The Alpha King

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The Alpha King Page 13

by Victoria Sue

  He sat up and looked at the next stand expectantly. Everyone was waiting for Luca to reappear, and of course that was also why Luca hadn’t got ready in their room. Kit hadn’t realized Luca was competing first. They really needed to learn to communicate properly. Any second now Luca would appear and want to know where he was. Kit smiled in satisfaction as he imagined the tongue-lashing Michael, the gamma who hadn’t let him in, would get.

  The crowd started cheering again and Kit looked up as Luca strode confidently back towards the seating area. Kit started to smile involuntarily as he gazed at his Alpha. He wore the identical cream shirt and black breeches of his pack colors, accompanied by the huge crimson sash that fell from his shoulder to his waistband. His cummerbund was identical to Kit’s.

  Kit sighed happily and glanced at Molly to thank her but the horrified expression on her face had him glancing back at Luca. Luca had reached the entrance to the marked off seating where everyone stood waiting for him, but then he paused and turned behind him, extending his arm.

  Kit didn’t know how he stayed on his feet. His stomach dipped along with every blood cell he seemed to have as Tara, resplendent in her pack dress, stepped forward from the crowd of people following Luca and clasped his hand. Luca bowed and then bent and kissed her hand. He drew her closer to a seat, waited until she was sitting, and then dropped to the chair next to her.

  Arianna stepped forward and presented Tara with a small box. To be honest, Luca looked as puzzled as everyone else, but Tara’s cry of joy as she opened it was loud enough to be heard by everyone. The beautiful blue necklace that she held up was obvious to all. She blushed and smiled as people clapped politely and held it to her throat and inclined her neck, obviously inviting Luca to fasten it on. Luca seemed to hesitate but then as she-wolves oohed and aahed, he lifted his hands and fastened the necklace.

  Tara blushed and whispered something to Luca as his hand touched her neck. She lifted her face and Luca’s eyes softened as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Tara’s arms lifted and entwined themselves around his neck and the crowd went wild. Cat calls, cheers, shouts of congratulations. Kit felt the blow to his heart as if he had been run through. The tide of noise and emotion rose, threatening to drown everything. Threatening to drown him.

  Blood rushed through his ears. Molly said something to him but he couldn’t hear what it was. Pain the like of which he had never known lanced through him, and he took a step backwards even as Molly tried to clasp his hand to make him sit back down. Everyone seemed to be staring at him, and he couldn’t bear it. He took one last look at Luca’s stiff back and turned and fled. No one tried to stop him, and Sam, was busy ushering Asher and his opponent into the arena.

  Every flogging he had ever endured, every cold and hungry night he had lain alone. His mother’s horrific death. His humiliation, time and time again, at the hands of people who always seemed to hate him. Never being loved. Never having a place to belong. None of it. Nothing was as bad as the moment right now when he realized he had been fooling himself for seven years.

  Luca wasn’t interested in a human guttersnipe. Kit was nothing but a bastard. A human anomaly who didn’t deserve respect, never mind love. He ripped the scarlet cloth from his waist and flung it on the ground. He had been so wrong. Luca didn’t love him. No one did.

  Tears streaming down his face, he ran and ran and ran.


  Luca held himself motionless. His wolf was the closest to the surface as he could be without him actually shifting. He had known the exact moment when Kit had seen him arrive with Tara. He could feel the pain radiate from him as if he had plunged a knife in there instead. He had hardened his heart and it had nearly killed him. All he had wanted to do was grab Kit, scream at him for not loving him like he thought he did, and run away somewhere no one would ever find them.

  He had deliberately set out to hurt Kit like Kit had hurt him. He was pathetic, and unfit to be a king. The necklace wasn’t of his doing though. He hadn’t given it another thought after he had heard what Kit had said to Asher. Somehow his mother had found out. It was just the sort of scheme she excelled at.

  “Luca?” Iris was sat on the other side of him. “What’s going on with Tara and why isn’t Kit here with you?” she whispered.

  Luca pressed his lips together and willed himself to keep calm, not that he was worried about losing his temper. He was numb. He almost wished that Sam hadn’t been so fast at throwing the knife. At least the pain in his heart would have vanished as it stopped beating. “He has indicated he isn’t happy with the life I offer,” Luca ground out.

  Iris stared, incredulity written all over her face. “Nonsense,” she snapped. “Kit loves you with every breath in his body.” She narrowed her eyes. “Luca, what have you done?”

  Luca fixed his jaw, angry that his sister assumed he was the one responsible, and sat through the first competition until Sam appeared at his side and bent down to talk quietly in his ear. “Sire, Molly, Tomas’ wife, is begging to have an audience with you. The guards have told her no, but she is refusing to move. Tomas is with her, and—”


  Luca startled at the cry. Taheesha had run straight at him from where she had been with the other children. She pulled on his arm frantically. “Luca, something’s wrong with Kit. Where is he?”

  Luca looked around to see that all faces were fixed on him. He stood. “Please continue, I will be back soon.” He forced a stiff smile at the curious faces.

  Tara grabbed his arm. “Luca, please. The Alphas all need to see you here.”

  Luca pulled his arm away in annoyance. He still was angry he had been fooled over the jewelry. He might not have Kit’s love anymore but he was even less interested in Tara. The kiss had been a mistake. He had tried for bravado, to see if he could fool himself as much as Kit had fooled him, but the first touch of her lips had told him it was wrong, and as soon as they were done with the games he would tell her so. The crowd roared as one of the humans was defeated and they all clapped as they both left the field.

  “Luca,” Tara whispered furiously and grabbed his arm again. “Everyone’s looking.”

  Luca smiled pleasantly, but effortlessly removed her fingers. “I am going to congratulate the competitors,” he said and Tara nodded in understanding, then was immediately distracted by a she-wolf admiring her necklace. Luca slipped away to the entrance, followed by Sam and Taheesha.

  Molly stood just outside the Alpha’s seating area wringing her hands. Tomas stood next to her in silent support. Luca gestured for her to follow him and stepped to the side away from curious ears.

  “Sire,” she began, but choked as her eyes filled. He glanced at Tomas and then quickly at where he knew Kit was supposed to be sitting. There was no sign of him.


  “Sire, I’m not sure what is going on, but your omega was directed to sit with us instead of by your side, as was his rightful place.” Luca absorbed the hit. The criticism was deserved. “We assumed as soon as you realized the mistake you would make things right,” Tomas added bluntly. “But Kit got upset and ran off. His guard, Asher, doesn’t even know where he is, and he says you have relieved him of his duties.”

  “How long ago?” He glanced as Asher came running over, his face set in an angry line. He watched as Asher said a few hurried words to Sam.

  “Sire, Asher needs to speak to you,” Sam said.

  Luca nodded even as he wanted to rip the man’s throat out. Luca took a deep breath and stilled in confusion. His wolf was frantic. He could feel the animal pacing, clawing at his insides in a bid to be let out. He felt the animal’s anger, but stood in shock when he realized it wasn’t directed at Asher. The wolf dismissed him as inconsequential.

  “Sire?” Asher stood in front of Luca, the glare barely respectful. It reminded him of the first time they had met.

  “Where’s my omega?” Luca snarled.

  “I would be able to tell you that if I hadn’t be
en removed from protecting him,” Asher snapped back, the honorific deliberately missing.

  Luca wanted to rage. “What did he say to you this morning?” he fumed. He almost dared for the human to lie.

  Asher started in surprise. He obviously hadn’t expected Luca to have witnessed them. “It was personal. I was having problems and Kit was giving me advice.”

  Luca scoffed. He’d bet he was. Gabriel came running up. “Let me guess,” Luca said. “You have arranged to meet later?”

  Asher’s face creased in confusion. “What?”

  “Asher, explain,” Sam ordered.

  Asher sent Sam an uncomfortable look but sighed as if the fight left him. “I am struggling, Sire,” Asher confessed reluctantly. “I have found myself in a humiliating situation—”

  Luca snarled and practically leaped for Asher. Sam blocked him immediately. “Luca!”

  Luca was sufficiently shocked at hearing Sam use his name for the first time in nearly two weeks, enough to give him pause. He could well have hurt Asher.

  He shook off Sam’s arm. “How dare you describe Kit as humiliating.”

  Asher scowled. “What? No, I’m not talking about Kit. Kit has been a good friend. He’s...” Asher reddened. “Easy to talk to, Sire. I confided in him, and he told me he was similarly upset. He always gives the best advice. He’s like a little brother, but he’s so clever.”

  “What?” Luca’s head jerked back at the little brother comment.

  Asher looked mortified. “I know he’s your royal omega, Sire. I have no right to think of him as family, but it’s how he makes everyone feel. Like we all have hope. That if things work out for him, then it means all our lives could get better.”

  Luca stared. “You don’t wish to mate him?” he said flatly.

  Asher paled. “Of course not, Sire. Like I said, he is like a little brother.”

  Luca swore succinctly.

  “Sire, Kit also saved your life in the arena,” Sam said flatly.

  “What? No, that was you,” Luca insisted.

  “Kit warned me. I don’t know how, but he shouted to me. He saw something before I did and I was already running and had my knife out before I saw Malik’s blade. If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been fast enough, and you, Sire, would be dead.”

  Luca drew in a harsh breath.

  “Sire, I’m worried because I think he’s unwell,” Molly put in.

  “W-what do you mean?” Luca’s heart pounded so hard it threatened to escape his chest.

  “He’s eating hardly anything. A lot of foods are upsetting him...”

  Luca nearly closed his eyes in despair. Surya take my heart. How could he have been so blind? It was him. He was the one Kit had spoken of. Kit didn’t have any confidence in Luca’s love because he had been so busy lording it around being Alpha King he had forgotten about the one person who was responsible for making him the King in the first place. Kit had been left alone for days and this was all Luca’s fault. Kit had done nothing wrong, and Luca had treated him appallingly. He didn’t deserve him, and Luca should be whipped for how he had treated him. Surya didn’t need to take his heart, he had lost it a long time ago to a much bigger one.

  “Sam, we shift and search. I want Asher to follow with weapons and blankets.” He looked at Asher. “Choose two men and follow the best you can with supplies. Get water, also.” Asher nodded and stepped away. Luca followed Sam towards the woods, Sam stripping as he walked.

  “Sire.” Luca paused as Gabriel shouted urgently. “Sire I have been trying to speak to you for days. There is something you need to know.”

  “Not now, Gabriel. I promise as soon as I have Kit safe we will talk.”

  “No, Sire,” Gabriel took a close step in determination, “this is important and has to do with Kit.”

  Luca stopped, the urgency in Gabriel’s voice finally making him pause, and at the same time he remembered putting Gabriel off before. “What is it?”

  “You know I have been going through the old texts on pure omega matings. You asked me.” Luca nodded. Worry settled like stone in his gut.

  “The thing is, Sire, I don’t think Kit is ill.”

  Luca shook his head in exasperation. He had thought Gabriel had urgent news, not just something comforting. “We can argue that when I get him home.”

  “Sire, I don’t think Kit is ill. I think he is pregnant.”

  No one spoke. No one moved. Luca swallowed. “What did you say?” He had misheard. Gabriel didn’t—

  “According to the old scrolls, Alpha Kings never used breeders, ever, and it didn’t matter which sex their omega was. Look.” Gabriel got a sheet of old paper from his pocket. “I found this tucked in one of the old books. It’s a likeness of Aristaad and Oliver, the first Alpha King and his pure omega. Oliver was definitely male.”

  Luca nodded. He knew the history.

  Gabriel unfolded the piece of paper. It was a drawing of a couple. The likeness of the Alpha King and his omega was clear. They were both turned sideways and their tattoos were visible. It was the appearance of Oliver, the omega, that was so shocking. He leaned back into his King as if Aristaad were supporting him. Aristaad’s hands were both circled around his omega’s body. What was completely stunning was the huge round belly on Oliver, and Aristaad’s hands laid on it protectively.

  “Oliver was pregnant, Sire.”

  Luca closed his eyes in desperation. What the hell had he done?


  Kit stumbled and fell. He was exhausted. He had no idea why he was running. His demons couldn’t chase him because they were inside him.

  Kit lay on his side on the forest floor. It was damp. The sun hadn’t dried where the tree cover was so dense.

  What was he going to do? Luca had come into his powers. Technically, his obligation as omega was done. Yes, there were other things he could have done together with Luca, but he couldn’t bear spending the rest of his life watching Luca and Tara together. He groaned and rolled over, tried to push up on his hands and knees. He panted dizzily. He hadn’t eaten anything except those few mouthfuls of soup, and that seemed a long time ago. But it didn’t matter. He was used to the feeling of an empty belly. He would survive.

  Kit? Kit, my darling. Where are you?

  Kit looked around for the voice in astonishment until he realized it was in his head. It was Luca. Kit blinked in disbelief. He hadn’t heard him for so long he had almost forgotten they could do that. Why was Luca calling him?

  Kit shivered. The silk shirt was thin and now that it was damp it offered no protection as the wind whipped through the trees. He needed to stand, get moving.

  He didn’t answer Luca. He couldn’t go back. Even if Luca treated him with respect he would never have his love, not really. And he couldn’t bear the thought of such an existence. It was ironic. He had never expected to be loved. He assumed his mother had loved him because she had died for him, but she had never been demonstrative, ever. The few days having Luca’s attention was like a drug. Now that he had experienced it once he craved it and he couldn’t bear to face what he knew he would never have again.

  He took a few deep breaths and groaned as he pushed himself upright on wobbly legs. He stood, shaky but upright. He would go to the human village near the camp they had caught Gareth in. Asher’s father had been kind and he may offer him some shelter. Kit took a determined step, but pain clutched sharply at his belly and bent him double. He fell back to his knees again. What was that? He panted for a few seconds but it didn’t hurt again. Even though everything in him needed to rest, he knew he needed to move. He got upright and shuffled along, stepping carefully around a huge broken off tree stump. He put out his hand as he passed to steady himself and picked up his foot to step over a root.

  Aghh. Pain lanced through his abdomen and he stumbled to the ground. He shook his head, moaning pitifully, and clutched his belly. It felt like someone was twisting a blade in there.

  Kit? Sweetheart, where are you? I can feel you are in pa
in. Tell me where you are? You are in danger all alone.

  Kit looked around him. The forest was quite dense and he knew there were many creatures that would make a meal of him. Maybe it would be better if the Hadrax found him. Then he shuddered. No. He had seen what their teeth could do when he’d labored on a farm. But the pig hadn’t taken an animal, it had been a child.

  Kit sobbed out a breath and pushed to his feet. He couldn’t go back to Luca, he couldn’t. Pain dogged every step until tears streamed down his face, but he carried on, one stubborn foot in front of the other. He wanted to stop; desperately wanted to stop, but he mustn’t. He must have eaten something bad, but what? More pain sliced at his insides, and cruel memories tugged at his heart, of the last time he had eaten something that made him sick and how he had been responsible for his mother’s death. So much blood. Kit forgot how many times he fell down and pushed himself back up, his eyes barely open, his feet barely moving. Tears clogging his vision.

  Kit, Kit, forgive me please. I didn’t know, I’m so sorry. I thought you loved someone else.

  As well. Kit heard the words Luca didn’t speak. Loved someone else as well. What was he trying to say? Trying to justify why he thought it was okay to love Tara so he wouldn’t hurt Kit’s feelings? Although why Luca would think that was beyond him. Kit’s heart only beat for Luca.

  Please, Kit. Please tell me where you are. You aren’t safe.

  It was nice, Kit thought absently. Nice that Luca was still talking even though he’d never answered him. He peered ahead. The forest was getting dark but he could see something up ahead. It must be a house. On and on. Small stumbling steps. His belly was on fire. His head hurt. His throat stung. He wanted... Luca. Kit didn’t realize he’d whispered the name in his head until he heard his voice.


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