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Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance

Page 21

by Beth Abbott

  “Is still asleep most likely. And as long as you don’t scream too loud when you come, yes we can.” Luke interrupted.

  Ellen couldn’t argue any longer.

  The arm that was underneath her, led to a hand that was tormenting her breast. With his other hand, Luke was already cupping her mound, one of his fingers sliding just inside her pussy.

  Ellen was already starting to pant when Luke lifted her leg up and back over his thigh.

  This gave his cock the perfect angle to enter her, and after gliding the head around the moisture seeping from her pussy, he pushed into her slowly, leaving her breathless and trembling with desire.

  “Oh God, Luke, don’t stop!” She begged. “So perfect!”

  “I’ll never stop!” Luke groaned into her hair, the tightness of her pussy compressing his cock and feeling wonderful.

  As he thrust slowly in and out, he murmured into her ear constantly.

  “I can’t believe how perfect you feel, so warm and wet for me baby… Can you feel how much I love you?”

  Ellen could feel her pussy growing wetter, his words and his cock combining to send her higher and higher.

  “Luke!” She begged. “Please?” She had no idea what she was begging for.

  With that, Luke tilted her head back and took her lips in a ferocious kiss, alternating between sucking her lips, and thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

  When he slid his hand back down to her sex and started rubbing her clit in time with his thrusts, her back arched, and she came gloriously around him, soaking his cock, and panting through her release, desperately trying not to cry out.

  Luke thrust a few more times, and just as she felt his cock swell, he pulled out of her and flopping back onto his back, with a few jerks of his hand, he came on his own belly, his come almost reaching his chest with the first few spurts.

  Ellen flopped onto her back, and looked over at him, still coming down from her orgasm.

  “Forgot the condom again?” She smiled at him.

  Luke grinned at her. “Well one of us did, and it wasn’t me this time.”

  “You realise we don’t have an en-suite bathroom here, right?” She giggled, looking down at the mess he’d made.

  “Yeah.” He groaned. “Could I ask you to pass me my t-shirt from yesterday?”

  “I can do better than that!” Ellen smirked, slipping her feet out of bed. She reached into her bag, and when she sat back, she held a pack of baby-wipes in her hand.

  She pulled a few out and passed them to Luke.

  “Thanks,” He grinned at her, cleaning up his mess.

  When he was all nice and fresh, he put the soiled cloths on the bedside table and leaned in to pull Ellen close.

  “Are you Ok with everything that went down yesterday?” He murmured into her hair.

  “What, the part about finding my dad’s replaced me with a brand new family? Or the part about finding that he hasn’t even given a second thought to how I’ve been doing for the last three and a half years?” Ellen sighed.

  Luke tightened his hold.

  “I honestly don’t know how I feel.” She sighed. “Angry? Hurt? Let down? Betrayed? Maybe all of the above?”

  “All of those are legitimate feelings, baby.” Luke kissed her hair. “When we walked in that room last night, and I saw him with Bethan and the kid…” He growled.

  “I knew how much it hurt you and I wanted to punch his bloody lights out!”

  Ellen hugged him tighter.

  “I promised I’d never let anyone hurt you, sweetheart, and already I’ve failed miserably. And there’s not a God-damned thing I can do about it!” Luke sounded so defeated.

  “Hey!” She lifted her face to look at him. “That hurt was coming whether you’d been here or not. It’s my dad’s fault not yours. In fact, everything that’s been shit over the last three and a half years has all been my dad’s fault. The only things you can take credit for are the smiles you’ve given me in the last few weeks. Add to that the laughs, plus the hugs and the kisses, the phenomenal sex and the incredible orgasms!”

  She grinned, as a blush stole up her cheeks.

  “In short, Mr Roberts, you’re responsible for every wonderful thing in my life!” She placed a kiss on his chest. “And I can never thank you enough for that.”

  Luke smiled down at the gorgeous woman lying across his chest.

  “You know you’re making my cock hard again don’t you?” He grinned.

  “Oh, you!” Ellen giggled, slapping his chest.

  Luke caught her hand and lifted her fingers to his lips. He kissed one before nibbling on the next. His eyes never left hers, and the love in his eyes left her breathless.

  “I am so in love with you, Ellen Thomas.” He whispered through the kissing and nibbling, before placing her hand over his heart.

  “I’ve never felt anything like this emotion before. Everything you do, everything you say…. You just amaze me!” Luke smiled again. “You challenge me, you entertain me, and you show me more love than I ever thought I’d see. You know I’m never going to let you go, don’t you?”

  Ellen’s eyes widened.

  “You’re mine now, and I promise, I’ll make you smile every day for the rest of our lives.” Luke smiled at her.

  Ellen reached up to cup his cheeks in her hands.

  “You’re all I want.” She smiled at him, as a tear slipped from the corner of her eye. “All I’ll ever need.”

  She leaned in and they kissed, softly, intimately, forgetting everything else in that moment.

  The tapping on the door had them pulling back.

  Man, could they catch a break?

  “Luke?” JT’s voice came through the door. “We need you downstairs, asap!”

  “Be right there!” Luke replied, grimacing at Ellen.

  She shrugged. “Duty calls, I guess.”

  Chapter 43 - Luke

  When Luke and Ellen descended the stairs a few minutes later, they found Matt, Danny and David by the dining table, with JT on the phone by the window.

  After a few more grunts, JT ended the call, and came over to where they were standing.

  “That was the Hub.” JT said to the men.

  “Our base of operations for any surveillance, tech based or logistical ops we’re working on. It’s about a mile from our main offices.” Luke explained to Ellen, seeing that JT had lost her already.

  “Anyway…” JT wasn’t used to being interrupted. “We’ve had eyes on George for a while now, and everything’s been quiet for the last few days, as you’d expect over Christmas. Well, it seems that Georgie boy got a phone-call early this morning that had him fit to burst. He’s got a car load of his guys together, and they headed out about ninety minutes ago.”

  “Which direction did they go?” Luke asked.

  “They went straight over to the M4 and were headed west. We lost them in roadworks around the Swindon West junction.”

  “Any chance they came off at the Bath junction?” Luke asked, his face full of concern.

  “No, definitely not!” JT reassured him. “I’ve had a van there since Christmas morning with a camera and number plate recognition software on board. They definitely didn’t leave the motorway there.”

  “Do you think they’re headed this way?” David asked.

  “At the moment, that can’t be ruled out.” JT nodded. “I have another van parked on the Welsh side of the Severn Bridge. If George heads into Wales, we’ll know about it within the hour.”

  “So, do we wait?” Ellen asked, her hand sneaking into Luke’s, desperate for his comfort.

  “God, no!” Matt snorted. “We head out as soon as we can stow all our gear away. No point in sitting here waiting for the shit-show to turn up on our doorstep. We’re getting the hell out of Dodge!”

  “Where’s Bethan?” Ellen turned around, realising there was no sign of the woman or her daughter.

  “We talked it through last night.” David said quietly. “She’s taken Katie to
stay with her mother. It’s about twenty-five miles north of Carmarthen, and so remote you can’t even get a mobile or a GPS signal up there, not for the last five miles at least. They’re as safe up there as they can possibly be. Plus, her parent’s house is large and comfortable. Katie loves the ponies they keep.”

  Ellen felt the bile rising in her throat, and tried to swallow it back down.

  “Well, it’s good to see you can manage to look after at least one of your kids.” Matt snarked at him as Danny and Luke nodded.

  David blushed crimson and turned away, wisely keeping his mouth shut.

  Ellen could have hugged them for the support they were showing her.

  “Everyone be ready to leave in five minutes.” JT issued his order, and they all leapt into action.

  Luke and Ellen jogged back up to the bedroom to get their stuff together, while the others packed up their gear and stowed away their sleeping bags.

  When they returned downstairs, the guys were all packed up.

  “We’ll head back towards Swansea and the M4, but rather than follow the motorway where we’ll get picked up on all the traffic cameras, we’ll head up onto the A565 across the Heads of the Valleys road, and make a pit-stop near Hereford. I have a friend there who’s agreed to put us up for a few days.” JT confirmed.

  Even Ellen knew that in military speak, Hereford meant SAS country, as that was where the regiment were based.

  Danny pulled the front door open and he and Matt made their way to the cars, carrying the duffel bags and sleeping bags out.

  Matt opened a box at the back of his Range Rover, and he and Danny strapped on side arms and Kevlar vests, before donning their jackets again.

  JT started doing the same as Luke came out of the house with his and Ellen’s bags.

  “I hope you’ve got one of those in a small size for the lady.” Luke nodded towards the vest, smirking at JT. He glanced back at Ellen as she emerged from the house ahead of her father.

  “I always come prepared for all eventualities.” JT grinned at Luke, holding up a vest that was half the size of the one he was wearing.

  “Matt?” Luke called to his friend. “Is it Ok if David rides with you? Two people to each car?”

  Luke didn’t want David in the car with Ellen. She was upset enough as it was.

  Luckily Matt was of the same mind.

  “Sure, no problem, man. He can stow….”

  Matt didn’t get any further as the first bullet hit the windscreen of JT’s car, the glass exploding into millions of pieces around their heads.

  Luke barely had time to register that the shot must have come from a rifle not a handgun, when more bullets started pinging around them.

  The men instantly hit the deck, Luke swinging around to see that Ellen and David had also hit the floor. Thank God for that!

  “Direction?” JT snapped, as he hid behind his vehicle.

  “I think there are two shooters somewhere along the lane, about a hundred yards out, and a third one seems to be to the south west.” Danny shouted. “He seems a lot closer.”

  “Matt, you get up on higher ground and see if you can take any of them out from a distance. Luke, you and Danny go after the assholes down the lane, and I’ll go for the other guy. On three!” JT made a hand-signal of the three count, and seconds later they all burst into a sprint, each going in a different direction.

  More gunfire erupted around them, mostly automatic from a high powered rifle.

  The occasional sound of a hand gun being fired at random intervals told them their third wannabe assassin was still in the game as well.

  Luke prayed that Ellen and David could make it back into the house, or at least to a place of safety outside. He couldn’t remember if the front door had already been shut or not. If shut, it would probably be too dangerous for one of them to try and stand to get it open again.

  Luke took a big arc through the trees and bushes alongside the lane. He wanted to come at the shooter from behind. As he crept through the low undergrowth, he unstrapped the gun he’d holstered at his hip.

  As soon as the gunman came into sight, he wasted no time. The minute the man stuck his head up and started shooting, Luke got off one shot to the head. Clean kill!

  He looked up to see Matt on top of a garage roof. He gave him the signal to let him know that one would be assassin was now out of action.

  Seconds later, he heard the sound of a high calibre rifle firing a single bullet. He thought he saw a flash from Matt’s gun, but it was too far to be sure.

  “Sodding wanker!” He heard Danny complain. “Like he hasn’t got enough kills already, the asshole has to bag mine as well!”

  Danny stepped out into the lane.

  “I guess we’re down to just the one cock-sucker left!”

  Another shot rang out close to the house, followed by two more in quick succession.

  Luke and Danny started running back to the house, their guns held out, scanning the vicinity for further threats.

  JT stepped out from behind a storage shed.

  “Threat neutralized.” He reported, formally.

  Danny nodded. “Yeah, two assholes neutralised in the lane too!” He grinned.

  Luke looked around.

  “Ellen, it’s Ok, honey. You can come out now.” He called.


  “Ellen?” Luke shouted louder. “David?”

  “Did they get back inside the house?” JT asked.

  “No, the door was shut.” Matt confirmed.

  Luke was walking toward the house now.

  “Ellen? David?” He shouted, hardly hearing the noise over the sound of his own heart hammering in his chest.

  As he went through the gate, he thought he heard a sound from the side of the house, so he picked up speed to get around the corner as quickly as possible.

  When he did, he slid to a stop, Matt and JT smacking into the back of him in surprise.

  Sitting on the path, his back leaning against the wall was David, his eyes staring at them, the horror of the scene masked in his face. His right hand was at his neck, trying to stem the flow of blood through his fingers. More blood seeped through his right trouser leg and pooled on the floor beneath him.

  Luke barely spared him a glance!

  Because lying on the ground next to him with her head lolling in her father’s lap was Ellen, a bullet hole clearly visible in her temple, and another wound, pouring with blood at her shoulder.

  Luke staggered forward wanting to get to her, but dreading that he’d find her dead when he did.

  He fell to his knees as he reached her, gently taking her hand in his as he stared at her motionless form.

  JT had gone into ‘Action Jackson’ mode, and was checking for a pulse, as well as looking at David’s wounded neck at the same time.

  “I’ve got a pulse!” He declared. “Faint, but there. Matt, help David keep pressure on that neck. We don’t want him bleeding out on us.”

  “Danny, we need ambulances and cops! See if they have a helicopter they can dispatch.”

  Danny waved his phone at his CO. “Already on it!”

  At the sound of JT’s declaration that Ellen was still alive, Luke scooted forward.

  He scooped Ellen up and sat with her on his lap, his arms wrapped around her tightly.

  “It’s Ok, baby, I’m here now!” He whispered into her hair. “We’re gonna get you to hospital and they’re gonna take really good care of you.” He sniffed.

  “Do you hear me now? You’re gonna be just fine.” He squeezed her again.

  “And when you’re out of hospital you’re gonna come and live with me, and I’m gonna get you fit and well, baby. Ok? And you know what else? I’m gonna marry you!” He declared, oblivious to the tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “Yep, you hear that? You’re gonna be Ellen Roberts before the year is out!” He kissed her face, not realising that the wetness there was actually his own tears.

  “And you wanna know what else?” He
asked her, his voice getting louder. “We’re gonna have six kids! Yep, none of this two point two kids and a bloody dog nonsense. Nuh-uh! Well, you can have a dog if you like, honey. A big German Sheppard, or maybe a Doberman? I’ll let you choose. But we’re definitely having six kids! No arguments, Ok?”

  JT, Matt and Danny sat in silence watching their friend talk to Ellen’s still form, never stopping the one-sided conversation as he told her about all the plans he had for the two of them.

  None of them made any attempt to brush away the tears they shed, and nobody moved a muscle until they finally heard the sirens of the police cars and the ambulances.

  Chapter 44 - Luke

  When the ambulances arrived on the scene, there was no hesitation by the paramedics.

  One team moved straight to David, and the other started working immediately on Ellen.

  It took JT and Matt together to pry Ellen from Luke’s arms, the sound of his sobs, cutting through the other soldiers like a knife.

  “Come on, man.” JT wrapped his arms around Luke’s shoulder. “They need to be able to fix her.”

  Luke took a half step back, but his eyes never left Ellen, as he watched every move the paramedics made.

  Danny stayed back with the police, giving them the short and ugly version of what had gone down.

  The cops were trying to act professionally, but you could tell it wasn’t an everyday occurrence to have ‘Gunfight at the Ok Corral’ in the middle of their patch.

  When the detectives arrived, the atmosphere changed, and there seemed to be someone in charge to speak to.

  David was loaded into the ambulance first, as they were still working on stabilising Ellen. Matt was allowed to travel with him, although to his chagrin, the police disarmed him first.

  When they loaded Ellen onto the second ambulance, Luke climbed in with her.

  “I’ll get this handled, and we’ll see you at the hospital in a few.” JT told Luke, who nodded in acknowledgement. “Stay strong, buddy!”

  The door closed, and Luke was shut inside with Ellen and the paramedic, who whilst he kept one eye firmly on his patient, did his best to allow Luke some privacy.


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