated than he looks.”

  “Do you think he’ll join us again?”

  “I’d bet on it.” Julian kissed her and settled more comfortably against the pillows. “Sleep well, Vesta.”

  “You too,” she said, though it was a long time before her thoughts settled enough for her to sleep.

  * * *

  Over the following weeks, Vesta, Julian and Curt saw each other regularly. Each time their lovemaking became more intense and exciting as each learned exactly what pleased the others.

  Though Vesta and Julian invited Curt to sleep with them, he refused and always retired to his own chamber once they’d sated their lust.

  Vesta sensed there were times when Curt wanted to stay with them, but something stopped him. Pride? Fear of love? What made a man distance himself from others, even those he cared about? For she had no doubt he did care about her and Julian in his own way.

  After discussing this with Julian, they decided it was time to finally make plain what they wanted from their relationship with Curt. How he responded would determine whether or not they continued in this sexually gratifying yet emotionally turbulent threesome.

  The following night, after making love, Curt, as usual, rose from Julian’s bed and began dressing.

  “We’d like you to stay tonight,” Vesta said.

  Curt glanced at her. “You know how I feel about that.”

  “Actually we don’t know how you feel about anything,” Julian said. “You always manage to avoid talking about it.”

  “What’s to talk about? We have a good time in bed. It’s what those stupid talk shows call a fulfilling sexual relationship.” He sat on a chair to pull on his boots and tie the laces.

  “No, it’s not,” Vesta said. “We have an exciting sexual relationship, but without emotions nothing is truly fulfilling.” She approached and rested her hand on his arm. “Look at me.”

  He stood and stared into her eyes. Curt’s stomach tightened. Why hadn’t he seen this coming? When he agreed to a continuing relationship with them, he’d opened himself up to the possibility they’d want to take it further.

  Why couldn’t people be satisfied with sex? Why must they always go poking away at a man’s emotions? Hell, it had been so long since Curt had an emotional attachment to anyone that he wasn’t sure he knew how anymore.

  He stepped away from Vesta and walked to the mirror so he could tie back his hair.

  “Come back and cuddle,” Julian teased.

  Curt’s brow furrowed and he curled his lip in distaste. “Cuddling is for children.”

  “The hell it is.” Julian chuckled in a manner that drove Curt mad. “If you try it, you might like it.”

  “What about us?” Vesta asked. “Don’t you like us, Curt?”

  “If I didn’t, why would I be here?” This entire conversation made him uncomfortable. He’d rather face an angry pack of hunters alone.

  “If you do then why won’t you stay?” Vesta stared at him, the hurt look in her lovely eyes did something to his insides. The urge to take her in his arms nearly overcame him. Touching her for any reason other than lust would be a mistake. It would encourage her to pursue this ridiculous notion that people who slept together had to enter some sort of deep emotional bond.

  “You’re changing the rules on me,” he said.

  “This isn’t a game, Curt,” Vesta said. “It’s our lives.”

  “It’s sex. Nothing more. If that’s no longer acceptable, then maybe we should stop seeing each other.”

  Vesta’s brow furrowed and she folded her arms beneath her breasts. “Are you serious?”

  “Let him go,” Julian said. His eyes locked with Curt’s and Curt wasn’t sure he liked what he saw. One thing he’d learned about Julian, he didn’t easily let go of something -- or someone -- he wanted.

  Without another word, Curt strode out the door.

  “Curt, wait,” Vesta followed him.

  “Let him go,” Julian repeated more firmly this time.

  Curt felt Vesta’s gaze upon him, but she didn’t pursue him as he left the chamber and strode to his own.

  An odd, empty feeling settled over him. He hadn’t felt like this since…

  No. It was crazy. Vesta and Julian should mean nothing to him, yet somehow they’d infiltrated his heart. For so long he’d been certain he had no heart at all. He’d spent his life trying to become the perfect soldier. Hard. Strong. Unattached to anyone or anything except duty.

  Perhaps life in the Vampire palace had already softened him. Worst of all, he desired that hint of softness. When Vesta and Julian asked him to spend the night in their arms, he’d wanted to.

  In his chamber, he started to undress again to take a shower. Perhaps he’d go for a run first. Physical exertion would drive these silly thoughts from his mind.

  Someone tapped on this door and he knew by scent it was Julian. The younger wolf had a delectable aroma -- wild, sexy, incredibly wolfish.

  Knowing Julian had come after him made him tingle all over, akin to the rush before battle, except without the urge to kill. Instead he had the urge to kiss. This three way love affair had become far more complex than he’d foreseen.

  “Enter,” Curt ordered and Julian stepped inside.

  “I want to talk to you,” Julian said.

  “So I gathered. Well go on. Speak.”

  “What’s your problem?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we made it clear what we want from you, but what do you want from us?”

  “I got what I wanted from you.”


  “Excuse me?” Curt growled.

  “I’m a very good judge of people. My job, sometimes even my life, depends on that. I think you feel more for us than you realize.”

  “I don’t see what --”

  “We’ve tried to know you better, but you’ve avoided our questions. I like you, Curt. I admire and respect you. I know Vesta feels the same. If you let us, we could love you and you might love us, too. But until you let someone in here,” Julian stepped closer and placed a hand over Curt’s heart, “you’ll never know what’s possible. You might call talking unnecessary and cuddling childish, but I call you a fool if you have the chance for love and choose to spend your life alone instead. I know you’re a warrior, but you can still be part of a family.”

  “I was part of a family once,” Curt said. “It got me nothing but --”

  “Pain?” Julian held his gaze. “I know having your pack destroyed when you were a boy probably messed you up. Maybe your foster family didn’t help you with the emotional --”

  “I had no foster family. The Blackwood Pack allowed me to enter their warrior academy as a permanent resident until I was old enough to join the regular army.”

  Sympathy flickered across Julian’s eyes and Curt couldn’t abide it. He walked across the room and stared out the window.

  “That explains a lot,” Julian said. “But just because you’re out of practice doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love again.”

  “How can you call yourself a wolf and stand there talking about love? That’s for Vampires and women.”

  “More bullshit,” Julian scoffed. “Most wolves love very deeply. There’s pack love. Family love. Love for one’s mate… or mates.”

  Curt drew a deep breath and released it slowly. “Thank you for
coming, but my feelings on the matter haven’t changed.”

  Julian nodded. “I understand. If you do change your mind, my door is open.”

  A moment later, the door closed and Curt once again stood alone in his chamber.

  Chapter Seven

  When Julian returned to his room, Vesta couldn’t help feeling disappointed that Curt wasn’t with him.

  “He wouldn’t change his mind?” she asked.

  Julian sighed and shook his head. He undressed and climbed naked into bed. Vesta snuggled close and he held her, caressing her shoulder. “He’s pretty fucked up, Vesta. After his pack was destroyed, he was brought up at the Blackwood Pack’s warrior academy. I know of the place. Some of the best warriors in the wolf community came from there, but it’s not the ideal place to raise pups. At least not without a normal home for them to return to from time to time.”

  “I know he’s the Captain of the Guard, but I can’t help feeling sorry for him.”

  “Me too.” Julian kissed her hair.

  A short time later, Vesta had nearly drifted to sleep when Curt’s scent roused her. “Julian,” she whispered.

  “I know,” he said softy.

  A moment later, Curt tapped on the door.

  “Come in,” Julian said.

  The Captain entered quietly and removed his clothes. He silently walked to the bed. Julian and Vesta slid aside to accommodate him and he lay beside her. After a moment, he turned on his side and draped his arm around her, his hand resting lightly on Julian’s shoulder.

  Smiling, Vesta closed her eyes. She felt safe and content pressed between the warm, hard bodies of her wolves.

  * * *

  A couple of weeks later, Julian walked down the corridor toward his chamber. He ground his teeth in frustration and tried to ignore the nagging headache that had plagued him for the past few days.

  If not for Vesta and Curt, this week would have been almost unbearable. His lovers, when he had the chance to see them, offered comfort and relief from his hectic job. Over the past weeks, their relationship had deepened, especially now that Curt slept with them when his duty permitted it and began sharing more than just sex. The trio often ate together, went on drives and traveled to the coast since they enjoyed spending time on the beach. Unfortunately those pleasant times were scarce now, due to the meetings.


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