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My Rebel Highlander

Page 29

by Vonda Sinclair

  "Even though neither Kean nor Orin will inherit my title or this estate," Lachlan said, "I can provide them anything else they might need."

  Rebbie nodded, knowing how much Lachlan loved his two illegitimate sons.

  "And now we both must get busy siring male heirs, aye?" Lachlan chuckled.

  Rebbie grinned. "'Tis a job I look forward to."


  A sound woke Calla. What was it? The room was dark but for a low-burning fire in the hearth. Rebbie padded across the rug toward her.

  "Are you awake?" he asked, his voice hushed.

  "Aye. Where's Jamie?"

  "In the children's wing with the other lads. The nursemaids will have their hands full getting them to go to sleep."

  She grinned. "Indeed."

  Rebbie sat on the chair by the bed. "Does your arm pain you?"

  "Not overmuch." Twinges of sharp pains stabbed at her flesh, but she was determined to ignore them. "Gwyneth stitched up the cut neatly and gave me some whisky."

  "Ah. Does that mean I can take advantage of you, m'lady?"

  She loved the teasing, sensual tone of his voice. "Aye. Please do." She grinned, her heart rate increasing with excitement.

  "I was but jesting, my love." He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I wouldn't dream of it, with your injury."

  "Blast. You are too much a gentleman."

  He snickered.

  "What are you doing over there?" she asked. "Take off your clothes and get into bed."

  His brows shot up. "Indeed?"

  "You slept with me when I had the head injury, remember?"

  "Aye. If you're certain."

  She nodded and scooted over. Enthralled, she watched as he disrobed, baring those luscious muscles in the low light and shadow of the fire's glow.

  "You'll be glad to know I had a bath after supper." He crawled into bed and snuggled up to her, his hard body a welcome warmth against her. Indeed, he did smell fresh and clean.

  The maids had helped her bathe, too, after her cut was stitched up. She'd wanted the lingering and disgusting feel of Claybourne's touch scrubbed from her skin. But naught could make her forget the cool, slimy sensation of his skinny fingers except Rebbie's touch. The heat of his body seeped into her, making her feel at once relaxed and invigorated. Renewed.

  Aside from how much she wanted him, she also needed to explain a few things.

  "I want to tell you again how sorry I am for not trusting you sooner," she said. "I was terrified to tell you about Jamie, especially after we… shared a bed at Tummel. I feared you would hate me forever."

  "I could never hate you, Calla." He stroked warm fingers against her cheek, pushing her hair back from her face. "'Twas painful, I admit, but I never hated you. Nay, indeed, you stole my heart that first night we shared almost seven years ago. I just didn't know it at the time. I looked for you. I thought of you often."

  Tears burned her eyes. "You stole my heart, too," she whispered. "And I'm sorry I used you."

  "No more apologies for that. I understand why you did it. Damnation, I hate thinking of you living with that beast, Stanbury, all those years."

  "He didn't touch me again after I was with child. 'Tis you I must thank for that."

  "I'm glad I helped, then. And I'm thankful you picked me that night."

  She marveled at his words. "Are you truly?"

  "Of course. You're the only one for me, the only woman on earth I would want to marry."

  Joy reverberated through her, making her heart thump harder. "You're the only man I've ever loved. I cannot believe I'm here with you now," she whispered, breathing in the sensual scent of his skin. "How did I become so fortunate?"

  "I'm the one who's fortunate. You're a remarkable mother. And Jamie—he is amazing. So bright and handsome."

  She smiled. "He takes after his father."

  He gave her a quick kiss. "I thank you. Tell me what I missed."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Of Jamie's younger years, when he was a wee bairn."

  "Oh." Calla's eyes burned when she realized how much Rebbie had missed and how badly he now wanted to learn about his son. "Well, he was a sweet babe. Not too fussy. Always smiling. 'Twas some of the happiest times of my life. I spent each day with him. I would rock him and look into his adorable face and… realize how blessed I was. I would thank God, and I would thank you. If not for you, I couldn't have had him."

  Rebbie stroked his thumb by the corner of her eye, wiping away the tear.

  "When he was older, he loved naught better than going outside and seeing the horses. He wanted to pet them and feed them apples."

  Rebbie snickered. "He must get that from me."

  She nodded, realizing just how alike the two of them were, and she was certain her son would one day grow up to be an amazing man much like Rebbie. "Sometimes, when we visited the horses, I would think of you. I would wonder where you were and wish you could be there with us. Then, I would realize how daft and impossible that was. I'd only known you for one night, but in some ways, I felt I knew you deep down. As if we were kindred spirits. 'Twas clear you were a good man. And now that I know you much better… I was right. We understood each other on that first night."

  "Aye, we did," he whispered. "We needed each other, we just didn't know how much. We were so young, too, aye?"

  She nodded.

  "Too young to realize such things."

  "And now, destiny has brought us together at the right time," she said.

  "Aye." He kissed her forehead, and she slid her hand around his neck into his hair, bringing his mouth to hers. His kiss tasted of warm, peaty whisky and Rebbie. Like heaven to her.

  While he slowly and gently kissed her, he untied her smock. Her skin tingled in anticipation.

  Abruptly, he drew away. "I don't wish to hurt you."

  "You won't. After what I went through today, I need you," she whispered.

  Though she couldn't see his expression, she sensed his flash of anger toward Claybourne.

  "Aye. You must not think of that." Rebbie kissed her again and all thoughts but him left her head. Moments later, he helped her slip the smock from her body, then lay cradled between her thighs. There was nothing more delicious than lying naked with Rebbie, his hot skin brushing against hers.


  One month later

  Calla gazed out the window of Castle Rebbinglen at the expansive and colorful autumn gardens in the afternoon sunlight. Beyond the high stone wall, a black form moved up a hill in the distance—Rebbie on Devil's back. They were not flying now, thank the saints, since Jamie sat on the horse in front of him, Rebbie's arm securely around him. She smiled, knowing Jamie was probably squealing with joy.

  Since she and Rebbie had wed two weeks ago in the wee chapel at Draughon Castle, Calla had never in her life been so happy. It had been a small but elegant wedding, just perfect, with her friends and those she loved most around her. Jamie had not truly understood what was going on, but he had looked on with wide and curious eyes.

  Even Rebbie's young sisters had traveled to attend the wedding, the eldest of whom was eighteen summers. And Rebbie's da had been his best man. Angelique had stood up with Calla as her matron of honor.

  Calla was impressed with how quickly and efficiently Laird Kilverntay had taken possession of the missives meant for parliament. When he'd questioned Claybourne's guards, they'd told him who the steward was and where to find him. Kilverntay had promptly burned the missives, then had the man arrested, along with the rest of Claybourne's guards for their roles in blackmailing and capturing her.

  After her and Rebbie's wedding, Kilverntay had insisted she, too, call him Da, and that Jamie should call him Granda. With the large garrison, he had accompanied them to Castle Rebbinglen, then traveled on with his daughters to their home. He was much looking forward to finding the perfect husband for Lily, and the poor lass couldn't have looked more miserable.

  Calla glanced out the window again, glad to see Rebb
ie and Jamie returning. She had exciting news for her husband, but… she glanced down at the gold, heart-shaped locket in her hand. She'd found it in the wooden box where he kept his jewelry and brooches in the large bedchamber they shared. She'd opened the locket and found a lock of blond hair. It appeared to be one long hair which had been curled into a circle. Whose was it? A woman Rebbie had loved long ago? She must ask him. She truly believed his heart belonged to her now, but she must know. He had never told her he'd loved someone else.

  A quarter hour later, he entered the bedchamber where she still stood by the window. She turned. "Did you and Jamie enjoy your ride?"

  "Aye, indeed, Lady Rebbinglen." Rebbie grinned, appearing to delight in calling her by her official title. He kissed her, then glanced down at the locket in her hands. "Where did you find that?"

  "In the mahogany box. I wondered…" She swallowed hard and opened the locket.

  "Whose hair it is?" he guessed, his deep brown gaze delving into hers.

  She nodded, fearing his answer.

  A hint of a smile crossed his face, his eyes holding an abundance of warmth and affection. "Yours."

  "What?" She frowned.

  "It has been almost seven years since I found that one lovely flaxen hair on my pillow at the inn. 'Twas the only evidence you'd been there, and… well, 'twas all I had left of you. I ken 'tis daft but—"

  "Rebbie," she whispered and shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. She traced her fingers over his strong jaw. He was the most amazing man she'd ever met and her heart ached with love for him now. "I love you."

  "And I love you." His deep voice purred in her ear.

  "I have news I think you will like."

  "Indeed? What is it?" He pulled back to look into her eyes.

  "We're going to have another child," she whispered, feeling the urge to laugh and cry at the same time.

  "Saints," he hissed, lifted her off her feet and kissed her. "In truth?"

  "Aye." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "The midwife examined me this morn while you were out."

  He twirled her about the room. "You've made me the happiest man on earth. Even before this, of course, but now…." He acted as if he didn't know how to contain his excitement. He gave her a quick kiss and set her to her feet. "We must send missives to everyone. And I'm not certain you should go to Tummel for the autumn gathering." He frowned and glanced down at her belly, which was still as flat as before.

  "There you are wrong, sir. I'm fully fit and capable of riding for several more months still."

  "You'll ride with me, then."

  She nodded. "I enjoy that far more than riding alone, anyway." She softened her voice. "I love the feel of you in my arms."

  He lifted a brow, his eyes growing even darker than normal. "'Haps we should have a wee nap." He strode to the door and bolted it.

  "A nap?" She snickered.

  "Aye, 'tis what we'll tell Jamie, anyway, if he asks."

  "Is he with Morna?"

  "Of course. She's forcing a bath on him, so he'll be occupied for a while." Rebbie picked her up and carried her to the bed. Lying over her, he kissed her like a man with pent up passions.

  "By the way, have I told you how much I love you?" he asked, trailing sweet, tantalizing kisses down her throat.

  She smiled, tugging him closer. "Not in the last minute or so. 'Haps you should show me, instead."

  "A splendid idea," he said, a wicked gleam entering his eyes.


  More books in the Highland Adventure Series will be coming soon!

  The Highland Adventure Series

  My Fierce Highlander (Alasdair and Gwyneth)

  My Wild Highlander (Lachlan and Angelique)

  My Brave Highlander (Dirk and Isobel)

  My Daring Highlander (Keegan and Seona)

  My Notorious Highlander (Torrin and Jessie)

  My Rebel Highlander (Rebbie and Calla)

  About the Author

  Vonda Sinclair is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling Author whose favorite indulgent pastime is exploring Scotland, from Edinburgh to the untamed and windblown north coast. She also enjoys creating hot, Highland heroes and spirited lasses to drive them mad. Her books have won an EPIC Award, a National Readers' Choice Award, and first place in the historical division of the Winter Rose Award for Excellence in Published Romantic Fiction. She lives with her amazing and supportive husband in the mountains of North Carolina where she is no doubt creating another Scottish story. Please visit her website to learn more.




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