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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

Page 15

by Bryce Evans

  Replacing his fingers with his cock, Cade thrust into Adrianna.

  “Yes,” she hissed as Cade entered her to the hilt in one powerful thrust.

  Samson and Cade slid in and out of her, working together to bring them to climax. Adrianna felt as if she was going to pass out. The feeling was indescribable.

  “I’m coming!” Adrianna yelled.

  Samson grabbed Adrianna by the hair, looking into her eyes, “Then let it go my love, come for us.”

  That comment was all Adrianna needed to hear. She exploded with the biggest orgasm of her life. She saw the pulse beating in Samson’s neck and grabbed him closer, sinking her fangs into him, drinking his blood. Samson gasped as he climaxed so hard he lost consciousness for a few seconds.

  Cade’s climax broke free, sending his fangs into Adrianna’s neck, drawing her blood inside his mouth. Smaller orgasms followed, sending Adrianna falling onto Samson, passing out.

  Adrianna awoke later tangled between her mates. Samson had his legs draped between her legs and Cade had her head on his shoulder. Adrianna felt at peace for the first time in a couple of weeks. She loved her mates and they loved her. They showed her how much several times last night.

  Adrianna looked around and saw the light starting to peek through the window. It had to be around five thirty in the morning. Adrianna had to go to the bathroom, but she didn’t want to wake her mates up. She pushed and pulled enough to get out from between them, then looked back at them sleeping. They were beautiful creatures and she loved them both, so much it made her heart ache. She never thought she would love someone, much less two people so much. Adrianna went into the bathroom and closed the door so she wouldn’t wake her mates. She showered and finished in record time. As she reentered the bedroom and walked across to leave the room she looked back at her mates, hoped she hadn’t wakened them before she could make them breakfast. She wanted to surprise them this morning with a homemade breakfast.

  Cade woke up smelling bacon in the air. He looked over and saw Samson was still sleeping. He knew it had to be Adrianna cooking breakfast. He got in the shower quickly, wanting to spend some alone time with his mate before Samson woke up. Cade stood in the shower thinking about what had taken place the past couple of days. He felt like something was off with Selena but he couldn’t put his finger on it yet. All he knew was that he was in love with his mate and he knew they would handle what came at them as long as they were together.

  Cade walked into the kitchen, smiling when he saw his mate cooking eggs on the stove. She had a look on her face that said she was deep in thought. Cade didn’t want to disturb her, so he went and sat down on the barstool in front of her. When she turned back around she jumped not hearing him walk in.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you. It smells good. Can I help you finish up?” Cade asked smiling at her.

  “Nope. You need to sit right there on that bar stool so I can finish what I’ve started, then we can eat. All I lack is these eggs and I’m finished,” Adrianna said as she looked up at Cade’s wolfish grin.

  “What are you staring at, Smiley?” Adrianna asked as she giggled at Cade.

  “Just looking at my beautiful mate, wanting to strip her down and have my way with her on this bar. It looks sturdy enough. What do you think?” Cade asked as he got up walking toward her.

  “You stop right there, mister. I’ve worked hard on this breakfast and I plan to see you eat every bit,” Adrianna said as she started backing up from Cade, laughing.

  “Oh, I plan on eating, except I will be eating it off you,” Cade said now stalking his prey.

  Before Cade could reach Adrianna, the front door opened with Percy and the other Protectors and Guards walking in. “Oh excuse us. We were coming in to eat. Sorry Alpha, we thought it was ready. We can come back later,” Percy stated as he started turning the others away, heading back outside.

  “No. Its okay, Percy. It’s ready. Cade can wait until later,” Adrianna calmly said as she grinned at Cade.

  Cade looked at Adrianna and frowned. He grabbed her, whispering in her ear, “You just wait, mate. Later will be here soon and you will be screaming my name.”

  Adrianna looked up into her mate’s lusting eyes, loving how Cade could be the jokester one minute, then sexy the next. She loved him and his different personalities.

  Cade looked over at Percy, one of his Protectors and frowned. Percy knew they came in at the wrong time. The way it looked, Cade was about to take his mate on the kitchen counter.

  Percy looked at Cade and mouthed, “Sorry.”

  Samson walked in smiling, trying to locate his mate. He walked over to Adrianna and pulled her toward him, placing a passionate kiss on her lips. Nobody thought anything of showing affection toward a mate. They continued to eat, talking among themselves. Everybody sat down at the big table for the first time, enjoying their first meal as a family and they were a family. Cade’s Protectors and Samson’s Guards were now her family too. She loved the feeling of family. She missed that. It was different when she was with Afton and Selena. They tried, but something was always missing.

  Mace walked in with Jacob, carrying all kinds of sweets with him. They sat down at the table and started eating. She looked around the table smiling, when she looked at her mates she started crying.

  “What’s wrong, my love?” Samson asked with concern in his eyes.

  “Nothing is wrong for the first time in a long time. It feels like home and finally a family I can call my own.” Adrianna smiled at everyone sitting at the table and they smiled back at her.

  Once breakfast was done, the Protectors and Guards went back outside to resume their detail. Mace sat at the table with Adrianna and her mates. Mace advised them that everybody was ready with the plan and described in detail how Selena had left the hotel to go into the next town. She had informed Afton that she needed some more clothes and they had a bigger department store there.

  “Okay, so we go with taking her down on her way back into town. Who do we have following her?” Samson asked.

  “Damen is following her. He knows what he’s doing and he is part of the inner circle,” Mace said.

  “Let’s get everybody into position because we may only have one chance at this,” Cade said as he started getting up from the table. Everybody got up, getting ready to leave. Jacob sat silently at the table watching Adrianna.

  “What’s wrong, Jacob?” Adrianna asked putting her hand on his shoulder in concern.

  “I don’t know. I just feel like something is going to happen to you and I feel like we are family. I know I’m not your real family, but if you had mine, you would want another one too. I don’t want to lose you,” Jacob said looking down at the table.

  “Oh, Jacob. You are my family, silly boy.” Adrianna grabbed Jacob and hugged him tightly to her. She could hear Jacob’s heart pounding in his chest. Jacob hugged Adrianna back, finally feeling like part of a family. “I will be fine, Jacob. I need you to stay here with your computer in case I call and need you to look something up for me. You are a big part of the team, Jacob, and nobody is as good as you are at this. Think you can handle it?”

  Jacob looked up at Adrianna and smiled. “Yeah, I can handle it. I’ll be waiting for your call.” Adrianna moved toward her bedroom when Jacob stood up. “Adrianna? Be careful. Something is off and I don’t know what it is, but my wolf is restless.”

  “I will, Jacob,” Adrianna said as she disappeared into her bedroom.

  Adrianna and her mates were sitting at an old shack outside of town. This was the place Mace and the others would try to take Selena down, giving Adrianna enough time to cast the spell holding Selena until the Twister’s Council could put her in a magical cell. Adrianna hoped she would be able to bind Selena. She was a strong witch and vampire. Mace had purchased some walkie-talkies to help communicate with each other instead of using their cell phones all the time.

  The radio came on with a little bit of static when Damen’s voice came ov
er the radio informing the group that Selena was walking out of the department store with a couple of bags in her hand. Then Damen said that another black van pulled up, blocking his path. He advised the team to stand by; he was trying to move to see past the van. Damen came over the radio saying the van was leaving and Selena was gone. Mace instructed him to get closer to see where she went.

  Damen came back over the radio. “Hey, I think we have a problem. Selena’s keys and bags are lying on the ground beside her car.”

  Adrianna looked at Cade and Samson with shock in her voice. “Something is wrong. Tell Damen to go and search for the van. Somebody took Selena. Leave somebody behind in case she comes back.” Samson relayed the information to Damen.

  “Already on it, boss,” Damen said over the radio.

  Cade and Samson didn’t want to show how concerned they were and possibly that they were wrong about Selena. They got out of the truck as if they needed to stretch their legs. Adrianna sat in the truck, grasping her head in her hands, looking down at the floor. Adrianna kept whispering to herself, “Please let her be okay. Please, please.”

  Samson came around to the door when he heard the radio go off again. “We can’t find the van and nobody has come back to Selena’s car,” Damen repeated in the radio.

  Samson instructed Damen and the team to get Selena’s car and bring it back to the hotel. They would need to tell the Supreme Alpha that his mate had been taken or did she go of her own free will? Nobody was looking forward to this conversation because then they’d have to tell Afton their theory.

  “It’s my responsibility to tell my father.” Samson and Cade turned to look at Adrianna. That was the first time they’d ever heard her call the Supreme Alpha her father.

  “Baby, we will be with you when we talk to the Alpha. Remember, one for all and all for one,” Samson said smiling.

  Adrianna laughed at Samson trying to get that saying right, and then she dragged in a deep breath, praying that Selena was safe. She tried her cell phone but Damen answered it, having found it in her car. They all sat in silence as they drove to the hotel to meet with the Supreme Alpha. Mace informed them he would be there to be part of the meeting.

  They all arrived at the hotel with Mace standing outside waiting for the others to arrive. He told Percy to wait on Damen and Declan to arrive with Selena’s car. He instructed Percy to tell Damen to stop anybody from touching the car so Adrianna could try a spell to see if anybody touched it beside Selena.

  Adrianna knocked on the Supreme Alpha’s door. Afton came to the door opening it, smiling at Adrianna. “Hey sweetheart, I’ve missed seeing you every day.” He hugged Adrianna, looking over her shoulder seeing Cade, Samson, and Mace behind her. “Where’s the funeral, boys?”

  Mace spoke first, “Sir, we need to speak with you in private.”

  “Well, it must be important for all of you to come. Has something happened?” Afton asked as he went to his desk sitting on the edge.

  Adrianna bowed her head in respect to the Supreme Alpha. “Sir, we need to first tell you something. I know you are going to be pissed off, but we all came to this conclusion. I will take full responsibility for this.”

  Adrianna started telling Afton their theory about Selena. As she continued to talk, they could see Afton getting angry. By the time she got to the part where Selena was taken, he was livid.

  Afton yelled, “My mate has been taken?!”

  Then he slammed his fist onto the desk, breaking it in two pieces. All the contents on the desk fell to the floor. Adrianna continued to stand in front of her Alpha with her eyes pointed down to the ground. Samson and Cade immediately came to her side, trying to pull her behind them.

  Samson pulled Adrianna away from the Supreme Alpha. “Alpha, it wasn’t Adrianna’s idea, it was mine. I was the first one to put this together. Adrianna didn’t want to believe it.”

  Afton moved away from the group, shaking with rage. “First of all, I asked Selena to take down notes about each of you and about Ashland. I wanted to know all our weaknesses to see how we could better prepare ourselves. Second, Selena would never betray you or me for that matter. A mate would know that. They wouldn’t be able to keep it secret from each other. Third, how could you betray Selena and me? If you had these feelings, we could’ve cleared up everything including, about the cape. That cape is something they give you when you graduate from the Twister’s Academy. She’s had it for years. When we moved here, it had been packed up for over twenty years. I found it in one of the old boxes and showed it to her. If you would have looked further Samson, it has a big hole in the back of it where rats had gotten into the box. She didn’t want to throw it out, so she placed it in her car, hoping she could get someone to fix it. It held sentimental value for her. You betrayed me by not coming to me first. I thought we were family. I can’t trust any of you now.” Afton looked at Adrianna with deep sadness in his eyes then asked, “My mate, where is she. Who took her?”

  Mace spoke, walking toward Afton, “We don’t know, Alpha. A black van pulled up beside her when she came out of the store. Then the van backed out and disappeared down the road. Her bags were left on the ground along with her keys.”

  “Did you find her cell phone?” Afton asked.

  “Yes sir, she had left it in the car,” Samson calmly stated.

  Adrianna walked over to the window looking out. “I’m sorry Dad, this is my fault.” Afton turned to look at his daughter. This was the first time he ever heard her call him Dad. “They want me, not Selena. She is still alive, I can feel that. I will get her back.”

  Adrianna turned and walked out of the office. She walked outside and met with Damen and Declan. She instructed Damen to keep everybody back from her while she cast the spell.

  “Don’t let anybody touch me Damen, until the spell is over. It will hurt them if they touch me. Do you understand?” Damen nodded yes. Then she went over to the car and before she started the spell, she looked over her shoulder. “That includes my mates, Damen. You and Declan will have to restrain them when they see me.”

  Before Damen or Declan could ask what would happen to her. Adrianna walked to the driver’s side door and started chanting. The wind started blowing as she chanted. Then she put her hands on the car closing her eyes. The Supreme Alpha, Mace, and her mates came out the front door. Damen instructed the Protectors and Guards to hold their Alphas back if they tried to get to Adrianna.

  As Adrianna chanted, the wind started blowing harder. Adrianna’s nose started bleeding, as she got further into the spell. The pain was evident on her face as she struggled to continue the spell.

  Samson and Cade cried out, “Adrianna, no!”

  They started running to help their mate when Damen, Declan, and the Protectors physically restrained their Alphas. Damen yelled at them, trying to make them understand Adrianna said that if they touched her while she was casting the spell, it could kill them. Adrianna continued the spell with lighting striking in the sky and thunder rolling, making Adrianna appear distorted. Adrianna screamed, and then lifted her hands in the sky with lighting hitting her, bouncing her away from the car. Everybody ran toward Adrianna lying on the ground passed out. Her face had blood on it from where her nose had been bleeding. Samson and Cade got to her first, trying to hold her to them, pleading for her to wake up.

  Afton’s heart ached looking down at his daughter’s lifeless body. They moved her into the hotel, laying her on Afton and Selena’s bed. Cade was wiping Adrianna’s face with a wet washcloth, telling her it was time to wake up. Samson was sitting beside her when he jumped up and ran outside. He went to Selena’s car pulling the first aid kit he had put back in the car. He ran back inside, opening up the kit finding the small bottle and placing it under her nose. Adrianna jumped up, dropping her fangs down, backing up the bed looking for danger.

  “Thank God,” Afton said as he came closer to the bed.

  Adrianna’s mates calmly spoke to her, telling her that she was okay; nothing was in the r
oom with them. Adrianna calmed down, looking around, remembering what had happened. She sat up shaking her head, trying to clear it. Mace came closer to the bed sitting next to Adrianna, trying not to show how worried he was about her. He knew she needed his strength now. Tension flowed off her mates wanting to spank her butt for using a spell that could have killed her. They both grabbed her, hugging her, smelling her scent, needing it to calm down.

  Damen asked the question everybody wanted to know, “Adrianna, did you see anything?”

  Adrianna looked up then closed her eyes, trying to remember what she had seen. “I saw Selena tied up with rope, but the rope glowed. She was being held by magic. She was knocked out and in some type of building. I couldn’t see anything else except one person.”

  Adrianna looked at Mace. “I saw Dalley Cord sitting across from Selena. She was waiting for her to wake up. That was all I saw before I woke up.”

  Mace stood up, “Dalley Cord. The bitch is in prison. You had to be mistaken, Adrianna.”

  “No Mace, I know what she looks like. She had the same expression on her face; it was the same way as she used to look at me.”

  Afton went over to the phone, calling a number waiting for someone to pick up. “Felix, this is Afton. I’m sorry old friend; this isn’t a check up call. My mate has been kidnapped and Adrianna saw Dalley Cord in a spell, she had her. Yes, I know she is supposed to be in prison. Thank you, get back with me.” Afton hung the phone up. “He is going to check, but she is supposed to be in prison.”

  “We need to put the pack on lockdown, Mace. We can’t take the chance of anybody else being taken. Can you start the first phase of the plan?” Afton instructed Mace.

  Mace looked at Afton then told him they changed the plan because they thought that Selena was a bad guy. Afton turned around, not knowing where to put the rage he was feeling. “I will take care of it, Alpha.” Afton just nodded as he went to sit at a small table.

  Adrianna couldn’t stand that they had brought on this sadness to the Alpha. She moved off the bed and went to stand in front of him. He had placed in his head in his hands so Adrianna bent down to her knees and placed her head in his lap.


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