The Alpha King

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The Alpha King Page 12

by Victoria Sue

  He smiled absently at the guards stationed outside. He nearly asked them if they had seen Kit but him losing his mate would be too embarrassing. He ran a few steps and leapt into the air, landing on all fours shaking his coat out and inhaling quickly. He smelled Kit nearly straight away and cocked his head on one side. Kit seemed to have gone towards the cottages of the licensed humans. He crept silently through the woods, following Kit’s scent, and made sure to stay away from the humans who were up and about. The humans were used to seeing the wolves, but Luca’s pure white Alpha-marked wolf was very distinctive, and he didn’t want anyone to see him.

  He mulled over what his mother had said. She had made her preference for Tara abundantly clear. Not that Luca cared. Adrienne had been a cold, heartless bitch all his life, and he had given up trying to change anything about her. Not that he ever had much interaction with her as a child. He had learned to stay out of her way pretty quickly after seeing the way she treated his father.

  Adrienne had never pretended to be faithful after Luca and Kieran were born. She paraded her lovers in front of his father constantly and Luca had seen his father’s quiet humiliation daily. It was true that omegas were under no obligation to be faithful as the Alphas they mated, but if his father ever had an affair no one knew about it. Once the required sons were born that was the end of their official commitment, and that was, he supposed, part of the reason why a breeder was so accepted as well. No one had seemed more astonished than his parents when Iris and then Taheesha were born. One of the reasons no one seemed to care about infidelity in werewolves was that an omega was physically unable to breed pups with anyone else once the mating had occurred. It was a contraceptive fail safe that seemed to give them a license to fuck whoever they pleased. Werewolves merely had to be careful with humans. Not that the werewolf would suffer if the human got pregnant. It would be deemed the human’s fault and punishment was swift and deadly.

  Luca stopped suddenly as Kit’s scent grew stronger and was mixed with another. He stifled a growl and stepped out of sight. Kit was with someone else. Human. Male—of course it would be Asher. He heard the voices as they grew nearer.

  “I don’t know what to say, Asher.”

  Kit sounded so sad and Luca watched them both as they rounded the corner on the path. Asher stopped. The man walked to a fallen log and sat down. “I never thought how painful it was going to be,” he murmured. Luca took a quick inhale as he saw Kit sit next to him, place a hand on top of Asher’s and Asher clutched it tight.

  The hair on the back of Luca’s neck rose and his anger and jealousy simmered. What was Kit doing? Then he reasoned, Asher was his bodyguard. Luca himself had told Kit if he went anywhere, he must have Asher with him, and he knew Asher would protect him. He supposed that made for a close bond. Luca inclined his head to one side, listening intently. He growled, but he was far enough away that the humans didn’t hear him.

  “Loving someone I can’t have is killing me,” Asher’s voice was low and full of gravel.

  Kit leaned in close, their heads nearly touching now as well as their hands. “I understand Asher. Believe me.”

  Pain knifed Luca. Asher? Asher and Kit? He gazed at Kit. He could feel the sadness radiating off him from here. Had his mother been right? He crouched and immediately shifted back to human form. If he had stayed in his wolf form another second, Asher’s throat would be in his jaws. He thought... He thought Kit loved him, but he had heard it with his own ears. How foolish had he been? Worrying all the time about bedding Tara when Kit himself lusted after someone else.

  It made sense he supposed, in an awful way. Asher was human. The big man had been with Kit nearly every waking moment since he had rescued him from Gareth. He shook his head in disbelief as Kit put his arm around Asher and the big man leaned into him. He swallowed the growl he could feel trying to escape his chest, and turning in complete disgust, he left. Within minutes he had run almost to the eastern edge of their pack lands. He was tempted to shift and just keep going.

  By the time he returned, Sam was searching frantically for him. Apparently, kings weren’t supposed to wander off on their own, but Luca was too angry to care. “I want to replace Asher as the omega’s bodyguard,” he ordered Sam without even bothering to acknowledge Sam’s greeting. Sam’s eyebrows rose and he looked like he was going to ask not only why, but why Luca hadn’t used Kit’s name, but Luca carried onto the tables where breakfast was being laid out, not waiting for a reply. “Sam, who’s in charge of the seating for the games?” He tore into his breakfast, and just managed not to snarl at the kitchen servants.

  Sam looked at him, puzzled. “Tara and Danni have been organizing it, but you and Kit will sit with Iris, Taheesha, and the rest of the Alphas. I’m assuming you want her Highness in there as well. The rest of the she-wolves and omegas will be in the guarded area to the left.”

  Luca flung his unfinished meat down, stood abruptly, and headed into the pack house, nearly running into a gaggle of she-wolves all sitting in the small dining room just off the main entrance. They all stood and curtseyed as he walked in. He looked at Tara, who was with his mother. “Tara, I would be pleased if you would sit next to me to watch the games today.”

  Tara’s mouth parted in surprise. “Of course, your Highness.” He ignored the giggles in the room, his mother’s glee, and stalked out. He had two hours to get dressed, and god help anyone who thought to make a fool of him today.

  He never gave the mating jewels another thought.


  Kit hadn’t seen Luca when he returned after talking to Asher. He knew he shouldn’t interfere in what Asher had told him, but he was hoping Luca himself might grant permission for his beta to mate a human. It wasn’t something ever done before, but he knew Luca was reasonable and he had an idea that Sam was as interested in Asher as the human was in Sam. He had caught Sam’s looks at Asher a few times in the last few days when the beta didn’t think anyone was looking and he didn’t think it was as hopeless as Asher thought it was.

  He walked into the pack house carrying the bag with his outfit in and managed to avoid the she-wolves who all seemed to be excited over something, and asked a kitchen servant for some toast and water to be sent upstairs while he bathed. Asher had accompanied him to get his outfit that Molly had finished early this morning and he was excited to see it. He desperately wanted Luca to be proud of him. He knew today was so important to Luca. They were barely three days from marching to Neira, and Luca needed everything settled here first.

  The room was empty. Kit sighed in disappointment. He had been asleep when Luca had finally come to bed last night and had woken once to see Luca sprawled out, snoring softly. He had been careful not to wake him when he had left, and hoped he might have been still here when he got back, although cheering Asher up and promising not to talk to Luca about Sam had delayed him. Asher had been horrified when Kit had offered, insisted in the end it was pointless as he didn’t even know how Sam felt, and Kit had in the end reluctantly agreed.

  Kit unpacked the clothes in trepidation. Molly and Taheesha had both assured him they knew what would be acceptable, and he was eager to see what they had come up with.

  Kit stood looked at the outfit in awe—black fitted pants that were the common dress for men, a cream silk shirt made from a silky gossamer material, and a cummerbund in scarlet to add a slash of color. It was understated, classy, and perfect. He thought about how loud and bright the dress with the gold lace he had seen Tara in was. He would die if someone made him dress up like that and he couldn’t for one second imagine Luca would appreciate it. The cream was perfect against the brown of his skin

  Suddenly, he was excited. His Alpha would be proud of him. Tara might be expecting something to happen, but Luca had never let him down. He was overreacting, and his mother was simply a bitch.

  Kit forced a little soup down later, despite his stomach wanting to rebel, before he got changed. He hadn’t eaten anything since he had been at Molly’s. He’d w
aited, expecting Luca to come and change and then finally he’d given in and asked one of the gammas if they had seen Luca. The gamma had been helpful and told him servants had removed Luca’s outfit earlier from their rooms, and he would be getting ready somewhere else. The whole thing seemed odd to Kit, but it was likely that Luca had showered earlier and just taken clothes to change into. He could hear the increase in chatter from downstairs as servants ran back and forth from the kitchens to the outside pack area. The tables were already set up, with just the food to be added after the games and the choosing had happened. This time though, there were huge picnic areas set up as, much to Kit’s delight, Luca had invited every single pack member to eat. Each visiting Alpha had been instructed to repeat the celebrations at their own pack as well. All of Caedra was celebrating.

  Kit stood and nervously smoothed his pants. He was ready. He guessed he’d just make his way over to the area the games were to be held. He just wished he had seen Luca to know. He had reached out tentatively in his mind an hour ago, but Luca hadn’t replied, so he assumed he was too busy. He tried not to be disappointed. Luca had nearly run himself into the ground all week getting ready for today.

  There was a quick knock at the door and Taheesha skipped into the room in her cream dress with matching scarlet sash draping from one shoulder to her waist. Kit smiled. “You look beautiful.”

  Taheesha twirled instantly. “So do you,” she insisted, and slipped a smaller hand in Kit’s. “Iris has just been escorted to the stands with the Alpha-heirs and their omegas, but I didn’t see you, so I said I would come and check if you were here.”

  Kit blinked and puzzled over the information. “Do you think we should wait here, then, if we are to be escorted?”

  Taheesha shrugged. “I don’t think so, nearly everyone has left.”

  Kit absorbed the hurt, then shook it off. He wasn’t a girl, and he was more than capable of walking a quarter of a mile. “Then we will go downstairs and walk with Asher.”

  Taheesha shook her head. “Asher’s at the games. He was walking over there with the other guards when I came.” Kit frowned. What was going on? Luca was frantic about him never going anywhere without his guard. “Come on,” Taheesha pulled at his hand, “I don’t want to miss anything.”

  Kit took a deep breath and let Taheesha pull him out. As they neared the game arena, Kit started noticing the puzzled looks from a few of the servants who were still running back and forth. They were probably wondering, like him, why he and Taheesha were wandering about on their own.

  He heard a shout and saw Elliot jogging towards them both. He looked exasperated at Taheesha. “Your sister’s going out of her mind wondering where you got to.”

  Taheesha gripped Kit’s hand stoically. “I don’t know why. I was with my brother.” Elliot shot Kit an almost apologetic glance, but Kit understood. The relationship was new and it would take a lot to sink in. Elliot held his arm out to Taheesha. “I would be honored if you would let me escort you to your seat, princess.”

  Taheesha giggled and let go off Kit’s arm.

  Kit smiled indulgently. “Where do we sit, Elliot?”

  Kit stared as the beta turned almost crimson before stammering, “I-I was directed just to escort Taheesha to the Alphas’ area.”

  Kit swallowed, but nodded pleasantly and waved them forward. What the hell was going on? Where was he supposed to go?

  Luca? Kit gave up the notion of not bothering him. Everyone was acting weird.

  He paused as the field where the games had been set up came into view, and stood in awe. The area for the competitions had been marked out in the middle of the field, and straw bales had been set up as a perimeter to prevent the competitors and the audience having contact. There were hundreds of people watching. At the top of the field were two marked seating areas. One was clearly for the Alphas and omegas and he saw Gabriel and a few of the other heirs there. Iris sat with Danni chatting to her, and Elliot escorted Taheesha to join her sister. Kit started walking over to that area, assuming it was where he was supposed to be. There was a seating area to the side that seemed to include some of the beta-commanders and the she-wolves. Tomas and Molly were both seated there as well.

  Kit heard the hush of the crowd as he drew near, the guards were poised at either side of the entrance to the separated area for the Alphas. It was made clear that no one sat there without invitation.

  Kit took a step towards the entrance, only to be blocked by a gamma. It was one of the gammas who disliked him, Michael.

  He barely disguised his sneer. “I’m sorry, but you are not on the list of guests allowed in here.” He pointed to where Molly and Tomas sat, indicating that was where he was supposed to go.

  Kit nodded once, desperately wanting the heat of humiliation not to creep up his neck. He turned quickly and nearly ran to join an open-mouthed Molly. “What are you doing in here?” she asked. “Why didn’t you arrive with Luca?”

  Kit shook his head, the lump in his throat preventing words, and he was glad that something had distracted everyone as all the gammas and the guards turned to look at the arena.

  It was Luca. Kit’s mouth dried involuntarily. He was wearing black, loose pants, but his chest was bare. Cheers rose from the crowd, and Luca turned to acknowledge them. Tomas leaned closer and whispered to Kit about what was happening. Apparently, Luca had offered to have the ruling council pick a werewolf champion to challenge him in the games, and they had chosen Malik, the Alpha-heir who apparently was interested in Tara.

  Kit watched as Luca’s opponent entered the arena. They were the same height, and dressed in the same loose black pants, but that was where the similarities ended. Malik was huge. Kit whimpered his distress and Molly took his hand.

  “Are they shifting?” Kit asked hopefully. Kit had seen Luca’s wolf and he was confident no one could beat the huge animal.

  “No,” whispered Tomas. “They will wrestle. No weapons allowed, and they aren’t allowed to shift. The winner is the first one to pin the other immobile for a timed ten seconds.”

  Kit blinked as something glinted sharply. He raised his hand to shield his eyes. He peered at the sun and suddenly went cold all over. The sun was behind a cloud. He looked around suspiciously. What had he seen? No one else seemed to have noticed.

  A cheer rose from the crowd as Luca and Malik faced each other and bowed. Kit’s heart rose in his mouth as Malik leaped, even as Luca bowed, but Luca moved faster than Kit could have believed possible. Luca had obviously been ready for him, and jumped out of the way. The crowd cheered as they circled one another.

  The same bright light glinted again in Kit’s face and he ducked. He glanced at Tomas, who was watching the fight, completely riveted. What the hell? How was something bothering him when it clearly wasn’t affecting anyone else? Kit tried to focus on the arena but had to use his hand to shield his eyes.

  Molly glanced at him and frowned. “Are you all right? Does your head hurt?”

  Kit was at a loss. Something was shining right in his eyes, almost when the sun caught something metallic. The crowd cheered as Luca brought Malik down but he couldn’t restrain him for ten seconds and they both jumped back away from each other, panting. Another few seconds and Malik brought Luca down. Malik restrained him to the count of seven but Luca bucked him off.

  Kit heaved for a breath. He could feel Luca’s exhaustion, and Malik didn’t seem to be stopping or slowing.

  Tomas leaned closer. “Luca knows they are mismatched. He could use his new Alpha ability but he won’t because he considers it cheating. This is all about Luca being the bigger man.”

  “By losing?” Kit asked in confusion.

  Tomas nodded. “He is making a point. That this is a game only and Alphas don’t have to win at everything. The last time this sort of thing happened, the Alpha lost and his opponent was slaughtered by the gammas in full view of everyone.”

  Kit turned quickly at a sudden roar. Malik had pinned Luca and Luca was straining to get o
ff, but he was unable. The crowd started chanting the seconds down. Malik was holding Luca with one arm across his chest, their bodies pressed together. His other arm was behind him and Kit saw Malik start to bring it around.

  Bright light nearly blinded Kit. The metal dagger in Malik’s hand glinted and Kit jumped up screaming at the top of his lungs at Sam. Sam stood at the entrance to the arena. He was the only one who could hear Kit’s shout above the chanting.

  Everything seemed to slow. Sam’s head moved around to see the knife at the very second Malik raised it to bring it down. Sam was sprinting towards Luca a second before Luca saw the knife in Malik’s hand. Luca tried to buck Malik off but even with his Alpha strength nothing seemed to be in time to stop the blade plunging down.

  Kit stopped breathing as everything seemed suspended in time. Then the crowd gasped, screams rose, and Kit blinked as the roar of the crowd deafened him. What had happened? Malik had gone from a second away from murdering his King, to Luca pushing him off him and standing shakily as Sam reached him.

  Kit saw Sam bend down and then he saw the knife. But it wasn’t Malik’s. It was Sam’s. Sam had thrown it and, miracle of miracles, it had embedded itself into Malik’s neck. Sam pulled it out of the dead wolf’s throat. Luca turned and there in the middle of the arena Sam and Luca embraced and the crowd went nuts. The gammas ran on to move Malik’s body.

  Kit sat down heavily, his legs shaking too hard to keep him upright. It had been too close. If Sam hadn’t been deadly accurate, Luca would have been dead. Kit swallowed a sob and closed his eyes just as Molly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Kit had stopped shaking, the crowd had settled down and the first human only fight was about to start. He saw Asher and another guard standing at the entrance to the field. Kit sighed in relief. That was why Asher had gone on early—he was competing, and Kit wasn’t surprised that in the confusion he had been forgotten about. Luca probably thought one of his gammas had replaced Asher, and Kit certainly wasn’t going to say anything that would get Asher into trouble.


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