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The Alpha King

Page 15

by Victoria Sue

  Luca’s eyes narrowed and he shook off her hand. “I am sorry, but I have changed my mind about using a breeder and I will not need your services after all.”

  Tara’s lips parted but no sound came out.

  “I am unable to do something I class as being unfaithful to someone I love. I could never hurt Kit in any way.”

  Tara scoffed. “Are you mad? What about pups? He’s a human,” she spat the word.

  Luca growled. “Be very careful before you insult my mate any further. It is nobody’s business except our own, but a pure omega has the ability to birth an Alpha’s children.” He watched as Tara snapped her lips closed.

  Further realization slammed into him when barely a hint of surprise showed up on her face. “You knew,” he said incredulously. By Sorin’s light he had been so stupid.

  “Of course I knew,” Tara snapped. She stepped forward again. “Luca, you need me. You know the other packs will never accept a human. I am even willing to overlook your...bedroom habits.” Luca took a deep breath. He could feel the ground tremble. Tara was either ignoring it or didn’t care.

  “Sire?” He heard Sam’s knock on the door.

  Luca took three steps to the door and yanked it open. He gestured to Tara. “I want her escorted off my pack lands. She has jewelry of mine I want found and then I want her gone by six.” Luca didn’t stop to hear the reply for the second time in a matter of minutes.

  Sam ran after him after issuing orders as he cleared the pack house. “How’s Kit?”

  “I don’t know,” Luca replied honestly. “The girls and Molly are with him, but we have no human healer.”

  “Molly has delivered a lot of human babies, though.”

  Luca stopped suddenly. “Yes, she said.” He glanced up the stairs. Why was he down here when he yearned with everything in him to be upstairs? Kit wasn’t some blushing girl that needed other women to make him feel safe. He needed Luca, and Luca needed to make sure he always would.

  “Sire, why don’t you stay up there with Kit today? There’s nothing I can’t manage, and Gabriel has been fantastic when he hasn’t got his head buried in a book. You can’t make any decision about leaving until Kit is better anyway, because one thing is certain: When you head for Neira, Kit has to go with you.”

  Luca eyed Sam. “I am lucky I have good people working for me. I am particularly pleased with Asher.” Luca was gratified to see the faint flush on Sam’s face. “Very well. Come straight up if there’s a problem. I will make a decision by tomorrow.”

  Luca turned and jogged back up the steps. He dismissed Asher as he had no intention of leaving Kit alone, and walked into his room. Kit was sitting up in bed, both hands around a steaming cup of soup. Taheesha sat next to him, eating a huge sandwich, and Iris and Molly were seated in the easy chairs chatting away. He took a deep breath and felt the tension drain out of his shoulders.

  “There’s plenty.” Iris gestured to the table. Luca smiled but he only had eyes for Kit. Iris giggled and stood up. “I think,” she said pointedly, “we should finish our meal downstairs.” She looked at Luca. “Make sure Kit finishes all that soup. He is, after all, eating for two.”

  “Yes,” Luca said absently, too busy drinking in the soft smile on Kit’s face, and the blue eyes that were completely focused on him. He blinked and whipped his head around to Iris as her words registered. “What? What did you say?”

  Molly chuckled, and Taheesha bent down and kissed Kit’s belly through his shirt. “I told you last night I was giving them both love. You never listen to me,” she grumbled. “But it’s going to be a boy. I was hoping for another sister.”

  Luca gaped. “How?”

  Molly smiled. “Taheesha has known instantly not only when a charge of mine is pregnant initially, but the sex of the baby over ten times this year alone. You know, Taheesha visits as often as she can, and many human females come to me for care. I have delivered many babies, Sire.” Luca’s legs were suddenly wobbly. He sat down on the bed.

  Iris safely retrieved Kit’s empty soup cup. She looked at Kit. “I think you need to make sure your Alpha eats as well,” she said sternly. Kit smiled and put his hand out. Luca clasped it like a lifeline. He was bemused at the kisses he got from both Iris and Taheesha before they left with Molly.

  Kit brought Luca’s hand down and laid it flat over his belly. “Are you pleased?” Luca swallowed quickly, afraid he would embarrass himself by making an unmanly noise.

  “I am overwhelmed,” Luca said, a huge smile breaking out on his face. He lifted the soft shirt up so Kit’s belly was bare, bent down, and heard the catch in Kit’s breathing before he pressed the softest kiss imaginable on Kit’s belly. A boy? How did he ever get to be so lucky? Sorin had truly blessed them all. The relief that rushed through him made Luca feel light-headed.

  When he raised his head, Kit’s eyes were awash with tears again. “Sweetheart, please don’t cry. It kills me.” Kit opened his arms wide and Luca buried himself in them. “I’m so sorry. I treated you—”

  “Hush,” Kit soothed, and peppered Luca’s head with kisses where it lay against his chest.

  “Do you know how long...I mean when?” Luca asked, looking up, then moved. In barely a few seconds he sat on the bed cradling Kit and the blanket in his lap. Kit sighed contentedly and leaned in to his chest.

  “No. Molly is going to try and find out. Human babies take nine months but wolves are only two. Hybrids, as you know...” Kit swallowed nervously.

  Luca nuzzled into Kit’s neck. “I can’t wait, whatever it is, and I don’t want you worrying. We have proof that the first ever pure omega was human. His name was Oliver, and he was as loved by his King as much as I love you. Somehow that’s been lost over the years.”

  Kit’s lips parted in surprise. “You’re sure?”

  “Of course.” A beat of silence went by. “What is it?” There was something bothering him, and Luca had a feeling he knew what it was. They needed to talk about Tara. Luca needed to tell him how wrong he was and then he needed to grovel and hope his precious omega would forgive his stupidity.

  “Are you sure this is what you want? That I’m what you want?”

  Luca closed his eyes as Kit’s voice caught. He still had no idea how important he was. Luca breathed in slowly. “I’ve sent Tara away.”

  Kit gaped. “You have?”

  “I have,” Luca confirmed, “and I did it before I knew you were both still safe, before I knew you were still pregnant. The whole thing was a complete mistake. I listened to others instead of listening to my heart.” He blushed. “I’m not fully convinced I could have even brought myself to...”

  Kit smirked.

  “You,” Luca continued, his voice dropping several octaves, “however, have only to look at me with those sexy eyes, and I am completely lost.”

  “I might need some convincing.”

  Luca chuckled. “Then come here.”

  He tipped Kit’s chin up and very gently caught his lips with his own. Luca moaned in the back of his throat as Kit’s scent wrapped around him. He splayed one big hand on the side of Kit’s cheek and licked and sucked. He stroked Kit’s tongue with his own, and explored the corners of his mouth, leisurely, completely. No inch was left untouched until Kit was writhing on his lap. When Kit tried to wriggle his ass over Luca’s erection, Luca put a gentle, but firm hand on his thigh. “No, absolutely not.”

  Kit whined his disgust.

  “You were hurt.”

  “Exactly.” Kit implored. “My Alpha has to kiss it better.”

  Luca gazed at him with one eyebrow raised. “Really?”

  Kit nodded eagerly and Luca moved and lay Kit down. He popped another kiss on Kit’s belly, and Kit groaned.

  “Too high.”

  Luca grinned and shuffled downwards. Kit’s eyes grew round and large. “If anything hurts you must promise to tell me.” Kit squeaked as Luca bent his head to claim what was his. All of Kit, every single gorgeous inch was Luca’s and would be for
the rest of their lives.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was in actual fact over three weeks before they traveled. Molly was cautious and even if she hadn’t been, Luca didn’t even let him out of bed for a week, by which time Kit was fully rested and very bored. He behaved himself though. Every time he even dreamed of doing anything more than going to the bathroom, Luca would fix him with this look, and Kit would just melt and agree instantly to whatever his Alpha wanted. Between Luca and Asher, if he so much as breathed hard all hell would break loose.

  Gabriel, much to Kit’s embarrassment, was being tasked by going through the old scrolls to see how much he could find about the male omegas and pregnancy. Or, more specifically, just how they were supposed to give birth. Even though Luca had saved Kit’s life by stopping the bleeding, they didn’t know where the blood had originally come from, so the birth was still speculation. Technology, including any form of modern medicine, had been outlawed and buried by the ruling council for hundreds of years. Gabriel had found scrolls detailing weapons that fired missiles that had been banned, since they were one of the easiest ways for a human to overpower a wolf. Anything that gave the humans an advantage over a physically stronger wolf had been buried, and eventually forgotten. The problem also was that because each territory was so insular, Luca had no idea what they would be walking into. Niandes, where the capital city Neira was located, could easily have “guns”, as the fancy weapons were apparently called, and Gabriel was trying to get as much information from his contact, a historian like himself who lived in the capital, and they had been able to work out a message system using birds. Gabriel’s friend had told them that there were reports of rioting and unrest near the capital. He had also detailed the trouble Niandes was facing. Apparently, Alpha Cain was old and no one had seen him in months. It was his beta-commander who was running things, a cruel wolf who despised humans and made Hendrick look like everyone’s favorite uncle. There were even rumors that a group of militia-type humans were grouping together. If Luca didn’t do something quickly, a lot of people were going to get killed.

  The last report had come over a week ago, before Gabriel had found the scroll containing the history of the human weapons, and there had been nothing since. Heavy snow now covered the ground near the pack house and Gabriel’s contact had also told them that the capital had the first snow fall yesterday, and if they were going to make the journey they needed to start soon or the weather would make it impossible.

  Taheesha often would come lay on the bed with Kit, and they would read together. She’d found out by accident that Kit could barely read and taken it upon herself to teach him. Everyone was indulgent of them spending as much time together as possible because Taheesha knew every day when the baby was happy—as she put it—and Kit knew Luca needed the reassurance.

  Two days ago, everything had suddenly started going wrong when Tomas had broken his leg, which meant that neither he nor Molly could travel with them. Tomas was supervising the packing of some supplies and a horse had spooked. A human boy had got his foot caught and Tomas had managed to calm the animals to stop them bolting and dragging the boy. Unfortunately, the cart had tipped and Tomas had got a spoke through his leg as it splintered, and he’d broken a bone. There was no way he could travel, and there was no way Luca could delay things much longer. Luca had even tried to heal him, but it hadn’t worked. It seemed that Luca would only ever be able to heal Kit.

  Gabriel had managed to get permission from the lead Alpha of Perse, which they had to pass through to get to Neira; if Luca had marched into another territory without notice, people might have gotten killed before he had a chance to explain who he was. Added to that was the likelihood that Kit could deliver the baby in four weeks, and it was going to take at least ten days to get to Neira. When Molly had told them it was likely Kit would follow wolf gestation rules rather than human rules, Luca had insisted at first he wasn’t traveling until after the pup was born, but then the weather was going to be a problem. Kit was glad it was cooler, as the journey would be unpleasant if too hot, but the weather was the other reason Sam had cautioned Luca he had to leave soon. In another moon cycle, snow would cover most of the northern territories, and while they were traveling south, Neira wasn’t far south enough to be unaffected.

  Then this morning, Gabriel had the second report from his friend in Perse near where the human militia had attacked, wolves had retaliated, and over a hundred people all from the same village were dead. Kit had insisted Luca couldn’t let it happen a second time. He was strong. Caedra was safe and running well. They had no choice but to leave as soon as they could.

  Luca had been silent for a long few minutes. Kit had known why. It was the “greater good” argument all over again, and what they both knew was that, now more than ever, if humans were rioting, Luca had to take his human omega with them.

  The argument currently was over who else was going.

  “Absolutely not,” Luca said incredulously when Taheesha had appeared with her bag already packed.

  “But who’s going to look after the baby?” Taheesha had said, reasonably at first, then more rebelliously when her brother continued to be adamant she was staying with Iris, Molly, and Tomas.

  Luca finally lost his temper and yelled, “I absolutely forbid it.”

  Taheesha burst into tears and ran out of the pack house.

  Kit had tried to soothe him. “She’s rationalizing through the eyes of a thirteen-year-old, don’t forget. She’s very protective of me.” He would miss Tomas, Molly, and Taheesha, but he agreed with Luca. There was no way they could risk Taheesha. At least Gabriel was going to accompany them. It meant leaving Danni, but Luca had promised once they got to Neira and the first snows had gone, Gabriel could then either return, or bring Danni down with him. Luca had told Kit he had a feeling he was going to have to appoint another Alpha to rule for Gabriel. He knew the wolf was more eager to reach the great library in the capital than he was to manage his “father’s pack”, as he called it. The fact that he still referred to it as his father’s pack, and not his own, was telling. Kit knew Luca also needed Danni’s divining talents, as he had no idea what he was going to be walking into.

  Luca sighed and rubbed his temple. Kit immediately rose up on his knees behind him and dug into the tight muscles with his fingers. Luca sagged. Kit continued for a few minutes until Luca turned around and kissed Kit senseless. “I want to crawl into bed with you, but if we are leaving in the morning, I still have a huge list of jobs to finish.”

  “Who’s going with us?”

  “Sam, and Asher obviously,” Luca replied. “Gabriel. Nial, thank goodness, as we need someone to look after the horses. Sam has got a group of ten gammas and five humans. I want to take an army, but any larger and we won’t be able to move fast enough.”

  Kit nodded. He knew they already had three huge carts with all the supplies in them. Kit was going to travel in the first one behind the gammas. All the gammas had been selected by Nial personally as the ones who could ride horses the best. The humans all had various talents, but there were at least two who could cook and were in charge of feeding everyone. They would drive the carts. Asher would drive his. Luca had told him in no uncertain terms that if anything happened—if Asher felt there was a threat of any sort to Kit—Asher had to take off with Kit and hide. He had said if the choice was between protecting Kit and protecting his King, then Kit would win. Kit hadn’t been able to speak for a good few minutes after hearing this. The thought of anything happening to Luca was enough to make him want to curl up and die.

  The next morning they were all packed. Kit looked in amusement as Gabriel dragged a box of books over to one of the carts, insisting he couldn’t leave without them. The horses stood breathing what looked like smoke out of their noses in the cool, misty air. Kit was standing quietly, getting hugs from everyone, it seemed. Iris had dissolved into tears as she said Taheesha had told her she was refusing to say goodbye to her brothers and locked herself in he
r room. Kit was sorry—he’d missed the little girl’s hugs that morning, but Luca was right to forbid Taheesha to come. He was nearly hyperventilating over Kit’s safety. Goodness knows what state Luca would be in if he had his little sister to worry about as well.

  Asher went to help Kit climb on the seat of the cart, but Luca stopped him, and gently picked Kit up instead, his hands coming to rest tenderly on Kit’s rounded belly before he let go and jogged towards his own horse. Luca and Sam—of course—would be riding at the front of the line along with Nial. Kit knew it wasn’t a sense of importance that drove that decision in Luca, it was his sense of responsibility. He would never expect his men to go anywhere he wasn’t about to lead them. That was going to have to change as Luca became King, and the thought amused him.

  Molly finally pressed a bag into Asher’s hands. He tucked it behind their seats. If Kit hadn’t been turning, he would have missed it. “What’s that?” he asked curiously.

  Asher grunted non-committedly, so Kit peeked, which made Molly sigh loudly. He stopped looking as soon as he removed the small baby blanket.

  “Don’t show Luca, please,” Molly groaned. “I know he thinks he has plenty of time, but I want you prepared.”

  Kit giggled and Asher looked pained. He knew Asher had gone to Molly’s last night after they realized she wouldn’t be traveling with them. Kit knew Molly had given him emergency advice, but the plan was to be in Neira well before the baby was due. The problem was they still didn’t know how the baby was going to be born, and Kit was trying not to worry. It wasn’t as if he was the only male omega to give birth, just the first in hundreds of years.


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