The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series Page 5

by Bryce Evans

  Peter finally understood what Adrianna was trying to teach him. He looked up at Adrianna with shame on his face. Peter looked around the room seeing his Alpha staring back at him. He knew then that he had screwed up and in front of his Alpha too. Adrianna took hold of Peter’s arm and jerked it very quick before Peter understood what she was doing. He screamed out because it hurt just as bad popping it back in as it did coming out.

  Adrianna stood up and held her hand down so she could pull Peter up. Peter felt like a heel, but he offered his hand to Adrianna. She pulled him up and told him to get back in line and go through the role-playing again. Peter was relieved she hadn’t dropped him from the class. He just hoped his Alpha would allow him to redeem himself. That was what everyone loved about Adrianna. She didn’t make them feel stupid or embarrass them when they messed up in her class. Adrianna didn’t have an ego problem. She left her pride at the door and continued to teach her students.

  Adrianna never looked back. She knew Cade and Samson were watching her. She didn’t want to face them yet, so she walked over and gave instructions to her Protectors then slipped out the back door to hide from her mates.

  Chapter Six

  The Supreme Alpha’s staff was preparing to leave for Ashland. Supreme Alpha Afton Mackenzie was giving orders to his staff about the move, while arranging the move with Mace. During the past two days, Adrianna had been busy getting the Protectors ready for the journey. Plus, she was still trying to avoid Cade and Samson.

  Mace had a building that needed some work done, but he felt it would be the perfect place for Afton to move in to. The building was an old hotel that had been for sale, but never restored or updated. Mace’s cousin, Jamenson McDonald, would be restoring the old hotel getting it ready for the Alpha and his staff.

  Jamenson hired on other construction workers from Cade Maxwell’s pack in order to get the hotel ready in time. Jamenson knew the Supreme Alpha and his staff would be arriving in a few days. They had a lot of work to do to finish the renovations.

  Mace would not leave until Adrianna left. He didn’t want her to be left behind without him. He didn’t want her to be lonely. He had felt the added pressure she was feeling with everybody looking at her as the Trinity. Word had already spread through the packs the one had been found and it was Adrianna. Plus, he knew she needed him since Cade and Samson wouldn’t leave until Adrianna left.

  Mace knew Adrianna wanted to accept both Cade and Samson but she was fighting it. The mating pull would only get worse until she finally consummated their mating. Mace stayed close to her in case he needed to separate the two idiots again. Mace knew Cade was very experienced in sex and guessed that Samson was too, but Adrianna was an innocent and he didn’t want them ganging up on her. Mace sat back, watched to see if they would work together and try to capture her heart instead of pressuring her for just sex.

  Cade knew he should return home, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He knew he couldn’t leave Adrianna. His parents talked to him and advised him that if he felt the mating pull, then he would eventually go mad if he stayed away from his mate too long. Cade couldn’t see any other choice in the matter. He had to mate with Adrianna. He knew she was young and inexperienced but he could teach her what she didn’t know. He just needed to make her understand that he was her mate. Cade knew he had his work cut out for him. Plus, he had to worry about the damn Vampire.

  The next morning, Cade found Adrianna sitting outside writing down notes about things she needed to accomplish before she left for Ashland. Cade sat across from Adrianna, waiting for her to acknowledge him.

  Adrianna looked up at Cade but never smiled. Cade smiled at Adrianna then asked, “Is it really that bad to look at me?”

  Adrianna couldn’t help but smile, “No Cade, you’re not that bad to look at.”

  Cade laughed which made Adrianna laugh too. “I’m sorry Adrianna, I can’t help the mate thing, but I’m not sorry that I found you either. We wait our whole life for our mate. I know this has been a bad week to find this out, but remember I will always be by your side when anything bad or good happens. That is what being a mate is for. I won’t push you, but I do ask for you to give us a chance.”

  Cade stood up while talking, moving closer to Adrianna. He sat down next to her then asked, “If you permit me, I would like to have dinner with you tonight, just you and me.”

  Adrianna felt her skin getting warmer. Her body ached for him. She could feel it all over her body. She wanted Cade Maxwell and she always had. Adrianna looked at Cade then said, “I guess that would be okay.”

  “Until then.” Cade slowly leaned over and brushed his lips over Adrianna’s lips. “So soft,” Cade murmured. Cade got up and left before he jerked her up, kissed her hard and then threw her up against a wall and fucked her.

  A shudder went through Adrianna when Cade kissed her. The frustration was starting to make her feel desperate. She had heard about the mating pull and how it would make the person sexually frustrated until they finally consummated the relationship. It wasn’t unheard of that shifters had two mates, but Adrianna was nervous because she knew she wanted them both. Adrianna had never had sex before, but she knew Cade and Samson were experienced. She wasn’t stupid, the way they looked, they were gorgeous, and she had watched women fall all over Cade when she was younger. She didn’t know Samson, but he was so good-looking and sophisticated. He had muscles that went on forever. He was absolutely gorgeous. Adrianna knew she wanted more than just sex in the relationship. Adrianna wanted love. She knew Cade and Samson would never love her, but she craved it. Adrianna had read so many romantic novels where they started the relationship with sex, but love soon followed. They made it sound so easy. Adrianna knew that nothing about her mates would be easy. She was a romantic at heart, which in her line of business was not a great tool to have.

  Adrianna was walking to her door when she noticed Samson leaning against the wall waiting for her. When she approached, Samson stood up straight and stared at her.

  “Hello,” Samson said as he was looking into her eyes.

  “Hey, how are you?” Adrianna replied.

  “I’m fine thanks. I know we haven’t had a lot of time to talk since the meeting, but I want to remedy that.” Adrianna and Samson stood in the hallway looking at each other. “Adrianna, I don’t know how you feel, but you know…ah, that you’re my mate right?”

  Crimson flooded her face and neck. Adrianna looked down at the floor not knowing how to reply. She knew he was her mate, but she felt so shy around him. Mentally she gave herself a little shake, and then answered. “I know I feel something when you are around me, but… I just don’t know….” What was it about him that made her so crazy? Adrianna kept asking herself what it was she was feeling. Should she act on these feelings? Better yet, did she have the nerve to act on these feelings? What are you doing talking to yourself? Adrianna scolded herself.

  “Look, I understand, with everything that has happened and what I’ve learned is a lot to take in. I can understand if you wanted to just run away.” Samson couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. Is this the man who wants a mate? Samson asked himself. He braced himself for her reaction. Is she going to run now?

  “But Adrianna, you are my mate and it’s hard to be away from you and not want to kiss you all the time. I know you are scared. I know Cade is saying he is your mate too. There is nothing wrong with the way you feel about me. You do feel something for me, right?”

  Adrianna looked up at Samson and smiled. “Yes Samson, I do, but… I’m not like the women you have already been with. I…”

  “Don’t say anything else, I understand and you are right Adrianna, you are nothing like any of those women.” Adrianna started to get angry when Samson said that. Samson knew she was going to say something and it wasn’t going to be good. He leaned over and put his finger over her lips silencing her. “You, Adrianna, are special. You are beautiful, those other women can’t compare to you.”

Adrianna looked up in surprise at Samson. Just the way he said the word special was enough to make Adrianna smile and jump into his arms. Adrianna kissed Samson with so much hunger that Samson didn’t have time to react. Samson finally opened his mouth, pushing his tongue into hers, challenging her. The sexual tension that had been growing between them snapped.

  Samson pulled Adrianna up against his body, feeling her breasts push against his chest. He pushed her shirt and bra down exposing her breasts, rubbing on the nipples, and then pinching them, making the nubs get hard and elongate. Then he bent down and pulled her right nipple into his mouth. Adrianna couldn’t keep the moan from escaping her mouth. She wiggled, trying to press her breast further into his mouth. She felt Samson smile and then release her breast popping it from his mouth. Samson slowly kissed his way back up to slip his tongue back into her mouth.

  It feels so exotic, she thought. Her insides felt like they were coming apart. She felt one of his hands sliding inside her pants, moving toward the apex of her thighs. Her moan fueled him to continue as his hand dipped underneath her panties. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. Adrianna became breathless and couldn’t utter one word to stop him. Her heart pounded so hard and her pulse had gone crazy. She had never felt this wanton before. Without hesitation, Samson pushed one finger inside her. Adrianna gasped. He withdrew it then pushed two fingers inside her. Adrianna’s juices were flowing down her leg.

  “You are very wet, Adrianna. Just for me. You are mine.”

  Samson pulled Adrianna’s hair back, looking down into her eyes. “I’m a very dominate man Adrianna, and I can give you pleasure like you’ve never experienced. I will have you. Tell me you are mine. Tell me, Adrianna.”

  Adrianna couldn’t think from the pleasure she was getting from Samson’s relentless fingers.

  Teasing her with his fingers and mouth, Adrianna threw her head back feeling the orgasm skirting through her body. Samson looked down at her with his blazing eyes, staring hungrily into her. “Keep your eyes open Adrianna, I want to watch you come.” His breathing was ragged, looking down at her knowing that at this moment he possessed her.

  Adrianna had never had an orgasm with a man before. It felt so good. She couldn’t stop him.

  “Tell me Adrianna, that you are mine,” Samson demanded.

  He fisted her hair, squeezing with enough pressure until she whispered, “Yours, I’m yours, Samson.”

  “Then let go, Adrianna. Come for me.”

  Adrianna climaxed so fast that her legs gave out. Samson held Adrianna closer to his body keeping her up. Her head dropped to his chest dragging in precious air. She had lost control. She felt mortified. Her mind was racing so fast that she had to get away from him.

  Adrianna jerked from Samson then leaned against the wall, needing that separation from him. Samson looked at her, then put the two fingers he had in her pussy into his mouth, sucking them clean. Adrianna couldn’t look away; it was the most erotic act she had ever seen. Adrianna had only read about this kind of stuff.

  When Samson was done sucking his fingers, he looked at her and smiled. “You taste like apples and cream. I can’t get enough of you.”

  Adrianna felt like a whore. She wanted Samson to do that to her. What had she done? What would people say if they knew? Adrianna glanced up at Samson with remorse in her eyes. No man had ever affected her that way.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I mean, we hardly know each other and I doubt that I will please you enough like you’re used to.”

  “Stop Adrianna, I won’t have you putting yourself down for lack of experience. You are nothing like other women. Your lack of experience is a breath of fresh air. You are my mate, I will teach you what you don’t know, and we can experience all of it together. But I’m a very dominant man, Adrianna. I don’t know if I can share you with Cade. I want you all to myself. Thinking of someone else touching you does not sit well with me.”

  Adrianna looked up at Samson confused because she thought that she had to have two mates.

  “Adrianna, what’s wrong?” Samson demanded.

  “I need to get out of here. I’ve got stuff I need to finish.” Adrianna ran down the hallway without saying another word. She didn’t know how she was supposed to choose between Cade and Samson. All she kept thinking of; was if she chose one over the other, then the loser wouldn’t have a mate for the rest of their life. Adrianna whispered to herself, “I can’t do that to them. Oh please, please don’t make me choose.”

  Adrianna ran into Damen coming out of his room. “Hey, where’s the fire, beautiful?”

  Adrianna looked up at Damen with tears in her eyes. “Damen, I can’t choose. I can’t do that to them. Why? Why did this happen to me?”

  Damen immediately opened the door to his room, took Adrianna in, and sat her on his bed. “Sit!” Damen grabbed a bottle of water opening the top and handing her the water, telling her to drink. Adrianna’s breathing slowed down, giving her a moment to think. “Now tell me what’s wrong and don’t leave any of the gory details out.”

  Adrianna looked up at Damen who was smiling. This was why she loved Damen; he could always make her laugh. Adrianna smiled, and then started telling Damen about the conversation she heard Cade and Samson having at her door about choosing one of them and the other one bowing out.

  “You little minx. Now you are listening to people’s conversations.” Damen teased Adrianna. Then she went into too much detail about her and Samson’s hallway make out session. Damen shouted, “Okay, enough of that, I don’t need to hear any more about my cousin having her first orgasm with one of her mates.”

  Adrianna finally realized that Damen had his fingers in his ears and was scrunching his eyes trying not to hear what she was saying.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Damen, I don’t have any female friends to tell this to, except Selena, and I just can’t tell her. I would be too embarrassed. Look I need help, please Damen, help me.”

  Damen looked at Adrianna’s serious face and knew he had to help her even if it made him uncomfortable.

  Damen also knew that if Mace found out, he would kill Samson for touching his sister. “Okay, listen Adrianna, there is nothing wrong with what you did with Samson. First, he is your mate. Second, you are not to choose between them. The fates have chosen you to have two mates, not to say, hey let’s make a deal and you choose what’s behind door number three. Third, you stand your ground, meet with each of them, and tell them it is all or nothing. If they want you as a mate then they will share you. There will not be any fighting with each other over who is the best mate for you. If they both can agree to this, then you will try to work this out. So decide now.”

  Adrianna looked up at Damen with her mouth open.

  “What?” Damen asked.

  “I can’t do that, what if they both say no?”

  Damen could see the tension in Adrianna as she spoke. She was so innocent in the field of love and sex, but give her a sword and tell her to defend the Supreme Alpha or others and she would kill you and knew exactly how to do it without putting any thought into it. Adrianna was an innocent when dealing with a mate.

  “Adrianna, if they say that, then they are not meant for you. The fates are wrong if that happens. I promise you, if you say it like that and mean it, then it will work out. They will work it out between themselves. And the sex part, my dear cousin, that is gross to me and I can’t help you there. That sounds like a job for a female to ask about. It’s time, Adrianna, to start having friends and living your life. You have missed so much. You are a great person, a great friend if you open yourself up and allow that to happen. I love you cuzz, and I will always be here for you. Be strong and do this. It will work, I promise.”

  Adrianna blew out the breath she was holding. She looked up at Damen and said, “Well, if it doesn’t, then I am coming back here and beating the shit out of you.” They both sat there and laughed until Adrianna felt she was okay to return to her room.

  Adrianna sat on
her bed after returning from Damen’s room. She was thinking about what to do. A knock sounded on her door, she could smell that it was Mace before she opened the door.

  “Hey kiddo, ready to go eat dinner?”

  “Sorry Mace, but I’ve already got dinner plans.”

  “With who?” He asked.

  “Well if you have to know, it’s with Cade.”

  With a groan, Mace dropped his head against the wall. Blowing out a breath, Mace titled his head and addressed Adrianna, “Look Sissy, just take this slow, okay?”

  Adrianna’s face turned red as she ground her back teeth together. “Bubba, I am not a child anymore. I know what I’m doing. You have to stop that and trust me sometimes. Come on, this is difficult for me, ya know.”

  “I know baby girl, but Cade is very experienced and …” before Mace could finish his sentence, Adrianna yelled.

  “What are you saying Mace, I can’t handle myself with Cade? The big, bad Alpha, who has women falling at his feet and has screwed everything from here to Timbuktu?”

  Mace smiled. “No, I’m not saying that, but Cade has had a lot of other women.”

  “Mace, you’re my brother, so stop talking about my sex life or lack of. I am not a child anymore.”

  “I love you, Adrianna, but take it slow okay, that’s all I’m asking.”

  “Sure Bubba, I don’t know how I feel, how mating with two men is going to go, but I’ll take it slow.”

  Mace reached up and hugged Adrianna. “I know life has fed you a bunch of crap, but I know you are strong. If you need me, then I will be there. Since you are moving home, I know life will be better.”

  Adrianna knew life was only going to get harder, but she had a job to do. It was time for her to start growing up and taking charge of her own life. Adrianna wrote out two notes, saying the same thing and had both delivered to Cade and Samson’s rooms.

  Adrianna couldn’t find anything to wear. Most of her clothes lay on the bed. Adrianna sighed. She never put this much thought into picking out a simple outfit. Adrianna wanted to impress her mates. She wanted them to want her as much as she wanted them. Adrianna chose a yellow sundress that showed off her awesome figure. She wore her hair down. Adrianna had beautiful hair, but people rarely had the chance to see it down. She always wore it in a ponytail for work purposes.


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