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The Alpha King

Page 20

by Victoria Sue

  Kit moaned and tried to roll over. Taheesha stopped him. “Just five minutes, sweetheart, then you can.”

  Kit whined in protest and Taheesha sent Luca a level look which Luca took to mean he had to distract him. This was his job. He would take care of Kit while Taheesha sorted out what was going on below.

  He could do this. “Kit?” Luca tilted Kit’s face gently towards him. Pain and fear were clouding the gorgeous blue he loved so much. There might not be much he could do about one but he sure as hell could help with the other. “You’re going to make a brilliant dad.”

  A flush of pleasure lit Kit’s features and Luca was willing to bet Kit had been so hooked up on the actual shock of being pregnant and the mad dash to leave for Neira he hadn’t translated that to actually having a child at the end.

  Luca wanted to slap himself. He’d been so wrapped up in everything, he’d never actually given Kit a reason to enjoy being pregnant. He knew the she-wolves had little parties and wrapped small gifts. Kit hadn’t had any of that. Luca should have asked Iris, but then Iris was learning how to run a pack so that wouldn’t have been fair either.

  He lovingly wiped the sweat off Kit’s face. What had he done? Kit spent most of his time either with a human bodyguard or a thirteen-year-old girl. He had no friends. The she-wolves didn’t know what to make of him. The servants were awkward now that he wasn’t one of them, and the wolves weren’t much better.

  Guilt swamped Luca. Kit had taken everything Luca had thrown at him with grace and cheerfulness, and apart from making sure everyone in the pack was fed, Luca hadn’t asked once what he filled his days doing.

  “You’re doing great,” Taheesha pronounced and covered Kit up.

  Kit immediately rolled onto his side. “I need to get up.”

  “Sire,” Sam said apologetically, reminding Luca of his other problem.

  Kit grabbed his arm. “Luca, what is it?”

  “I am worried there may be wolves close,” he hedged. “It makes sense for us to lead them away from here.” He didn’t tell Kit what Sam had said. He had enough to worry about.

  Kit’s eyes filled. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Never.” Luca cupped Kit’s face and thumbed a single tear that ran down his cheek. He bent and pressed a gentle kiss on Kit’s forehead. Luca glanced at Sam. “Make sure we have scouts posted.” Sam nodded grimly and disappeared.

  “Luca, sit in front of him and spread your legs wide.” Taheesha interrupted, and in a few minutes Kit was resting his head on Luca’s shoulder, kneeling forward with Luca supporting his top half.

  “Oh, that is so much better,” Kit groaned.

  “Molly had three women last year who gave birth like that.”

  Luca’s eyes shot up. “What?”

  “Or actually crouching if you’re strong enough to hold him up,” Taheesha continued without missing a beat. Luca bristled indignantly. Of course he was strong enough. Then he caught Taheesha’s smile and realized he was being bated.

  “I thought women were supposed to give birth laying on their backs.”

  “Luca, they can stand on their heads if it makes it easier.” Taheesha clucked sympathetically at Kit’s groan. “Although I’d go with whatever position gravity makes easier.”

  “Oh,” Kit ground out and pressed his head into Luca’s chest.

  “What can I do, baby?” Luca murmured.

  Taheesha looked down. “You’re doing great. Nearly fully dilated.”

  Luca dropped a kiss on Kit’s head. “Hear that sweetheart? You’re gonna meet our son, soon.”

  Kit said something muffled into Luca’s shoulder, and Luca held him, rubbed his back, and whispered how much he was loved.

  An hour later Kit was screaming and Luca was about ready to. He’d been on his back for a while but he was getting nowhere. Every push seemed to hurt more and Kit was exhausted. Luca was channeling every healing thought possible into him and said that to Taheesha.

  “You’re doing what?” she exclaimed.

  “I’m healing him,” Luca explained.

  “You complete idiot,” Taheesha lost it. “He’s not sick, he’s trying to have a baby. How do you know that you aren’t fighting what is supposed to be happening naturally? That could easily be the reason we’re not getting anywhere.”

  Kit whimpered and Luca looked down in horror. This was his fault?

  “Luca, get him back on his knees. He seemed easier like that.” Luca gently arranged Kit, but Kit didn’t even seem to be aware of what they were doing. Luca supported him and draped Kit’s arms over his neck.

  “Now the next time the contraction hits I want you to push.”

  “Who says they stop?” Kit muttered pitifully.

  “Luca, when I say I want you to bite him.”

  “What?” Luca said incredulously.

  “I only saw one she-wolf give birth, but her mate bit her just as the head crowned. It’s the perfect pain killer and it gave the she-wolf the strength to finish the job.”

  “Luca,” Kit gasped, “it’s coming.”

  Kit seemed to heave and Taheesha cried out a stream of encouragement. She met Luca’s eyes. “Now.”

  Luca licked Kit’s neck and sank his teeth in just below his tattoo. Kit stiffened, cried out, and then every muscle in him relaxed. “Perfect,” Taheesha cried. “I need one more big push.”

  Luca licked his bite to seal the skin but Kit wasn’t moving. “Kit, baby. One more. Come on sweetie, one more.”

  “I can’t,” Kit whispered, his eyes closed. “I can’t.”

  “Kit?” Luca cupped Kit’s face. “Open your eyes, baby. One more time, for me.”

  Kit cracked open his beautiful blue eyes, widening them as he felt the next pain. He screwed them up and pushed. Luca looked over at the first cry. Taheesha was holding a squirming, screaming, indignant tiny baby. Asher bent down with a cloth and handed Taheesha some string that had been soaking in the water. Luca hadn’t even noticed Asher had come in. Darrin was hovering with blankets as well.

  “Is he okay?” Kit asked frantically.

  “He’s perfect,” Taheesha grinned. She very quickly handed the baby to Asher and tied and cut the cord. He was still crying. “I think he wants his daddy.” She smiled. Kit tried to turn and Luca helped him until Kit was cradled against Luca’s chest. Kit immediately held his arms out and Asher handed him over. “Do you have a name?” he asked.

  Kit shook his head and Luca gazed at them both, completely over awed. Their son had stopped crying as soon as Kit closed his arms around him. He was perfect—a few strands of black hair, light brown skin, the cutest nose possible, and... “Beautiful blue eyes,” Luca said as his son opened them. “Perfect, like his daddy.”

  Kit sighed in complete contentment then winced a little as Taheesha pressed on his belly. Luca was about to ask her to go easy but she was frowning in concentration. “Just the placenta... Oh,” she said in surprise and the bottom dropped out of Luca’s world. There was something wrong. “Kit, honey, let Asher take the baby.”

  Kit looked up. “What’s the matter?”

  Taheesha’s smile was huge. “Absolutely nothing, but you haven’t quite finished yet.”

  Kit glanced at Luca in confusion.

  “What do you mean?” Luca demanded.

  Kit winced. “Oww.” Taheesha scooped up the baby and handed him to a startled Asher.

  “You need to push as soon as I say,” Taheesha ordered.

  “Why?” Kit asked, as bewildered as Luca. The baby started crying again as soon as he was out of Kit’s arms.

  Kit screwed his face up as a pain hit him. “What’s happening, Taheesha?”

  She grinned. “I’m delivering your baby is what’s happening. Your second baby.”

  It was a good job Luca was sitting down. He didn’t even have words. “Luca,” Kit cried, and after a blur of cries, pants, and then indignant, lusty wails, Taheesha was holding another baby.

  “Congratulations, daddies. You also have a daughte

  Luca gaped at Kit, completely unable to speak, and Asher calmly cradled his son while Taheesha was still busy. She crooned and wrapped their daughter and handed her over for Kit to cuddle, and got busy doing...whatever it was that Luca really didn’t want to watch. He focused on the tiny fingers currently clutching one of his own.

  “Twins,” Kit whispered.

  Taheesha chuckled. “You had to be different, and because she was hiding behind her brother we all missed her.” She washed her hands and sat back. The little boy had fallen asleep, but the little girl—complete with Luca’s own deep gray eyes—was blinking up at Kit. She wasn’t crying. Just seemed to be content to be held. “Do you have any name ideas?”

  “What was your mother’s name?” Luca asked Kit.

  Kit smiled. “Adera.”

  “And my father was Aristaad, after the first great King.”

  “Ari for short,” Kit sighed happily. Kit looked up suddenly. “Taheesha, what about milk?”

  She grinned. “It would be marvelous, wouldn’t it?”

  “What would?”

  “If you could breast-feed.”

  “I haven’t got breasts,” Kit giggled, then yawned.

  Taheesha smiled. “Molly sent everything. There is milk ready to mix in the bottom of the bag she gave to Asher.” She climbed to her feet, and Luca caught her arm.

  “I don’t know how to say—”

  “You don’t have to,” Taheesha finished. “But just remember this the next time you think I’m too young to do anything.” She arched an eyebrow and Luca laughed, then his eyes narrowed.

  “Molly knew.”

  Taheesha smiled. “Of course she did. Only a man would decide to transport a heavily pregnant mate two hundred miles across country with absolutely no thought for if this happened. Although the twins were a shock, I have to admit. Even I missed that one.”

  “I meant she knew you were coming.”

  Taheesha didn’t reply but he took her slow smile as confirmation.

  “Can I heal, now?” Luca asked quietly and Taheesha nodded. Luca bent his head and breathed Kit in. Strength poured from his body and he felt Kit smile as Kit’s face was pressed into his neck. He sat back. “There,” he said, satisfied.

  “Sire,” Sam said apologetically from outside, reminding Luca of his other problem.

  Kit grabbed his arm. “What are you going to do, Luca?”

  “I need you to be safe,” Luca said grimly. “The snow is too deep to move the carts and there is a large party of wolves I cannot risk getting any closer.”

  “Luca, no.” Kit’s eyes welled with tears. “Please don’t leave me—leave us.”

  Luca’s voice nearly gave out. “I have to. There is only one thing more important than being by your side, and that’s making sure you are all safe. I just need to be near to them to let them see who I am. The wolves will have no choice but to submit, and I will be back as soon as I can.” He clasped Kit’s hand and glanced at Taheesha.

  “But you don’t have enough gammas to fight their numbers.”

  Luca pressed his lips to the palm of Kit’s hand to cover up the fact that he didn’t trust himself not to cry. Kit’s other hand cupped his cheek and he raised his eyes to Kit. “That’s the whole point. I am their King. I’m not gonna fight anyone, that’s why I’m just taking Sam.”

  “What? No,” Kit panicked. “Just leave me Asher. Take the wolves at least for protection.”

  Luca shook his head. “The only thing I need protecting is my heart.” He kissed Kit before he could protest any further. “And you are taking care of that.”

  That silenced Kit. Luca breathed out slowly, letting every ounce of love shimmer in his eyes, then without another word, turned and leaped down from the cart.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gabriel and Sascha were the most vociferous of their dislike of Sam and Luca going alone but they understood the need to leave Kit with as much protection as possible.

  About an hour later, Luca felt the first prickle in his skin before he scented anything, and knew his wolf didn’t like whatever he was doing. They were heading up a steep rise and expected to sight the other wolves as soon as they reached the top. “They are close, Sam,” Luca said. “We will see them as we get to the top.”

  “You can scent them?” Sam inhaled.

  “No, but my wolf knows they are there.” Sam had the grace to twist his lips in an approximation of a smile. Luca pushed on and heard the horses’ hooves coming towards them just as he reached the top with Sam at his side.

  Elliot had been wrong about the number. Luca would have guessed at around thirty maximum, plus an equal number of human guards. It was odd. They seemed to be camped in the middle of nowhere. When the first cry went up, he knew they had been spotted, and he signaled for Sam to stop. Around ten gammas immediately mounted their horses and they all started galloping towards them. Luca fixed his gaze on the one who was leading and with a sigh swung his leg around and jumped down from the horse, passing the reins to Sam.

  “Luca...” Sam breathed out but Luca knew it wasn’t in admonishment. There was no warning for him not to dismount; he just whispered Luca’s name in shock, as stunned as Luca was resigned. In some part of him Luca had always known this day would happen.

  The lead gamma reined his horse in sharply, his features mirroring the same surprise as Sam’s, and without a word threw his own reins in a replication of Luca’s actions, dismounted, and took a step towards him. Head tilted, gray eyes flashing in anger, the wolf stopped and drew himself up.

  “Well, well,” drawled the werewolf, “aren’t you a little far from home, brother?”

  Luca stared at Kieran and the familiar instant anger and bitter sense of betrayal filled his gut. Luca threw back his head and let out a deafening howl. Dominance and power echoed in the powerful sound, never heard before coming from a still-human throat. Luca snapped his mouth closed as birds screeched and flew in complete panic. Sam struggled to keep both horses together, and some of the guards lost theirs as they bolted. Every wolf froze.

  “On your knees,” Luca snarled the demand, and he was certain every wolf and human heard it. Kieran’s face changed as wolves dropped where they stood, the humans seconds behind them.

  “W-What?” Kieran looked around, his bravado dissipating quickly.

  “I said kneel.” The words directed at Kieran were no less forceful because they were quieter and as Luca ended with a growl the ground shook. There was only one wolf left standing except Sam when Luca closed his mouth a second time, and as awe registered on Kieran’s face Luca tipped his chin up so his tattoo was clearly visible.

  Kieran nearly fell, but then took a step back and dropped to one knee and bent his head.

  Luca stared at his brother, trying to temper his anger. “What are you doing here?”

  Kieran raised his head. “I am a beta to Alpha Cain.”

  “His beta?” Luca snapped out.

  “One of many,” Kieran added hurriedly. “I am responsible for the border with Perse.” He hesitated and swallowed nervously. Nearly identical gray eyes stared at Luca. “You are the King?” The disbelief was apparent in his voice.

  “Do you doubt me?” Luca snapped back. He couldn’t afford to look weak in front of the rest of the wolves.

  Kieran shook his head slowly. “Forgive me,” he whispered. “I was stupid—stupid, and incredibly jealous. Our father, even when he was alive, had no time for me, but I had no idea Karik was going to stab you. We just wanted to make you sick and look foolish in front of Hendrick. I was hoping he might name me Alpha-heir.” He lowered his head. “And even when you nearly lost your life, you spared mine.”

  Luca swallowed the lump in his throat. When they were young he never thought it possible to love another as fiercely as he did his brother. They were inseparable. It had only gone wrong when their father had died. And Kieran was right, their father had favored Luca because he was the heir. With the ignorance of childhood, he’d just
never thought about it.

  “It was the biggest mistake of my life, and I have wanted to come home every day,” Kieran continued.

  Maybe today especially should be about new beginnings? Luca held out his hand and Kieran clasped it gratefully. They stared at each other for the count of about five seconds then Luca pulled Kieran into his arms and felt the sob that shook his shoulders. They stayed still for a moment and then reluctantly drew apart.

  “I march on Neira,” Luca said. “There are many wrongs I have to put right.”

  The moisture in Kieran’s eyes made them glitter. “You were always one for crusades.”

  “Do you think Cain will surrender?”

  Kieran nodded. “Absolutely. There is no wolf who won’t submit.”

  “I was told there is a beta-commander running things.”

  Kieran frowned. “Then you know more than me. He has three beta-commanders and I wouldn’t say any has more power than the other.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “We have been having trouble with a local group of human militia and followed them. I split my men...” Kieran lowered his voice. “I have humans amongst them and I can’t trust them to discipline their own kind. Alain, the beta-commander from the eastern border, has taken the gammas and hopes to cut them off.” Kieran frowned. “You are lucky you didn’t encounter them. They must have gone nearly straight past you but I guess they could have kept to the trees.”

  Luca glanced at Sam. Could they have been wrong about Christoph? “I heard there was a village destroyed.”

  Kieran swallowed. “It was disgusting,” he spat. “Their leader is a Christoph Tor who will destroy anything that stands in his way, and one of the elders of the village had met me on a few occasions to barter food. It was Tor’s brand of punishment. They say wolves are bloodthirsty, but those humans slaughtered children.” Luca absorbed this. Sascha had been insistent it was the wolves who had massacred the village, and there was no way Christoph would murder his own people. Luca kept his smile in place even as a cold shiver raced up his spine. Kieran looked behind Luca at Sam. “Where is your omega?”


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