The Alpha King

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The Alpha King Page 14

by Victoria Sue

  Kit. Kit, I’m here my darling. We’re trying to find you. Where are you?

  Kit peered up ahead. He’d thought he was still walking but he must have stopped and not even realized it. The house. He was heading for a house, but as he put his hand out and touched the same tree stump he realized with sickening clarity he’d been walking around in circles. There was no house. No rescue. He couldn’t even stand, but at least he wasn’t so cold anymore. Maybe he could go to sleep. Have a rest here then when he woke he could try and find the village again. He was so tired.

  Kit, you have to tell me where you are. My darling, please. Please tell me.

  Kit smiled. He liked being called darling. He could pretend that Luca loved him.

  I do love you. You mean more to me than my life. I was wrong, sweetheart.

  He hadn’t realized he had spoken the thought, even in his mind. It’s all right. I’m just going to sleep.

  No, darling, stay awake. Talk to me. Please talk to me. I need to hear you love me. That you belong to me.

  Kit tried to answer. He tried to tell Luca that he was okay. That he would go away so Luca could have a good life without him being in the way. But he was so tired he just couldn’t keep his eyes open for a second longer.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Why can’t we find him?” Luca cried in desperation. “He’s hurt, Sam. I know he is. Why did I listen to anyone else? Why didn’t I believe him?” They had both shifted back and now stood with Asher, the two human guards, and Gabriel, who had caught them up quickly.

  “Sire, calm down,” Sam said, his arms out.

  “Calm down?” Luca shouted. “How can I—”

  “Luca,” Sam thundered and everyone stopped talking. “Listen to me. We know he has been past this way. We have caught his scent. Shifted, you said it was strong, but we kept losing it and then it got stronger in other places. None of this making sense. Think. Take some deep breaths, but before you shift again I think he’s going around in circles. That’s why his scent is so confusing and why we can’t fix on a trail. The other problem is your panic. You are so upset about him being hurt you are fighting your wolf. Let him lead, Luca. Trust your wolf to find him. Forget everything else and let your wolf take you to him.”

  Luca took a deep breath. Sam was right. Another breath and he let the change sweep through his body. Sounds were suddenly louder, but if anything, the quiet was more deafening— every leaf that moved, every squirrel that hopped a branch, every moan...

  Moan? Luca’s wolf froze, and Sam put his hand up for the others to do the same. Luca closed his eyes and just breathed. In. Out. It was there. He smelled it. The faint spice. The smell of home. Luca’s wolf snarled... The smell of blood. Head back, he let loose a long howl. He was coming. He knew where he was and Sorin help any creature that tried to stop him. Luca flew in the direction of the sound. Barely half a mile later, then as he leaped over a tree stump he landed on two feet as a human.

  “Kit,” he cried, and bent down. Kit lay curled up on his side, eyes closed, barely breathing. He could smell the blood and checked for injuries quickly. Where was it coming from?

  Very carefully, he lifted Kit off the cold ground. He was freezing. Luca wrapped his body around Kit’s as Sam and Gabriel arrived, the humans moments later. Sam had a torch and Luca cradled an unconscious Kit while the other two tried to see what was wrong. Gabriel’s hands ran down Kit’s legs, trying to find an injury.

  “He’s wet,” Gabriel said. Sam shone the torch and everyone stared at Gabriel’s hands in horror. They were covered in blood. Luca swallowed his panic.

  “Where is it coming from?” he asked, bewildered.

  Gabriel shot him a saddened look. “Sire, I think he’s losing the pup.”

  “No,” Luca whispered in agony and gathered Kit close. No, he couldn’t. Thoughts of Kit smiling, content, a blissful smile as he ran his hands over a huge belly. Then thoughts of Kit cold and still, eyes closed. “No,” Luca said. “I can heal him.”

  “It may be too late for the baby, Sire,” Gabriel warned him.

  Luca nodded to Asher. “Pass me the blanket. Wrap him tight to me. He needs the warmth but he needs me to run, and he mustn’t be jostled.” Luca bent his head while Asher and Sam tied the blankets over Kit and around Luca until he was cocooned in Luca’s warmth. Luca centered himself. He accessed the place deep inside where he knew he could heal and poured every ounce of that feeling into Kit.

  Hang on, sweetheart. We’ll be home as soon as possible.

  Luca ran so smoothly that Kit barely moved, he was so cushioned against the padding. He detoured the games field and the clearing, could hear the sound of people laughing, eating, and drinking as dusk fell. Sam kept close and even Asher caught them up as they got to the pack house. He slipped unnoticed in the kitchen door and didn’t acknowledge the startled servants as he crossed to the stairs and slowly and gently climbed them. When he stood in the bedroom, Sam and Asher helped unwind the blankets and Iris and Danni appeared. They looked worried sick. A second later, Taheesha followed them.

  Luca paused. There was so much blood, but Taheesha crossed quickly and laid a hand on Kit’s limp arm, then his belly as she unwrapped him. “There is pain and sadness in there, Luca. Let me help.” Danni and Iris laid towels on the bed then Luca laid Kit down then climbed on and took Kit in his arms. He closed his eyes as the room fell silent. He rocked Kit tight, pouring love, healing, and determination into him. Everything he had was Kit’s for as long as he would have him.

  Please, my darling. I cannot live without you.

  Kit remained still but Luca became aware of something. It was almost as if Kit was listening. I will give everything up. I don’t want to be King if it causes you a second of hurt, he promised, breathing small kisses onto Kit’s face, willing with everything in him for him to wake.


  Luca’s eyes stung as the small word filtered into his mind.

  I know, but you are safe. You can sleep, heal. Luca peppered him with more kisses. I love you.


  The question nearly broke Luca’s heart. That Kit doubted him. Because you are perfect. Perfect for me.

  I can’t breed.

  It wasn’t fair to tell Kit anything else when he had lost the baby, but it wasn’t the point anyway. Kit had to know he was loved for himself, not what he could or couldn’t do. Luca would break the news to him when he was stronger. My darling, I love you and only you. Pups aren’t important. You are what’s important. I cannot bear the thought of not having you in my bed every night. Just you. I don’t want anyone else.

  “Really?” It was only when Taheesha gasped that Luca realized the word had been whispered out loud. He opened his eyes to be met by beautiful blue ones.

  “Promise,” he said solemnly and kissed Kit’s soft lips.

  “Luca?” Iris asked, appearing with a bowl of steaming water. Danni followed, carrying some large soft towels. Luca smiled and stood. Kit’s worried glance followed him.

  “I’m going nowhere,” Luca said. “Just let them get you clean and dry.”

  He stood to one side. Gabriel sent Asher down for water and soup. Sam disappeared to see how things were going downstairs and to find Molly and Tomas. Luca just stood and watched carefully as Iris and Danni bathed and changed Kit. Taheesha never moved once. Every second she kept some part of her hand touching Kit. Luca wasn’t even sure if she had fallen asleep.

  “Taheesha, honey,” Iris cajoled as they moved Kit and sat him up a little.

  Taheesha opened her eyes and yawned. “I was just giving them love.”

  Iris inhaled quickly and turned to look at Luca. Gabriel had told Danni, and she had just told Iris quietly.

  Them? Luca stared at Taheesha but her eyes were closing. He really needed a healer to come and look at Kit, but he also didn’t want to further upset him tonight. There were also none within a good hundred miles. Sam came back with two soups and huge chunks of bread. He also had a jug of iced water and
two glasses. Iris stood. Kit was still pale but he looked considerably better than he had a short while ago. “Do you need anything else, Luca?” she asked.

  Luca smiled and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.” Sam leaned down and put his arms under a sleepy Taheesha and picked her up. Gabriel and Danni took the bowl and the towels. Sam turned to Luca. “One of us will be stationed outside all night. Anything you need, Sire, just ask.”

  “I preferred it when you called me Luca.” Sam chuckled and all five of them left the room. Luca sat down carefully on the bed so as not to make it rock. “Sweetheart?” he said and stroked the side of Kit’s pale face with his finger. “I need you to wake up and eat and drink something. Kit smiled in response to the finger on his cheek, but he didn’t say anything and his eyes remained shut. Luca reached for the bowl and the spoon. “Just a little, please.” Luca dribbled a little of the warm soup into Kit’s mouth. He swallowed reflexively.

  Luca leaned forward and kissed him. That’s how it went. Each mouthful swallowed got a kiss. He wasn’t sure Kit was fully awake. He knew he would be exhausted. He had stopped the bleeding, but had no idea what that meant for tomorrow.

  Giving them love. He remembered Taheesha’s words. She was a comfort omega, giving whatever love and comfort was needed when it was needed. He had no idea though whether that meant the baby was safe or whether Kit would be devastated the next morning when he woke and Taheesha was simply trying to comfort Kit and Luca.

  Luca quickly ate the other soup and most of the bread. He stripped and went to the bathroom quickly. When he came back, Kit had tried to turn on his side but it was awkward because the girls had put so many pillows behind him so he could eat. He gently made Kit more comfortable and slid into bed behind him, drawing him close, Kit’s back to his chest to keep him toasty warm. He could still hear the faint sounds of the party downstairs but he didn’t care. He had everything he needed wrapped in his arms. He stretched his big hands carefully over Kit’s slim belly and rubbed lightly, soothingly. Kit sighed and snuggled down. He brushed a kiss on Kit’s neck right on his tattoo and closed his eyes. Kit would stay safely next to him and if he woke, Luca would know instantly. They had no healers in the pack area, only apothecaries for healing various ailments, but nothing serious. Werewolves didn’t need them, and humans in their territory had never been deemed worthy of the services of one. Kit was human though, and while Luca seemed to have successfully stopped the bleeding, he had no idea what else Kit may need.

  Luca woke instantly a few hours later when Kit stirred. The moonlight was shining in the window and he could see Kit blinking slightly.

  “What is it? What do you need?” Luca murmured, kissing his cheek.

  “Some water I think,” Kit frowned. Luca sat up and helped Kit drink.

  “Do you need the bathroom?” Kit shook his head and yawned. Luca cupped his cheek. “Then go back to sleep,” he chided.

  “Where?” Kit licked his lips. “Are you...” He stopped.

  “I’m staying right here.” Luca said firmly and was rewarded with a hesitant smile. He knew they had to talk, but Kit needed to sleep and heal. He brushed Kit’s hair away from his eyes. “Go to sleep. I won’t leave you. You’re safe.” Kit’s eyes drooped closed, and Luca lay down again, his big hands stretching again over Kit’s belly.

  The next morning Luca lay awake listening to the sounds of the house stirring. He heard footsteps on the stairs and low voices outside their door and knew the “guard” was changing. He didn’t move. He was too busy enjoying his armful of Kit’s delicious body that had innocently rubbed up against him a few times. He heard Kit’s breathing change and knew he was waking up. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  Kit’s breath hitched and he turned slowly in Luca’s arms until he was looking at him.

  “I was stupid,” Luca started. It had to be said, and he couldn’t let it go another moment. “Stupid and unbelievably cruel.” Luca watched Kit’s eyes fill but stopped him ducking his head with a finger under his chin. He wanted Kit’s eyes on him while he groveled and told Kit he was Luca’s whole life. In a halting voice he told Kit about his childhood, about his mother, and about what he had overheard Asher say.

  “It’s Sam,” Kit explained and Luca bit his lip.

  He hadn’t told Kit the worst thing yet. He was going to have to hurt him all over again.

  “There’s something else I need to tell you.” Kit raised fearful eyes to his. It killed Luca to cause him more pain. “Gabriel told me something yesterday. We had just discovered you missing and were going to search. It was something important he had found out about the first Alpha King and pure omega.”

  Kit looked confused. What?

  “The first omega, Oliver, was male. But Alpha Kings never needed to use breeders, ever. Gabriel found out that pure omegas can get pregnant.”

  Kit’s mouth dropped open. He blinked and the beautiful smile he gave breathed sunshine into Luca’s heart. “Really?” he whispered. “I’m pregnant? That’s what’s been wrong with me?” Kit gripped Luca’s hand fiercely and tears ran down his cheeks. “I can’t believe it.” He looked at Luca, but just as Luca was wondering how he was not going to be able to be even more cruel than he had already been, and disappoint him again when he told Kit he might have lost the baby, Kit spoke.

  “I love you. I’ve loved you since the second we met that day in the woods. You were wounded and likely dying but you didn’t want me to call for help because you were frightened I would get hurt. I fell in love that second and I have loved you every day since.”

  Luca closed his eyes in utter desperation.

  “You don’t have to worry if you don’t feel the—”

  Luca caught Kit’s lips in a bruising kiss. Never doubt my love for you, ever.

  Kit melted under him, and Luca softened the kiss and lifted his head reluctantly. He had to tell him. “Sweetheart, when we found you yesterday you were hurt. You were bleeding.” Luca’s voice broke.

  Kit paled. “No,” he whispered. “Please.” The last word was the most heartbreaking plea Luca had ever heard. He chose his words carefully. Whatever his own thoughts, he couldn’t be certain.

  “We don’t know for certain. We have no healers within a hundred miles.”

  “But didn’t you heal me?”

  Luca wrapped both of Kit’s cold hands into his big ones. He wished he could do the same to his heart. “I stopped the bleeding but I am afraid it might be too late.” Kit’s shoulders shook, and Luca tried to hold him closer. “I-I’m so sorry. This is my fault. If I hadn’t...” Luca’s throat closed.

  Just love me.


  Luca held Kit close a long time. The sobs dissolved to quiet hiccups, then breathy sighs as finally Kit fell asleep. He heard a quiet knock on the door about an hour later and called for whoever it was to come in. He wasn’t intending on letting go of Kit.

  Iris, Molly, and Taheesha let themselves into the room. Luca smiled weakly. He was glad to see all three of them. Taheesha immediately got into bed and laid a hand on Kit. Kit smiled but didn’t open his eyes.

  “How is he?” Iris asked. Luca sat up and relinquished his hold. He watched as Kit turned into Taheesha and his little sister buried herself down next to Kit.

  Molly nodded. “That will do them both good, Sire.”

  Luca gazed at them both. “I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Does he know?” Iris asked, her voice full of worry.

  “Yes.” Luca didn’t elaborate.

  “I want to look at him, Sire,” Molly asked. Luca nodded absently. “Sire? I have helped women birth babies for nearly thirty years. It would be my first man, though.” She smiled. Luca figured it wouldn’t hurt for her to look. Confirmation from another human may help give Kit the acceptance he needed.

  There was another knock at the door and two servants walked in carrying trays with food. “Luca? Why don’t you go down? Sam is downstairs waiting patiently. I know you have hundreds of things to do,�
� Iris suggested. He didn’t want to leave Kit. “I promise we will come and get you right after when we have helped him freshen up a little. I think it good if Taheesha stays with him a while.” Yeah, because she could give him comfort, even though Luca desperately wanted to. He sighed and got out of bed without disturbing Kit. Then he left the women to it.

  Asher was outside the room. Luca smiled at his fierce expression. It was a wonder any of the servants dared pass him. “Have you eaten?” He shook his head. “Then I will send you some food. Please stay here until I return.”

  “Sire,” Asher acknowledged formally.

  Luca went downstairs and waylaid a servant. It was Josiah’s aunt. She smiled and bobbed. “Please arrange for some food to be taken up to Asher.”

  He took a step towards the door just as Sam and Gabriel came in but was stopped by Adrienne’s strident voice. “Luca, what on earth happened to you yesterday? It was unforgivable for you to miss the choosing. Why, you left poor Tara to manage all on her own. Not that she didn’t do a fabulous job, but—”

  “Tara?” Luca ignored his mother and addressed the she-wolf who stood behind her. “I’m glad I have seen you. Perhaps you can spare me a few minutes of your time?” He gestured towards the small dining room near the entrance to the pack house. Tara dipped her head and walked in. Adrienne immediately went to follow her. “No, Mother.” Luca put his hand up. “I know you are anxious to return home, and I would hate to delay your departure any longer.”

  Luca didn’t wait to hear any reply. He just followed Tara into the room, getting a quick glance of Sam trying desperately to keep his face straight. He shut the door firmly behind them.

  “You were missed last night, Luca.” Tara began. She took a step forward, laying her hand on his arm. “I know how much pressure you are under.” She licked her lips and her voice dropped huskily. “Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

  Luca reared back. Wait...what? She was propositioning him? He suddenly wondered just how kind and self-sacrificing Tara actually was. It was very unusual for an omega not to want her own pack, or was she under the impression that was what she was going to get? A chill spread over him. He had blamed his mother for the necklace, but it had been Tara who had heard him order it. He was completely certain now that Tara’s ambitions didn’t stop at just a pack. She had her eyes set on a kingdom.


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