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The Billionaire Bull

Page 14

by Romi Hart

  Keep telling yourself that, my face answers…but my lips stay quiet. “I’ve been thinking of dating again. Just because things didn’t work out with Billy doesn’t mean I’m disqualifying all nice guys. Maybe I just need another Billy type, you know, a good guy, a sweet country-bumpkin type. But obviously not so obsessed with chicken jokes.”

  We both laugh.

  “Yeah, you should totally do that!” Renee says, probably loving the idea of me dating outside my network of friends and getting farther away from her business. Less chance of me stealing her boyfriend or some jealous shit like that. Don’t worry, honey. You can have him. I outgrew Zander a long time ago.

  “Well I better get to bed,” Renee says. “Zander said he might call me late tonight anyway. Don’t want to miss his call. Oops…sorry, I know I’m not supposed to talk about him.”

  “Don’t worry,” I say with a toss of my hand. “Believe it or not, it’s not really bothering me anymore. I think I actually am okay with it. Or at least, you know, going in the direction of being okay with it.”


  “Say, you want to sleep here tonight? You kind of had a lot to drink.”

  “Oh my God,” Renee replies. “You are just trying to seduce me, you dyke.”

  We crack up laughing. “No, idiot. I’m just worried you’re going to drink and drive and end up on one of those bad afterschool specials. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk!”

  “Don’t ever tell me to stop drinking,” she says, doing a bad Nicholas Cage imitation.

  “All right, see you later. Don’t run over any deer, you psycho.”

  “See ya, Maya.”

  I wait until Renee leaves my apartment and then pour myself another glass. Best friend who stole my ex-boyfriend still dating my ex-boyfriend but I’m okay with it. Ugh, I need to stop calling Zander my ex-boyfriend. We were just fooling around. No wonder guys hate getting involved with virgins like me. Er, virgin like I was, I should clarify. We take everything so goddamned seriously.

  A frantic knock at my door wakes me up. I look over at the digital clock and see it’s two in the morning. This can’t be good.

  I slowly, groggily, walk to the front door. I see Renee through the peephole. She’s bouncing around back and forth, looking back at me and flailing her arms. This is definitely not good.

  I reluctantly open the door, my adrenaline rising, figuring this could only be bad news.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I say, opening the door and closing it behind me.

  “He broke up with me,” she whines.


  As in OH. You slut, you woke me up from a good night’s sleep for this? You got me all anxious and hyped up just to tell me something I already knew…Jesus!

  I rub my hand through my hair, trying really hard not to tell her I fucking told you so.

  “What happened?”

  “He did that THING,” she says hatefully. “That thing where he announces that we’ve broken up.”


  Cute…because that’s exactly what I did to Zander. I almost smile at the thought. I definitely beat the billionaire egomaniac at his own game.

  Renee shakes her head and grits her teeth. “He said…the bastard actually said…that the spark isn’t there anymore.”


  “Yeah?!” Renee barks back. “That’s a terrible thing to say to a woman!”

  “Oh, I see. Yeah, he really can be a jerk.”

  “And I know what you’re thinking,” she snaps. “That I had this coming. That, of course, Zander the Great was going to get bored of me. You don’t have to say it.”

  “I wasn’t going to,” I say softly, actually feeling bad for Renee, who’s almost to the point of tears.

  “I always do this to myself,” she whines. “I go after these guys, the same fucking guys every time. Emotionally vacant, walking dickheads. And every time it ends the same way. With me hoping against all odds I can change him. That I’ll be the one that wins his heart. And every single time, they laugh me out of the room. It’s never me. Never me.”

  I frown back at her. “Do you want a drink?”

  “God, no. I’ve been drinking all night.”

  “Come on in,” I say reluctantly. She’s in a bad place. I can’t just send her away. But I have no idea what comfort to offer her. “Does he know you left?”

  “Does he care?”

  “I guess not.”

  “I don’t want to talk to him. He already made it clear how he feels about us. That there’s no future. I don’t need any of his apologies anymore. I don’t need to hear that shit.”

  “I understand. If he calls I won’t put you on the phone.”

  “Good. I have nothing to say to him. I just need to get away from HIM. Away from crazy rich SOBs. That’s what I need.”

  “No argument there.”

  “But I guess the heart wants what it wants.”

  Even if your heart is just really stupid, apparently.

  Renee talked her heart out to me for a good two hours and then collapsed in my bed. I didn’t have the heart to toss her out or flip the mattress over and watch her careen onto the floor. I could have slept on the couch…but fuck it, it’s my apartment. I wanted to sleep in my own bed. I know we’re not gay, so there’s no need to be weird about it. We’re just two women sharing a bed…and one of us, obviously, taking up three fourths of the queen size mattress with her long, crazy legs.

  Ugh, Renee. You are such a bad hostess.

  Just as I begin to doze off…I am interrupted by rude rattling and pounding at the front door. No doubt, the sounds of angry rich men trying to prove a point. I sigh heavily…but Renee is sound asleep. Looks like this is drama I have to endure all on my own.

  Wearing only a t-shirt and jeans, I get up to go see who is making all that racket—as if I didn’t know.

  I don’t even bother looking through the peephole. I just unlock and open the door, giving a tired and unwelcoming face to Zander.

  “Did she come here?” he says, a little jumpy. Unusual for him.

  “Yeah. She’s sleeping. She doesn’t want to talk to you.” I close the door behind me, hoping Renee can’t hear any of this.

  He suspires as he paces back and forth. He puts his hands in his rich, designer suit pockets. Hearing only what’s relevant to him, fitting into our little world like a dragon trying to live on a farm. He obviously speaks another language than us middle-income apartment-dwellers.

  “I just wanted to know she’s okay.”

  “What do you mean, if she’s okay, Zander?” I laugh in disbelief. “She’s upset about you. But she’s as okay as can be expected. What, you think she’s going to kill herself just because she can’t have you? Give me a break. You’re not that big of a deal.”

  “Maya…you don’t understand. We broke up because of you.”


  “She was insanely jealous of you. She knew me better than I knew myself. And everything she predicted came true.”

  “About what?”

  “That I’m still in love with you. That I can’t stop thinking about you. That I care more about you than about her.”

  “Stop it.”

  “I’ve always wanted you more. You knew that. Nothing changed.”

  “But you’re with her now!”

  “Because I tried to forget you, Maya. I tried really hard. I pretended like I could move on, but I CAN’T. And how is that fair to Renee? To pretend to be falling for her when in fact I feel nothing?”

  “You don’t feel love for anybody. You only love yourself.”

  “That’s not true. I’ll admit, I’m not an expert. I don’t love easily. But I know that I what I feel for you is the closest thing to caring about someone I’ve ever felt before.”

  “Well, it’s too late.”

  “You wanted me. I wanted you. You stopped it, Maya. Not me.”

  “YES! And now, out of respect for my friend, it’s time to move on! For
all of us. Forget about us. Go screw some whore in your tower. You could have any woman in the world. What are you doing here?!”

  I step back and try to go back inside but Zander blocks my path.


  “Wait? For what? This conversation is over. Move the fuck out of my way.”

  Zander stares me down. I flinch. His big hulking breaths, his powerful frame is intimidating. I am at the knee just being in his presence. I can instantly feel his desire again, just as alive now as it was the first time he had me. The whole night sky has become darker. All I can feel is naked sexual lust emanating from his every pore. He’s already making love to me with his eyes. He’s making me feel helpless…the same goddamned magic spell he put on Renee, too. This idea that no woman can resist him. That he’s entitled to fuck anyone and everyone he wants.

  But I’m not having it!

  “Goodbye, Zander.”

  He looks miffed. Frowning, exhaling in violent emotion.


  He suddenly lunges out and puts his hands on my face, bringing my lips to his. He kisses me with fire, with everything he has left in that empty soul. This is when he is most alive. When he is giving women what they want but are afraid to ask for.

  I kiss him back, trapped in the heart of the moment. It takes everything I have to break free.

  “NO. I can’t do that to her.”

  “We’re finished. I want you now.”

  “NO, you’re not finished. WE ARE FINISHED. You and I? We’re done. Goodbye.”

  This time I stare him down, making sure his black-dotted, seductive eyes get a good look at my wide-eyed judgment. He sure has a lot of nerve.

  I walk back inside, slamming the door shut. I wonder if Renee heard any of that? Surely, she must have heard part of the conversation.

  I quietly walk into my bedroom…the lights are still off.

  She’s still snoring softly, cuddled into a fetal position, facing me.

  Now how can I possibly get back to sleep? Now I have feelings, images, damning erotic thoughts pounding through my head. The very idea of surrendering to Zander, just because he wanted me…it’s making me nauseous. What an ego on that man.

  He shouldn’t get to go through life seducing any woman he wants and paying no consequences for it. At some point, someone ought to stand up to him and tell that big baby NO. The worst possible thing I could ever do to another person would be to sleep with her boyfriend the very night she came to me in tears.

  I lie back down and sigh. I look at Renee in quiet, solemn regret. We lie face to face, so much to tell her…and yet I can’t bring myself to say a word. I know what she wants. The same thing I thought I wanted. The “whole” of Zander Troy, what every woman wants. When, in fact, I looked into the abyss and saw there was nothing in him.

  Maybe he has nothing left or maybe he never had it in the first place. But whatever it is, it’s dangerous to women who still believe in love.

  I look at Renee’s slumbering eyes, lying across from her, wondering if my face will look like this someday. Not just older but more cynical, more bereft of real joy. Too much hoping, too much optimism wasted on this world.

  I shift my head to the side. I thought I heard something. I did lock the door, didn’t I? I’m pretty sure I did. There is an unnerving lack of silence in the room. Everything seems to be vibrating. Movement.

  I lift my head up and look to the side. There! Zander stands in front of me, hovering over the bed, his naked, hard cock not even a foot away from my cheek. His totally bare Greek-god body moves closer, ignoring my shaking head.

  I can’t bring myself to mouth the word “no”. I can only stare in awe and agony.

  “What—?” I quiet down, looking over at Renee, making sure she’s still asleep.

  He looks down and lifts the covers.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper. “Are you crazy?”

  “Shhh,” he commands me, crawling into bed with me, not even asking permission with his eyes. Just taking. Just slipping into bed where he is not welcome and…

  OH GOD his cock is so huge. Nothing but beefcake slithering all over my body. I’m not sure what to do. Should I start screaming and wake Renee up? Renee will throw a fit and scream at Zander all night…probably make me call the cops just to cause an even bigger scene. All for nothing. So what? So they can get back together tomorrow morning?

  Why am I rationalizing? This is wrong…

  Oh God, I feel his massive cock tightening, poking into my ass cheeks. The thick layer of jeans in between my wetness and his cock isn’t enough.

  “Zander…” I whisper, still trying to stay quiet, but wanting to get his attention. “We shouldn’t…”

  “Mmmm-hmm,” he says in a grumpy grunt, almost mocking me. Without a thought, he begins putting his hands on my chest, spooning me and warming my lonely body on a particularly cool night.

  “We can’t do this…” I whisper so quietly I might as well be telling myself only. Zander’s concentration is unbreakable. He won’t listen to any rational argument that doesn’t concern the hardness of his penis! Renee deserves better than this…but she’s just so much of a pain to deal with, maybe it’s better if she just sleeps through it.

  God, why am I making excuses for this? I’m a terrible person.

  “I want to feel your breasts,” he whispers, putting his hands under my T-shirt and feeling my free tits with his strong hands.


  “I’ve been thinking of you all month”

  “No, you haven’t.”

  “Even when I was fucking her,” he whispers. “I was still thinking of you.”

  “Don’t ever say that again—!” I snap back, but quickly lower my voice.

  “I want to hear you cum again.”

  I laugh in disbelief. This should be so easy. Why can’t I tell him NO like a woman with any self-respect or the slightest bit of a conscience? Even worse…why is this turning me on so much?

  “Mmmm…” I shake my head back and forth, amazed at how sensitive my hard nipples are in between his fingers. It’s so hard to keep quiet. My whole body is tingling.

  “It’s okay. It’s okay to feel good.”

  “Oh…this is wrong…” I barely mutter as another sharp, orgasmic pang shakes my chest and vibrates the whole bed. “Ohh…ohhhh…”

  I feel nauseous again, like my stomach is rising to my throat. I’m so excited I’m shivering. The last thing I want is to say no. I delude myself with the fantasy that nothing can stop Zander. Even if I wanted him to stop, he wouldn’t. He would use this situation, this awkward moment, to get what he wants. Regardless of how anyone felt.

  The only time Zander ever asks permission is when he’s being a smartass.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he says, squeezing my nipples again, this time harder, making me so excited I have to bite my lip. Biting so I won’t scream…

  “You’re an asshole,” I whisper back, feeling his hard cock burrowing into my ass and craving only more of his perversion.

  “Maybe we both are.”

  “No, just you!” I say as quietly as possible, still trying to keep quiet so I won’t wake up my houseguest. My friend. My best friend, who just came to me crying that her boyfriend dumped her. And here I am getting fucked by him just inches away! What a psycho…speaking of me. God, what is wrong with me.

  You, Zander, of course you’re a psycho. Everyone knows that!

  I look over my shoulder and send him a dirty look, but my nipples are still engorged, still being played as masterfully as he would a musical instrument. I can only squeal in response, right before biting my lip and thinking of unsexy thoughts.

  Think of what a jerk he is. Think of all the terrible things he’s done to me…

  Oh God, that just makes me want to cum! Why am I only turned on by terrible people? This is some kind of sickness…oh no…

  I exhale and pout helplessly as he starts unbuttoning my jeans. I can’t object…I’m just going to let
him finish what he started. I have to. I can’t say no. I can’t wake Renee up.

  But what if…what if Renee wakes up anyway? Because I’m being too loud? What will I tell her…I’ll lose my best friend all over again.

  “Look at her when I fuck you,” Zander moans quietly, pulling my jeans down. I do as he commands and look Renee in her sleeping eyes. Sleeping so softly…so peacefully, while my heart races and thuds against my chest.

  “Zander…she can’t wake up. She can’t…”

  “Guess you’ll just have to be really quiet then,” he says, pulling my panties down and exposing my moistness. “Are you wet for me?”

  “No…” I lie poorly, shivering and feeling my pussy spread apart.

  “No?” he says, taunting me, as he puts his fingers on my lips. “What’s this?”

  “Aaaahhhh…” I whisper, just before letting loose an “mmmm” sound that was far too loud. God, I’m going to wake Renee up. Talk about awkward…

  “Spread your legs,” he commands me. “I want to be inside you.”

  “No!” I shoot back, so ashamed of my wetness. My body’s making decisions I haven’t even made yet.

  “Whatever you say, boss. But…then I’m going to have to take your ass.”

  “Just put your cock away!” I say—too loud!—slapping away at his hip.

  Tired of my weak, half-hearted resistance, he clutches my breasts with one hand and puts his other hand on my pubic patch.

  “Ohhhh…ohhhh…” I stare at Renee, squinting my eyes and gasping, trying to control myself from a full-body shake.

  “There you are,” Zander grunts, slowly pushing his big cock through my slit. My wetness glides him along and lets him go deeper.

  “Ohh God!” I mutter, too loud again, this time biting my finger, hoping to suppress everything I feel inside.

  “Be quiet, Maya,” he says in his sexy, syrupy voice. “Bite on my finger.” He rudely pushes my finger away from my mouth and slips his finger inside another one of my holes. He loves the feeling of penetrating every orifice, dancing around in my saliva, as well as my pussy juices below.

  I bite down on his finger hard—much harder!—since I loathe him right now. I bite down so hard even he moans in pain…while I moan in pleasure as he stabs me long and deep with his pulsating cock.


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